I graduated in masters degree in Materials Science - Extractive Metallurgy from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) in 2017, with a M.Sc thesis on "solvent extraction of rhenium from molybdenite concentrate".
I actively collaborated on some of my previous research group projects at IUST, namely:
- A comparison of the characteristics of Golgohar Iron ore pellet and DRI with similar domestic products" - In cooperation with Golgohar Mining & Industrial Co. (IUST, 2017).
- Extraction of REEs from permanent magnets (NdFeB-SmCo) scrap, followed by the production of REEs Oxides, (IUST, 2018).
I admitted studying at NTNU in October 2018, currently working on my PhD thesis entitled "smelting phenomena of ilmenite and characteristics of the produced high titania slag" under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. J. Safarian, Prof. L. Kolbeinsen, and Dr. Stian Seim.
Project description:
In the Tyssedal plant in Norway, ilmenite is pre-reduced in a rotary kiln. Then it is fed into an electric arc furnace for smelting, where a high-titania slag is formed and floats on top of a molten iron bath. During the feeding into the smelter, the pre-reduced ilmenite is exposed to the high-temperature atmosphere of the arc furnace and is melted down within the liquid slag. Studying the melting behavior of both ilmenite and pre-reduced ore, in particular within the molten slag is the objective of this PhD research. The leachability of the high titania slags produced under different conditions is another subject that will be studied. The outcome of this project will provide a better understanding of the ilmenite smelting phenomena and process thermochemistry, and the further application of the slag.