News - TNNN

Science communication - How to make an award-winning poster

3-part webinar series: Part 3 Transitioning away from academia, Feb 27th 2025 10:30, 90 minutes

3-part webinar series: Part 2 Overcoming decision paralysis, Jan 30th 2025 10:30, 90 minutes

Particle Engineering Days 2024 - 4th Annual Meeting

3-part webinar series: Part 1 Managing conflict, Dec 3rd 12 noon, 90 minutes

Optica Ambassadors: Navigating Careers in Academia and Industry

Burnout and well-being webinar
Are you at risk of Burnout? Join TNNN and Desiree Dickerson to learn about what burnout is and isn't, why it happens, what to do if it happens to you and how to avoid it in the future. Wednesday, May 15th. Deadline to register is May 13th.

Upcoming Science Graphics Series
Learn about design principles and accessibility, how to use free online tools and how to best disseminate your final product. Join TNNN & Science Graphic Design for this 3-part series beginning April 9th. Deadline to register is April 5th.

Registration is open!

Procrastination & Motivation Webinar
Why do we procrastinate, and what can we do about it? What motivates us? How can we build strategies to combat our procrastination tendencies? Join TNNN and Desiree Dickerson on 27 February as we explore all this and more!

Soft Matter Workshop

Upcoming Mental Health Webinar
Join us for the first in a series of mental health webinars. Rethinking Productivity will help you to learn to see productivity through a wellbeing lens. Learn how to structure your day in a way that aids your concentration and focus, rather than constantly detracting from it. 23rd November, 13:00-14:30.

Upcoming Science Writing Workshop
TNNN has teamed up with the Centre for Digital Life Norway to offer an exciting 3 day science writing workshop, 2-4 October. Register now!

Register for the TNNN Conference
The deadline is fast approaching! Secure your hotel reservation early to get the best rates (see conference website for details).

TNNN Newsletter #2
TNNN's latest newsletter is here!
Find out about TNNN 2023 Vestfold, the PhD council and more.

Poster design webinar
Join us on May 3rd at 13:00 with Melisa Morales Garcia from Science Graphic Design. She'll walk us through the general principles of graphic design and accessibility as it applies to creating eye-catching posters for scientific conferences.
Zoom link to be sent after registration. Must be a member of TNNN to attend.

Save the date!
The 2023 TNNN Conference will be held on June 21-23rd at the University of Southeastern Norway in Horten.
More information coming soon.
Photo credit: Nils Kalve

TNNN Newsletter v.1

1st TNNN Conference
Other news: NTNU skal lede ny nasjonal forskerskole for mikro- og nanoteknologi (NTNU Nyheter - in Norwegian)