We are delighted to announce the award of a CGF-spin off EU-project SUBMERSE (SUBMarine cablEs for ReSearch and Exploration), bringing in some 2.6 MEuro for CGF-partners, including funding for two new PostDocs at IES/CGF.
SUBMERSE responds to the call Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods (2022) (HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01). The project directly addresses challenges to develop a new world-class research instrument integrating already existing NREN and EPOS infrastructures and Copernicus Marine service. This project will enable continuous recording of these types of data for research use by NRENs for the first time, thus supporting diverse academic, industrial and governmental user communities. Through the integration with EPOS data infrastructure , existing research communities in solid earth (EPOS) and marine science (EMSO), industrial and public body communities can be complimented with entirely new types of data sets unavailable to them before, which it is believed will lead to new areas of research.
`Inside Telecom´ has recently published (in Norwegian) an article about CGF DAS research and how it could be used to monitor and protect cables, a service already offered by a CGF partner. The piece is entitled (translated) `NTNU researchers will soon be able to ensure that submarine cables monitor themselves even around the clock. New technology means that the cables themselves signal when vessels are approaching.´. The article is behind a paywall but can be seen at https://www.insidetelecom.no/artikler/snart-kan-ntnu-forskere-sorge-for-at-sjokabler-overvaker-seg-selv-hele-dognet/523231.
A member of the CGF team, Shunguo Wang, has been selected as a fellow for the Outstanding Academic Fellowship Program 2022-2026. The programme facilitates academic development and merit by concentrating on research to qualify some of the foremost young research talents for internationally leading research careers.
Léa Bouffaut gave an interview on Utah Public Radio, where she was invited as a guest on their program UnDisciplined. In the interview she details our Svalbard 2020 experiments and discusses acoustic monitoring of whales using Fibre-Optic cables. Listen to the whole episode here!
Foto: David Goldman / AP
International interest continues to reverberate following the peer-reviewed scientific article by CGF researchers on using Fibre-Optic cables to listen to whales off Svalbard. A number of popular science channels and international newspapers have picked up on it, including The Independent, EOS Science News by AGU, Newsweek, La Nacion, Stern and others.
Norwegian media have also been featuring the paper, both locally and nationally, including:
Our work has even drawn the attention of Greenpeace, with the Norwegian Greenpeace leader Frode Pleym welcoming the research and efforts to reduce collisions between ships and whales.
The article details the first case of wildlife monitoring using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), employing an interrogator to monitor signals along a 120 km long fibre-optic cable in Svalbard. The test was conducted in cooperation with CGF partners ASN and Sikt in 2020 over a period of 40 days, with the researchers being able to record vocalising baleen whales, demonstrating the first time whale-sounds have been recreated from fibre-optic cables, without having to use underwater hydrophones.
With fibre-optic cables being globally available, this first example's success suggests DAS's potential for real-time and low-cost monitoring, allowing researchers to cover a much larger area than previously, with unprecedented spatial resolution. This highlights the huge potential for fibre-optic cables for underwater sensing.
The success is covered in a comprehensive write-up by the Norwegian SciTech news Gemini - read more here!
NTNU and Sikt installed a DAS (Distributed Acoustic Sensing) interrogator in Ny-Ålesund last week. The purpose of the test is to record environmental data from the area west of Svalbard over a long time period. Earthquakes, ships, whales and weather data are expected to be recorded. In August we plan to install interrogators also in Longyearbyen to extend the experiment for a shorter period of time (14 days). From CGF, Frode Storvik (Sikt), Kurosh Bozorgebrahimi (Sikt), Kristina Skarvang (NTNU) and Martin Landrø (NTNU) participated.
Kristina Skarvang (NTNU) and Frode Storvik (Sikt) in front of "Frodebu" where the sea fibres are gathered.
Kristina connecting the fibre from the interrogator to the communication fibre between Ny-Ålesund and Longyearbyen.
A minor earthquake west of Svalbard was successfully recorded on the 7th June by the DAS-interrogator.
CGG Joins the Centre for Geophysical Forecasting!
We are delighted to annnounce that CGG has become a member of the Centre for Geophysical Forecasting.
CGG will bring its industry-leading expertise in seismic modelling and imaging to the work of the consortium. More specifically, it will contribute to the development, modelling, implementation and field testing of a new subsurface imaging and monitoring system designed to support a range of energy transition activities.
Dave Priestley, VP, Energy Transition & Environment, CGG, said: “CGG looks forward to actively participating in the development of groundbreaking technologies, particularly in the Centre for Geophysical Forecasting’s key innovation areas of carbon capture and storage management, and geohazard monitoring and forecasting. We are highly motivated to work with the other consortium experts and see significant alignment with our strategy and technology focus to support the energy transition.”
Sentinel-1 satellite (Image courtesy of ESA) used for mm-accuracy InSAR ground deformation monitoring.
Success with a SMILE!
NTNU is a partner in the newly-funded HORIZON-MSCA Doctoral Networks project 'SMILE'. Prof. Ringrose, CGF WP Leader for CO2 storage, is the lead for NTNU. SMILE will develop a multiscale approach for understanding coupled processes for GeoEnergy, including remote sensing monitoring applied to geothermal energy, geologic CO2 storage, and subsurface energy storage. The Sentinel-1 satellite (pictured) is used for mm-accuracy InSAR ground deformation monitoring. The Network comprises 16 institutes from 9 countries and will support 11 PhD candidates) across Europe, including one at NTNU to research invasion percolation modelling for CO2 injection sites using modifications for geomechanics and pressure changes. SMILE is a four-year project.
The CGF Rissa field laboratory is portraited in the local newspaper Fosnafolket this week. The article describes how CGF uses fibre optic cables to monitor the acoustic properties of the clay in Rissa. In addition to interviews and comments from CGF researchers, Tore Solli from Indre Fosen municipality underlines the importance of this type of research. Read more here.
Congratulations to Anne Elster on being awarded Distinguished Contributor of the IEEE Computer Society, recognising her for contributions to the Society as well as other accomplishments and achievements to the computing profession.
This award normally requires an application, but Anne's achievements and contributions were such that the Society was able to nominate her for this recognition without the need for the submission of a formal application.
A new thematic set of papers on Geoscience for CO₂ storage is now published in the Journal Petroleum Geoscience. The set was edited and led by Prof. Philip Ringrose of the CGF together with Graham Yielding (Badleys UK).
The 12 research papers provide a valuable snapshot into the state of play in CO₂ storage research, from site screening to assessment of trapping mechanisms and leakage risks.
The introduction to the set is found here (free to read): Philip S. Ringrose, Graham Yielding, 2022. Geoscience for CO2 storage: an introduction to the thematic collection
Petroleum Geoscience. Published online 21-Feb-2022 https://pg.lyellcollection.org/content/28/1/petgeo2022-003
CGF-researcher Alexey Stovas is on the top 500 list for scientific publications in Norway. On the national list he is number 22 with a total of 73.96 publication points for the period from 2017-2020. The average number for publication points per researcher in Norway is 1.24 per year. Alexey's production of the four years included in the survey performed by Forskerforum corresponds to an average of 18.49.
Alexey is an expert on seismic wave propagation in complex, anisotropic media, where a profound understanding of wave physics and deep insight into mathematics is essential. In addition to cooperation at NTNU, Alexey has established cooperation with researchers at university of University of Texas at Austin (USA), Tesseral (Ucraine), University of Bordeaux (France), University of Edinburgh (UK) and KAUST University (Saudi Arabia).