Front page - Centre for Real Estate and Facilities Management (Metamorphosis)

Centre for Real Estate and Facilities Management
Metamorphosis - Centre for Real Estate and Facilities Management is a working and meeting place for teaching and research in this field. The centre is part of the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts, and collaborates with the Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, and SINTEF.
Long time no see
It has been quiet from us for some time now, but as a New Years Resolution we are going to publish more exciting news for our English readers as well. So this is a short summary of whats been going on during the last year:
2019 was an eventful year at Metamorfose, Centre for real estate and facilities management. Geir K. Hansen published his book “Samspillet i byggeprosessen”. Dave Collins finished his PhD and he was named the European FM Researcher of the year at the EFMC in Dublin in June. Mari Oline Giske Stendebakken, Savis Gohari and Øystein Mejlænder-Larsen also got their PhDs.
Our students produced a bunch of interesting master theses within a broad spectre, they can be found here. Now our second year (full time master) and third year (experienced based master) students are well underway with their master’s theses.
We are looking forward to another exciting and productive year.
Geir K. Hansen with his new book.
Award for Aneta Fronczek-Munter
The Unmanned Switch – Green Leasing and the Human Factor
Awards for Metamorphosis av WBC16
What do we know about cleaning in local authorities?
Public defence on local authority cleaning, Nora Johanne Klungseth
Student Works
Urbanisation in China
In course AAR2540, Metamorphosis has architecture students looking at opportunities for affordable and temporary buildings for new residents in the rapidly growing Chinese cities. Click here to see the presentation of the course.
The student association Hippodamus
The student association Hippodamus organises academic and social activities for the fulltime students in the masterprograms "Real estate and facilities management" and "Physical Planning". Read more on the association's website.