Supporting exceptional young researchers

Supporting exceptional young researchers

Stiftelsen K.G. Jebsen has initiated the K.G. Jebsen Academy for Young Medical Researchers to promote talented young researchers, and to strengthen the collaboration between young researchers affiliated with the different Jebsen centres.

The Academy will systematically support young talented researchers, both to help them maximize their future career opportunities, improve the utilization of research resources, and strengthen the prospects for recruitment to translational research.

The Academy will offer support to its members through meetings and networking focusing on opportunities for collaborations, research leadership, career plans, mentorship and grant writing, with specific focus on EU-funding.  

About Stiftelsen Kristian Gerhard Jebsen: The foundation was established to honor the memory of shipowner Kristian Gerhard Jebsen and his contribution to shipping and business. Since it was founded, Stiftelsen Kristian Gerhard Jebsen has established 22 K.G. Jebsen Centres for Medical Research at Norwegian medical faculties and affiliated university hospitals. The goal is that new and important research results will result in improved treatment for patients.

About the coordinating center: The former K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology at NTNU coordinates the Academy for Young Medical Researchers for a four-year period (2020-2025). The center aims to better understand human health and disease by studying genomic variation in populations, based on data from the Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT). The center formalizes collaborations between local and international research groups at the interface of medicine, epidemiology, genetics, applied statistics, bioinformatics and system biology.

Academy members

Academy members

Flønes | Lyngbakken | Støve


Omsland | Gullaksen | Rypdal

Giannakopoulou | Bojarskaite | Svensson | Hovd

Previous members

Bonnevie | Brumpton | Dahal-Koirala | Espe | Haapaniemi | Kobro-Flatmoen | Løset | Risnes | Romaine | Røyrvik | Shadrin | Steen | Sulen


The K.G. Jebsen Award

Stiftelsen K.G. Jebsen annually awards "Best publication" and "Best dissemination".
