NUAS conference app

NUAS conference app

We are pleased to inform you that we have launched an NUAS conference app where you will find your registration details, receive messages and see other useful information.

events app icon

Download for IOS or Android

Available on the App StoreAndroid app on Google Play

Getting started with the app (IOS or Android)

Log in first with the event code: nuas2018 Then use your e-mail and app pin sent by email to enter your registration (you only need to do this once).

Non IOS or Android devices

Launch the HTML5 version here. Use your e-mail and app pin sent by email to enter your registration.

RSB - Time and place

Time and place
26-28 August 2018
Kunnskapssenteret, NTNU, Campus Trondheim
Street Address: Olav Kyrres gate 10


RSB organizers

NUAS logo
Host university:
NTNU logo