

The overall aim of the ZenN project is to examine and develop approach to reduce energy usage in existing residential buildings and neigbourhoods through renovation. In total, 12 partners from five countries are involved: Tecnalia (Spain), CEA (France), IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (Sweden), SINTEF (Norway), ASM (Poland), NTNU (Norway), The municipality of Oslo (Norway), Debegesa (Spain), City of Eibar (Spain), Ville de Grenoble (France) EJ-GV (Spain) and the City of Malmö (Sweden).

In residential areas of Sweden, Norway, Spain and France large scale renovation measures have been implemented with the aim towards nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) standard. The general objectives of ZenN project are to demonstrate the feasibility (technical, financial and social) of innovative low-energy renovation processes for buildings at the neighbourhood scale; identify and disseminate promising management and financial schemes to facilitate large scale replication and launch ambitious replication plans at several scales (local, regional etc.) with the participation of local administrations. 

The general objectives of ZenN project are to demonstrate the feasibility (technical, financial and social) of innovative low-energy renovation processes for buildings at the neighbourhood scale; identify and disseminate promising management and financial schemes to facilitate large scale replication and launch ambitious replication plans at several scales (local, regional etc.) with the participation of local administrations. 

NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities group has been actively involved in many of the workpackages, see results from some of them under publications

For more information on the ZenN‐project, visit the project website.