Our objective is to develop safe and efficient human-machine interfaces and interaction for remote operation centres (ROCs).
MASS will for the foreseeable future be dependent on a land-based remote operation - centre (ROC). The role of the ROC will be to monitor the status of the ship, and to intervene if the automation fails. The location, removed from the context of the vessel, will be a great challenge in order to give adequate situation awareness to the ROC operators. The interaction among MASS-ROC and conventional ships will depend heavily on sensor and AIS information, as well as cooperation with the vessel traffic service (VTS).
The main research tasks are:
Task 3.1, which will research a reliable decision-support system for the ROC based on sensor fusion of available real-time environmental data and simulation models of the ship (“digital twin”)
Task 3.2, which will research a usable Human-centre designed based HMI for the ROC. With situation awareness and workload in mind, develop the interface humans and automation onboard and in the ROC, and means of communicate intentions to conventional ships.
Task 3.3, which will focus on research, procedures, manning and competence needs for ROC Research the needed competence for the new “mariners” in the ROC and also work procedures and division of labour between operators and automation.
Task 3.4, which will focus on iteratively, to verify usability and validate performance in the ROC in simulators and at sea. The prototypes developed will be tested with end users at the NTNU simulator centre in Ålesund and on the research vessel Gunnerus.
AI decision transparency in autonomous maritime operations, Andreas Madsen (completed)
Explainable AI for Autonomous Ships, Eirik Fagerhaug
Decision Support Systems for Autonomous Vessels, Luka Grgicevic
Postdoc research
Remote control for crane, Taufik Akbar Sitompul (completed)
Recent publications
Recent publications
Journal articles:
Agus Ismail Hasan, Augie Widyotriatmo, Eirik Strøm Fagerhaug and Ottar Laurits Osen (2023). "Predictive digital twins for autonomous surface vessels". Ocean Engineering.
Conference papers/ seminars:
Ole Andreas Alsos (2023). "World’s best research infrastructure for autonomous ships". Ocean Week
Ole Andreas Alsos (2023). "Conference presentation of trial operation". ICMASS.
Ole Andreas Alsos (2023). "MilliAmpere2 trial operation". LOAS event.
Ole Andreas Alsos (2023). "Presentation about trial operation of milliAmpere2". Autonomous Ship Expo Conference.
Felix-Marcel Petermann (2023). "Interaction Between Humans and Autonomous Systems: Human Facing Explanatory Interface for an Urban Autonomous Passenger Ferry". IHSI Conference 2023.
Taufik Akbar Sitompul (2023). "Analyzing Online Videos to Create a List of User Interface Elements: A Case for OpenCrane Design System". The 19th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2023).
Taufik Akbar Sitompul (2023). "Designing User Interface Elements for Remotely Operated Rubbertired Gantry Cranes". The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC).
Taufik Akbar Sitompul (2023). "Designing User Interface Elements for Remotely Operated Ship-toshore Cranes". The 36th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference (BCS HCI 2023).
Taufik Akbar Sitompul (2023). "Evaluating Graphical User Interfaces for Handling Latency in Remote Crane Operation". The 36th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference (BCS HCI 2023).
Taufik Akbar Sitompul (2023). "OpenCrane Design System". Ocean Week 2023.
Taufik Akbar Sitompul (2023). "OpenCrane Design System". SFI AutoShip Days 2023.
Taufik Akbar Sitompul, Felix-Marcel Petermann and Ole Andreas Alsos (2023). "Remote control rooms". SFI AutoShip webinar.