Annemie Bertha Marcella Wyckmans
Annemie Bertha Marcella Wyckmans
Formal position
Annemie Wyckmans is professor and leads NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Design.
Annemie Wyckmans leads NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and co-leads the Gemini Centre on Climate-Neutral and Socially Innovative Cities and Communities together with SINTEF.
Annemie is Project Coordinator of several innovation projects with public and private sectors, citizen organisations, art and culture, academia and other societal stakeholders. This includes projects such as the Smart Cities and Communities Lighthouse project +CityxChange, the CrAFt urban movement, the NEB-STAR Lighthouse project, the Re-Value innovation project (all funded by Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe), and Programme Coordinator of the Joint Programme on Smart Cities in the European Energy Research Alliance.
Annemie has an MSc in Architectural Engineering from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, a PhD in Building Technology and a postdoctoral degree on education for environment-friendly architecture from NTNU.
In 2010 she initiated the international interdisciplinary MSc programme in Sustainable Architecture at NTNU, and has led an interdisciplinary Experts in Team course in Sustainable Architecture at NTNU 2006-2013. Wyckmans has systematically used her training as facilitator in Experts in Team, to develop and lead cooperation projects with societal stakeholders.
Riedesel, Kelly Kay;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella.
D9.25: Report on Intra-Project
Collaboration, Including Study Visits
and Peer-to-Peer Workshops 10.
Riedesel, Kelly Kay;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella.
D9.26: Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators .
Ahlers, Dirk;
Riedesel, Kelly Kay;
Dommerholt, Taliah;
Amin, Samir;
Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella;
Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa.
How to PED – The +CityxChange Cookbook: Experiences and Guidelines on Positive Energy Districts.
+CityxChange project
Robison, Rosie;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Hargreaves, Tom;
Renström, Sara;
Wolsink, Maarten;
Judson, Emily.
Shifts in the smart research agenda? 100 priority questions to accelerate sustainable energy futures.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Vohnout, Rudolf;
Bukovsky, Ivo;
Chou, Shuo-Yan;
Geyer, Jakub;
Budik, Ondrej;
Sharma, Rohit.
Living Lab Long-Term Sustainability in Hybrid Access Positive Energy Districts - A Prosumager Smart Fog Computing Perspective.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Academic article
Moran, Daniel;
Pichler, Peter-Paul;
Zheng, Heran;
Muri, Helene;
Klenner, Jan;
Kramel, Diogo.
Estimating CO2 Emissions for 108,000 European Cities .
Earth System Science Data
Academic article
Gansmo, Helen Jøsok;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Støa, Eli;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Brattebø, Helge;
Larssæther, Stig.
Brøset – en bærekraftig bunker?.
Feature article
Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B.;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
The Sense and Non-Sense of PEDs—Feeding Back Practical Experiences of Positive Energy District Demonstrators into the European PED Framework Definition Development Process.
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Korpås, Magnus;
Rønningsen, Silje.
Selger kortreist strøm - men bare på disp.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Baer, Daniela;
Loewen, Bradley;
Cheng, Caroline Y;
Thomsen, Judith;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Approaches to Social Innovation in Positive Energy Districts
(PEDs)—A Comparison of Norwegian Projects.
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wang, Yu;
Korsnes, Marius;
Aune, Pål Jarle;
Yu, Yang;
Liu, Chang.
Urban Living Labs as Instruments of Open Innovation: Examples of
Sino–European Cooperation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Fufa, Selamawit Mamo;
Fjellheim, Kristin;
Lien, Synne Krekling;
Krogstie, John;
Ahlers, Dirk.
ZERO EMISSION NEIGHBOURHOODS IN SMART CITIES Definition, key performance indicators and assessment criteria: Version 2.0. Bilingual version.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Fufa, Selamawit Mamo;
Fjellheim, Kristin;
Lien, Synne Krekling;
Krogstie, John;
Ahlers, Dirk.
Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities. Definition, Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Criteria: Version 2.0.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (32)
Gall, Tjark;
Carbonari, Giulia;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Co-Creating Local Energy Transitions Through Smart Cities: Piloting a Prosumer-Oriented Approach.
ISOCARP (International Society of City and Regional Planners)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Robison, Rosie;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Lehne, Johanna;
Judson, Emily;
Pechancová, Viera;
Foulds, Chris.
100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for smart consumption in Horizon Europe.
Nesse, Per Jonny;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Lønsethagen, Håkon;
Ahlers, Dirk.
Co-creation of smart sustainable cities : The 5G SOLUTIONS project.
Eurescom Message
Academic article
Aune, Pål Jarle;
Horvat, Manfred;
Yue, Liu;
Li, Yun;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wang, Yu.
Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for EU-China Cooperation on Sustainable Urbanisation No.1.
URBAN-EU-CHINA Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanisation
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Horvat, Manfred;
Sievers, Katja;
Laschet, Marleen;
Wang, Yu;
Joli, Siri M L.
URBAN-EU-CHINA Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanisation
Ahlers, Dirk;
Driscoll, Patrick Arthur;
Wibe, Håvard;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Co-Creation of Positive Energy Blocks.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Neumann, Hans-Martin;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Points of view on eera joint programme smart cities.
TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment
Short communication
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Joli, Siri M L.
Workshop EERA "virtual smart city” platform 2nd session.
Other product
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Joli, Siri M L.
Workshop Smart Cities Virtual Platform.
Other product
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Juhasz-Nagy, Eszter;
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Neumann, Hans-Martin;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Intermediaries for knowledge transfer in integrated energy planning of urban districts.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Academic article
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Fufa, Selamawit Mamo;
Krogstie, John;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Driscoll, Patrick Arthur.
Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities: Definition,
Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Criteria:
Version 1.0. ZEN report no. 7. Billingual version. Nullutslippsområder i smarte byer: Definisjon, nøkkelindikatører og vurderingskriterier.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (7)
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Workshop - Positive Energy Districts
Project 90112700.
Other product
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with Annemie Wyckmans on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Wang, Yu;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Carlucci, Salvatore;
Wang, Ruzhu;
Li, Yong;
Finocchiaro, Luca.
Sustainable Energy in Cities: Methodology and Results of a Summer Course Providing Smart Solutions for a New District in Shanghai.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John;
Driscoll, Patrick Arthur;
Lundli, Hans Einar;
Loveland, Simon-James;
Rothballer, Carsten.
Supporting Municipal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Inventories Using Business Process Modeling: A Case Study of Trondheim Municipality.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Academic article
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
ZenN project team, (Various organisations).
ZenN Guidelines: Translation of technical knowledge for nearly zero energy neighbourhoods.
ZenN - Nearly Zero Energy Neighbourhoods
Juhasz-Nazy, Eszter;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Fladvad Nielsen, Brita;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Neumann, Hans-Martin;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Holistic planning approaches - starting with a common ground: Work available on JPI Urban Europe
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Wall, Maria;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
IEA/SHC Task 51 Subtask C: Case studies and action research Illustrative Prospective of Solar Energy in Urban Planning Collection of International Case Studies.
Solar Heating and Cooling Programme/ International Energy Agency
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Juhasz-Nagy, Eszter;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Andersen, Inger;
Baer, Daniela.
Planning instruments for smart energy communities. Report 2.2: A preliminary toolkit of municipalplanning instruments.
Ahlers, Dirk;
Löfström, Erica;
Krogstie, John;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Driscoll, Patrick Arthur.
Understanding Smart Cities as Social Machines.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Finocchiaro, Luca;
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
MSc programme in Sustainable Architecture at NTNU.
The Welsch School of Architecture, Cardiff University. Smart Energy regions - Skills, knowledge, training and supply chains
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Finocchiaro, Luca;
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
The MSc programme in Sustainable Architecture at NTNU.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Finocchiaro, Luca;
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Gustavsen, Arild.
Architectural design og Zero Emission Buildings - The case of the LivingLAB at the ZEB research centre.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fosso, Olav B;
Bredesen, Arne Mathias;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Korsnes, Marius;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne.
Progress report: October 1st 2014 to June 30th 2016
for all the JRC-areas.
Juhasz-Nagy, Eszter;
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Andresen, Inger;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Planning Instruments for Smart Energy Communities - Report 2.1.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
De Ridder, Koen;
Acero, Juan Angel;
Hooyberghs, Hans;
Lauwaet, Dirk;
Lefebvre, Wouter.
RAMSES Project, Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities. Strategies, costs and impacts of adaptation to climate change. Funding source: European 7th Framework Programme, grant agreement no: 308497 - WP 4: Climate change scenario for urban agglomerations - D4.3 Urban adaptation effects on urban climate.
RAMSES - Science for cities in transition
Kallaos, James;
Acre, Fernanda;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Landa, Naia;
Ferrara, F.F.;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Adaptation measures and corresponding indicators for resilient architecture and infrastructure. Deliverable 2.4. European Community Seventh Framework Programme RAMSES - Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities.
Kallaos, James;
Mainguy, Gaell;
Valentis, G.;
Houssin, L.;
Bharathi, Krishna;
Shrestha, Pranita.
Climate resilience in architecture, infrastructure and urban environments. Analysis of RAMSES case study cities. Deliverable 2.3. European Community Seventh Framework Programme RAMSES - Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities.
Kallaos, James;
Acre, Fernanda;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Landa, Naia;
Ferrara, Floriana;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
RAMSES Project, Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities. Strategies, costs and impacts of adaptation to climate change. Funding source: European 7th Framework Programme, grant agreement no: 308497.
WP 2: Taxonomy of architecture and infrastructure indicators. Deliverable 2.4 Adaptation measures and corresponding indicators for resilient architecture and infrastructure.
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
The Impact of Dwelling Renovation on Spatial Quality - The Case of the Arlequin Neighbourhood in Grenoble, France.
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
Academic article
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Dwelling renovation and spatial quality: The impact of the dwelling renovation on spatial quality determinants.
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment
Academic article
Dawson, Richard;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Heidrich, Oliver;
Köhler, Jonathan;
Dobson, Stephen;
Feliu, Efren.
Understanding Cities: Advances in Integrated Assessment of Urban Sustainability.
Centre for Earth Systems Engineering Research (CESER)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Støa, Eli;
Larssæther, Stig;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
The Brøset Project - From Idea to Plan.
Larssæther, Stig;
Støa, Eli;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Future Perspectives.
Støa, Eli;
Larssæther, Stig;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Towards a Low-Carbon Neighbourhood - Between Planning and Research.
Støa, Eli;
Larssæther, Stig;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Utopia Revisited. Towards a Carbon-Neutral Neighborhood at Brøset.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Website (informational material)
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Integrated Energy Design.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
"Improving People’s Well-being – The Key to Renovation Acceptance" Newsletter of the European project ZenN, Nearly Zero Energy Neighbourhoods, funded by the European 7th Framework Programme (Grant Agreement no: 314363).
Website (informational material)
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Spatial Quality Determinants for Residential Building Renovation: A Methodological Approach to the Development of Spatial Quality Assessment.
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development
Academic article
Kallaos, James;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Mainguy, Gaell;
Houssin, L.;
Valentis, G.;
Ferrara, F.F..
Synthesis review on resilient architecture and infrastructure indicators. WP 2: Taxonomy of architecture and infrastructure indicators. Deliverable 2.1. European Community Seventh Framework Programme RAMSES - Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities.
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Tadi, Massimo;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Palazzo, Danilo.
Green design strategies for urban heat island mitigation in a solar optimized access Eixample via IMM® methodology.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Karlsson, Anja;
Sørnes, Kari;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Barriers and challenges in nZEB Projects in Sweden and Norway.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Solar Update, Vol. 6-Subtask C: Case Studies and Action Research.
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Examining the influence of renovation options on architectural values and cultural heritage. Newsletter of the European project ZenN, Nearly Zero Energy Neighbourhoods, funded by the European 7th Framework Programme (Grant Agreement no: 314363).
Website (informational material)
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Green and blue infrastructures as enablers of resilient cities.
Dobson, Stephen;
De Gregorio, Sonia;
Coelho, Dulce;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Schmeidler, Karel.
A policy and governance context for integrated urban sustainability strategies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dawson, Richard;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Feliu, Efren;
Dobson, Stephen;
Köhler, Jonathan;
Heidrich, Oliver.
Understanding cities: The way forward for Integrated assessment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hatleskog, Eli;
Støa, Eli;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
The First Space at Brøset. A practical Investigation into Participation, Sustainability and Design Processes.
Doctoral dissertation
Kallaos, James;
Mainguy, Gaëll;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Considering Resilience: Steps Towards an Assessment Framework.
Tema. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Bharathi, Krishna;
Kallaos, James;
Acre, Fernanda;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Shrestha, Pranita.
RAMSES WP 2: Taxonomy of architecture and infrastructure indicators, 8 Comparative Case Cities: Gap analysis on resilient architecture and urban design.
European Commission
European Commission
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Landa, Naia;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Acre, Fernanda;
Bharathi, Krishna;
Kallaos, James.
RAMSES WP 2: Taxonomy of architecture and infrastructure indicators,Bilbao case: Gap analysis on resilient architecture and urban design.
European Commission
European Commission
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Spatial Quality in Building Performance Assessment Tools, The case of Dwelling Renovation for Energy Efficiency. Funded by UNIFOR Norwegian Funds for Research 2014-05-15.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
De Gregorio, Sonia;
Dobson, Stephen;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Coelho, Dulce.
Urban regeneration as driver of adaptive capacity of cities: Comparative analysis of Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and British approaches by Central Governments.
EFLA Journal
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Tømmerås, Karin;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Thomassen, Gøril;
Larssæther, Stig;
Wågø, Solvår Irene.
Helsefremmende boligmiljø i et ressursperspektiv.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Spatial Quality Assessments for Building Performance Tools in Energy Renovation. Funded by UNIFOR Norwegian Funds for Research 2013-05-15.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brunsgaard, Camilla;
Dvorakova, Pavla;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Stutterecker, Werner;
Laskari, Marina;
Almeida, Manuela.
Integrated Energy Design - Education and Training in Cross-disciplinary Teams Implementing Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).
Building and Environment
Academic article
Pacheco, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Spatial Quality Indicators for Energy Renovation of Residential Buildings. Funded by the European COST-TUD Conference Grant for Early Stage Researchers 2013-04-20 in connection to the COST Action Smart Low Carbon Regions DC_TUD-00139, to which NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology is among the partners.
Grada Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bohne, Rolf André;
Huang, Lizhen;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Comparison of Residential Energy Consumption in Different Geographical Areas and Relevance for Environmental Policy.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud;
Haase, Matthias;
Acre, Fernanda;
Dubois, Marie-Claude;
Op ‘T Veld, Per.
Work Package 6 - Monitoring of Results, Report on internal and external monitoring of results (D6.1) IDES-EDU Project, Master and Post Graduate education and training in multidisciplinary teams implementing EPBD and beyond (Grant Number IEE/09/631/SI2.558225).
Intelligent Energy Europe
Bach, Brigitte;
Schütz, Reinhard;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Madsen, Henrik;
Franz, Peter;
Ramón, María Pilar Górriz.
SET-plan Education and Training Initiative. Assessment Report for "Smart Cities" (Energy-efficient buildings, thermal energy networks, and smart cities integration aspects).
European Commission
European Commission
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Towards resilient architecture. The case of Brøset, Trondheim, Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Integrated energy design - the architectural approach.
Technoport 2012 : Sharing possibilities. RERC2012 : Renewable energy research conference
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Environmental learning from the ivory tower to the town square: The case of Trondheim.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Solbraa, Anne.
Energy and Architecture : Improvement of energy performance in existing buildings.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Haase, Matthias;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Master programme in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a zero emission built environment – lessons learnt from the first year of teaching.
RIL. Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Liitto
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie.
Industry- and Research-driven Education in Sustainable Architecture: Transitioning Towards a Professional M.Sc. Programme on Zero Emission Built Environments.
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development
Academic article
Finocchiaro, Luca;
Haase, Matthias;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
+hytte. Sustainable design among didactics, research and social awareness.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Master programme in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a zero emission built environment – lessons learnt from the first year of teaching.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Forbered studentene på virkeligheten.
Feature article
Bohne, Rolf André;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Parallel commissioning. A new way of planning for a sustainable settlement. The case of Brøset, Trondheim.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Environmental Learning from the Ivory Tower to the Town Square: The Case of Trondheim, Norway.
Local Sustainability
Academic article
Sylvester, Morten;
Sørumgård, Marit ;
Sandbakk, Elin;
Skotland, Christer Heen;
Hatleskog, Eli;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Kunnskapslarm. Dreiebok for delutstillingen Forskning og framtid.
NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet
Sylvester, Morten;
Sørumgård, Marit ;
Tunstad, Hege Jørgensen;
Oestvang, Janne;
Skotland, Christer Heen;
Gatzschmann, Per.
Forskning og framtid.
Forskning og framtid
Museum exhibition
Bohne, Rolf Andre;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Thomsen, Judith;
Støa, Eli.
Towards a carbon neutral settlement in Norway. Science in action. - The case of Brøset, Trondheim.
Grada Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
MSc in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a Zero Emission Built Environment.
Grada Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Arnesen, Heidi;
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Fosse, Per;
Haase, Matthias;
Hansen, Eilif Hugo;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter.
Lysforsk - Norsk senter for lysforskning og utdanning.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Towards a zero emission built environment : M.Sc programme in sustainable architecture.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wellinger, Steffen.
Website (informational material)
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Thomsen, Judith.
(2009) Brøset - Towards a carbon neutral housing settlement.
Website (informational material)
Støa, Eli;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Klimautfordringer i arkitektur og bygde omgivelser.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Arkitektur i ressursperspektiv.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Environmental learning in architecture. From individual choice to collective responsibility.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Communicating sustainability in undergraduate architectural education.
WIT Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Intelligent Building Envelopes - Application in the Field of Daylighting.
Delft University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Intelligente fasader - Arkitektonisk konsept & anvendelse mht. dagslyskvalitet.
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Intelligent Building Envelopes - Architectural Concept & Applications for Daylighting Quality.
NTNU Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Kleiven, Tommy;
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Double Facades at High Latitudes - Some User Experiences.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Andresen, Inger;
Kleiven, Tommy;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Intelligent Building Envelopes - Fad or Future?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
The Intelligent Building Envelope - Concept and Qualification.
Encyclopedia article
Journal publications
Robison, Rosie;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Hargreaves, Tom;
Renström, Sara;
Wolsink, Maarten;
Judson, Emily.
Shifts in the smart research agenda? 100 priority questions to accelerate sustainable energy futures.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Vohnout, Rudolf;
Bukovsky, Ivo;
Chou, Shuo-Yan;
Geyer, Jakub;
Budik, Ondrej;
Sharma, Rohit.
Living Lab Long-Term Sustainability in Hybrid Access Positive Energy Districts - A Prosumager Smart Fog Computing Perspective.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Academic article
Moran, Daniel;
Pichler, Peter-Paul;
Zheng, Heran;
Muri, Helene;
Klenner, Jan;
Kramel, Diogo.
Estimating CO2 Emissions for 108,000 European Cities .
Earth System Science Data
Academic article
Gansmo, Helen Jøsok;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Støa, Eli;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Brattebø, Helge;
Larssæther, Stig.
Brøset – en bærekraftig bunker?.
Feature article
Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B.;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
The Sense and Non-Sense of PEDs—Feeding Back Practical Experiences of Positive Energy District Demonstrators into the European PED Framework Definition Development Process.
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Korpås, Magnus;
Rønningsen, Silje.
Selger kortreist strøm - men bare på disp.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Baer, Daniela;
Loewen, Bradley;
Cheng, Caroline Y;
Thomsen, Judith;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Approaches to Social Innovation in Positive Energy Districts
(PEDs)—A Comparison of Norwegian Projects.
Academic article
Nesse, Per Jonny;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Lønsethagen, Håkon;
Ahlers, Dirk.
Co-creation of smart sustainable cities : The 5G SOLUTIONS project.
Eurescom Message
Academic article
Ahlers, Dirk;
Driscoll, Patrick Arthur;
Wibe, Håvard;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Co-Creation of Positive Energy Blocks.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Neumann, Hans-Martin;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Points of view on eera joint programme smart cities.
TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment
Short communication
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Juhasz-Nagy, Eszter;
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Neumann, Hans-Martin;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Intermediaries for knowledge transfer in integrated energy planning of urban districts.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Xu, Dongming.
An Interview with Annemie Wyckmans on Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum: Zero Emission Architecture, Special Issue "Architecture of Tomorrow".
Community Design
Interview Journal
Wang, Yu;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Carlucci, Salvatore;
Wang, Ruzhu;
Li, Yong;
Finocchiaro, Luca.
Sustainable Energy in Cities: Methodology and Results of a Summer Course Providing Smart Solutions for a New District in Shanghai.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John;
Driscoll, Patrick Arthur;
Lundli, Hans Einar;
Loveland, Simon-James;
Rothballer, Carsten.
Supporting Municipal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Inventories Using Business Process Modeling: A Case Study of Trondheim Municipality.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Academic article
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
The Impact of Dwelling Renovation on Spatial Quality - The Case of the Arlequin Neighbourhood in Grenoble, France.
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
Academic article
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Dwelling renovation and spatial quality: The impact of the dwelling renovation on spatial quality determinants.
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment
Academic article
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Spatial Quality Determinants for Residential Building Renovation: A Methodological Approach to the Development of Spatial Quality Assessment.
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development
Academic article
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Karlsson, Anja;
Sørnes, Kari;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Barriers and challenges in nZEB Projects in Sweden and Norway.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Kallaos, James;
Mainguy, Gaëll;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Considering Resilience: Steps Towards an Assessment Framework.
Tema. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment
Academic article
De Gregorio, Sonia;
Dobson, Stephen;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Coelho, Dulce.
Urban regeneration as driver of adaptive capacity of cities: Comparative analysis of Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and British approaches by Central Governments.
EFLA Journal
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Tømmerås, Karin;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Thomassen, Gøril;
Larssæther, Stig;
Wågø, Solvår Irene.
Helsefremmende boligmiljø i et ressursperspektiv.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Brunsgaard, Camilla;
Dvorakova, Pavla;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Stutterecker, Werner;
Laskari, Marina;
Almeida, Manuela.
Integrated Energy Design - Education and Training in Cross-disciplinary Teams Implementing Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).
Building and Environment
Academic article
Bohne, Rolf André;
Huang, Lizhen;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Comparison of Residential Energy Consumption in Different Geographical Areas and Relevance for Environmental Policy.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Academic article
Haase, Matthias;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Integrated energy design - the architectural approach.
Technoport 2012 : Sharing possibilities. RERC2012 : Renewable energy research conference
Haase, Matthias;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Master programme in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a zero emission built environment – lessons learnt from the first year of teaching.
RIL. Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Liitto
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie.
Industry- and Research-driven Education in Sustainable Architecture: Transitioning Towards a Professional M.Sc. Programme on Zero Emission Built Environments.
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Forbered studentene på virkeligheten.
Feature article
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Environmental Learning from the Ivory Tower to the Town Square: The Case of Trondheim, Norway.
Local Sustainability
Academic article
Arnesen, Heidi;
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Fosse, Per;
Haase, Matthias;
Hansen, Eilif Hugo;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter.
Lysforsk - Norsk senter for lysforskning og utdanning.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Arkitektur i ressursperspektiv.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Environmental learning in architecture. From individual choice to collective responsibility.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Intelligente fasader - Arkitektonisk konsept & anvendelse mht. dagslyskvalitet.
Finocchiaro, Luca;
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
MSc programme in Sustainable Architecture at NTNU.
The Welsch School of Architecture, Cardiff University. Smart Energy regions - Skills, knowledge, training and supply chains
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Dawson, Richard;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Heidrich, Oliver;
Köhler, Jonathan;
Dobson, Stephen;
Feliu, Efren.
Understanding Cities: Advances in Integrated Assessment of Urban Sustainability.
Centre for Earth Systems Engineering Research (CESER)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Støa, Eli;
Larssæther, Stig;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Utopia Revisited. Towards a Carbon-Neutral Neighborhood at Brøset.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Haase, Matthias;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Solbraa, Anne.
Energy and Architecture : Improvement of energy performance in existing buildings.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wang, Yu;
Korsnes, Marius;
Aune, Pål Jarle;
Yu, Yang;
Liu, Chang.
Urban Living Labs as Instruments of Open Innovation: Examples of
Sino–European Cooperation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gall, Tjark;
Carbonari, Giulia;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Co-Creating Local Energy Transitions Through Smart Cities: Piloting a Prosumer-Oriented Approach.
ISOCARP (International Society of City and Regional Planners)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ahlers, Dirk;
Löfström, Erica;
Krogstie, John;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Driscoll, Patrick Arthur.
Understanding Smart Cities as Social Machines.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Finocchiaro, Luca;
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
The MSc programme in Sustainable Architecture at NTNU.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Finocchiaro, Luca;
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Gustavsen, Arild.
Architectural design og Zero Emission Buildings - The case of the LivingLAB at the ZEB research centre.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Eli;
Larssæther, Stig;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
The Brøset Project - From Idea to Plan.
Larssæther, Stig;
Støa, Eli;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Future Perspectives.
Støa, Eli;
Larssæther, Stig;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Towards a Low-Carbon Neighbourhood - Between Planning and Research.
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Integrated Energy Design.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Tadi, Massimo;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Palazzo, Danilo.
Green design strategies for urban heat island mitigation in a solar optimized access Eixample via IMM® methodology.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Green and blue infrastructures as enablers of resilient cities.
Dobson, Stephen;
De Gregorio, Sonia;
Coelho, Dulce;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Schmeidler, Karel.
A policy and governance context for integrated urban sustainability strategies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dawson, Richard;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Feliu, Efren;
Dobson, Stephen;
Köhler, Jonathan;
Heidrich, Oliver.
Understanding cities: The way forward for Integrated assessment.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Spatial Quality in Building Performance Assessment Tools, The case of Dwelling Renovation for Energy Efficiency. Funded by UNIFOR Norwegian Funds for Research 2014-05-15.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Spatial Quality Assessments for Building Performance Tools in Energy Renovation. Funded by UNIFOR Norwegian Funds for Research 2013-05-15.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pacheco, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Spatial Quality Indicators for Energy Renovation of Residential Buildings. Funded by the European COST-TUD Conference Grant for Early Stage Researchers 2013-04-20 in connection to the COST Action Smart Low Carbon Regions DC_TUD-00139, to which NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology is among the partners.
Grada Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Towards resilient architecture. The case of Brøset, Trondheim, Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Environmental learning from the ivory tower to the town square: The case of Trondheim.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Finocchiaro, Luca;
Haase, Matthias;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
+hytte. Sustainable design among didactics, research and social awareness.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Master programme in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a zero emission built environment – lessons learnt from the first year of teaching.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Bohne, Rolf André;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Parallel commissioning. A new way of planning for a sustainable settlement. The case of Brøset, Trondheim.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bohne, Rolf Andre;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Thomsen, Judith;
Støa, Eli.
Towards a carbon neutral settlement in Norway. Science in action. - The case of Brøset, Trondheim.
Grada Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
MSc in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a Zero Emission Built Environment.
Grada Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Towards a zero emission built environment : M.Sc programme in sustainable architecture.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Eli;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Klimautfordringer i arkitektur og bygde omgivelser.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Communicating sustainability in undergraduate architectural education.
WIT Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Intelligent Building Envelopes - Application in the Field of Daylighting.
Delft University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kleiven, Tommy;
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Double Facades at High Latitudes - Some User Experiences.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Andresen, Inger;
Kleiven, Tommy;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Intelligent Building Envelopes - Fad or Future?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
The Intelligent Building Envelope - Concept and Qualification.
Encyclopedia article
Riedesel, Kelly Kay;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella.
D9.25: Report on Intra-Project
Collaboration, Including Study Visits
and Peer-to-Peer Workshops 10.
Riedesel, Kelly Kay;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella.
D9.26: Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators .
Ahlers, Dirk;
Riedesel, Kelly Kay;
Dommerholt, Taliah;
Amin, Samir;
Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella;
Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa.
How to PED – The +CityxChange Cookbook: Experiences and Guidelines on Positive Energy Districts.
+CityxChange project
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Fufa, Selamawit Mamo;
Fjellheim, Kristin;
Lien, Synne Krekling;
Krogstie, John;
Ahlers, Dirk.
ZERO EMISSION NEIGHBOURHOODS IN SMART CITIES Definition, key performance indicators and assessment criteria: Version 2.0. Bilingual version.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Fufa, Selamawit Mamo;
Fjellheim, Kristin;
Lien, Synne Krekling;
Krogstie, John;
Ahlers, Dirk.
Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities. Definition, Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Criteria: Version 2.0.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (32)
Robison, Rosie;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Lehne, Johanna;
Judson, Emily;
Pechancová, Viera;
Foulds, Chris.
100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for smart consumption in Horizon Europe.
Aune, Pål Jarle;
Horvat, Manfred;
Yue, Liu;
Li, Yun;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wang, Yu.
Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for EU-China Cooperation on Sustainable Urbanisation No.1.
URBAN-EU-CHINA Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanisation
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Horvat, Manfred;
Sievers, Katja;
Laschet, Marleen;
Wang, Yu;
Joli, Siri M L.
URBAN-EU-CHINA Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanisation
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Fufa, Selamawit Mamo;
Krogstie, John;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Driscoll, Patrick Arthur.
Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities: Definition,
Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Criteria:
Version 1.0. ZEN report no. 7. Billingual version. Nullutslippsområder i smarte byer: Definisjon, nøkkelindikatører og vurderingskriterier.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (7)
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
ZenN project team, (Various organisations).
ZenN Guidelines: Translation of technical knowledge for nearly zero energy neighbourhoods.
ZenN - Nearly Zero Energy Neighbourhoods
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Wall, Maria;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
IEA/SHC Task 51 Subtask C: Case studies and action research Illustrative Prospective of Solar Energy in Urban Planning Collection of International Case Studies.
Solar Heating and Cooling Programme/ International Energy Agency
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Juhasz-Nagy, Eszter;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Andersen, Inger;
Baer, Daniela.
Planning instruments for smart energy communities. Report 2.2: A preliminary toolkit of municipalplanning instruments.
Juhasz-Nagy, Eszter;
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Andresen, Inger;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Planning Instruments for Smart Energy Communities - Report 2.1.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
De Ridder, Koen;
Acero, Juan Angel;
Hooyberghs, Hans;
Lauwaet, Dirk;
Lefebvre, Wouter.
RAMSES Project, Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities. Strategies, costs and impacts of adaptation to climate change. Funding source: European 7th Framework Programme, grant agreement no: 308497 - WP 4: Climate change scenario for urban agglomerations - D4.3 Urban adaptation effects on urban climate.
RAMSES - Science for cities in transition
Kallaos, James;
Acre, Fernanda;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Landa, Naia;
Ferrara, F.F.;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Adaptation measures and corresponding indicators for resilient architecture and infrastructure. Deliverable 2.4. European Community Seventh Framework Programme RAMSES - Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities.
Kallaos, James;
Mainguy, Gaell;
Valentis, G.;
Houssin, L.;
Bharathi, Krishna;
Shrestha, Pranita.
Climate resilience in architecture, infrastructure and urban environments. Analysis of RAMSES case study cities. Deliverable 2.3. European Community Seventh Framework Programme RAMSES - Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities.
Kallaos, James;
Acre, Fernanda;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Landa, Naia;
Ferrara, Floriana;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
RAMSES Project, Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities. Strategies, costs and impacts of adaptation to climate change. Funding source: European 7th Framework Programme, grant agreement no: 308497.
WP 2: Taxonomy of architecture and infrastructure indicators. Deliverable 2.4 Adaptation measures and corresponding indicators for resilient architecture and infrastructure.
Kallaos, James;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Mainguy, Gaell;
Houssin, L.;
Valentis, G.;
Ferrara, F.F..
Synthesis review on resilient architecture and infrastructure indicators. WP 2: Taxonomy of architecture and infrastructure indicators. Deliverable 2.1. European Community Seventh Framework Programme RAMSES - Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities.
Hatleskog, Eli;
Støa, Eli;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
The First Space at Brøset. A practical Investigation into Participation, Sustainability and Design Processes.
Doctoral dissertation
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Bharathi, Krishna;
Kallaos, James;
Acre, Fernanda;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Shrestha, Pranita.
RAMSES WP 2: Taxonomy of architecture and infrastructure indicators, 8 Comparative Case Cities: Gap analysis on resilient architecture and urban design.
European Commission
European Commission
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Landa, Naia;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Acre, Fernanda;
Bharathi, Krishna;
Kallaos, James.
RAMSES WP 2: Taxonomy of architecture and infrastructure indicators,Bilbao case: Gap analysis on resilient architecture and urban design.
European Commission
European Commission
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud;
Haase, Matthias;
Acre, Fernanda;
Dubois, Marie-Claude;
Op ‘T Veld, Per.
Work Package 6 - Monitoring of Results, Report on internal and external monitoring of results (D6.1) IDES-EDU Project, Master and Post Graduate education and training in multidisciplinary teams implementing EPBD and beyond (Grant Number IEE/09/631/SI2.558225).
Intelligent Energy Europe
Bach, Brigitte;
Schütz, Reinhard;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Madsen, Henrik;
Franz, Peter;
Ramón, María Pilar Górriz.
SET-plan Education and Training Initiative. Assessment Report for "Smart Cities" (Energy-efficient buildings, thermal energy networks, and smart cities integration aspects).
European Commission
European Commission
Sylvester, Morten;
Sørumgård, Marit ;
Sandbakk, Elin;
Skotland, Christer Heen;
Hatleskog, Eli;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Kunnskapslarm. Dreiebok for delutstillingen Forskning og framtid.
NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Aschehoug, Øyvind;
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
Intelligent Building Envelopes - Architectural Concept & Applications for Daylighting Quality.
NTNU Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Sylvester, Morten;
Sørumgård, Marit ;
Tunstad, Hege Jørgensen;
Oestvang, Janne;
Skotland, Christer Heen;
Gatzschmann, Per.
Forskning og framtid.
Forskning og framtid
Museum exhibition
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Joli, Siri M L.
Workshop EERA "virtual smart city” platform 2nd session.
Other product
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Joli, Siri M L.
Workshop Smart Cities Virtual Platform.
Other product
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Workshop - Positive Energy Districts
Project 90112700.
Other product
Juhasz-Nazy, Eszter;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Fladvad Nielsen, Brita;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Neumann, Hans-Martin;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Holistic planning approaches - starting with a common ground: Work available on JPI Urban Europe
Fosso, Olav B;
Bredesen, Arne Mathias;
Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta;
Korsnes, Marius;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne.
Progress report: October 1st 2014 to June 30th 2016
for all the JRC-areas.
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Website (informational material)
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
"Improving People’s Well-being – The Key to Renovation Acceptance" Newsletter of the European project ZenN, Nearly Zero Energy Neighbourhoods, funded by the European 7th Framework Programme (Grant Agreement no: 314363).
Website (informational material)
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Solar Update, Vol. 6-Subtask C: Case Studies and Action Research.
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Acre, Fernanda;
Wyckmans, Annemie.
Examining the influence of renovation options on architectural values and cultural heritage. Newsletter of the European project ZenN, Nearly Zero Energy Neighbourhoods, funded by the European 7th Framework Programme (Grant Agreement no: 314363).
Website (informational material)
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wellinger, Steffen.
Website (informational material)
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Thomsen, Judith.
(2009) Brøset - Towards a carbon neutral housing settlement.
Website (informational material)
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Lazarevic, Sladana; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa. (2024) New European Bauhaus: Arkitektur som pådriver for et vakkert og inkluderende grønt skifte. ArchFest (Haugesund International Film Festival) , Haugesund 2024-08-19 - 2024-08-19
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Ahlers, Dirk; Khaleghi, Marjan; Weir, Katherine; Navarra, Deborah; Berbic, Nadira. (2024) Re-Value City Visit Burgas (Black Sea City Visits). Re-Value / ICLEI / NTNU / Burgas Municipality Re-Value City Visit in Burgas , Burgas 2024-06-12 - 2024-06-14
LectureKhaleghi, Marjan; Weir, Katherine; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2024) Re-Value Impact Model Workshop. NTNU / Re-Value with Burgas Municipality Re-Value Impact Model Workshop , Burgas 2024-06-11 - 2024-06-11
Academic lectureCamilli, Francesco; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B.. (2024) Supporting Climate Neutrality in Cities: testing the NEB Impact Model and Story-Building . UERA UERA Conference 2024: Building Urban Transformative Capacity: Empowering cities/Urban actors by experimentation, cooperation and learning (22 February 2024) · Indico@KIT , Karlsruhe 2024-02-22 -
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Røkke, Nils Anders; Tomasgard, Asgeir; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Gullbrekken, Lars; Hafner, Armin. (2024) As our energy demands increase, so the planet continues to overheat. But there is still hope. NorwegianSciTech News NorwegianSciTech News [Internet] 2024-11-07
Popular scientific lectureAhlers, Dirk; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Reina, Alessia Helena Claudia Maria; Eiliott, Helene. (2024) Narratives and collaboration in NEB-STAR. Northern NEB Lights – The Power of Narratives. Side event @ New European Bauhaus Festival 2024-04-09 -
Popular scientific lectureAhlers, Dirk; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2024) Re-Value: Experiences in Co-Creation for Urban Quality & Climate Neutrality. Smart City Marketplace EC Pavilion, Smart City Expo Barcelona 2024 , Barcelona 2024-11-06 -
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa; Navarra, Deborah; Reina, Alessia Helena Claudia Maria; Mohajermoghari, Nikoo. (2023) Open Living Lab Days Barcelona. CrAFt Open Space Discussions: NEB Alliance (Travelling Tree of Desire) , Open Living Lab Days Barcelona 2023-09-21 - 2023-09-23
LectureHansen, Cristine; Eiliott, Helene; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Mohajermoghari, Nikoo; Reina, Alessia Helena Claudia Maria; Navarra, Deborah. (2023) Open Living Lab Days Barcelona 2023. NEB-STAR and CrAFt The Art of transitioning - artistic contribution towards inclusive, aesthetic and sustainable future , Open Living Lab Days Barcelona 2023 2023-09-21 - 2023-09-21
LectureMajor, Anne-Lise Sagen; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2023) Samspill på tvers av sektorer – Hvordan Ålesund ble fyrtårnby i Horisont Europa. NTNU Bærekraft NTNU Bærekraft avslutningsseminar , Trondheim 2023-12-08 - 2023-12-08
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2023) ReCrAFting Cities. Arts and culture for sustainable urban spaces. Introduction to Creating Actionable Futures – CrAFt. Breakout session | Brainstorming with speakers and participants. Summary. CrAFt / European Cultural Foundation ReCrAFting Cities. Arts and culture for sustainable urban spaces , Online 2023-12-06 - 2023-12-06
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Gaitani, Niki; Aalto, Pasi Olav. (2023) Bærekraftige byer – status, kunnskapsglimt og anbefalinger. NTNU Bærekraft NTNU Bærekraft avslutningsseminar , Trondheim 2023-12-08 - 2023-12-08
Popular scientific lectureAhlers, Dirk; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Riedesel, Kelly Kay. (2023) +CityxChange Final Conference. NTNU, +CityxChange +CityxChange Final Conference , Trondheim 2023-10-03 - 2023-10-03
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa. (2023) Smart Cities Expo World Congress Barcelona. CrAFt Networking Islands , Barcelona 2023-11-07 - 2023-11-07
LectureReina, Alessia Helena Claudia Maria; Navarra, Deborah; Mohajermoghari, Nikoo; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2023) New European Bauhaus Alliance - Open Space Discussion. CrAFt Open Living Lab Days Barcelona , Barcelona 2023-09-21 - 2023-09-21
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa. (2023) Smart Cities Expo World Congress Barcelona. CrAFt Congress Session , Barcelona 2023-11-08 - 2023-11-08
LectureJunqueira de Andrade, Elisa; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2023) Smart Cities Expo World Congress Barcelona. CrAFt Networking Islands , Barcelona 2023-11-08 - 2023-11-08
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2023) Klimanøytrale byer - hvordan løse dette lokalt? Frokostseminar med paneldebatt. Brød & Miljø / Tekna / NTNU Brød & Miljø: Klimanøytrale byer , Trondheim & online 2023-01-10 - 2023-01-10
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Berbic, Nadira; Kuzmic, Michal; Nielsen, Per Sieverts. (2023) EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities Networking Island. EC projects on climate-neutral and smart cities Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona , Barcelona 2023-11-07 - 2023-11-09
LectureJunqueira de Andrade, Elisa; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Reina, Alessia Helena Claudia Maria; Navarra, Deborah. (2023) CrAFt Networking Island. EC projects on climate-neutral and smart cities Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona , Barcelona 2023-11-07 - 2023-11-09
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Hustad, Johan Einar; Bremvåg, Annika. (2023) Innspillsmøte: klimatoppmøte Midt-Norge. NTNU Bærekraft og NTNU Energi Innspillsmøte: klimatoppmøte Midt-Norge , Trondheim 2023-01-12 - 2023-01-12
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa; Wang, Yu. (2022) CrAFting the Future. Student Participatory Lab: Impact Models and Circularity for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities . CrAFt / NTNU / ELIA European Week of Regions and Cities , Online 2022-10-11 - 2022-10-11
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Ahlers, Dirk; Riedesel, Kelly Kay. (2022) +CityxChange Consortium Meeting & Learning Session. NTNU / Písek Municipality / +CityxChange +CityxChange Consortium Meeting & Learning Session , Písek 2022-11-10 - 2022-11-11
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2022) Missions, New European Bauhaus, klimanøytrale og smarte byer. Brød og Miljø / NAL Brød & Miljø: EUs grønne giv, taksonomi og New European Bauhaus , online / Oslo 2022-03-02 - 2022-03-02
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2022) Panel discussion on “The European Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities: Pathways to Climate Neutrality and International Outreach" . European Commission DG RTD / UN Habitat World Urban Forum Networking event on “The European Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities: Pathways to Climate Neutrality and International Outreach” (NE92) , Katowice 2022-06-28 - 2022-06-28
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Borsboom, Judith. (2022) Systemic Changes in Governance (workshop). EnergyCities in cooperation w Scalable Cities, +CityxChange FORUM 2022 , Brussels 2022-04-21 - 2022-04-21
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Lee, Chin-Yu; Thomsen, Judith. (2022) Innspillsmøte Klimaplan Trondheim. SINTEF / NTNU / TK Innspillsmøte Klimaplan Trondheim ved NTNU/SINTEF , Trondheim 2022-06-16 - 2022-06-16
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa; Ahlers, Dirk. (2022) Making NEB transformations happen: Views from the CrAFt Sandbox Cities. CrAFt / NTNU NEB Festival side event by CrAFt , Brussel 2022-06-10 - 2022-06-10
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa. (2022) New European Bauhaus proof urban projects. CrAFt / NTNU NEB Festival side event (exhibition) , Brussels 2022-06-09 - 2022-06-12
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Lee, Chin-Yu. (2022) Trondheim som en av EUs 112 klimanøytrale byer. Næringsforeningen i Trondheim (NiTR) Innspillsmøte Klimaplan ved Næringsforeningen i Trondheim , Trondheim 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-15
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2022) Forventninger til og vurdering av mulighetsrommet i EU Cities Mission og Climate Mission ved norske forskere i CIENS, NTNU og NORCE. CIENS & Norges Forskningsråd Samfunnsoppdragene om klimanøytrale byer og klimarobuste regioner: hvordan kan forskerne bidra og hva er deres rolle? , Oslo / online 2022-06-17 - 2022-06-17
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa. (2022) CrAFt booth (Creating Actionable Futures). NetZeroCities / EU Cities Mission NetZeroCities kick-off event , Brussels 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-13
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Ahlers, Dirk; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa. (2022) Project presentations on +CityxChange, CrAFt, MIDAS, MIT. NTNU & MIT NTNU - MIT meeting , Trondheim 2022-08-30 - 2022-08-30
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Ahlers, Dirk; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa. (2022) NEB-STAR Kick-off meeting. NTNU / NEB-STAR NEB-STAR Kick-off meeting , Stavanger 2022-10-18 - 2022-10-20
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2022) RETHINKING Cities panel discussion. Berlin Science Week / ETH Zürich Berlin Science Week , Berlin 2022-11-05 - 2022-11-05
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B.. (2022) Integrated PED framework workshop. Eur. Energy Research Alliance Joint Programme Smart Cities Integrated PED framework workshop , Online 2022-03-09 - 2022-03-09
LectureVandevyvere, Han Hendrik B.; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2022) 112 Climate Neutral Cities: where to start (workshop). Nordic Edge Expo Smart Cities Marketplace / CrAFt workshop , Stavanger 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-11
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa; Ahlers, Dirk. (2022) CrAFt project kick-off meeting. NTNU / CrAFt CrAFt project kick-off meeting , Trondheim 2022-05-12 - 2022-05-13
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Thomsen, Judith; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Blakstad, Siri Hunnes. (2022) Launch of Climate-Neutral Trondheim cooperation (Trondheim municipality, NTNU, SINTEF). NTNU, SINTEF, Trondheim municipality Launch of Climate-Neutral Trondheim cooperation , Trondheim 2022-05-12 - 2022-05-12
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Ahlers, Dirk; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa. (2022) +CityxChange ledermøte med norske partnere, i samarbeid med Trondheim kommune. Trondheim kommune, NTNU / +CityxChange +CityxChange Ledermøte med norske partnere og interessenter , Trondheim 2022-05-30 - 2022-05-30
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa; Ahlers, Dirk. (2022) CrAFt Cities kick-off event. CrAFt / NTNU / CVUT CrAFt Cities Kick-off Event , Prague 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-09
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2022) Panelsamtale om "Under pressure: Motstandsdyktige byer". Oslo Urban Week Oslo Urban Week , Oslo 2022-09-15 - 2022-09-15
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2022) Local collaborative governance. EC DG ENER, NTNU, EU-prosjekt (+CityxChange, IRIS, digiNEB) Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona, booth session , Barcelona 2022-11-16 - 2022-11-16
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa. (2022) European Energy Research Alliance Joint Programme on Smart Cities - Strategy Week. EERA JPSC / NTNU / ENEA EERA JPSC Week , Bergamo 2022-11-30 - 2022-12-02
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa. (2022) CrAFt - Klimanøytrale byer (presentasjon + paneldeltagelse). CIENS & Forskningsrådet Samfunnsoppdrag, klimanøytrale byer og klimarobuste regioner: Hvordan kan forskerne bidra, og hva er deres rolle? , Oslo 2022-06-17 - 2022-06-17
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2022) Making the climate transition irresistible!. United Future Lab Norway Do look up! , Online / Ålesund 2022-04-08 - 2022-04-08
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Borsboom, Judith. (2022) Systemic changes in governance - What do cities really need to do for becoming climate-neutral?. Energy Cities Energy Cities Forum 2022 - Transition Leaders Programme , Brussels 2022-04-21 - 2022-04-21
InterviewAndalib, Elham; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2022) "CrAFting the Future" Student Participatory Lab: Impact Models and Circularity for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities - 11PL22491. [Internet] 2022-10-11
InterviewRingstad, Ole Marius Skytterholm; Haugan, Idun; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2021) NTNU becomes partner to the New European Bauhaus initiative. Norwegian SchiTech news Norwegian SchiTech news [Business/trade/industry journal] 2021-05-12
Academic lectureAhlers, Dirk; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2021) Challenges in Replication and Scaling of PEDs: Technical and Organisational Partnerships. NordicEdge/UiS Nordic Edge/UiS Research Symposium on Smart Cities — Session: Positive Energy Districts as vehicle towards smart and sustainable cities , Stavanger 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-22
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2021) Making climate-neutral cities irresistible. Tedx Trondheim Tedx Trondheim , Trondheim 2021-11-21 - 2021-11-21
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B; Gollner, Christoph. (2021) PED City Panel Workshop. SET-Plan Action 3.2 + EERA JP Smart Cities PED City Panel Workshop , Online 2021-11-11 - 2021-11-11
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2021) Climate-neutral, inclusive, beautiful and sustainable city districts. FTAL Assoc of Swiss Schools of Engin, Arch & Life Sciences FTAL Conference 2021 Sustainable Smart Cities and Regions , Lugano 2021-10-28 - 2021-10-29
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Ahlers, Dirk; Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B. (2021) +CxC PED Integrated Framework. NTNU / +CityxChange +CxC PED Integrated Framework , Online 2021-11-29 - 2021-11-29
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2021) Beyond Technology: The Clean Energy Transition for smart, beautiful, and sustainable cities and communities. EERA European Energy Research Alliance European Sustainable Energy Week , Online 2021-10-14 - 2021-10-14
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2021) Integrated Planning, Policy and Regulations Workshop on the New European Bauhaus. Smart Cities Marketplace i samarbeid med +CityxChange Smart Cities Marketplace Forum , Online 2021-06-09 - 2021-06-10
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2021) Bridging Gaps between Ideas, Innovations and Markets to Accelerate Clean Energy Innovation. Mission Innovation Online Roundtable "Bridging Gaps between Ideas, Innovations and Markets to Accelerate Clean Energy Innovation" , Online 2021-06-22 - 2021-06-22
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Laanke, Berit. (2021) Åpning av Gemini-senter om Klimanøytrale og sosialt innovative byer. NTNU/SINTEF Åpning av Gemini-senter om Klimanøytrale og sosialt innovative byer , Online / Trondheim 2021-10-25 - 2021-10-25
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2021) Klimanøytrale og sosialt innovative byer. Konkurransekraft, utvikling og omstilling i samfunnet og næringslivet . NFR Seminar for porteføljstyre energi, transport og lavutslipp , Online 2021-04-21 - 2021-04-21
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2021) Horizon Europe Norwegian Urban Partnership (HEU NUP) . OsloMet Projects for Norwegian participation in the design of Horizon Europe , online 2021-03-25 - 2021-03-25
LectureCosta, Simona; kruizinga, eelco; de Almeida, Jorge Rodrigues; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2021) Mentoring on Integrated planning and Digital Twins. Smart Cities Marketplace i samarbeid med +CityxChange Smart Cities Marketplace webinar , Online 2021-09-01 - 2021-09-01
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Sanden, Mari; Schneider, Florian. (2021) NTNU & New European Bauhaus. NTNU, Nordic Edge New European Bauhaus , Stavanger 2021-09-23 - 2021-09-23
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Laanke, Berit; Baer, Daniela. (2021) Towards 100 Climate-Neutral and Socially Innovative Cities. NTNU, SINTEF, Nordic Edge Towards 100 Climate-Neutral and Socially Innovative Cities , Stavanger 2021-09-20 - 2021-09-20
LectureVandevyvere, Han Hendrik B; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2021) Pathways to PEBs: The Clean Energy Package . NTNU / +CityxChange +CityxChange Learning Session , Online 2021-04-23 - 2021-04-23
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2021) EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities Week: Updates, Positive Energy Districts, Climate-Neutral Cities, and Strategic Agenda. NTNU / EERA EERA JPSC Week , Online 2021-05-18 - 2021-05-21
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2021) Positive Energy Districts that are inclusive, beautiful, resilient and sustainable: towards a European framework. VITO/Energyville Energy Mission 2021 , Genk & online 2021-10-21 - 2021-10-22
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Myrstad, Marit; Livik, Klaus. (2021) Regulatory Frameworks initiative. Smart Cities Marketplace i samarbeid med +CityxChange Integrated Planning Policy and Regulations Action Cluster meeting , Online 2021-11-09 - 2021-11-09
Popular scientific lectureSanden, Mari; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2020) Veien til klimanøytrale og sosialt innovative byer (pitch til NRK). NRK Pitchedag til vitenskapelige prosjekter , online 2020-11-26 - 2020-11-26
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2020) Welcome, introduction to +CityxChange. Trondheim kommune Climathon Trondheim 2020 , Trondheim 2020-11-13 - 2020-11-13
Academic lectureGohari, Savis; Lynch, Sheryl; Singh, Mallika; Rood, Daniel; Hynes, William; Karatzoudi, Konstantina. (2020) An integrated PXI–Governance approach to participatory monitoring and evaluation in +CityxChange . Kemmy Business School (KBS), University of Limerick the 7th biennial International Symposium on Cross-Sector Social Interactions (CSSI 2020) , Limerick 2020-06-23 - 2020-06-26
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Wang, Yu; Mueller, Bernhard. (2020) Socially integrative cities in the age of COVID-19. Politecnico di Torino + South China University of Technoly Closing session of the Shenzhen - Hong Kong biennale "Eyes of the City" , online 2020-04-18 - 2020-04-18
Academic lectureAhlers, Dirk; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2020) +CityxChange – A Lighthouse for Positive Energy Districts. AWC2020, Busan municipality AWC 2020 , Busan, online 2020-09-17 - 2020-09-17
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2020) Innovation & Entrepreneurship for People-Centred Smart Sustainable Cities. NTNU Smart Sustainable Society: Exploring quadruple helix collaboration between India - Norway for the SDGs , India Habitat Centre, New Delhi 2020-02-04 - 2020-02-04
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B.. (2020) PED Webinar: Definition and Regulatory Frameworks (+CxC / ZEN). NTNU PED Talks , Online / Trondheim 2020-03-13 - 2020-03-13
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2020) EERA JPSC Strategic Activities. EERA EERA ExCo meeting , online 2020-03-19 - 2020-03-19
Popular scientific lectureAhlers, Dirk; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2020) +CityxChange Innovation Labs. NordicEdge Nordic Edge 2020. Workshop: Urban Living Labs , Stavanger 2020-09-24 -
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2020) Pådriv + NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities / Sustainability (workshop). NTNU i samarbeid med Pådriv Pådriv + NTNU Smart Sustainability Workshop / Sustainability , Trondheim 2020-02-24 - 2020-02-24
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Lavik, Karina; Laderud, Øyvind; Müller, Anders R.; Mjøen, Kristian. (2020) Veien til klimanøytrale og sosialt innovative byer?. NTNU i samarbeid med KS Veien til klimanøytrale og sosialt innovative byer? , Online / Trondheim 2020-11-23 - 2020-11-23
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B.. (2020) Getting building owners on board & Putting agreements in place for the work to take place (learning session). NTNU / +CityxChange +CityxChange Learning Session , online 2020-03-25 - 2020-03-25
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B.; Myrstad, Marit; Livik, Klaus. (2020) PED Talks: Definition and Regulations. NTNU / +CityxChange PED Talks , Trondheim / online 2020-03-13 - 2020-03-13
Popular scientific lectureSanden, Mari; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2020) 100 klimanøytrale byer innen 2030: Bli med på reisen mot framtida – for verden. NRK / NTNU Pitchedag med NRK , online 2020-11-26 - 2020-11-26
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2020) Green Deal Cities. The role of universities and international collaboration for sustainable urban development. Innovation Norway Norway-Singapore Science Week 2020 , Online 2020-10-26 - 2020-10-26
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Myrstad, Marit; Livik, Klaus. (2020) The Regulatory Framework Initiative (Smart Cities Marketplace). Smart Cities Marketplace i samarbeid med +CityxChange Launch of new Smart Cities Marketplace Initiative on Regulatory Frameworks , Online 2020-10-21 - 2020-10-21
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B.. (2020) PED Talk: What if COVID-19 isn't the biggest threat. NTNU / +CityxChange PED Talk , Online 2020-06-16 - 2020-06-16
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk. (2020) The use of DLT in PEDs (+CxC learning session). NTNU / +CityxChange +CityxChange Learning Session , Online / Trondheim 2020-03-25 - 2020-03-25
Academic lectureAhlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2019) Co-Creation of Positive Energy Blocks. NTNU NordicZEB+, 1st Nordic conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings , Trondheim 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-06
Popular scientific lectureAhlers, Dirk; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2019) CityxChange -- A Lighthouse Project for Building a Positive Energy District. NordicEdge NordicEdge China - Workshop: People-driven Smart Sustainable Cities , Beijing 2019-04-09 - 2019-04-10
Popular scientific lectureWang, Yu; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2019) EU-China Research & Innovation Agenda on Sustainable Urbanisation . Nordic Edge Expo 2019-09-24 - 2019-09-27
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2019) Beyond Smart Cities: Open Urban Innovation (SDG17). Universitet i Bergen Bærekraftskonferansen 2019 , Bergen 2019-02-06 - 2019-02-08
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2019) Empowering people in smart sustainable cities. NTNU The Big Challenge Science Festival 2019 , Trondheim 2019-06-16 - 2019-06-19
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2019) The transformative effect of smart sustainable cities and its impact on markets. Centre for digital transformation, University of Agder Digital transformation of society: challenges and knowledge needs , Kristiansand 2019-04-29 - 2019-04-29
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard. (2019) Smarte, bærekraftige byer. Ålesund kommune, region og NTNU Samspillskonferanse , Ålesund 2019-02-08 - 2019-02-08
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2019) NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities in China. NTNU NTNU China Forum , Trondheim 2019-03-12 - 2019-03-12
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2018) Chair of Session on "Smart grids, Access to energy, and District heating and cooling systems" . DTU & EERA Nordic Clean Energy Week, Mission Innovation Challenges , København 2018-05-24 - 2018-05-24
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2018) Smart Cities. EERA EERA Conference 2018, Session 5 , Brussels 2018-06-26 - 2018-06-27
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard. (2018) Europe’s ambitions to create 100 Positive Energy Districts by 2025, and our contribution through the +CityxChange Lighthouse Project . NTNU, Shanghai Jiao Tong University & Tsinghua University SiNoPSE Summer School Opening Day , Trondheim 2018-08-06 - 2018-08-06
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2018) Moderator of Discussion Table on "Facilitating the execution of SET-Plan implementation plans with and for the Implementation Working Groups". EERA EERA Summer Strategy Meeting , Dubiecko 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-06
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard. (2018) +CityxChange, 100 PEDs & Cooperation with China. NTNU, Shanghai Jiao Tong University & Tsinghua University SiNoPSE Summer School Closing Day , Trondheim 2018-08-17 - 2018-08-17
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard. (2018) SET-Plan Action 3.2. 100 Positive Energy Districts by 2025. EERA EERA JP Coordinator Meeting , Brussels 2018-12-04 - 2018-12-04
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard. (2018) The +CityxChange Smart City Lighthouse project – Open Urban Innovation 2.0. Nordic Edge Nordic Edge Expo 2018, Expo Stage Program , Stavanger 2018-09-26 - 2018-09-26
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard; Wang, Yu. (2018) +CityxChange - 100 PEDs - China Cooperation. Nordic Edge & Innovation Norway Nordic Edge Expo 2018 , Stavanger 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-25
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard; Wang, Yu. (2018) +CityxChange - 100 PEDs - China cooperation. NTNU Dialogue meeting with delegation from CASS , Trondheim 2018-08-28 - 2018-08-28
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard; Wang, Yu. (2018) +CityxChange - 100 PEDs - China cooperation. NTNU, Trondheim kommune & Innovation Norway Dialogue meeting with delegation by Innovation Norway China on environmental protection , Trondheim 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-17
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard; Wang, Yu. (2018) The +CityxChange Smart City Lighthouse Project and potential cooperation towards China. Innovation Norway China & Nordic Edge Norway-China Green Smart City Forum: From Green Building to Green Smart City , Nordic Edge Expo, Stavanger 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-25
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard. (2018) Transforming Cities and Buildings: what systemic innovation is needed?. SET-Plan Steering Group / European Commission SET-Plan Conference Session 4 , Vienna 2018-11-20 - 2018-11-21
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard. (2018) The +CityxChange Smart City Lighthouse Project Contribution to Positive Energy Districts & Cities. NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities Dialogue meeting between NTNU and Innovation Norway Korea , Trondheim 2018-11-19 - 2018-11-19
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard. (2018) The +CityxChange Smart City Lighthouse Project Contribution to Positive Energy Districts & Cities. NTNU Dialogue meeting between NTNU and delegation of Jiangsu Province, China , Trondheim 2018-11-19 - 2018-11-19
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Wibe, Håvard; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur. (2018) Positive City ExChange. EERA JP Smart Cities "100 PEDs by 2025" Workshop during Smart City Expo Barcelona , Barcelona 2018-11-13 - 2018-11-13
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard. (2018) Launch of the Horizon 2020 Project +CityxChange. NTNU NTNU European Conference , Brussels 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-26
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Wang, Yu; Aune, Pål Jarle. (2018) Urban Innovation as a Driver for EU-China Cooperation. China Academy of Urban Planning and Design The 2018 China-EU Conference on Sustainable Urbanisation “Digital Xiong’an: Empowering the Future" , Beijing 2018-12-12 - 2018-12-12
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wibe, Håvard; Wang, Yu; Rød, Jan Ketil. (2018) Systemic solutions for, with and in cities: Public-Private-People Partnerships, Innovation Playgrounds & Urban Living Labs. China Academy of Urban Planning and Design EU-China Living Lab Working Meeting , Jingdezhen Municipality 2018-10-18 - 2018-10-18
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk; Wang, Yu. (2018) How to build a positive energy city in Norway and China. NTNU, Tsinghua University & Shanghai Jiao Tong University Symposium on Sustainable Energy The Importance of Sino-Norwegian Cooperation , Shanghai 2018-12-14 - 2018-12-15
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Gustavsen, Arild; Wang, Yu. (2017) Zero Emission Buildings and Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities Opportunities for Cooperation on Education, Research and Innovation . Innovation Norway China Erna Solberg's Industry Delegation to China , Beijing 2017-04-07 - 2017-04-07
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John. (2017) Utvikling av ZEN-definisjon (Design og planlegging). NTNU ZEN-partnermøte , Trondheim 2017-04-27 - 2017-04-27
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John. (2017) Utvikling av ZEN-definisjon (Energiforsyning). NTNU ZEN-partnermøte , Trondheim 2017-04-27 - 2017-04-27
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John; Brattebø, Helge; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie. (2017) WP1 Analytical Framework for Design and Planning of ZEN. ZEN + Fraunhofer ZEN Study trip Fraunhofer , Freiburg 2017-02-15 - 2017-02-15
PosterLausselet, Carine; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Wyckmans, Annemie; Brattebø, Helge. (2017) LCA methods for zero emission neighbourhood concepts in smart cities. ISIE/ISST 2017 Joint Conference , Chicago 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-29
PosterLausselet, Carine; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Wyckmans, Annemie; Brattebø, Helge. (2017) LCA methods for zero emission neighbourhood concepts in smart cities. Life Cycle Management (LCM) Conference 2017-09-03 - 2017-09-06
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Brattebø, Helge; Krogstie, John; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie. (2017) WP 1 Analytical framework for design and planning of ZEN . ZEN + EnergyVille ZEN Study trip EnergyVille , Genk 2017-02-14 - 2017-02-14
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Gustavsen, Arild; Wang, Yu. (2017) Smart Low Carbon Buildings, Districts and Cities. Tsinghua University, NTNU and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Summer School "Sustainable Energy in Cities" , Beijing 2017-08-07 - 2017-08-07
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Gustavsen, Arild; Wang, Yu. (2017) Zero Emission Buildings and Neighborhoods in Smart Cities. Innovation Norway China Meeting with Zhenjiang local authorities , Zjenjiang 2017-05-19 - 2017-05-19
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Gustavsen, Arild; Wang, Yu. (2017) Zero Emission Buildings and Neighborhoods in Smart Cities. Innovation Norway China World Green Design Organisation seminar , Beijing 2017-05-18 - 2017-05-18
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Wang, Yu. (2017) Smart Urban Transformations: People-Centred Design and Decision Support for Urban Complexity . China Academy of Urban Planning and Design Guest lecture , Beijing 2017-05-15 - 2017-05-15
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John; Ahlers, Dirk. (2017) ZEN Definition and indicators. NTNU ZEN-partnermøte , Oslo 2017-06-07 - 2017-06-07
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John; Ahlers, Dirk; Brattebø, Helge; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie. (2017) WP 1 Analytical Framework for Design and Planning of ZEN. ZEN ZEN-styremøte , Oslo 2017-09-14 - 2017-09-15
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John; Ahlers, Dirk; Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Brattebø, Helge. (2017) ZEN WP1 Arbeidsplan 2018-2019. ZEN ZEN-partnermøte , Trondheim 2017-11-21 - 2017-11-22
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Gustavsen, Arild; Wang, Yu. (2017) Zero Emission Buildings and Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities Opportunities for Cooperation. Innovasjon Norge Kina + Tianjin Dongli District Green Buildings and Smart Cities seminar , Tianjin, Dongli District 2017-05-17 - 2017-05-17
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Wang, Yu; Borsboom, Judith. (2017) URBAN-EU-CHINA Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanization . Innovation Norway China & Shanghai authorities Dialogue meeting between Innovation Norway, NTNU, Nordic Edge and Shanghai authorities , Shanghai 2017-05-23 - 2017-05-23
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Wang, Yu; Borsboom, Judith. (2017) URBAN-EU-CHINA Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanization . Innovation Norway China & Ningbo authorities Dialogue meeting between Innovation Norway, NTNU, Nordic Edge and Ningbo authorities , Ningbo 2017-05-22 - 2017-05-22
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Wang, Yu; Borsboom, Judith. (2017) Recommendation about China-Europe Sustainable Urbanization . World Green Design Organisation World Green Design Forum , Yangzhou 2017-05-20 - 2017-05-20
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Wang, Yu; Borsboom, Judith. (2017) Smart Urban Transformations: People-Centred Design and Decision Support for Urban Complexity . Xi'an University of Science and Technology First International Conference on Low Carbon Cities, Neighbourhoods and Buildings , Xi'an 2017-05-25 - 2017-05-26
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2017) A EERA Research and Innovation Roadmap for Smart Cities. Nordic Edge + NTNU + EERA Nordic Edge Expo 2017, Seminar on Smart City Transformation Pathways , Stavanger 2017-09-28 - 2017-09-28
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Joli, Siri M L. (2017) Workshop "Smart City Transformation Pathways". Nordic Edge Nordic Edge Expo 2017 , Stavanger 2017-09-28 - 2017-09-28
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John. (2017) Utvikling ZEN-definisjon (Bygg og materialer). NTNU ZEN-partnermøte , Trondheim 2017-05-03 - 2017-05-03
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Gustavsen, Arild; Wang, Yu. (2017) Smart Urban Transformations – From Trondheim to Xiongan . China Academy of Urban Planning and Design Strategic meeting to discuss the development of the Xiong'An area , Beijing 2017-05-13 - 2017-05-13
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John; Ahlers, Dirk; Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ; Brattebø, Helge; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo. (2017) Status i ZEN-arbeidspakke 1. ZEN ZEN-partnermøte , Trondheim 2017-11-21 - 2017-11-22
Academic lectureLindkvist, Carmel Margaret; Strand, Lillian; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2016) Identifying knowledge disconnections between project participants and end users. MINDER 2016-12-05 - 2017-12-07
Academic lectureAhlers, Dirk; Krogstie, John; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Lundli, Hans-Einar; Loveland, Simon-James; Rothballer, Carsten. (2016) Supporting Municipal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Inventories Using Business Process Modeling: A Case Study of Trondheim Municipality. Workshop on Sustainability-Aware Business Process Management 2016-09-19 -
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) Norwegian EU-network on Smart Cities and Communities. NFR EU-nettverkssamling NFR , Oslo 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-06
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities – ZEN. EERA JP Smart Cities EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities partner seminar , Prague 2016-06-29 - 2016-07-01
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) Smart Sustainable Cities. Miljødirektoratet Faglunsj Miljødirektoratet , Trondheim 2016-06-16 - 2016-06-16
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) The Knowledge Axis – From Trondheim to Norway, EU, China (and beyond). Climate-KIC Climate-KIC Campuses as living labs for smart sustainable cities , Trondheim 2016-06-08 - 2016-06-08
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) Moderator på workshop om Positive Energy Districts. EERA JP Smart Cities & UERA Positive Energy Districts (SET-Plan 3.2) , Prague 2016-06-30 - 2016-06-30
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) KPIs for Smart Liveable Cities: From Data to Design. DTU / CITIES CITIES 3rd General Consortium Meeting , Lyngby 2016-05-25 - 2016-05-25
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) Introduction to the conference. NTVA NTVA Nordic Smart Cities and Communities , Trondheim 2016-09-07 - 2016-09-07
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) Smart Sustainable Cities: From Planning to Implementation . CIENS CIENS Conference , Oslo 2016-10-13 - 2016-10-13
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) Smart Sustainable Cities and Communities. NTNU & Mo i Rana EU-nettverksmøte Smart Cities and Communities , Mo i Rana 2016-11-02 - 2016-11-02
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) Smarte bærekraftige byer - Fra planlegging til implementering. Tromsø kommune Morrakaffe , Tromsø 2016-11-08 - 2016-11-08
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) Framework conditions for cooperation to enhance impact of RDI projects: European perspectives. Dragon Star Plus Dragon Star Plus Expert Workshop Session 4: Urban transitions - Transition towards sustainable and liveable urban futures , Ningbo 2016-11-29 - 2016-11-30
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities. Nordic Innovation Smart City Expo Barcelona, Nordic session , Barcelona 2016-11-15 - 2016-11-15
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2016) Smarte byer og tettsteder. Nordland fylkeskommune Nordlandskonferansen 2016 , Bodø 2016-01-12 - 2016-01-14
LectureDriscoll, Patrick Arthur; Wyckmans, Annemie; Ahlers, Dirk. (2016) 24-hour Climathon Trondheim 2016. Climate Smart Through the Use of Data. Trondheim becomes climate smart: Carbon Track and Trace. NTNU + Climate-KIC Climathon Trondheim 2016 , Trondheim 2016-01-07 - 2016-01-08
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Ahlers, Dirk; Lundli, Hans-Einar. (2015) NTNU Perspectives I: Collaborating with Cities Carbon Track and Trace as an example. NTNU & Climate-KIC Climate Change, Innovation and Circular Economy, , Trondheim 2015-09-25 - 2015-09-25
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Borsboom, Judith. (2015) Smart Sustainable Cities – Convergence towards a vision & roadmap (Introduction + Workshop). NTNU, SINTEF & UiB Opening of Brussels office by NTNU, SINTEF & UiB , Brussel 2015-09-22 - 2015-09-23
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2015) Sustainable Energy in Cities: Summer School in China - Cooperation with Climate-KIC?. NTNU & Climate-KIC NTNUs Climate-KIC Kick-off , Trondheim 2015-09-24 - 2015-09-24
Academic lectureFerrara, F.F.; Wyckmans, Annemie; Galderisi, Adriana; Kallaos, James. (2015) Embodying resilience in urban development processes: suggestions for the future. European Commission European Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) Conference , Copenhagen 2015-05-12 - 2015-05-14
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2015) Future of the Building Stock in Smart Cities - Introduction. NTNU EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities - Thematic Workshop , Trondheim 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-18
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2015) Energy-Efficient Interactive Buildings. NTNU EERA JP Smart Cities Meeting - Pecha Kucha Session , Trondheim 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-18
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2015) Smart Energy Cities and Communities. NTNU Sino-Norwegian Seminars on Sustainability , Trondheim 2015-08-10 - 2015-08-11
LectureBredesen, Arne Mathias; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2015) Cooperation With China in the Energy Field. Joint Research Centre on Sustainable Energy NTNU-SJTU Meeting with Norwegian Consulate in Shanghai , Shanghai 2015-05-14 - 2015-05-14
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Aranya, Rolee. (2015) Smart Cities, Communities and Regions @ NTNU. NTNU, DTU and TU Berlin ClimateKIC Seminar Smart Sustainable Cities , Trondheim 2015-02-23 - 2015-02-25
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2015) Introduction to Solar Energy in Urban Planning. NTNU and IEA SHC Task 51 Solar Energy in Urban Planning Symposium , Trondheim 2015-03-20 - 2015-03-20
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2014) SCC-utlysninger. NTNU, SINTEF Byggforsk og Norges forskningsråd Dybdeworkshop H2020 EeB-SCC , Trondheim 2014-01-06 - 2014-01-06
Academic lectureLindkvist, Carmel Margaret; Wyckmans, Annemie; Acre, Fernanda. (2014) WP 4 Non technical drivers. Nearly Zero Energy Neighborhoods: ZenN-project 2014-04-03 - 2014-04-04
Academic lectureLindkvist, Carmel Margaret; Karlsson, Anja; Sørnes, Kari; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2014) Barriers and challenges in nZEB Projects in Sweden and Norway. Renewable Energy Research Conference 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-18
Academic lectureLindkvist, Carmel Margaret; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2014) Solar Energy in Urban Planning: Subtask C Case Studies and Action Research. Solar Heating and Cooling Programme/International Energy Agency Task 51 2014-03-21 - 2014-03-25
LectureLobaccaro, Gabriele; Tadi, Massimo; Wyckmans, Annemie; Palazzo, Danilo. (2014) Green design strategies for urban heat island mitigation in a solar optimized access Eixample via IMM® methodology. Green Building Council World Sustainable Building 2014 , Barcellona 2014-10-28 - 2014-10-30
Academic lectureLindkvist, Carmel Margaret; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2014) Solar Energy in Urban Planning: Subtask C Case Studies and Action Research. Solar Heating and Cooling Programme/International Energy Agency Task 51. Solar Energy in Urban Planning Task 51 meeting , Toronto 2014-09-25 - 2014-09-29
Academic lectureLindkvist, Carmel Margaret; Wyckmans, Annemie; Acre, Fernanda. (2014) WP 4 Non technical drivers. Nearly Zero Energy Neighborhoods: ZenN-project. ZenN Project meeting , Malmo 2014-10-30 - 2014-10-31
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2014) Towards a Joint Research Centre TERI – NTNU on Smart Energy Communities?. NTNU Visit of Indian ambassador to NTNU , Trondheim 2014-09-19 - 2014-09-19
LectureAcre, Fernanda; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2014) Where should energy renovation reach up to? Spatial Quality in Building Performance Assessments Tools, The case of Dwelling Renovation for Energy Efficiency Presented by Prof. Annemie Wyckmans. Funded by UNIFOR Norwegian Funds for Research 2014-05-15. WSB14 Conference, World Sustainable Building Conference 2014 , Barcelona 2014-10-28 - 2014-10-30
Academic lectureChen, Jinfeng; Dai, Yanjun; Good, Clara Stina; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2014) Experimental and theoretical study on solar assisted CO2 heat pump for space heating. International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry , Beijing 2014-10-13 - 2014-10-15
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2014) Smart Cities and Communities H2020 Calls 2014-2015. NTNU, SINTEF Byggforsk og Norges forskningsråd H2020 Dybdeworkshop , Oslo 2014-01-14 - 2014-01-14
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2014) Health-promoting architecture and urban environments: EU-China Cooperation opportunities. NTNU Housing for the elderly , Trondheim 2014-09-01 - 2014-09-01
LectureAndresen, Inger; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2014) Smart Sustainable Cities and Communities. Centre for Renewable Energy (SFFE) RERC2014 Renewable Energy Research Conference , Oslo 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-18
LectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2014) Facilitator of session "1B – Sector-based vulnerabilities and solutions". ICLEI ICLEI Resilient Cities Open European Day "European Cities adapt to climate change" , Bonn 2014-05-28 - 2014-05-28
Academic lectureBohne, Rolf André; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2013) Norwegian Smart Cities - Towards cross-scale indicators. TU Graz SB13 Graz - Sustainable Buildings,Construction Products & Technologies , Graz 2013-09-25 - 2013-09-28
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2013) Taxonomy of architecture and infrastructure indicators. ICLEI 1st Stakeholder Dialogue RAMSES , Brussel 2013-10-11 - 2013-10-11
Academic lectureBohne, Rolf André; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2013) Parallel commissioning. A new way of planning for a sustainable settlement. - The case of Brøset, Trondheim (Norway). ISIE, Univiersity of Ulsan The 7th Biennial ISIE Conference , Ulsan 2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28
Academic lectureAschehoug, Øyvind; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2013) From ZEB to Smart Cities. NTNU Norway - India Joint Working Group Seminar , Trondheim 2013-05-15 - 2013-05-15
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2013) Designing Energy Efficient Districts. China Centre for Urban Development and the DG RTD EU-China Workshop on Urbanisation Innovation , Foshan City 2013-05-29 - 2013-05-31
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2013) Om "Smart Cities"-initiativet. Norges Forskningsråd Informasjonsmøte fellesutlysning Urban Europe , Oslo 2013-06-20 - 2013-06-20
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2013) MSc in Sustainable Architecture: Challenges and experiences. NTNU Workshop on cooperation in higher education India-Norway , Trondheim 2013-05-16 - 2013-05-16
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie; Aschehoug, Øyvind. (2013) From Zero Emission Buildings to Smart Cities. NTNU India-Norway Joint Working Group on Education , Trondheim 2013-05-15 - 2013-05-15
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2012) Smarte Byer - Smarte Bygninger - Smarte Brukere. NTNU Technoport medlemsmøte , Trondheim 2012-02-09 - 2012-02-09
Academic lectureBohne, Rolf André; Huang, Lizhen; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2012) Cultural and historic values in sustainability assessment. Comparison of residential energy consumption in different geographical areas, and relevance for environmental policy. CIB SASBE2012 4th CIB International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environments , Sao Paulo 2012-06-27 - 2012-06-30
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2012) Consortium Architecture. NTNU EU Training Programme , Gløshaugen 2012-05-04 - 2012-05-04
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2012) Smart Cities - Smart Buildings - Smart Stakeholders. NTNU experiences from participation in EERA JP Smart Cities. DTU SEEIT Energy Efficiency Workshop , Copenhagen 2012-03-15 -
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2012) Arkitektonisk kvalitet. NTNU-IVT Faglærerkonferanse om ENØK-undervisning , Gløshaugen 2012-05-31 - 2012-06-01
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2012) Consortium Architecture. NTNU Dekanmøte , Gløshaugen 2012-03-05 - 2012-03-05
Academic lectureHaase, Matthias; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2012) Integrated energy design – the architectural approach. Technoport and Center for Reneable Energy Renewable Energy Research Conference RERC 2012 , Trondheim 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie; Bohne, Rolf André. (2012) Cross-scale indicators for the indirect impact of the built environment on sustainable lifestyles. The case of Brøset, Trondheim, Norway. CIB SASBE2012 4th CIB International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environments , Sao Paulo 2012-06-27 - 2012-06-30
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2012) Cross-scale indicators for resilient architecture. The case of Brøset, Trondheim, Norway. ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability Resilient Cities Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation , Bonn 2012-05-12 - 2012-05-15
InterviewWyckmans, Annemie. (2011) NTNU bygger miljøbygg i Madrid. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Newspaper] 2011-01-11
InterviewWyckmans, Annemie. (2011) Er dette verdens beste miljøhus?. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2011-01-18
InterviewWyckmans, Annemie. (2011) Norsk miljøhus kan bli verdens beste. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2011-01-18
Academic lectureHaase, Matthias; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2011) Master programme in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a zero emission built environment – lessons learnt from the first year of teaching. CIB, UNEP, VTT, RIL, iiSBE World Sustainable Building Conference (SB11) , Helsinki 2011-10-18 - 2011-10-21
Academic lectureFinocchiaro, Luca; Wyckmans, Annemie; Haase, Matthias. (2011) Architectural design and development of the ZE+hytte between didactics and research at NTNU,. Rete Vitruvio 2011-05-02 - 2011-05-06
Academic lectureFinocchiaro, Luca; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2011) Transitioning towards low impact housing. +hytte: designing for change. Architecture in the 4th dimension - Open Buildings 2011-11-15 - 2011-11-17
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie; De Gregorio, Sonia; Veiga, Carlos; Coelho, Dulce. (2011) Urban Regeneration as Transition Pathway towards Resilient Cities. Comparing Spanish, Norwegian & Portuguese National Programmes. European Urban Research Association EURA Conference 2011 The City without Limits , Copenhagen 2011-06-22 - 2011-06-25
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2011) Towards resilient architecture. The case of Brøset, Trondheim, Norway. ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability Resilient Cities. 2nd World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change , Bonn 2011-06-03 - 2011-06-05
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2011) Urban Regeneration as Transition Pathway towards Resilient Cities. Comparing Spanish, Norwegian & Portuguese National Programmes. ICLEI ICLEI European Convention 2011. Cities in Europe 2020 - Enhance Sustainability Now! , Brussels 2011-09-12 - 2011-09-14
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2011) Towards a Zero Emission Built Environment. Smart Cities - Smart Buildings - Smart Users. SEEIT European Strategic Partnership SEEIT Energy Efficiency Workshop , ENEA Headquarters, Rome 2011-04-04 - 2011-04-04
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2011) Brøset fra et forskerperspektiv. NAL ECOBOX Brød og Miljø , Oslo 2011-03-02 - 2011-03-02
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2011) Energy and Environment at NTNU-AB. NORDTEK, Åbo Akademi (language: Nordic and English) ENERGI-KLIMA: Utfordringer og Muligheter Er nordisk samarbeid en plattform for fremgang i å møte utfordringene? , Åbo 2011-06-17 - 2011-06-19
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie; Bohne, Rolf André. (2011) Parallel commissioning. A new way of planning for a sustainable settlement. The case of Brøset, Trondheim. iiSBE, RIL, VTT SB11 World Sustainable Building Conference , Helsinki 2011-11-18 - 2011-11-21
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2010) Deltagelse i paneldebatt om "The way into a sustainable society". RIPENSA programmet ved NTNU og IndEcol Seminar med Paul Stern (US National Academy of Sciences) om "The role of psychology in the transition process towards a sustainable society" , Dragvoll, NTNU, Trondheim 2010-08-26 - 2010-08-26
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2010) NTNUs forskning på bærekraft og arkitektur. Trondheim kommune og Ecobox/NAL Oppstartsseminar for Brøset parallelloppdrag , Trondheim 2010-10-20 - 2010-10-21
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2010) MSc in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a Zero Emission Built Environment. CSBS, iiSBE in co-operation with UNEP and CIB CESB10 Central Europe Sustainable Building 2010 , Prague 2010-06-30 - 2010-07-02
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2010) Chair in session "Environment 3". CSBS, iiSBE in co-operation with UNEP and CIB CESB10 Central Europe Sustainable Building 2010 , Prague 2010-06-30 - 2010-07-02
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie; Haase, Matthias. (2010) Master programme in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a zero emission built environment. Aalborg Universitet og Arkitektskolen i Aarhus Passivhus Norden konferanse , Aalborg 2010-10-07 - 2010-10-08
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2010) Environmental learning from the ivory tower to the town square: The case of Trondheim. ICLEI - Local governments for sustainability Resilient Cities 1st World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change , Bonn 2010-05-28 - 2010-10-30
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie; Gustavsen, Arild. (2010) MSc in Sustainable Architecture: Towards a zero emission built environment. Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk NTNU/SINTEF Energi Faglærerkonferanse om ENØK-undervisning , Trondheim 2010-05-27 - 2010-05-27
InterviewWyckmans, Annemie. (2009) Forskerpris til Annemie Wyckmans. Arkitektnytt 03/2009 p.36 Arkitektnytt 03/2009 p.36 [Newspaper] 2009-02-11
InterviewWyckmans, Annemie. (2009) Mastergrad i bærekraftig arkitektur ved NTNU. Utdanner en ny generasjon miljøvennlige arkitekter. Arkitektnytt Arkitektnytt [Internet] 2009-11-13
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2009) Towards carbon neutral settlements – processes, concept development and implementation. INTBAU International Network for Traditional Building, Archi Plansmie Åfjord: Årnes - Landsbyen mellom elvene , Årnes, Åfjord 2009-09-06 - 2009-09-11
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie; Andresen, Inger. (2009) Hvordan å utløse miljøpotensialet i arkitektur? På vei mot passivhus - og utover. Norges Bygg- og Eiendomsforening NBEFs årsmøte 2009 , Hurtigruta MS Midnatsol Trondheim-Bergen 2009-03-18 - 2009-03-19
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2009) Deltagelse Energy Camp "Energieffektivisering i byggesektoren". Grønn Boks Grønn Boks Energy Camp , Oslo 2009-01-27 - 2009-01-29
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2009) Towards carbon neutral settlements – processes, concept development and implementation. AVOE - A Vision of Europe Towards new eco-compact cities. Building a smart growth world , Bologna 2009-09-24 - 2009-09-27
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2009) Hvordan å utløse miljøpotensialet i arkitektur?. Akademikerne Grunnlag for ny vekst - den nordiske modellen i krisetider , Oslo 2009-02-11 - 2009-02-11
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie; Wellinger, Steffen. (2009) Fra 1030 til 2030. Klimautfordringer for fakultet for AB. "Paradoxes of design" finansert av NFR (FRIMUF) Sustainability, design and academic education , NTNU Dragvoll campus 2009-03-25 - 2009-03-25
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie; Hestnes, Anne Grete. (2009) Zero Emission Buildings. European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy ECEEE Summer Study , La Colle sur Loup, Nice 2009-06-01 - 2009-06-06
PosterAranya, Rolee; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2009) From the ivory tower to the town square. Exploring the role of academic institutions as actors for collective environmental learning: the Brøset case. The World Bank 5th Urban Research Symposium. Cities and climate change: Responding to an urgent agenda , Marseille 2009-06-28 - 2009-06-30
Popular scientific lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2009) Workshop: Brøset - A carbon neutral urban development project in Trondheim. Bergen School of Architecture Searching for new sustainable strategies in architecture and urbanism , Bergen 2009-01-23 - 2009-01-24
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2008) Curriculum design as a trigger for sustainability in architectural practice. The Council for European Urbanism (CEU) Climate Change and Urban Design. The 3rd International C.E.U Congress , Oslo 2008-09-14 - 2008-09-16
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2008) Miljø og ressursbruk som styrkeområde på fakultet for arkitektur og billedkunst. NTNU / Sintef Byggforsk Boligforum , Trondheim 2008-06-04 - 2008-06-04
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2008) Experiences from the courses “Energy- and environmentally friendly architecture” and “Experts in Team”. Husbanken Gjesteforelesning for Husbanken - internt , Trondheim 2008-09-18 - 2008-09-18
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2008) Education at NTNU - Environmental issues and resource use. Passivhus Norden Conference , Trondheim 2008-04-02 - 2008-04-03
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2008) Bærekraftig arkitektur for alle? Helse, omsorg & ressursvennlighet på Røros. Eksperter i Team vår 2008. Husbanken Fremtidens boliger for vanskeligstilte? Husbankens fagdag , Trondheim 2008-11-19 - 2008-11-19
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2008) Communicating sustainability in undergraduate architectural education. TIA and SBSE The Oxford Conference 2008 , Oxford 2008-07-22 - 2008-07-23
PosterWyckmans, Annemie; Farkas, Klaudia; Hestnes, Anne Grete. (2008) Experiences from the interdisciplinary student competition at NTNU and Chalmers in Spring 2008. COST Action C23 LCUBE. Strategies for a Low Carbon Urban Built Environment , Munchen 2008-09-24 - 2008-09-25
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie. (2007) The Interdisciplinary Design Process - Experiential Learning and Domestication. Danube University Krems TIA Teaching in Architecture Conference 2007 , Krems 2007-09-14 - 2007-09-15
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie; Hestnes, Anne Grete; Nordby, Anne Sigrid. (2006) Experts in Team. Teaching Sustainability in an Interdisciplinary Setting. University of Central Lancashire Global Built Environment. Towards an Integrated Approach for Sustainability , Preston 2006-09-11 - 2006-09-12
Academic lectureWyckmans, Annemie; Aschehoug, Øyvind; Hestnes, Anne Grete. (2005) Intelligent Building Envelopes - Application in the Field of Daylighting. IAEEL (Internat. Association for Energy Efficient Lighting) Right Light 6 - 6th International Conference on Energy Efficient Lighting , Shanghai 2005-05-09 - 2005-05-11
Academic lectureAschehoug, Øyvind; Wyckmans, Annemie; Andresen, Inger; Kleiven, Tommy. (2005) Intelligent Building Envelopes - Fad or Future?. Nordic Symposium on Building Physics , Reykjavik 2005-06-13 - 2005-06-15
Academic lectureAschehoug, Øyvind; Hestnes, Anne Grete; Stang, Jacob; Wyckmans, Annemie. (2003) BP Solar Skin - A Facade Concept for a Sustainable Future. ISES Solar World Congress 2003 , Göteborg, Sverige 2003-06-19 -