Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)

Work Package 1

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)


This WP will advance Fibre-Optic sensing technology, in particular Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), for geophysical monitoring and forecasting applications.  We aim to facilitate new innovations for monitoring of geohazards, ground water level, the overburden at hydrocarbon production sites as well as CO2 and energy storage projects.

What we will do 

  • Design and conduct field trials acquiring DAS recordings from Fibre-Optic cables close to geological structures of interest.
  • Determine what geophysical information can be extracted from DAS recordings on a standard optical telecom cable
  • Develop signal processing techniques to map DAS recordings into geophysical observations
  • Develop new DAS equipment better suited for the geophysical applications of interest
  • Extract geophyscial information from the monitoring parameters of an optical telecom link