Nordic Zeb+
The poster exhibition is located in Cosmos 1.
#4: Façade-integrated Photovoltaic, state of the art of Experimental Methodology
Xiang C, Matusiak B
Xiang C, Matusiak B
#5: Laser cut acrylic panels for illumination in ZEB+
Matusiak B
Matusiak B
#21: Design and build with straw, earth and reeds for a minus carbon and plus energy building practice
Dabaieh M
Dabaieh M
#23: Development of a Greenlandic Sustainable Index for Residential Buildings
Labansen M, Bastien D
Labansen M, Bastien D
#28: Tracing the environmental impact origin within the existing building portfolio of prevailing building
Rønholt, Eberhardt, Birkved M, Birgisdottir H, Bey N
Rønholt, Eberhardt, Birkved M, Birgisdottir H, Bey N
#33: Building Bioclimatic Design in cold climate office buildings
Ness M, Andresen I, Kleiven T
Ness M, Andresen I, Kleiven T
#35: Airflow models for comfort and energy simulations
Haase M, Nocente A
Haase M, Nocente A
#37: Daylighting strategies for ZEB and ZEN developments: literature survey of daylighting techniques in urban planning.
Obradovic B
Obradovic B
#52: Selbukassa - A Case Study for Aiming at Low Emission Buildings through Extensive Reuse of
Plavina A, Gruner M
Plavina A, Gruner M
#56: Full-scale measurements of wind-pressure coefficients in twin high-rise buildings
Charisi S, Thiis T, Aurlien T
Charisi S, Thiis T, Aurlien T
#61: Låve Rehabilitation. Investigating and applying a design process to rehabilitate a building significant to the Norwegian Cultural Landscape
Otterson D
Otterson D
#64: Techniques for Airflow Measurements to Determine the Real Efficiency of Heat Recovery in Ventilation Systems
#Rønneseth Ø, Liu P, Mathisen H, Justo-Alonso M
#Rønneseth Ø, Liu P, Mathisen H, Justo-Alonso M
#76: New experimental facility for innovative district heating systems on a community level - district lab
Schmidt D, Kallert A, Egelkamp R
Schmidt D, Kallert A, Egelkamp R
#81: Simulation and control of shading systems for glazed facades
Chaudhary G, Goia F, Grynning S
Chaudhary G, Goia F, Grynning S
#103: ZEB Flexible Lab – research possibilities
Time B, Mathisen H, Nocente A, Gustavsen A
Time B, Mathisen H, Nocente A, Gustavsen A
#122: The influence of solar shading on indoor comfort in the typical passive residential building in Norway
Tian Z, Dorota Hrynyszyn B
Tian Z, Dorota Hrynyszyn B
#124: Electrical lighting solutions for energy efficient developments: a practical approach
Obradovic B
Obradovic B
#126: Hurum Helsehus- Norges første plusshus
Ekle I
Ekle I
#137: A large-scal sustainable neighbourhood With Zero Emission and Plus Energy homes
Schlanbusch R, Karlsen L
Schlanbusch R, Karlsen L
#153: Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods – the syn.ikia H2020 project
Gaitani N
Gaitani N