Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research 2019 - The 8th Nordic ISCAR

Welcome to the Nordic ISCAR Conference
Cultural-Historical Activity Theory in Research and Practice: A Nordic Approach
The 8th Nordic ISCAR Conference, which will be held 18–20 June 2019, is titled ‘Research and practices within and across boundaries’. The conference will provide a cross-disciplinary forum for presenting research findings and discussing ideas for developing research. The aim is to establish new possibilities for collaboration among researchers who are interested in cultural-historical activity theory as an approach to conducting research both on and with practitioners.
The Nordic and Baltic countries have a strong tradition of using cultural-historical activity theory to study and/or conduct formative interventions in various arenas where practices are studied and developed. These arenas include learning and play in early childhood, children’s school life and learning, education at various levels and in different contexts, learning across contexts, youth life as well as work life and the organization of processes.
Venue: Scandic Nidelven
Address: Havnegata 1-4, Trondheim