Research projects – AI lab
Research projects
We use AI and machine learning to increase accuracy in predictions in a highly complex and ever-changing energy market.
Energy projects
- Digital twin – Digital twin for optimal design and operation of compact combined cycles in offshore oil and gas installations | Pierluigi Salvo Rossi
- EXAIGON – EXplainable AI systems for Gradual Industry adoptiON | Anastasios Lekkas & Helge Langseth
- RICO – Robust Intelligent Control | Odd Erik Gundersen & Helge Langseth
- SFI CGF – Centre for Geophysical Forecasting | Ole Jakob Mengshoel
Within the connectivity application area, we work with Internet of Things technology combined with an innovative use of AI.
Connectivity projects
- Digital twin - Digital twin for optimal design and operation of compact combined cycles in offshore oil and gas installations | Pierluigi Salvo Rossi
- ML4ITS - Machine Learning for Irregular Time Series | Massimiliano Ruocco & Pierluigi Salvo Rossi
- RIoT - Resource-aware IoT with Enhanced Intelligence and Security | Stefan Werner
- SIGNIFY - Sensor validation for digital twins of safety-critical systems | Pierluigi Salvo Rossi
We develop and apply AI to ensure a sustainable exploration of maritime sectors, by preventing loss of biodiversity, improving fish welfare in aquaculture and secure fish farms at sea. We also develop robotics for underwater operations.
Oceans projects
- AROS – Autonomous Robots for Ocean Sustainability | Rudolf Mester
- CAIge – Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence based Salmon Identification and automated long-term welfare assessment in aquaculture net-pens | Rudolf Mester
- Digital twin – Digital twin for optimal design and operation of compact combined cycles in offshore oil and gas installations | Pierluigi Salvo Rossi
- GentleMAN – Gentle and Advanced Robotic Manipulation of 3D Compliant Objects | Keith Downing
- PRAI – Predicting Riser-response by Artificial Intelligence | Helge Langseth
- Robplan – Autonomous robot missions with AI-based planning and acting | Anastasios Lekkas
Our projects within health and medicine aim to innovate health technology and improve personalised treatments.
Health projects
- AI-MENT – Machine learning to tailor treatments in mental health | Kerstin Bach
- Aifal – AI for Allmennleger | Benjamin Kille
- AIMI – AI in Medical Imaging | Endre Grøvik
- CaReScreen – A clinical decision support system for cancer rehabilitation | Kerstin Bach
- DeepInMotion – Explainable artificial intelligent system to discover new infant movement biomarkers for early detection of disease | Inga Strümke & Helge Langseth
- DigiFrailCare – Digitisation and the use of digitised health data to improve health services for older people at risk of or with frailty | Kerstin Bach
- Gemini center MIRA – Medical Imaging Research and AI | Frank Lindseth
- Improved cardiac diagnostic imaging at the patients’ point of care | Frank Lindseth & Ole Jakob Mengshoel
- LABDA – Learning Network for Advanced Behavioural Data Analysis | Kerstin Bach
- MI-HEAD (under NorHEAD) – Machine Intelligence in Headaches | Helge Langseth
- My Medical Digital Twin | Frank Lindseth & Ingelin Steinsland
- NorHEAD – Norwegian Centre for Headache Research | Heri Ramampiaro & Helge Langseth
- PABS – Physical activity behaviour and sleep study | Kerstin Bach
- SCN CAG – Sleep and Chronobiology Network | Kerstin Bach
- SmaRTWork – A digital system for personalised return to work recommendations for sick-listed with musculoskeletal disorders | Kerstin Bach
- SupportPrim – Optimizing management of musculoskeletal pain disorders in primary care | Kerstin Bach
- UNICAN CAG – UNIte AI and CANcer | Kerstin Bach
Artificial intelligence is crucial element when developing autonomous vehicles. Our researchers and students work with a variety of vehicles, including cars, ships and drones. Moreover, we aim to develop AI technology that can contribute to safer and more seamless travel across borders.
Mobility projects
- AutoShip – Research-based innovation centre (SFI) focused on the development of autonomous ships for safe and sustainable operations | Anastasios Lekkas
- Green2050 – Centre for Green Shift in the Built Environment | Frank Lindseth
- MCSINC – Machine Sensible Infrastructure under Nordic Conditions | Frank Lindseth
- MoST – Mobilitets-lab Stor-Trondheim | Frank Lindseth
Our AI research in finance and the digital economy aims to improve predictions of future development in financial and business markets as well improving administration and customer service in banking.
Digital economy projects
- AI4USERS – Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence through Design for Accountability and Intelligibility | Elena Parmiggiani
- EXAIGON – EXplainable AI systems for Gradual Industry adoptiON | Anastasios Lekkas & Helge Langseth
- NorwAI – Norwegian Center for Research-based AI Innovation (SFI) | Jon Atle Gulla & Kerstin Bach
- RICO – Robust Intelligent Control | Odd Erik Gundersen & Helge Langseth
- Sparebank1 SMN, NTNU and NAIL project – Responsible AI, combating financial crime, and developing expertise for businesses in Central Norway | Patrick Mikalef
Language technology
- e-Ladda – Early language development in the digital age | Giampiero Salvi & Torbjørn Svendsen
- NorwAI – Norwegian Center for Research-based AI Innovation (SFI) | Jon Atle Gulla & Kerstin Bach
- SCRIBE – Machine transcription of Norwegian conversational speech | Giampiero Salvi, Torbjørn Svendsen & Ole Jakob Mengshoel
- MEGAS - Metadata generation of auto-transcribed text | Ole Jakob Mengshoel
- TrustLLM – Democratize Trustworthy and Efficient Large Language Model Technology for Europe | Kerstin Bach
Other research
- BIAS – Empower the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Resources Management (HRM) communities by addressing and mitigating algorithmic biases | Pinar Øztürk
- DARIO – Data Analytics for Ground Motion Monitoring. Part of European Space Agency's PRODEX programme | Pierluigi Salvo Rossi
- ENACT – Ethical risks assessmeNt of Artificial intelligenCe in pracTice | Patrick Mikalef
- IWIL AI – International Work-Integrated-Learning in Artificial Intelligence | Özlem Özgöbek
- SPrINTER – Spin-based Intermittent Computer | Gunnar Tufte
Finalised projects
- NordTrans – Technology for automatic speech transcription in selected Nordic languages | Giampiero Salvi & Torbjørn Svendsen
- ShuttleNet – Scalable Neural Models for Long Sequential Data | Zhirong Yang
- SOCRATES – Self-Organizing Computational substRATES | Gunnar Tufte
- SpinENGINE – Harnessing the Emergent Properties of Nanomagnet Ensembles for Massively Parallel Data Analysis | Gunnar Tufte
- TEFLON – Technology-enhanced foreign and second-language learning of Nordic languages | Giampiero Salvi & Torbjørn Svendsen