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Sessions and abstracts

Sessions and abstracts

Sessions - Monday 17th June

M01 - Gender inequality and sustainability under customary rights: Space, culture, and society
M02 - Acting local, catalyzing global? The role of bottom-up initiatives in the transition towards sustainable food systems
M03 - Citizen engagement and natural resource governance in an increasingly local world
M04 - Considering art and creativity in an era of ecocide
M07 - Urban innovation and the rise of projects, platforms, and testbeds
M08 - Sustainable island geography – Geographies of island sustainability 
M11 - Revisiting 30 years of sustainable tourism in the age of overtourism 
M13 - Uneven Mobilities and the Production of Subjectivity
M14 - Challenging Mobilities -Transport Regimes
M18 - Regional development paths and critical junctures
M23 - (Not) my green city? The role of green spaces in times of urbanization
M38 - Political Geographies of Citizenship 
M40 - Planning for sustainable urban futures: transgressing the North-South boundaries in theory and practice
M42 - Extra-Regional Dynamics, Innovation, and Development 
M45.1 - The political ecology of the outfields (utmarka): Conflicting views of resource use
M45.2 - Sustainability, justice, industrial and ‘green’ developments in multifunctional and indigenous rural landscapes
M46 - Social innovation for sustainable care
M48 - Lived sustainabilities: unpacking the realities of living sustainably in a changing climate 
M49 - Sustainable regional development: transport, mobility and communication
M50 - Inclusive geographies of sustainability
M51 - Exploring the geographies of Scandinavian welfare states: past, present, and future
M52 - Urban green commons today and in the future – an environmental justice perspective
M57 - Environment, migration and ethnicity
M59 - New geographies of meatification: Patterns, processes, practices
M60 - Intra-EU Mobilities: Governance, Bordering and Resistance
M61 - Is the cemetery dead? The continued sustainability of cemeteries, gravestones and their associated monuments across the Nordic realm
M62 - Fuzzy, firm or flexible? Conceptualizing ‘sustainability’ in local environmental policymaking
M64 - Sustainable Foundations: Building new geographies of housing and homelessness in the circumpolar North
M70 - Health and Sustainability in the Global North: Working in and with Publics
M71 - The Anthropocene Uncanny & the sustainability Imperative
M72 - Facing the uncertainty of climate change and the Anthropocene: A call for dialogue among gender, peace and conflict, and indigenous studies
M76 - The state of Nordic tourism geographies
M79 - Socio-spatial theory in Nordic Geography: advancements and critiques
M87 - Exploring balancing acts and dilemmas in urban experiments - how can we engage critically?
M88 - Social Sustainability and Creative Practice
M90 - Marxism(s) in Geographic and Sustainability Research
M91 - Fennia Annual Lecture 2019: Education for all? School systems, aspiration and the production of alienated futures

Sessions - Tuesday 18th June

T05.1-2 - The Social and Economic Geographies of Peripheries
T05.3 - Micro-urbanisation in peripheral and sparsely populated areas
T05.4 - The making of resource regions in the North 
T06 - Exploring Urban Temporalities
T09 - The rent gap turns 40
T10 - Education for a sustainable development
T12 - Researching public space: from place-based to process-oriented investigations
T15 - Shaping the future through smart urban visions
T16 - Spatialities of migrant entrepreneurship
T17 - Promises and challenges of sustainable transportation
T21 - Agency, Institutions, and Empirics in Environmentality Studies
T22 - Tightening the noose – the impact of constricted migration policy on sexual and gender minorities
T24 - Research for, by and with Muslims
T26 - Property in practice 
T27 - Peer-to-peer service platforms in tourism: digital capitalism, new urban tourism, and governance
T30 - Spatialities of forest based resources in (un-)sustainable transitions 
T31 - Cultural Representations of the 'European Refugee Crisis'
T34 - Understanding climate change and informing climate action in the European Northern Periphery
T35 - Resilience and Voluntary Temporary Populations
T36 - Thinking through connections: concepts for linking spaces in food and energy transitions
T39 - Industries and the green economy   
T41 - Sustainable Reconstructions of Highlands and Head Water Regions
T43 - Global value chains, production networks and development in the Global South
T47 - Mobile wind energy policies: the formation of wind energy policies 
T54 - Sustainable tourism: life changing experiences for whom?
T55 - Land grabbing through stealth: disinvestment, gentrification and deskilling as dispossession
T56 - Struggling with the planetary turn
T58 - Second homes and climate change
T63 - Geographies of (long-term) land ownership
T65 - Inside the artificial brain of the city: an exploration of the impact of AI on urban development
T66 - City injustices: moving between vertical and horizontal
T67 - Designating seascapes as marine protected areas – new challenges for sustainable development goals
T73 - Forging sustainable spatialities: ruptures, fragments and relations
T75 - The Nordic countries post-war agriculture geography
T77 - Launching the Geographies of Children and Young People Major Reference Work: debating and celebrating
T80 - Opportunities and challenges in academic publishing
T81 - Sustainable diets, masculinities and environmental caring: Gendered understandings of movements towards sustainable agro-food practices
T84 - Author Meets Critics: Christensen, P., Hadfield-Hill, S., Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2017) Children Living in Sustainable Built Environments
T85 - Author Meets Critics: Inside Smart Cities: Place, Politics and Urban Innovation
T86 - Integrating Gender into Transport Planning - From One to Many Tracks

Sessions - Wednesday 19th June

W19 - Innovation and experimentation for sustainability transitions: actors, spaces and scales
W20 - Interrogating Rural Transformations ‘from above’
W25 - Complexities of Precarisation: everyday experiences of negotiating and resisting precarity
W28 - Planning and planning legitimacy in the coastal zone
W29 - The Politics and Places of Plants
W32 - Geography Education in times of competence-based education
W33 - EU-beggars and rough sleepers in a time of populist nationalism: mean streets and the end(s) of Europe
W37 - Geographies of Second Homes
W44 - Spatial change in urban areas and their surroundings
W69 - Waste management and circular economy in regional development and planning
W78 - Instability and Transformation in Global Oil and Natural Gas Landscapes: Critical Perspectives on Hydrocarbon Pasts and Futures
W82 - The liberal subject and neoliberal geography



NGM 2019
Department of Geography
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
NO-7491 Trondheim

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