
Abstract submission - is now closed!

Abstract submission - is now closed!

Abstract submission

Abstract submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ca2re0

CA²RE wishes to establish a supportive environment where researchers engaged in PhD or post-doctoral research can contribute to a collective learning environment.

During this event the selected participants will present their research for 25 minutes each, which will be subsequently discussed and peer-reviewed by an international panel, composed of senior researchers and post-docs, for 30 minutes.

There will be three categories available for submission with each their own protocol:

1.    Practice & Design Driven Research - PAPER submission.
Submissions for this category are subject to a TWO stage double blind peer review process.

2.    Practice & Design Driven Research - ARTEFACT submission.
Submissions for this category are subject to a TWO stage double blind peer review process.

3.    Practice & Design Driven Research - ABSTRACT submission.
Submissions for this category are subject to a ONE stage double blind peer review process.

Submission Guidelines

For all submission categories you must send an abstract not longer than 400 words. For categories one and two, if accepted, full paper or artefact submission link will be distributed to the authors.

Please choose your category indicated as topics in the online scheme. You will have to paste you abstract into a text field of the online scheme and upload as PDF.

Follow this link for abstract submission https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ca2re0

You have to create your own easychair account, if you don’t have one from before. Thereafter follow the indications given by the web page (easychair.org).


CA²RE / CA²RE+ Timeline

28. October, 2020 - 30. October, 2020
Milano 2020

Politecnico di Milano, Italy
CA²RE and CA²RE+

24. March, 2021 - 29. March, 2021
Hamburg 2021

Hafencity University Hamburg, Germany
CA²RE and CA²RE+

September 2021
Ljubljana 2021

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
CA²RE and CA²RE+

March 2022
Delft 2022

TU Delft, Department of Architecture, The Netherlands
CA²RE and CA²RE+

September 2022
Glasgow 2022 (tbc)

Glasgow School of Art, Mackintosh School of Architecture, UK