
Nordic ISCAR 2018


Submission deadline

Proposals for contributions must be submitted by Thursday, 31 January 2019 (extended deadline).


Important! Read guidelines on this page before submitting your proposal via our presentation portal:

8th Nordic ISCAR Presentation Portal

Presentation formats

There will be four presentation formats at the conference. Although you are welcome to express a preference, the programme committee will ultimately choose your format. The four options include the following:


Paper presentation

Each paper presentation will last 10–15 min, with additional time for questions. The papers will be scheduled in sessions that will include three to four papers on related themes. The organising committee will nominate a chairperson to keep time and organise the discussion for each session.

The organising committee suggests that all presenters end with questions to stimulate discussion.

Paper presentation guidelines

Please download and use this template for writing your paper proposal: Template_Paper.dotx

The maximum word count is stated in the template. Each submission should include the following.

  • Title of proposal
  • Authors(s) of the proposal including affiliations
  • Three to five keywords
  • General description of research questions, objectives and theoretical framework
  • Methods/methodology
  • Expected outcomes/preliminary results/implications
  • References (not included in the word count)


Symposium presentation

A symposium lasts 1.5–2 hours. Symposium sessions, which will be organised by the submitters, should include three to four presentations per session in addition to a discussion. A symposium proposal should include an introduction and a proposal for each paper that is submitted by the organiser. Proposals for symposiums should have a clear focus and strong possibilities for inciting dynamic discussions. A discussant (who is not participating in the symposium) needs to be named in the submission. The discussant shall offer critique and comments on the symposium. Four weeks prior to the conference, the organiser must provide the discussant with all intended papers’ abstracts for review.

Symposium presentation guidelines

Please download and use this template for writing your symposium proposal: Template_Symposium.dotx

The maximum word count is stated in the template. Each submission should include the following.

  • Title of proposal
  • Authors(s) of the proposal including affiliations
  • Three to five keywords
  • General description of research questions, objectives and theoretical framework
  • Methods/methodology
  • Expected outcomes/preliminary results/implications
  • References (not included in the word count)


Poster presentation

Posters are graphical presentations that are submitted by one author/co-authors.

The Poster Exhibition will be open for public viewing from Wednesday morning through Thursday at lunch. Presenters will be asked to have their poster placed in the Poster Exhibition Area by 09:00 Wednesday morning. All presenters should be prepared to explain their research and answer questions. It is vital that all posters remain in the Poster Exhibition area from 09:00 Wednesday until 12:00 on Thursday.

Poster presentation guidelines

Please download and use this template for writing your poster proposal: Template_Poster.dotx

The maximum word count is stated in the template. Each submission should include the following.

  • Title
  • Authors(s) of the presentation including affiliations
  • Presentation of research questions, objectives and theoretical framework
  • Presentation of methods/methodology
  • Expected outcomes/preliminary results/implications
  • References

Posters must be printed in English in A1 size (594 x 841 mm/ 23.3 x 33.1 in) in portrait/upright


Research Reflection Space

These sessions provide opportunities for group reflection and discussion. The presentators can present ideas, theoretical topics, methodological questions, preliminary projects, ethical considerations etc. This could be the optimal session for networking. The presenters will have approximately 10 min for their presentations, which will be followed by a discussion.

Reflection space presentation guidelines

Please download and use this template for writing your reflection space proposal: Template_reflection+space.dotx

The maximum word count is stated in the template. Each submission should include the following.

  • A title
  • Authors(s) of the proposal including affiliations
  • Three to five keywords
  • Your topic or idea
  • Arguments for the topic’s importance

RSB Time Place

Time & place
8th Nordic ISCAR 18–20 June 2019
Venue: Scandic Nidelven
Address: Havnegata 1-4, Trondheim

RSB Arrangers



Deadlines RSB

Important dates
17 Sept 2018: Submission starts
31 Jan 2019: Submission ends (extended deadline)
15 Sept 2018: Registration starts
28 Feb 2019: Review results announced
26 Apr 2019: Presentation times announced
31 May 2019: Registration deadline