Energy Transition News

NTNU Energy Transition News



New start-up testing batteries with ZEN

We're installing new battery technology

We are involved in installing a new battery technology. A new start-up (Bryte) has developed new flow batteries that provide an overall increased efficiency. This is a spin-off activity of the +CityxChange and BEYOND projects together with Bryte.

As a first step, the new battery prototype will be installed in the ZEN building at Gløshaugen campus. The building has solar PV and other energy saving features.

In the +CityxChange project we have developed smart control application to buildings. Optimization models control energy assets in buildings to minimize energy usage. This is linked to the development of a Flexibility Market in Trondheim.

By supporting Bryte's battery deployment we will be able to demonstrate the potentials of this new technology and its value in a local electricity market.

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