Nhien Nguyen
Nhien Nguyen is an Associate Professor at NTNU, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management. She is also a senior researcher at Nordland Research Institute, Bodø, Norway, and a former Associate Editor of The Learning Organization journal (Emerald). She holds a PhD in Industrial Economics and Technology Management from NTNU, funded by the Norwegian Research School in Innovation’s Program of Innovation Management and Strategy (NORSI-PIMS). She was a visiting fellow at Stanford University in her PhD program (SCANCOR), a visiting fellow at MIT Sloan School of Management in her MBA program in which she also cross-registered at Harvard Business School.
Research interests:
- Innovation management and strategy, Innovation ecosystems, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
- Digital strategy, AI, digital business model.
- Smart Specialisation Strategy for Sustainabiliy (S4)
Nhien Nguyen is currently the Work Package leader on AI innovation ecosystem at the Norwegian Research Center for AI Innovation (NorwAI) which is the largest academic initiative on AI innovation in Norway.
EU projects:
Nhien Nguyen has been leading and coordinating several research projects focusing on innovation strategies, both at the organizational level and the national/regional policy level. She is the scientific leader of the SeeRRI project (H2020 – SWAFS14- 2018) which aims to intergrate Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach to regional innovation strategy towards Sustainability (Smart Specialisation Strategy for Sustainability S4)
She is also a work package leader in the I AM RRI project (H2020-SWAFS12-2017) which develop the simulation model of innovation value chains in Additive Manufacturing under the consideration of Responsible Research and Innovation, and the DigiTeRRI project (H2020 - SwafS14 -2019) which develops a framework for a responsible transition of traditional industry regions into digitalised industry R&I ecosystems.
She is currently a team member in the evaluation work package for the CityLoops project (H2020-SC5-2018) which aims to develop, implement, and replicate a series of innovative urban planning approaches and instruments, aimed at facilitating closing the loops of urban material and resource flows and promoting the transition to a circular economy (CE), thereby reducing the environmental footprint, increasing regenerative capacities, and stimulating new business opportunities and job creation in European cities.
List of the special issues that Nhien Nguyen is guest-editor:
- Special Issue “Making a Difference via Organizational Learning” (2019), guest edited by Professor George P. Huber in collaboration with Associate Editor Nhien Nguyen (link)
- Special Issue “Organizational Ambidexterity: Two modes of learning” (2019), guest edited by Professor Alf Steinar Sætre and Dr. Nhien Nguyen; (link)
- Special Issue “Organizational Unlearning: Opportunities and Interdisciplinary Perspectives” (2019), guest edited by Nhien Nguyen, Thomas Grisold, Adrian Klammer; (link)
Nguyen, Nhien.
The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth.
Learning Organization
Book review
Hansen, Jens Ørding;
Jensen, Are;
Nguyen, Nhien.
The responsible learning organization : Can Senge (1990) teach organizations how to become responsible innovators?.
Learning Organization
Academic article
Morais-Storz, Marta;
Nguyen, Nhien;
Sætre, Alf Steinar.
Post-failure success: sensemaking in problem representation reformulation.
Journal of Product Innovation Management
Academic article
Jensen, Are;
Nguyen, Nhien;
Hansen, Jens Ørding.
Incubation and founders’ champion
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Nhien;
Mariussen, Åge;
Hansen, Jens Ørding.
The Role of Smart Specialization in Providing Regional Strategic Support for Establishing Sustainable Start-up Incubation Ecosystems.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Nhien;
Huber, George P..
Making a difference through organizational learning.
Learning Organization
Nguyen, Nhien;
Mariussen, Åge.
Beyond related variety, creating ambidexterity for economic growth.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Nhien;
Hansen, Jens Ørding;
Jensen, Are.
How Best to Study the Learning Organization.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætre, Alf Steinar;
Nguyen, Nhien.
Organizational ambidexterity: two modes of learning .
Learning Organization
Mariussen, Åge;
Nguyen, Nhien;
Løvland, Jarle.
Nguyen, Nhien;
Hansen, Jens Ørding.
The academic non-consultation phenomenon revisited: a research agenda.
Learning Organization
Academic article
Nguyen, Nhien.
The journey of organizational unlearning: a conversation with William H. Starbuck.
Learning Organization
Academic article
Nguyen, Nhien.
Unlearning or ‘How NOT to Be Governed?.
Learning Organization
Academic article
Nguyen, Nhien;
Mariussen, Åge.
Entrepreneurial Discovery Processes and Restructuring:
A Research Agenda
Vinogradov, Evgueni;
Magnussen, Tone;
Fabritius, Merete Kvamme;
Nguyen, Nhien.
Tilleggsvirksomheter på gårdsbruk i Nordland: Gårdsturisme, lokalmatproduksjon og omsorgs- og velferdstjenester.
Morais-Storz, Marta;
Nguyen, Nhien.
The role of unlearning in metamorphosis and strategic resilience.
Learning Organization
Academic article
Nguyen, Nhien;
Hansen, Jens Ørding.
Becoming a leader-manager: a matter of training and education.
Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal
Academic article
Journal publications
Nguyen, Nhien.
The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth.
Learning Organization
Book review
Hansen, Jens Ørding;
Jensen, Are;
Nguyen, Nhien.
The responsible learning organization : Can Senge (1990) teach organizations how to become responsible innovators?.
Learning Organization
Academic article
Morais-Storz, Marta;
Nguyen, Nhien;
Sætre, Alf Steinar.
Post-failure success: sensemaking in problem representation reformulation.
Journal of Product Innovation Management
Academic article
Nguyen, Nhien;
Huber, George P..
Making a difference through organizational learning.
Learning Organization
Sætre, Alf Steinar;
Nguyen, Nhien.
Organizational ambidexterity: two modes of learning .
Learning Organization
Nguyen, Nhien;
Hansen, Jens Ørding.
The academic non-consultation phenomenon revisited: a research agenda.
Learning Organization
Academic article
Nguyen, Nhien.
The journey of organizational unlearning: a conversation with William H. Starbuck.
Learning Organization
Academic article
Nguyen, Nhien.
Unlearning or ‘How NOT to Be Governed?.
Learning Organization
Academic article
Morais-Storz, Marta;
Nguyen, Nhien.
The role of unlearning in metamorphosis and strategic resilience.
Learning Organization
Academic article
Nguyen, Nhien;
Hansen, Jens Ørding.
Becoming a leader-manager: a matter of training and education.
Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal
Academic article
Part of book/report
Jensen, Are;
Nguyen, Nhien;
Hansen, Jens Ørding.
Incubation and founders’ champion
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Nhien;
Mariussen, Åge;
Hansen, Jens Ørding.
The Role of Smart Specialization in Providing Regional Strategic Support for Establishing Sustainable Start-up Incubation Ecosystems.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Nhien;
Mariussen, Åge.
Beyond related variety, creating ambidexterity for economic growth.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Nhien;
Hansen, Jens Ørding;
Jensen, Are.
How Best to Study the Learning Organization.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mariussen, Åge;
Nguyen, Nhien;
Løvland, Jarle.
Nguyen, Nhien;
Mariussen, Åge.
Entrepreneurial Discovery Processes and Restructuring:
A Research Agenda
Vinogradov, Evgueni;
Magnussen, Tone;
Fabritius, Merete Kvamme;
Nguyen, Nhien.
Tilleggsvirksomheter på gårdsbruk i Nordland: Gårdsturisme, lokalmatproduksjon og omsorgs- og velferdstjenester.
Knowledge Transfer
Nhien Nguyen at Nordlandsforskning
LectureMarstrander, Iselin; Nguyen, Nhien. (2019) Eksempler på lokale aktører med suksess i EU-systemet. Kunnskapsparken Bodø Seminar om EU-finansiering , Bodø 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-25
Academic lectureMariussen, Åge; Jensen, Are; Hansen, Jens Ørding; Nguyen, Nhien. (2019) Typology of regional innovation ecosystem dynamics. Università degli Studi di Firenze Regional Innovation Policies Conference 2019 , Firenze 2019-11-07 - 2019-11-08
Academic lectureGræslie, Lisa Synnøve Schüle; Nguyen, Nhien. (2018) Knowledge transfer in knowledge-intensive organizations: The dual role of specialization. BI Norwegian Business School Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference , Oslo 2018-06-07 - 2018-06-09
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien. (2017) "Innovation and Learning" guest lecture. Innovation in Public Sector course - Master program in HRM at Nord University , Bodø 2017-03-07 - 2017-03-07
Academic lectureGræslie, Lisa Synnøve Schüle; Nguyen, Nhien. (2017) The impact of specialization on knowledge transfer. NYU Stern School of Business DRUID17 , New York 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-14
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien. (2016) Learning from experience in innovation. Innovation in Service - Master program - Nord University , Bodø 2016-03-08 - 2016-03-08
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien; Platou, Rikke Stoud. (2016) The interplay of paradoxical tensions in ambidexterity. DRUID DRUID 16 Conference , København 2016-06-13 - 2016-06-15
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien. (2016) Failing to learn from failure in innovation: A systematic literature review. Norwegian Research School of Innovation NORSI RESEARCH SCHOOL CONFERENCE 2016 , Oslo 2016-12-15 - 2016-12-15
Academic lectureMorais-Storz, Marta; Nguyen, Nhien; Sætre, Alf Steinar. (2016) The power of failure to ignite sensemaking and problem setting. DRUID DRUID 16 Conference , Copenhagen 2016-06-13 - 2016-06-15
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien; Sætre, Alf Steinar. (2015) Learning from failure: The impact of size. Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research SCANCOR Friday seminar , Stanford University 2015-12-04 - 2015-12-04
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien; Sætre, Alf Steinar. (2015) How size of failure affects learning from failure in innovation. The National Research School in Business Economics and Admin Research School Conference 2016 , Trondheim 2015-08-25 - 2015-08-26
Academic lectureNguyen, Minh Thu Nhien; Sætre, Alf Steinar. (2015) How size of failure affects learning from failure in innovation. AOM committee The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , Vancouver, British Columbia 2015-08-07 - 2015-08-11
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien; Sætre, Alf Steinar. (2015) The effect of failures' size on learning from them: Implication for innovation. EGOS committee and ALBA Graduate Business School The 2015 EGOS Colloquium , Athens 2015-07-02 - 2015-07-04
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien; Sætre, Alf Steinar. (2015) How failure size affects learning in innovation. DRUID society and LUISS University DRUID15 , Rome 2015-06-15 - 2015-06-17
PosterNguyen, Nhien. (2015) Typology of failures in innovation activities. NORSI NORSI Conference , Trondheim 2015-05-06 - 2015-05-07
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien; Sætre, Alf Steinar. (2015) How size of failure affects learning from it in innovation. NORSI NORSI conference , Trondheim 2015-05-06 - 2015-05-07
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien. (2015) How do failure sizes affect learning from failure?. Norwegian School of Economics FIBE conference , Bergen 2015-01-08 - 2015-01-09
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien. (2014) Mechanism for learning from failure in innovation activities. Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) FIBE conference 2014 , Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) 2014-01-09 - 2014-01-10
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien. (2014) Typologies of failure in innovation activities. EGOS conference 2014 , Rotterdam School of Managements, Rotterdam 2014-07-01 - 2014-07-05
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien. (2014) Typologies of failure in innovation activities. NFB NFB 2014 , Bergen 2014-08-28 - 2014-08-29
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien. (2014) Learning from failure in innovation activities. NORSI conference , Oslo 2014-09-02 - 2014-09-02
Academic lectureNguyen, Nhien. (2013) Measuring organization innovativeness: A conceptual framework. NFB NFB conference 2013 , Stavanger 2013-08-22 - 2013-08-23