Research activities - Visions and plans DNV
Research activities
Visions and plans

Digital Assurance DNV - Group Research
& Development
What are your thoughts on NorwAI
from your perspective?
I have big expectations for this Centre for Excellence in AI Innovation. AI technologies are being rapidly deployed in society by both governments and industries creating new opportunities, but also opening new digital risks and posing important trust gaps. The interdisciplinarity design of the Center, with two transversal work packages focused on the impacts of AI in Society and a second one exploring the trustworthiness of AI solutions is key. This design can help us in identifying and mitigating not only issues related to the social licence to operate of industries innovating in AI, but also important ethical and societal challenges. We all want AI solutions to be beneficial for industry and society but this means we must look at both the technical and the nontechnical elements of these digital assets. Trust in AI is a precondition for the scalability of any AI solution and thus critical for innovation.
What are your gains from participating in the NorwAI effort?
DNV is a risk management and quality assurance actor. For us it is of fundamental importance to cooperate with research organisations and students to mature ways to identify and mitigate risks related to AI solutions, to ensure these solutions are fit for purpose and of high quality, and to ensure we understand what it takes to be able to determine a particular AI system as trustworthy. At our Research and Development Department we have started this work, but the collaboration with academia is of fundamental importance, and the technologies move at a very high speed. Also important for us is to collaborate with other industries and customers, to better understand their needs.
Going forward, what are your expectations for NorwAI?
My key expectation is that the joint collaborations of industry and academia, with a focus on the trustworthiness of AI systems leads to better, safer, socially beneficial and ethically conscious maturing and deploying of AI systems. Paraphrasing Virginia Dignum, a scholar specialized in responsible AI, I expect all of the partners collectively to understand how to implement “ethics in AI design”, “ethics by design”, and “ethics for designers” as a key elements of trustworthy AI systems.