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libraries - dragvoll - collections

Open and closed-stack collections


Open collections

If a book is available in the library (that is, it’s not on loan or reserved), the borrower must collect it from the shelf. The last three years of most print journals are housed in the library. These are available for one-day loan.

Closed-stack collections

Many of our books and journals are in closed-access storage areas. To order these, you need to use Oria or to ask the service desk staff. We have fixed times for fetching material.


The university library has printed and digital newspapers.

Printed newspapers

The most recent newspaper received is available in the library. Older newspapers are kept in storage (magasin - ‘mag’) for three months and then discarded. These are only fetched for academic use.


Digital newspapers

The university library office access to both Norwegian and international newspapers


Newspapers on microfilm

Newspapers on microfilm

We have a large collection of Norwegian newspapers on microfilm.

The library has equipment for reading microfilms and microfiche.
Illegal newspapers 1940-45. 

The National Library of Norway offers a variety of digital and scanned newspapers.



The library has a large collection of DVDs related to courses at Dragvoll. They include documentaries, feature films, and short films. You can find these by searching in Oria. Most of the films are available for loan; some are only for use in the library’s film viewing room.