Michael Robert Kelly
Michael Robert Kelly works as a Ph.D. candidate in the FACET research group at the Department of Material Science and Engineering at NTNU. His research involves wet chemical synthesis of epoxy-based nanocomposite coatings for use in anti-fouling applications. Epoxy-based coatings with additions of inorganic nanoparticles such as graphene and graphene oxide could potentially reduce the accumulation of marine organisms.
Michael Robert Kelly has a Master’s degree in Physics and Mathematics from NTNU (2021). The title of the thesis was “Monte Carlo Simulations and in vitro Studies on the Effects of Polysaccharide Conjugation on Enzyme Immobilization”, with Rita de Sousa Dias as supervisor.
Kelly, Michael Robert;
Kroyan, Arpenik;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid Gullikstad;
Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg;
Lein, Hilde Lea.
Effect of Variations of Amine Content and Network Branching on Thermomechanical Properties of Epoxy Systems.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Journal publications
Kelly, Michael Robert;
Kroyan, Arpenik;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid Gullikstad;
Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg;
Lein, Hilde Lea.
Effect of Variations of Amine Content and Network Branching on Thermomechanical Properties of Epoxy Systems.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Lab assistance in:
TMT4115 General Chemistry (Autumn 2021, 2022)
TMT4110 General Chemistry (Spring 2022, 2023)
Academic lectureKelly, Michael Robert. (2024) Epoxy Based Nanocomposite Antifouling Coatings with Graphene Nanomaterials for Marine Applications. German Society for Materials Science (DGM) Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Conference 2024 , Darmstadt 2024-09-24 - 2024-09-26
Academic lectureKelly, Michael Robert. (2024) Epoxy Based Nanocomposite Antifouling Coatings with Graphene Nanomaterials for Marine Applications. Dechema e.V. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium (IBBS) 19 , Berlin 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-12
Academic lectureKelly, Michael Robert. (2023) Antifouling coatings for marine applications - Mechanical properties of the polymer matrix. Faggruppe for Uorganisk kjemi og materialkjemi 10th NKS-FUM meeting , Stjørdal 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-14
Academic lectureKelly, Michael Robert. (2023) Antifouling coatings for marine applications. NTNU Nano NanoLecture , Trondheim 2023-03-09 - 2023-03-09
Popular scientific lectureKelly, Michael Robert; Hårberg, Sofie Brandtzæg; Eggestad, Kristoffer; Finnseth, Øyvind; Olsen, Gerhard Henning; Walker, Julian Bradley. (2023) Supermaterialer for en bærekraftig framtid. NTNU Researcher Night , Realfagbygget, Gløshaugen, NTNU 2023-09-28 - 2023-09-28
Popular scientific lectureKelly, Michael Robert; Hårberg, Sofie Brandtzæg; Eggestad, Kristoffer; Finnseth, Øyvind; Wiik, Kjell. (2022) Supermaterialer for en bærekraftig framtid. NTNU Researchers Night , Realfagbygget, NTNU Gløshaugen 2022-09-30 - 2022-09-30
Popular scientific lectureFagerli, Frode Håskjold; Danmo, Frida Hemstad; Kelly, Michael Robert; Zeiger, Caren Regine; Gullbrekken, Øystein; Wiik, Kjell. (2021) Supermaterialer for en grønnere framtid. NTNU Researchers night , Realfagbygget på NTNU Gløshaugen 2021-09-24 - 2021-09-24