Outreach - CEMIR
– Events, news and blog posts
Events and News
Media coverage
Norwegian SciTech News
What is a vaccine?
NRK Newton 2015
- Professor får pris for forskning på betennelser, forskning.no 2017.
- Norsk forskerbragd: Immunforsvaret kan drepe, TV2 nov. 2017.
- Derfor reduserer Omega 3 risikoen for sykdom (Omega-3 reduce the risk of diseases) forskning.no 2015.
- Så viktig er det gode kolesterolet (So essential is the good cholesterol) forskning.no 2015,
- Slik vil Kristian løse svartedauden-gåten (How Kristian would solve the Black Death mystery) Dagbladet 2013.
- The molecule that stops the Black Death, Sciencenorway 2012.
- Svartedauden-bakterien redder liv (The Black Death bacterium save lives) NRK Schrödingers Katt 2014.
Conferences organized by CEMIR
The Second Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation, June 3-6, 2019 in Trondheim
Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation, 30 May - 2 June 2016 in Trondheim, Norway
Blogposts by CEMIR in the #NTNUmedicine blog
Tuberculosis kills about 1,5 million people each year and about 1/3 of the world's population is infected. Trude Flo and her research group at NTNU studies the interactions between the bacteria that cause tuberculosis and the immune system of the host. Understanding these interactions is crucial for the development of new vaccines and medicines to treat tuberculosis.
You Tube (2013)

You can find a range of CEMIR photos at Flickr.com