Innovation Resources
Innovation resources
NTNU's researchers create knowledge, ideas and solutions that contribute to value creation, sustainable development and restructuring of business and the public sector.
Our students graduate with competence in innovation. In this way, they are equipped to solve problems and find new and smart solutions in working life. Many of NTNU's students also create new companies and jobs.
Collaborate with us
Through collaboration, we combine theory and practice to solve challenges and contribute to the restructuring and development of business and the public sector. This makes us an attractive partner.
Do you have challenges that require specialist expertise? Do you want to rent a laboratory, collaborate with students or exchange data?
For investors
One of NTNU's important societal missions is to facilitate the research and knowledge created by our students and staff to benefit society.
Student innovation:
Spark* NTNU
Employee innovation:
TTO – NTNU Technology Transfer AS
Research Center for Innovation
NTNU is both host and partner for national centres, and has its own program for innovation.
Intellectual Property Rights - IPR
NTNU has a social responsibility to ensure that results from NTNU’s activities are widely used in society, business and industry, and that they contribute to sustainable development.
Regional contacts
Contact us about innovation resources and collaboration with business and industry:
- NTNU in Trondheim: Håvard Wibe
- NTNU in Gjøvik: Arild Aune Berger
- NTNU in Ålesund: Elisabeth Stennes Skaar
- Research, Innovation and External Relations Division
Pro-Rector for Innovation Toril A. Nagelhus Hernes leads NTNU’s efforts to promote innovation, and is responsible for maintaining strategic collaborative relationships with businesses and industry on a regional national and international level.
Vice-Rector in Gjøvik Gro Iren Kvanli Dæhlin and Vice-Rector in Ålesund Anne-Lise Sagen Major represents and positions NTNU as an institution for regional working life.