Alexander Steven Dodge
My research focuses on conceptualizing and accounting for the emergence, transformation, and instability of hydrocarbon production networks in the global economy. I am particularly interested in the role of nation-states in constituting the conditions for stability and change in hydrocarbon production networks.
I am currently involved as a co-investigator in a Norwegian Research Council-funded project entitled "At the Crossroad between Green and Black: The Role of Oil and Gas in Norwegian Sustainability Transition Research & Innovation". The “GreenBlack” project investigates how different types and sources of research financing and joint industry-academic activity contribute to either reproducing the incumbency of the oil and gas sector in Norway, promoting sustainable transitions, or both.
In addition to the GreenBlack Project I am also involved in the UK Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC) funded project: Fraying Ties? Networks, Territory and Transformation in the UK Oil Sector project. The project will undertake the first systematic analysis of the evolution and ongoing transformation of the UK’s strategic position in global oil production networks. Findings from the project will foster greater understanding of the trajectories and consequences of transformation in the UK oil sector at a key moment in its evolution.
I have previously received a PhD in Geography at the Department of Geography, NTNU. My PhD research studied the changing political-economy of global natural gas trade and the implications for energy development in Southeast Asia. Specifically, I studied the evolution of relationships between liquefied natural gas (LNG) production networks, financial markets, and the regulatory capacity of nation-states over natural gas markets. Based on empirical case studies in Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, I found that while the political-economy of natural gas is evolving, there are several contradictions and uncertainties that point to instabilities in global markets that are consequential for long-term investments in natural gas infrastructure, particularly in Southeast Asia.
Making the Green Shift Work for Regions (GSW)
Norhed II - Capacity building for socially just and sustainable energy transitions
At the Crossroad between Green and Black: The role of Oil & Gas in Norwegian Sustainability Transition Research & Innovation
Fraying ties? Networks, territory and transformation in the UK oil sector
Karlsen, Asbjørn;
Knudsen, Jon Paschen;
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Rypestøl, Jan Ole.
Sustainable transitions in Northern regional contexts.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
The resource-making state: liquefied natural gas production networks and state strategies for domestic market development in Indonesia.
ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography
Academic article
Sareen, Siddharth;
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Nakakaawa-Jjunju, Charlotte Anne;
Nabaasa, Benon.
Scales of accountability: Solar mini-grids and clean energy for all in Uganda.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Myklebust, Alexander;
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Karlsen, Asbjørn;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Svadakritikk av innovasjon og berekraft.
Feature article
Bridge, Gavin;
Dodge, Alexander;
De Graaf, Nana;
Marriot, James.
‘Backing Britain’: Soaring energy prices – and record profits – are driving global energy companies like BP to wrap themselves in the national flag. What’s at stake in these geographical claims?.
Geography Directions
Popular scientific article
Bridge, Gavin;
Dodge, Alexander.
Regional assets and network switching: shifting geographies of ownership, control and capital in UK offshore oil.
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Academic article
Bridge, Gavin;
Dodge, Alexander.
From exploration to consumption: understanding the materialities of oil.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dodge, Alexander S..
From Resource Peripheries to Emerging Markets: Reconfiguring Positionalities in Global Production Networks.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dodge, Alexander Steven.
Reassembling Liquified Natural Gas Production Networks: The globalization of gas markets and the implication for energy development and politics in Southeast Asia.
Doctoral dissertation
Dodge, Alexander Steven.
The ‘Changing Same of Power’: State territoriality and natural gas market liberalization in Thailand.
Academic article
Dodge, Alexander Steven.
The Singaporean natural gas hub: reassembling global production networks and markets in Asia.
Journal of Economic Geography
Academic article
Dodge, Alexander S.;
Bridge, Gavin.
North Sea oil: new owners for twilight years raise questions of national interest.
The Conversation
Feature article
Dodge, Alexander S..
Myanmar Energy: The Case for Smart LNG Solutions.
Norwegian Embassy Myanmar
Dodge, Alexander S..
Thailand's LNG Sector.
Royal Norwegian Embassy Thailand
Journal publications
Karlsen, Asbjørn;
Knudsen, Jon Paschen;
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Rypestøl, Jan Ole.
Sustainable transitions in Northern regional contexts.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
The resource-making state: liquefied natural gas production networks and state strategies for domestic market development in Indonesia.
ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography
Academic article
Sareen, Siddharth;
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Nakakaawa-Jjunju, Charlotte Anne;
Nabaasa, Benon.
Scales of accountability: Solar mini-grids and clean energy for all in Uganda.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Myklebust, Alexander;
Dodge, Alexander Steven;
Karlsen, Asbjørn;
Rye, Ståle Angen.
Svadakritikk av innovasjon og berekraft.
Feature article
Bridge, Gavin;
Dodge, Alexander;
De Graaf, Nana;
Marriot, James.
‘Backing Britain’: Soaring energy prices – and record profits – are driving global energy companies like BP to wrap themselves in the national flag. What’s at stake in these geographical claims?.
Geography Directions
Popular scientific article
Bridge, Gavin;
Dodge, Alexander.
Regional assets and network switching: shifting geographies of ownership, control and capital in UK offshore oil.
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Academic article
Dodge, Alexander Steven.
The ‘Changing Same of Power’: State territoriality and natural gas market liberalization in Thailand.
Academic article
Dodge, Alexander Steven.
The Singaporean natural gas hub: reassembling global production networks and markets in Asia.
Journal of Economic Geography
Academic article
Dodge, Alexander S.;
Bridge, Gavin.
North Sea oil: new owners for twilight years raise questions of national interest.
The Conversation
Feature article
Part of book/report
Bridge, Gavin;
Dodge, Alexander.
From exploration to consumption: understanding the materialities of oil.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dodge, Alexander S..
From Resource Peripheries to Emerging Markets: Reconfiguring Positionalities in Global Production Networks.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dodge, Alexander Steven.
Reassembling Liquified Natural Gas Production Networks: The globalization of gas markets and the implication for energy development and politics in Southeast Asia.
Doctoral dissertation
Dodge, Alexander S..
Myanmar Energy: The Case for Smart LNG Solutions.
Norwegian Embassy Myanmar
Dodge, Alexander S..
Thailand's LNG Sector.
Royal Norwegian Embassy Thailand
Academic lectureDodge, Alexander Steven. (2023) Paneldiskusjon: A Global View of Refuelling Transformation. Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET) Beyond Oil , Bergen 2023-10-17 - 2023-10-18