Choreomundus - International Master in Dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage

Choreomundus - International Master in Dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage

2 year joint master (24 months), Université Clermont Auvergne, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem, University of Roehampton London


MACHOREO, Thu Sep 19 10:12:22 MEST 2024 | M2

The programme investigates dance and other movement systems (ritual practices, martial arts, games and physical theatre) as Intangible Cultural Heritage within the broader contexts of Ethnochoreology, the Anthropology of Dance, Dance Studies, and Heritage Studies.

With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Logo


Choreomundus investigates dance and other movement systems. The program focuses on fieldwork and engages with a variety of theoretical and methodological frameworks. The programme provides practical skills in formal analysis of movement, motion capture, documentation, and evaluation of dances, thereby developing an appreciation of dance that is comparative, cross-cultural, applied, and embodied.

Read more about what you will learn

Employment opportunities exist worldwide within public and private organisations responsible for the safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and within higher education and research. Choreomundus alumni are working within the heritage and cultural tourism industries, including interactive museums.

Read more about career opportunities

For information about student life abroad, see the Choreomundus. org-page:

Student life in Clermont-Ferrand, Szeged, London

For information about student life in Trondheim:

Read more about student life

Choreomundus is an integrated joint European programme, promoted and taylor-made by the four partner universities . All four institutions, therefore, take full responsibility for the whole programme and not just the section they deliver.

Read more about the programme structure

Deadline for the scholarship applicants and Deadline for the self-funding applicants: Deadline for online application

Application guidelines can be found on the webpage:

Read more about admission and requirements

Local administrator of Choreomundus, NTNU: Maj Vester Larsen 

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