Home - CIB W070 Conference on Facility Management and Maintenance 2023
CIB W070
Conference on Facility Management and Maintenance 2023
8–11 May 2023, Trondheim, Norway
View proceedings: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1176, 2023 - IOPscience
Main building at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. Photo: Thomas Høstad/NTNU
Welcome to Trondheim in 2023 where we bring CIB and ISO together and celebrate World FM day
CIB W070 and ISO/TC 267 are coming to Trondheim, Norway, on the 8-11 May 2023 to share the recent developments and to strengthen the relations between research and standardization in FM for a sustainable and digital future enabling outstanding innovations.
It has been a while since CIB W070 researchers and practitioners met to exchange ideas and talk about the most recent and up-to-date research in facility management. It is the time to meet again! As such, NTNU is inviting you to submit an abstract for this CIB W070 Conference.
Conference theme:
FM and standards in a sustainable world
The initiative for this conference was established by a group of people who both are CIB researchers and ISO experts. Early on, in 2021, they called for research on the role for standards within the build environment. Now, it is time for a conference - a joint event - where the groups share one common day, in addition, ISO experts are encouraged to join the CIB days preceding the common day.
During this week, CIB W070 Facility Management and Maintenance will gather researchers from across the globe for state-of-the-art research within the discipline, and ISO/TC 267 Facility management with its 50+ countries will, for the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic, meet physically in working groups and for plenary session.
Activities during the conference will include a PhD workshop, Abstracts & Papers, Paper presentations, Excursions, Insight to current ISO work, Mingling with ISO experts, Welcome reception, and Conference dinner. The research topics for the conference will include FM Standards, Sustainability, FM Services, Digitalization, Innovation, and more – for additional information, see the Call for Abstracts.
Conference papers will be published as an electronic, open access and Scopus indexed proceeding in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science - IOPscience. Conference papers may be invited to develop their contributions into full journal articles for a Special issue.

1-month free access to the special issue of the academic journal Facilities – that focus on the role of research for standards within the built environment
Facilities has gifted one month free access to the special issue.
Find information about Trondheim and travel here:
Visiting Trondheim