
Arts-Based Research

Performance & Technology

Cross-artistic and multimedia forms of expression are explored and developed through art pedagogical and artistic activities. Ellen Foyn Bruun is a member of the core group for ARTEC and works to promote cross-faculty initiatives between the humanities, arts and technology. 

Cross Adaptive Processing


Cross Adaptive Processing as Musical Intervention

The project explores cross-adaptive processing as a drastic intervention in the modes of communication between performing musicians. It allows the actions of one performer to directly influence another performer's sound.

Digital Storytelling


Digital Storytelling

The Digital Storytelling Tools & Experiences Project is aimed at defining, designing and demonstrating the multidisciplinary and state-of-the-art field of digital storytelling. It is part of the Immersive Media Technology Experiences (IMTE) and is funded NTNU IET, IKM, and NxtMedia.