Tsjalling Swierstra

Tsjalling Swierstra

Head of the Philosophy Department, University of Maastricht

Prof. dr. Tsjalling Swierstra is head of the Philosophy Department at the University of Maastricht and adjunct professor at NTNU in Trondheim. He is member of the Maastricht University Science and Technology Studies (MUSTS) research program; coordinator of the Dutch network for Ethics and Politics of Emerging Technologies (EPET); member of the national Advisory Committee on Health Research; of the Program Committee of the ‘Responsible Innovation’ program funded by the Dutch Research Council NWO; and of the steering group op the NWO Innovative Medical Devices Initiative.

He is also initiating co-founder of the Journal for Responsible Innovation and has published widely on the ethics of new and emerging science and technology (NEST-ethics), on the "soft impacts" of technology, and on technomoral change, i.e. the mutual shaping of science and technology and morals. His current research project is how to exert democratic control over digital technologies that co-shape democratic practices.

Tsjalling Swierstra

Big photo of Tsjalling Swiestra