Oral and poster presentations

During the conference, you will either hold an oral or poster/blitz presentation.

You are expected to present one or more of your projects at the conference, but you are free to structure the presentation as you want. We do not expect you to have a lot of data or results! If you have just started your PhD, you are more than welcome to present the background for your project and/or the plans for your PhD. This is a great opportunity to practise your presentation skills in a friendly environment. 

The Blitz presentation 

A series of 60 seconds presentations immediately prior to your poster session. Keep in mind that your Blitz presentation should be a convincing and fun teaser, not a complete presentation of your project. This is a great oppertunity to be creative! 

We will collect all the presentations and run them from our computer. It will not be an option to use your own laptop. We will be very strict on the time limit and therefore would like you to prepare only one slide without animations. Please include your name on the slide.

Blitz presentations should be in 16:9 format (widescreen) and saved as a pdf file.

Poster presentation

Due to space restrictions, all posters need to be in A0 in portrait format (i.e. 841 mm wide × 1189 mm high). You need to print and bring your poster to the conference.

Upon arrival at the conference venue, you will be allotted a number for your poster. You should mount your poster at the poster board with the corresponding number. Your poster should be mounted until the end of the conference.  


Oral presentations

Each speaker will have 10-12 minutes to present their work, and 3-5 minutes for questions from the audience. Please keep in mind that a large part of the audience will not be familiar with your particular field of study.

We will collect all presentations and run them from our computer. It will not be an option to use your own laptop. The file should be in 16:9 format (widescreen) and saved in .pptx (Please name your file as follows: surname_name_session.pptx).

Those of you selected to give an oral presentation will be contacted directly by the organizing committee. Information about guidelines for both the oral and poster presentations will be sent in a separate email by the end of August, after the organizing committee has reviewed all abstracts.