About NUAS

About NUAS

NUAS is a member-driven collaborative organization established in 1976. Initially, one joint seminar was arranged annually. NUAS’s mission is to help Nordic Universities work together. Today, NUAS’ membership base includes 65 universities and university colleges. NUAS has 14 interest groups that focus on specific administrative disciplines, with 125 active members.

Read more about NUAS.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the administrative leadership body of NUAS. The directors from member institutions in each member country choose two representatives to sit on the board with the exception of Island, who has one representative, and Greenland and the Faroe Islands, who have observer status. Board members are elected to four-year terms with the possibility of a one-term extension. In addition, the Leader Group nominates up to four members from within their group to sit on the board. The board meets semi-annually. Current members of the NUAS Board of Directors are:

Tove Kristin Karlsen (Chair)
Deputy University Director
University of Oslo

Lasse Lønnum
University Director
University of Tromsø
Kent Waltersson
University Director
Linköping University

Wilbert van der Meer
Director of Dean’s Office
Copenhagen Business School

Peter Lauritzen
University Director
Roskilde University
Ulla Achrén
University Director
Åbo Akademi University

Marcus Aarto
University Director
University of Lapland

Anne-Christine Larsson Ljung
University Director
Karlstad University

Guðmundur Ragnar Jónsson
Head of Division of Operations and Resources
University of Iceland

Leader Group Representatives:

Lasse Thorell
Chief Controller
Division of Planning, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Niels Henrik Larsen
Deputy Director of International Programmes
Copenhagen Business School

Gudleik Grimstad
Faculty Director
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo

Pia Södergård
Chief Librarian
Åbo Akademi University

General Secretary

The General Secretary is appointed by the chairperson of the Board of Directors and coordinates day-to-day operations including membership requests, assisting with the coordination of Special Interest Groups, and updating group and member information. Additionally, the General Secretary schedules, takes minutes, and maintains agendas for the semi-annual Board of Directors meetings.

General Secretary:

Bente Hennie Strandh
Senior Adviser
Management Support Unit, University of Oslo


RSB - Time and place

Time and place
26-28 August 2018
Kunnskapssenteret, NTNU, Campus Trondheim
Street Address: Olav Kyrres gate 10


RSB organizers

NUAS logo
Host university:
NTNU logo