Innovation Resources

Services and initiatives

Innovation resources

Wind tunnel

Collaboration, experts, education

Companies, public sector and investors will find contacts for innovation at NTNU on this portal page.

Research communities at NTNU have a strong and well-developed collaboration and partnership with the business community and the public sector in organized research training, student projects, exchange of knowledge and specific skills. NTNU’s ecosystem for innovation includes a large number of actors and services. NTNU is partner i several nationall cluster collaborations.

Contact and Resources

Regional contacts

Contact us about innovation resources and collaboration with business and industry:

For investors

Do you want to invest in start-ups from NTNU? Get an overview over companies looking for investors or partners:

Student innovation:
Spark NTNU
NTNU School of Entrepreneurship

Employee innovation: 
TTO – NTNU Technology Transfer AS

Collaboration with NTNU and Academic environments and expertise


NTNU ecosystem, photo illustration


Parties and services in innovation and business collaboration.

Researchers in a lab, photo


Gain access to expertise and meeting places at NTNU for exchange of  knowledge. 

Group of people, photo


Your business, organization or agency can work together with  NTNU. The opportuinites for collaboration with students are good.

Group of people collaborate in a cluster, photo illustration


NTNU’s partnership i Norwegian Innovations Clusters: Arena, Arena Pro and GCE.

Innovation managers at NTNU

Main measures

NTNU hosts 12 CRI/SFI and partner in 14 CRI/SFI – Centre for Research-ased Innovation. The CRI/SFI scheme is national and funded by The Norwegian Resesearch Council.

NTNU hosts 3 CEER/FME and is partner in 7 CEER/FME – Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research. The CEER/FME scheme is national and funded by The Norwegian Research Council.

NTNU Strategic Programme for Knowledge-based Innovation (SKI) with several innovation managers. The programme is NTNU's own commitment to help transform more research into benefits in practice.


News about innovation

News about innovation at NTNU and SINTEF

Comprehensive plan for innovation competence at NTNU

New report from the working committee appointed by Pro-Rector for Innovation: Comprehensive Plan for Innovation Competence at NTNU (PDF, June 2023)

The working committee makes recommendations for the development of innovation competence, and how innovation competence can be strengthened at NTNU in order to realize NTNU's innovation objectives. 

Documentation and visibility of innovation at NTNU

Report: Documentation and visbility of innovations at NTNU – Focus on societal impact and collaboration with working life (pdf, November 2020)

News about innovation recent years



Pro-Rector for Innovation Toril A. Nagelhus Hernes leads NTNU’s efforts to promote innovation, and is responsible for maintaining strategic collaborative relationships with businesses and industry on a regional national and international level. 

Vice-Rector in Gjøvik Gro Iren Kvanli Dæhlin represents and positions NTNU as an institution for regional working life.

Vice-Rector in Ålesund Anne-Lise Sagen Major represents and positions NTNU as an institution for regional working life.

For students and employees

For students and employees

Find information on the intranet: