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Main entrance to the building in which the library is locatated. Photo.
Photo: Nils Kristian Eikeland/NTNU

Welcome to

The Dragvoll Library

We have specialist literature in the fields of language, literature, philosophy, art and media studies, history, political science, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, geography, social anthropology and other subjects within the humanities and social sciences.

Live Update

Live Update

Get an overview of how many people are visiting the various libraries right now.

Available workspaces

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The library offers


Books, journals, newspapers, DVDs.


Group rooms, work stations, PC, printer, scanner, microfiche, video conference.

Events and exhibitions

kunnskap:kaffe [knowledge:coffee] - lunch event.

Borrow from the library

Information about borrowing, library card, borrowing rules and prices.

ub - SoMe -engelsk

Live Update

Live Update

Get an overview of how many people are visiting the various libraries right now.

Available workspaces

UB Opening hours

Opening hours

The Dragvoll Library

Big white building. Photo

The Dragvoll Library

Edvard Bulls veg 1

Opening hours: Monday–Sunday 6–24
Library staff present: Monday– Friday 10–17

Use your NTNU-card for access outside of staffed opening hours.



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