DiverSea Work Packages

DiverSea Work Packages

DiverSea brings together a diverse team of specialists to develop ground-breaking technologies for
marine biodiversity research, to integrate and apply novel data types in state-of-the-art modelling, and to fully
integrate the outcomes of this research into policy, planning, and public communication.


DiverSea Work Packages

​​​​​WP1 – Developing nucleic acid methods and field technologies through case studies

Work Package Leaders

João Sousa (UPORTO), Renato Mendes (UPORTO), Lucrezia Bernacchi (UPORTO)


  • Task 1.1: DNAmarks refinement (lead UCPH) & eDNA/eRNA methods development (lead NTNU)
  • Task 1.2: Building and testing Versatile Integrative Observation and Monitoring Framework in case study coastal ecosystems (lead NTNU)

Case studies

  • Norwegian coastal system (lead NTNU)
  • Atlantic coast of Portugal (lead UPORTO)
  • Western Mediterranean & Adriatic (lead UNIVPM)
  • Eastern Mediterranean, Aegean Sea & Strait of Dardanelles (lead DEU)
  • Shallow shelf regions of Northwestern Black Sea (lead IMB)


João Sousa  |  jtasso@fe.up.pt
Renato Mendes  |  rpsm@lsts.pt

​​​​​WP2 – Data integration, harmonization, cataloguing, and compatibility with standards

Work Package Leaders

Irena Pavlova (GATE-SU)


  • Task 2.1: Gathering private and public data into the DiverSEA Data Space (lead: GATE-SU)
  • Task 2.2: Data integration, harmonization and structuring (lead GATE-SU)
  • Task 2.3: Data publication services (lead UCPH)
  • Task 2.4: Data catalogue services (lead GATE-SU)
  • Task 2.5: Integration with EU data platforms and systems (lead NTNU)


Irena Pavlova  |  irena.pavlova@gate-ai.eu

​​​​​WP3 – AI, machine learning, and statistical methods for predictive scenario building

Work Package Leaders

Bob O'Hara (NTNU)


  • Task 3.1: Data-level modelling through development of automatic tools (lead VNNOR)
  • Task 3.2: Process-level modelling to automate modelling of ecosystem dynamics and derive key indicator variables for marine biodiversity (lead NTNU)
  • Task 3.3: Incorporating expert knowledge feedback and support in scenario development (lead NTNU)


Bob O'Hara  |  bob.ohara@ntnu.no

​​​​​​​​​​WP4 – MARBIOSE dashboard for biodiversity and ecosystem goods and services

Work Package Leaders

Jean-Luc De Kok (VITO)


  • Task 4.1: Stakeholder mapping and participatory forum (lead NTNU)
  • Task 4.2: Co-identification of key marine ecosystem goods and services (lead AUEB)
  • Task 4.3: Developing systemic knowledge base for transdisciplinary systems modelling (lead VITO)
  • Task 4.4: Dashboard design, implementation and roll out (lead VITO)


Jean-Luc De Kok  |  jeanluc.dekok@vito.be

​​​​​​​​​​WP5 – Consilience, public interface, communication, dissemination & exploitation

Work Package Leaders

Tereza Fonseca (LPN)


  • Task 5.1: Communication, Exploitation, Dissemination & Outreach Plan (DEOP) (lead LPN)
  • Task 5.2: Project website and social media platforms (lead NTNU)
  • Task 5.3: Communicate state-of-the-art information on coastal environments (lead LPN)
  • Task 5.4: Capacity building through citizen science (lead LPN and AKD)
  • Task 5.5: Knowledge transfer between science and industry (lead AUEB)
  • Task 5.6: Project legacy: planning for impacts beyond DiverSEA (lead LPN/AKD)
  • Task 5.7: Building clustering activities between sister projects and other relevant projects (lead NTNU)


Tereza Fonseca  |  tereza.fonseca@lpn.pt

​​​​​​​​​​WP6 – Project coordination

Work Package Leaders

María Azucena Gutíerrez Gonzalez (NTNU)


  • Task 6.1: General Assembly for legal, ethical and administrative project management (lead NTNU)
  • Task 6.2: Project coordination tasks (lead NTNU)
  • Task 6.3: Tasks of Project Management Office and Project Manager


María Azucena Gutíerrez Gonzalez  |  maria.gonzalez@trondheim.kommune.no

​​​​​​​​​​WP7 – Ethics

Work Package Leaders

Can Bizsel (DEU)


The objective of WP7 is to ensure compliance with the ethics requirements set out in this work package.


Can Bizsel  |  can.bizsel@deu.edu.tr

DiverSea conceptual figure

The seven DiverSea work packages work closely together to achieve the collective project objectives.

DiverSea Partners