


Wednesday 13 June


09:00 - 11:30
Rheology Course - Morning session
Location: Lecture Theatre EL4

Theoretical session
Prof. Jeff Morris

The lectures will cover:
- basic definitions, classes of measurements and the behaviors seen in different types of materials (polymers, emulsions, suspensions), interfacial rheology and its relevance and the influence of rheology on some phenomena, such as the behavior of bubbles in yield stress fluids.

11:30 - 12:30
12:30 - 15:00
Rheology Course - Afternoon session
Location: -

Practical session
The session takes place in the laboratories of Department of Biotechnology and Food Science, NTNU, or SINTEF (the group will be split)

Welcome reception and organ concert
Nidaros Cathedral and Café To Tårn
Meeting point: North entrance of the Nidaros Cathedral (towards Munkegaten)
View map


Thursday 14 June


08:00 - 08:45
08:45 - 09:00
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5

Catherine Taylor Nordgård
on behalf of the organising committee

Øyvind Gregersen
Dean of the faculty of Natural Sciences on behalf of NTNU

09:00 - 09:30
Plenary 1
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5

“Rheology – for a better cooperation between academia and society”
Arild Saasen

University of Stavanger

09:30 - 10:30
Session 1
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5

“Shear-induced polarized light imaging as complementary tool to rheology for characterization of complex fluids”
Loredana Völker-Pop
Anton Paar Germany

“Time temperature superposition using creep recovery to moduli conversion for master curve”
Mats Larsson
Malvern Panalytical Nordic

“Rheological investigations on the drying behaviour of polymer dispersions and paint films”
Klaus Oldörp
Thermo Fisher Scientific

10:30 - 10:50
Coffee/tea break
10:50 - 11:35
Plenary 2

Prof. Jeff Morris
"Extreme transitions of flow properties: Discontinuous shear thickening and hydrate jamming"

11:35 - 12:40
Session 2 (parallels)


Session 2a - Complex fluids in drilling applications
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5

“Predicting rheological properties of water-based polymer mixtures from their component properties – poly-anionic cellulose and xanthan gum”
Maduranga Amaratunga
University of Stavanger

“Onset of fluid invasion and flow development in a viscoplastic fluid”
Marjan Zare
University of British Columbia

“Measurement of drilling fluid rheology and thixotropy”
Hans Joakim Skadsem
International Research Institute of Stavanger


Session 2b - Food rheology
Location: Lecture Theatre EL6

“Rheological models for cultured milk”
Isaya Appelesy Ketto
Norwegian University of Life Sciences

“Relating particular properties of Lactococcus lactis exoploysacharides to the rheological characteristics of fresh and white cheese”
Georg Surber
Technical University of Dresden

“Rheological characterization of hydrogels based on gelatin/κ-carageenan”
Daria Kolotova
Murmansk State Technical University

12:40 - 15:00
Poster session
13:40 - 14:40
NRS annual meeting
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5
15:00 - 15:30
Plenary 3

"Quick clays – landslide risk reduction through knowing its colloid system"
Inger-Lise Solberg

Geological Survey of Norway
Dr.Tonje Helle
Norwegian Directorate of Public Roads

15:30 - 16:10
Session 3 - Suspensions (part 1)
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5

“Nonlinear material response of cellulose nanocrystal suspensions”
Roland Kádár
Chalmers University

“Fabrication and electrorheological response of Pickering emulsion polymerized core-shell structured particles”
Hyoung Jin Choi
Inha University

16:10 - 16:30
Coffee/tea break
16:30 - 17:30
Session 3 - Suspensions (part 2)
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5

“Fusion and characterization of simarouba oil-based green magneto-rheological (GMR) fluids”
Ram Rohit Vannarth
BMS College of Engineering

“Discontinuous shear thickening in magnetorheological suspensions”
O. Volkova
University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis

“Linear and nonlinear shear rheology of low percolation graphene polymer nanocomposites”
Roland Kádár
Chalmers University

Conference Dinner
Banksalen, Trondheim
View map


Friday 15 June


09:00 - 09:05
09:05 - 09:50
Plenary 4
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5

“Engineering yield – stress fluids for a better world”
Randy Ewoldt

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

09:50 - 10:50
Session 4
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5

“Nonlinear rheology of poly(ethylene-co-methacrylic acid) ionomers”
Tanja Tomkovic
The University of British Columbia

“Modelling of rheological properties in polystyrene with long chain branching”
Peter Szabo
Technical University of Denmark

“The influence of HDPE recycling on rheological properties and processing conditions”
Lidija Slemenik Perše
University of Ljubljana

10:50 - 11:30
Coffee/tea break
Poster awards presentation
11:30 - 12:00
Plenary 5
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5

“Rheology, airway mucus and disease”
Prof. Rolf Walstad

St. Olavs Hospital and NTNU

12:00 - 13:00
Session 5 (parallels)


Session 5a - Pharmaceutical Rheology
Location: Lecture Theatre EL5

“Simulating the dispensing of complex rheological fluids on arbitrary geometries using the immersed boundary method”
Simon Ingelsten
Fraunhofer-Chalmers Research Centre for Industrial Mathematics

“Efficient numerical modelling of non-isothermal viscoelastic fluids”
Stephanie Meburger
Technical University Darmstadt

“On the rheology of Newtonian single-phase multicomponent mixtures”
Sverre Gullikstad Johnsen
SINTEF Industry

“Judging the generalized Newtonian fluid assumption for cuttings transport modelling by applying time scale comparisons”
Alexander Busch


Session 5b - Rheological modelling
Location: Lecture Theatre EL6

“Potential mucus rheological consequences of off-target siRNA loaded nanoparticle deposition in the lungs”
Catherine Nordgård

“Rheological properties of serum with nanoparticles”
Yrr Mørch
SINTEF Industry

“Alkaline or acidic pretreated gelatins; effect on rheological properties of gelatin-based chewable solid emulsions”
Kurt Draget

13:00 - 13:20
Closing remarks


Time & Place
Conference: 14 - 15 June 2018
Rheology Course: 13 June 2018
The Elektro building
Gløshaugen Campus, NTNU
Trondheim, Norway
Street Address: O.S. Bragstads plass 2e


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