Under construction

CREON 2024
The 12th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation

photos from Trondheim
Photos: "The Nidaros Cathedral"-K.T. Næsgaard/NTNU, "Adolf Øien Building"-Kjersti Lie/NTNU, "The wharves by the Nidelven river"-K.T. Næsgaard/NTNU

Trondheim, Norway, 30–31 May 2024

Register for CREON 2024

More information about registration

Presenter info



We welcome you to Trondheim in the spring of 2024 for the 12th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation.

Performance under complex conditions

Construction economics and organization are challenged to bring sustainability and increased value creation into projects. This will require performance on a higher level in a time when the situation in society seems to offer more challenges, complexity, and uncertainty than ever. It challenges the decision makers on projects, professional planners and designers, contractors, and suppliers – and even the researchers.

When deciding the detailed program, we will strive for the same balance between academic conversations and informal dialogue as the organizers of the 11th conference in Copenhagen/Malmø in 2022 did. The presentations of the papers with following discussions will be engaging and fun. The conference becomes what we make it – together!

Call for papers

We welcome papers on construction economics and organization. Follow the link below to find themes, instructions and template.

View Call for papers

venue rsb

Conference venue

NTNU Gløshaugen, Adolf Øien building
Klæbuveien 72
7030 Trondheim

View map on Google

Organisers RSB


Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Creon Network