About NorwAI

About NorwAI

The Norwegian Research Center for AI Innovation (NorwAI) is a research center on AI and Big Data, which started up in October 2020. The center is funded by its partners and the Research Council of Norway (RCN) through the RCN SFI scheme (SFI: Senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon/Norwegian scheme for Research-based Innovation). The purpose of this scheme is to promote innovation by supporting long-term industrially oriented research and forging close alliances between research-active enterprises and prominent research groups and is expected to enhance technology transfer, internationalization, and researcher training. NorwAI is hosted by the Department of Computer Science, NTNU. 

The goal of NorwAI is to develop cutting-edge theories, methods and technology for efficient, effective and responsible exploitation of data-driven AI in innovative industrial solutions.

Today, AI has impact on almost all aspects of our society. Data-driven AI, where systems learn and gradually improve by analyzing large amounts of data, has led to dramatic improvements in, for example, language processing and image analysis, while enabling completely new products for personalization, decision support and automation. For this reason, the notions of trustworthiness and sustainability are central to NorwAI. With this in mind, the main goal of the center is

To accelerate the innovation of sustainable and trustworthy artificial
intelligence solutions across Norwegian industries

Trustworthy AI requires technology improvements like explainability and transparency, as well as a better understanding of societal and regulatory effects and needs of AI. While striving to achieve its main research and innovation goals, the senter aims at aligning and evaluating its activities with respect to UN’s sustainability goals. 

Internationally, NorwAI will do its best to consolidate and strengthen the Scandinavian applied AI communities. We believe that a closer collaboration among Scandinavian parties will be beneficial to us all and help us accelerate the use of sustainable and trustworthy AI across our industries.



NorwAI consists of strong research-and-innovation partners. The center includes the strongest academic communities in AI and data science in Norway and some of the most ambitious industrial drivers in Norway. Our goal is to enable NorwAI to transform Norwegian industry at large, in areas that are important to Norway, such as shipping, clean energy, and interaction with a technology-willing population. AI innovation in SMEs, startups and organizations outside of NorwAI will be supported through industrial innovation networks. 

NTNU, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science is host for the center, the other research partners are Norwegian Computing Center (NR), SINTEF, University of Oslo and University of Stavanger

The group of industrial partners in NorwAI consists of ANEO, Cognite, Digital Norway, DNB, DNV, Kongsberg Digital, NRK, Schibsted, SpareBank1 SMN, Statnett and Telenor.