Amanda Aronsson
In my project I explore precarious employment conditions and how they influence health inequalities. I currently focus on informal employment which is a particularly precarious situation where workers lack an employment contract and are not protected by labor regulations. Informal workers often do not have access to important social protection programs such as unemployment benefits or parental leave, leaving them more vulnerable than other workers when they become sick or have children. This exacerbates the negative health effects already created by precarious employment.
Precarious employment conditions have been established to be associated with a broad range of psychosocial and physical health outcomes, but while more than half of the global working population works informally, we still know very little about the health consequences specifically linked to informal employment. Even less is known about the health of female workers and their children even though they are often viewed as the most vulnerable in the informal economy. Therefore, in this project I aim to better understand informal employment as a social determinant of health, to identify health inequalities of female informal workers and their children, and to explore how access to social protection policies affects health inequalities.
I have a bachelor's degree in Social Anthropology and a master's degree in International Relations from Stockholm University.
Research interests: informal employment, precarious employment, labor markets, social protection, health inequalities, women’s health, children’s health
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Thern, Emelie;
Matilla Santander, Nuria;
Kvart, Signild;
Hernando Rodríguez, Julio César;
Badarin, Kathryn.
Parental precarious employment and the mental health of adolescents: a Swedish registry study.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
Academic article
McNamara, Courtney L.;
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Scheiring, Gábor.
Employment and health: the role of commercial economic narratives and shifting labour markets.
Balaj, Mirza;
Henson, Claire A.;
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Aravkin, Aleksandr Y.;
Beck, Kathryn Christine;
Degail, Claire Josette Edith.
Effects of education on adult mortality: a global systematic
review and meta-analysis.
The Lancet Public Health
Academic article
Badarin, Kathryn;
Mangot-Sala, Lluís;
Matilla Santander, Nuria;
Kreshpaj, Bertina;
Hernando Rodríguez, Julio César;
Aronsson, Emma Amanda.
Precarious employment, strenuous working conditions and the long-term risk of diagnosed chronic musculoskeletal disorders.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Vidaurre I Teixido, Maria del Pilar;
Jensen, Magnus Rom;
Solhaug, Solvor;
McNamara, Courtney L..
The health consequences of informal employment among female workers and their children: a systematic review.
Globalization and Health
Academic literature review
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Tugrul, Hande;
Bambra, Clare;
Eikemo, Terje Andreas.
The role of Social Protection Policies in reducing health inequalities.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Agardh, Emilie, E.;
Allebeck, Peter;
Knudsen, Ann Kristin Skrindo;
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Flodin, Pär;
Eikemo, Terje Andreas.
Disease Burden Attributed to Drug use in the Nordic Countries: a Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2019.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Academic literature review
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Vidaurre-Teixidó, Pilar;
Jensen, Magnus Rom;
Solhaug, Solvor;
McNamara, Courtney L..
Correction: The health consequences of informal employment among female workers and their children: a systematic review (Globalization and Health, (2023), 19, 1, (59), 10.1186/s12992-023-00958-1).
Globalization and Health
Journal publications
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Thern, Emelie;
Matilla Santander, Nuria;
Kvart, Signild;
Hernando Rodríguez, Julio César;
Badarin, Kathryn.
Parental precarious employment and the mental health of adolescents: a Swedish registry study.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
Academic article
Balaj, Mirza;
Henson, Claire A.;
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Aravkin, Aleksandr Y.;
Beck, Kathryn Christine;
Degail, Claire Josette Edith.
Effects of education on adult mortality: a global systematic
review and meta-analysis.
The Lancet Public Health
Academic article
Badarin, Kathryn;
Mangot-Sala, Lluís;
Matilla Santander, Nuria;
Kreshpaj, Bertina;
Hernando Rodríguez, Julio César;
Aronsson, Emma Amanda.
Precarious employment, strenuous working conditions and the long-term risk of diagnosed chronic musculoskeletal disorders.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Vidaurre I Teixido, Maria del Pilar;
Jensen, Magnus Rom;
Solhaug, Solvor;
McNamara, Courtney L..
The health consequences of informal employment among female workers and their children: a systematic review.
Globalization and Health
Academic literature review
Agardh, Emilie, E.;
Allebeck, Peter;
Knudsen, Ann Kristin Skrindo;
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Flodin, Pär;
Eikemo, Terje Andreas.
Disease Burden Attributed to Drug use in the Nordic Countries: a Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2019.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Academic literature review
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Vidaurre-Teixidó, Pilar;
Jensen, Magnus Rom;
Solhaug, Solvor;
McNamara, Courtney L..
Correction: The health consequences of informal employment among female workers and their children: a systematic review (Globalization and Health, (2023), 19, 1, (59), 10.1186/s12992-023-00958-1).
Globalization and Health
Part of book/report
McNamara, Courtney L.;
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Scheiring, Gábor.
Employment and health: the role of commercial economic narratives and shifting labour markets.
Aronsson, Emma Amanda;
Tugrul, Hande;
Bambra, Clare;
Eikemo, Terje Andreas.
The role of Social Protection Policies in reducing health inequalities.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic lectureAronsson, Emma Amanda; Huijts, Tim. (2023) Informal employment as a Social Determinant of Health: a research agenda to account for heterogeneity and context. PRECANORD (Tackling Precarious and Informal Work in the Nordic Countries) Critical Perspectives on Precarious and Informal Work symposium , Helsinki 2023-08-24 - 2023-08-25