


Please register here. Please note that online registration closes on the 20th August.

List of registered participants

Currency converter


Early bird (until 31 May)

Fee (1 June-14 July)

Late registration fee (15 July-20 August)

On-site registration

One-day ticket (for locals/NTNU only)

2000 NOK

2300 NOK

2600 NOK

3000 NOK

500 NOK (29th)/1000 NOK (remaining days)


Accompanying persons:

500 NOK for welcome party on the 29th or 2100 NOK for the duration of the conference, including welcome party and 3 lunches. (The accompanying persons fee does not include participation in the academic programme and the costs associated with this, but is nevertheless high because the participants' fee is strongly sponsored.) The accompanying person will not receive conference materials.


Student fees

Early bird (until 31 May)

Fee (1 June-14 July)

Late registration fee (15 July-20 August)

On-site registration

One-day ticket (for locals/NTNU only)

1200 NOK

1400 NOK

1600 NOK

1900 NOK

500 NOK (29th)/1000 NOK (remaining days)


We also offer student discounts for the conference dinner and excursion to Røros.

Students (master/PhD) must upload a student ID or a letter of confirmation when they register.



Norwegian University of Science and Technology Research Council of Norway Norwegian Chemical Society European Chemical Sciences Chemical Heritage Foundation