Andrea Gruber
Main research area: high resolution numerical modelling of turbulent and reactive flows using direct numerical simulation (DNS).
Active Projects
- BIGH2/Phase III (2018-->2021) - Research, development and demonstration of hydrogen/ammonia-fired aero-derivative gas turbine combustors for off-shore applications. Funded by CLIMIT Demo, Siemens and Equinor. Role: Project Manager.
- NCCS/Task 5 (2017-->2024) - Fundamental aspects of hydrogen combustion and flame stabilization by auto-ignition in reheat combustion system (e.g. Ansaldo Energia's H-class GT36). Funded by NCCS Consortium (FME). Role: Project Manager of Task 5 (gas turbines).
- DiHI-Tech (2018-->2021) - Research and development of a distributed hydrogen injection system for gas turbine combustion applications. Funded by CLIMIT R&D. Role: Project Manager.
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Førde, Olav Øyvind;
Gruber, Andrea.
Numerical Investigation of Premixed and Non-premixed Ammonia Main Charge Configurations Ignited by a Hydrogen-Fired Prechamber.
SAE International Journal of Engines
Academic article
Akash, Rodhiya;
Gruber, Andrea;
Bothien, Mirko;
Chen, Jacqueline H.;
Konduri, Aditya.
Spontaneous ignition and flame propagation in hydrogen/methane wrinkled laminar flames at reheat conditions: Effect of pressure and hydrogen fraction.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Heggset, Tarjei;
Meyer, Ole;
Gruber, Andrea;
Tay-Wo-Chong, Luis;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio.
Combustion Optimization and Burnout of Ammonia-Based Gaseous Fuels in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System Operated in Rich-Quench-Lean Mode.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gruber, Andrea;
Meyer, Ole;
Heggset, Tarjei;
Wood, Birute;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio.
Numerical Investigation of Reheat Hydrogen Flames in the Sequential-Combustion Stage of a Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heggset, Tarjei;
Meyer, Ole;
Tay-Wo-Chong , Luis;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio;
Gruber, Andrea.
Numerical Assessment of a Rich-Quench-Lean Staging Strategy for Clean and Efficient Combustion of Partially Decomposed Ammonia in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Rieth, Martin;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
The effect of pressure on lean premixed hydrogen-air flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Rieth, Martin;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
A direct numerical simulation study on NO and N2O formation in turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Gopalakrishnan, Harish Subramanian;
Gruber, Andrea;
Moeck, Jonas.
Computation and prediction of intrinsic thermoacoustic oscillations associated with autoignition fronts.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Ånestad, Aksel;
Sampath, Ramgopal;
Moeck, Jonas;
Gruber, Andrea;
Worth, Nicholas Alexander.
The Structure and Stability of Premixed CH<inf>4</inf>, H<inf>2</inf>, and NH<inf>3</inf>/H<inf>2</inf> Flames in an Axially Staged Can Combustor.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Nogenmyr, Karl-Johan;
Larfeldt, Jenny;
Gruber, Andrea.
Numerical Investigation of Rich-Lean Staging in a SGT-750 Scaled Dry Low Emission Burner With Partially Decomposed Ammonia.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Chen, Guo;
Wang, Haiou;
Gruber, Andrea;
Luo, Kun;
Fan, Jianren.
Study of flame-flow interactions in turbulent boundary layer premixed flame flashback over a flat plate using direct numerical simulation.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Heggset, Tarjei;
Meyer, Ole;
Gruber, Andrea;
Tay-Wo-Chong, Luis;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio.
Numerical Assessment of a Rich-Quench-Lean Staging Strategy for Clean and Efficient Combustion of Partially Decomposed Ammonia in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gruber, Andrea;
Heggset, Tarjei;
Meyer, Ole;
Altenburg, Luuk;
Tummers, Mark;
Klein, Sikke.
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Geometrically Simplified, Two-Dimensional FlameSheet™ Hydrogen Burner .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ånestad, Aksel;
Sampath, Ramgopal;
Moeck, Jonas;
Gruber, Andrea;
Worth, Nicholas Alexander.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gopalakrishnan, Harish Subramanian;
Gruber, Andrea;
Moeck, Jonas.
Computation of Intrinsic Instability and Sound Generation From Auto-Ignition Fronts.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Richter, Martin;
Schulthesis, R.;
Dawson, James;
Gruber, Andrea;
Barlow, R.S.;
Dreizler, A..
Extinction strain rates of premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air counterflow flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Gopalakrishnan, Harish Subramanian;
Gruber, Andrea;
Moeck, Jonas.
Computation of Intrinsic Instability and Sound Generation from Autoignition Fronts.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James.
Flame Transfer Functions for Turbulent, Premixed, Ammonia-Hydrogen-Nitrogen-Air Flames .
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Heggset, Tarjei;
Duesing, Michael;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio.
A Numerical Investigation of Reheat Hydrogen Combustion in a Simplified Geometrical Configuration from Atmospheric Pressure to Full Load Conditions.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James.
Flame Transfer Functions for Turbulent, Premixed, Ammonia-Hydrogen-Nitrogen-Air Flames.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Gruber, Andrea;
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Nogenmyr, Karl-Johan;
Larfeldt, Jenny.
Numerical Investigation of Rich-Lean Staging in SGT-750 Scaled DLE Burner With Partially-Decomposed Ammonia.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Feng, Ruixue;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H.;
Valiev, Damir M..
Influence of gas expansion on the propagation of a premixed flame in a spatially periodic shear flow.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Ahmed, Ahfaz;
Gruber, Andrea;
Løvås, Terese.
Curvature effects on NO formation in wrinkled laminar ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air premixed flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Bothien, Mirko R.;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio;
Aditya, Konduri;
Chen, Jacqueline H.;
Williams, Forman Arthur.
Direct Numerical Simulation of hydrogen combustion at auto-ignitive conditions: Ignition, stability and turbulent reaction-front velocity.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Stefan, Elena;
Talic, Belma;
Larring, Yngve;
Gruber, Andrea;
Peters, Thijs.
Materials challenges in hydrogen-fuelled gas turbines.
International Materials Reviews
Academic article
Gopalakrishnan, Harish Subramanian;
Gruber, Andrea;
Moeck, Jonas.
Response of Autoignition-Stabilized Flames to One-Dimensional Disturbances: Intrinsic Response.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Rieth, Martin;
Gruber, Andrea;
Williams, Forman Arthur;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Enhanced burning rates in hydrogen-enriched turbulent premixed flames by diffusion of molecular and atomic hydrogen.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Salimath, Prashant;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea.
Numerical simulations of combustion near solid and hydrogen permeable walls.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (2021:306)
Doctoral dissertation
Rodhiya, Akash;
Aditya, Konduri;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Simulations of flame structure in a reheat burner: pressure scaling.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wiseman, Samuel;
Rieth, Martin;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
A comparison of the blow-out behavior of turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air and methane–air flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Salimath, Prashant;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea.
Computational analysis of premixed methane-air flame interacting with a solid wall or a hydrogen porous wall.
Academic article
Lupo, Giandomenico;
Gruber, Andrea;
Brandt, Luca;
Duwig, Christophe.
Direct numerical simulation of spray droplet evaporation in hot turbulent channel flow.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Gant, Francesco;
Gruber, Andrea;
Bothien, Mirko R..
Development and validation study of a 1D analytical model for the response of reheat flames to entropy waves.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Aditya, Konduri;
Gruber, Andrea;
Xu, Chao;
Lu, Tianfeng F.;
Krisman, Alex;
Bothien, Mirko R..
Direct numerical simulation of flame stabilization assisted by autoignition in a reheat gas turbine combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Jiang, Yuanjie;
del Alamo Serrano, Gonzalo;
Gruber, Andrea;
Bothien, Mirko R.;
Seshadri, Kalyanasundaram;
Williams, Forman Arthur.
A skeletal mechanism for prediction of ignition delay times and laminar premixed flame velocities of hydrogen-methane mixtures under gas turbine conditions.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Jiang, Yuanjie;
Gruber, Andrea;
Seshadri, Kalyanasundaram;
Williams, Forman.
An updated short chemical‐kinetic nitrogen mechanism for carbon‐free combustion applications.
International Journal of Energy Research
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea.
Direct numerical simulation: Present and future role in fundamental and applied combustion research.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Salimath, Prashant Siddlinggayya;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea.
Premixed hydrogen-air flames interacting with a hydrogen porous wall.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Vodicka, Matej;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Gruber, Andrea;
Hrdlicka, Jan.
NOX formation in oxy-fuel combustion of lignite in a bubbling fluidized bed – Modelling and experimental verification.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Richardson, Edward S.;
Aditya, Konduri;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Direct numerical simulations of premixed and stratified flame
propagation in turbulent channel flow.
Physical Review Fluids
Academic article
Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer;
Gruber, Andrea;
Lervåg, Karl Yngve;
Johansen, Øyvind;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Hammer, Morten.
Computation of three-dimensional three-phase flow of carbon dioxide using a high-order WENO scheme.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Gounder, James D.;
Kutne, Peter;
Gruber, Andrea.
Experimental Investigation of a Bluff Body Burner for Distributed Hydrogen Injection.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gruber, Andrea.
“L’ingegnere” for Ferrari is coming to Trondheim on May 11th to visit SINTEF and NTNU
Website (informational material)
Munkejord, Svend Tollak;
Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer;
Gruber, Andrea;
Lervåg, Karl Yngve;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Hammer, Morten.
New method enabling the ‘direct numerical simulation’ of three-phase flow of carbon dioxide
Website (informational material)
Munkejord, Svend Tollak;
Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer;
Gruber, Andrea;
Lervåg, Karl Yngve;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Hammer, Morten.
Ny metode gjør det mulig med direkte numerisk simulering av trefase-strømning av CO2
Website (informational material)
Bremer, Peer-Timo;
Gruber, Andrea;
Bennett, Janine C.;
Gyulassy, Attila;
Kolla, Hemanth;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Identifying turbulent structures through topological segmentation.
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Kerstein, Alan R;
Valiev, Damir M.;
Law, C.K.;
Kolla, Hemanth;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Modeling of mean flame shape during premixed flame flashback in turbulent boundary layers.
Symposium, International, on combustion
Academic article
Minamoto, Yuki;
Kolla, Hemanth;
Grout, Ray W;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Effect of fuel composition and differential diffusion on flame stabilization in reacting syngas jets in turbulent cross-flow.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Lietz, C.;
Hassanaly, M.;
Raman, V.;
Kolla, Hemanth;
Chen, J.;
Gruber, Andrea.
Large Eddy Simulation of premixed flame flashback in a turbulent channel.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gruber, Andrea;
Salimath, Prashant Siddlinggayya;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Direct numerical simulation of laminar flame-wall interaction for a novel H2-selective membrane/injector configuration.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Jordal, Kristin;
Anantharaman, Rahul;
Gruber, Andrea;
Peters, Thijs;
Henriksen, Partow Pakdel;
Berstad, David Olsson.
GHGT-12 Performance of the IGCC with distributed feeding of H2 in the gas turbine burner.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
North, Andrew;
Magar, M.;
Chen, J.Y.;
Dibble, R.W;
Gruber, Andrea.
Effect of pressure, environment temperature, jet velocity and nitrogen dilution on the liftoff characteristics of a N2-in-H2jet flame in a vitiated co-flow.
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal
Academic article
North, Andrew;
Frederick, D.;
Chen, J.Y.;
Dibble, R.W;
Gruber, Andrea.
Stability and liftoff of a N2-in-H2 jet flame in a vitiated co-flow at atmospheric pressure.
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal
Academic article
Kolla, Hemanth;
Grout, Ray W.;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Transverse fuel jet in turbulent cross-flow: influence of fuel composition on near field flame stabilization.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Weydahl, Torleif;
Salimath, Prashant Siddlinggayya;
Gruber, Andrea.
Fundamental Modeling of a Membrane Reactor with in Situ Hydrogen Separation and Combustion.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H.;
Valiev, Damir M.;
Law, Chung K..
Direct numerical simulation of premixed flame boundary layer flashback in turbulent channel flow.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Grout, Ray W;
Gruber, Andrea;
Kolla, Hemanth;
Bremer, Per-Timo;
Bennett, Janine C.;
Gyulassy, Attila.
A direct numerical simulation study of turbulence and flame structure in transverse jets analysed in jet-trajectory based coordinates.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Panjwani, Balram;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea;
Rian, Kjell Erik.
Large eddy simulation in generalized curvilinear coordinates using conventional approach: Theory and validation.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Academic article
Kolla, Hemanth;
Grout, Ray W;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Mechanisms of flame stabilization and blowout in a reacting turbulent hydrogen jet in cross-flow.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
North, A.J.;
Dibble, R.W;
Chen, J.Y.;
Frederick, D.J.;
Gruber, Andrea.
Liftoff Heights Of Lifted N2-in-H2 Jet Flames Issuing Into A Vitiated Co-Flow Measured Using Schlieren Imaging.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kolla, Hemanth;
Grout, Ray W.;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Effect Of Injection Angle On Stabilization Of A Reacting Turbulent Hydrogen Jet In Cross-Flow.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grout, Ray W;
Gruber, Andrea;
Yoo, C.S.;
Chen, J.H..
Direct numerical simulation of flame stabilization downstream of a transverse fuel jet in cross-flow.
Symposium, International, on combustion
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea.
Hydrogenbrenner med lavt NOx-utslipp.
Popular scientific article
Johannessen, Birgitte;
Løvås, Terese;
Gruber, Andrea.
Modelling turbulent reactive flows for engineering applications.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Frederick, Don;
North, Andrew;
Chen, Jyh-Yuan;
Dibble, Robert;
Gruber, Andrea.
Analysis of flame propagation and autoignition for a lifted nitrogen-diluted hydrogen turbulent jet flame in a vitiated coflow.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gruber, Andrea;
Sankaran, Ramanan;
Hawkes, Evatt R;
Chen, Jacqueline H.
Turbulent flame-wall interaction: a direct numerical simulation study.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Panjawani, B.;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea;
Rian, Kjell Erik.
Turbulence combustion closure model based on the Eddy dissipation concept for large eddy simulation.
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Grout, Ray W.;
Richardson, E.S.;
Gruber, Andrea;
Yoo, C.S.;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Filtered density functions from direct numerical simulation of a reactive jet in cross-flow.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Panjwani, Balram;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea;
Rian, Kjell Erik.
Large Eddy Simulation of Backward Facing Step Flow.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kennedy, Christopher A;
Gruber, Andrea.
Reduced aliasing formulations of the convective terms within the Navier–Stokes equations for a compressible fluid.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Iki, Norihiko;
Gruber, Andrea;
Yoshida, H.
A Numerical and an experimental study for optimization of a small annular combustor.
Journal of Power and Energy Systems
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Gran, Inge Røinaas.
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent combustion near solid surfaces.
Doctoral dissertation
Journal publications
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Førde, Olav Øyvind;
Gruber, Andrea.
Numerical Investigation of Premixed and Non-premixed Ammonia Main Charge Configurations Ignited by a Hydrogen-Fired Prechamber.
SAE International Journal of Engines
Academic article
Akash, Rodhiya;
Gruber, Andrea;
Bothien, Mirko;
Chen, Jacqueline H.;
Konduri, Aditya.
Spontaneous ignition and flame propagation in hydrogen/methane wrinkled laminar flames at reheat conditions: Effect of pressure and hydrogen fraction.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Heggset, Tarjei;
Meyer, Ole;
Tay-Wo-Chong , Luis;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio;
Gruber, Andrea.
Numerical Assessment of a Rich-Quench-Lean Staging Strategy for Clean and Efficient Combustion of Partially Decomposed Ammonia in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Rieth, Martin;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
The effect of pressure on lean premixed hydrogen-air flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Rieth, Martin;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
A direct numerical simulation study on NO and N2O formation in turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Gopalakrishnan, Harish Subramanian;
Gruber, Andrea;
Moeck, Jonas.
Computation and prediction of intrinsic thermoacoustic oscillations associated with autoignition fronts.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Ånestad, Aksel;
Sampath, Ramgopal;
Moeck, Jonas;
Gruber, Andrea;
Worth, Nicholas Alexander.
The Structure and Stability of Premixed CH<inf>4</inf>, H<inf>2</inf>, and NH<inf>3</inf>/H<inf>2</inf> Flames in an Axially Staged Can Combustor.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Nogenmyr, Karl-Johan;
Larfeldt, Jenny;
Gruber, Andrea.
Numerical Investigation of Rich-Lean Staging in a SGT-750 Scaled Dry Low Emission Burner With Partially Decomposed Ammonia.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Chen, Guo;
Wang, Haiou;
Gruber, Andrea;
Luo, Kun;
Fan, Jianren.
Study of flame-flow interactions in turbulent boundary layer premixed flame flashback over a flat plate using direct numerical simulation.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Gopalakrishnan, Harish Subramanian;
Gruber, Andrea;
Moeck, Jonas.
Computation of Intrinsic Instability and Sound Generation From Auto-Ignition Fronts.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Richter, Martin;
Schulthesis, R.;
Dawson, James;
Gruber, Andrea;
Barlow, R.S.;
Dreizler, A..
Extinction strain rates of premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air counterflow flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James.
Flame Transfer Functions for Turbulent, Premixed, Ammonia-Hydrogen-Nitrogen-Air Flames .
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Feng, Ruixue;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H.;
Valiev, Damir M..
Influence of gas expansion on the propagation of a premixed flame in a spatially periodic shear flow.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Ahmed, Ahfaz;
Gruber, Andrea;
Løvås, Terese.
Curvature effects on NO formation in wrinkled laminar ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air premixed flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Bothien, Mirko R.;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio;
Aditya, Konduri;
Chen, Jacqueline H.;
Williams, Forman Arthur.
Direct Numerical Simulation of hydrogen combustion at auto-ignitive conditions: Ignition, stability and turbulent reaction-front velocity.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Stefan, Elena;
Talic, Belma;
Larring, Yngve;
Gruber, Andrea;
Peters, Thijs.
Materials challenges in hydrogen-fuelled gas turbines.
International Materials Reviews
Academic article
Gopalakrishnan, Harish Subramanian;
Gruber, Andrea;
Moeck, Jonas.
Response of Autoignition-Stabilized Flames to One-Dimensional Disturbances: Intrinsic Response.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Rieth, Martin;
Gruber, Andrea;
Williams, Forman Arthur;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Enhanced burning rates in hydrogen-enriched turbulent premixed flames by diffusion of molecular and atomic hydrogen.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Wiseman, Samuel;
Rieth, Martin;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
A comparison of the blow-out behavior of turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air and methane–air flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Salimath, Prashant;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea.
Computational analysis of premixed methane-air flame interacting with a solid wall or a hydrogen porous wall.
Academic article
Lupo, Giandomenico;
Gruber, Andrea;
Brandt, Luca;
Duwig, Christophe.
Direct numerical simulation of spray droplet evaporation in hot turbulent channel flow.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Gant, Francesco;
Gruber, Andrea;
Bothien, Mirko R..
Development and validation study of a 1D analytical model for the response of reheat flames to entropy waves.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Aditya, Konduri;
Gruber, Andrea;
Xu, Chao;
Lu, Tianfeng F.;
Krisman, Alex;
Bothien, Mirko R..
Direct numerical simulation of flame stabilization assisted by autoignition in a reheat gas turbine combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Jiang, Yuanjie;
del Alamo Serrano, Gonzalo;
Gruber, Andrea;
Bothien, Mirko R.;
Seshadri, Kalyanasundaram;
Williams, Forman Arthur.
A skeletal mechanism for prediction of ignition delay times and laminar premixed flame velocities of hydrogen-methane mixtures under gas turbine conditions.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Jiang, Yuanjie;
Gruber, Andrea;
Seshadri, Kalyanasundaram;
Williams, Forman.
An updated short chemical‐kinetic nitrogen mechanism for carbon‐free combustion applications.
International Journal of Energy Research
Academic article
Salimath, Prashant Siddlinggayya;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea.
Premixed hydrogen-air flames interacting with a hydrogen porous wall.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Vodicka, Matej;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Gruber, Andrea;
Hrdlicka, Jan.
NOX formation in oxy-fuel combustion of lignite in a bubbling fluidized bed – Modelling and experimental verification.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Richardson, Edward S.;
Aditya, Konduri;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Direct numerical simulations of premixed and stratified flame
propagation in turbulent channel flow.
Physical Review Fluids
Academic article
Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer;
Gruber, Andrea;
Lervåg, Karl Yngve;
Johansen, Øyvind;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Hammer, Morten.
Computation of three-dimensional three-phase flow of carbon dioxide using a high-order WENO scheme.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Bremer, Peer-Timo;
Gruber, Andrea;
Bennett, Janine C.;
Gyulassy, Attila;
Kolla, Hemanth;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Identifying turbulent structures through topological segmentation.
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Kerstein, Alan R;
Valiev, Damir M.;
Law, C.K.;
Kolla, Hemanth;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Modeling of mean flame shape during premixed flame flashback in turbulent boundary layers.
Symposium, International, on combustion
Academic article
Minamoto, Yuki;
Kolla, Hemanth;
Grout, Ray W;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Effect of fuel composition and differential diffusion on flame stabilization in reacting syngas jets in turbulent cross-flow.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Salimath, Prashant Siddlinggayya;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Direct numerical simulation of laminar flame-wall interaction for a novel H2-selective membrane/injector configuration.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Jordal, Kristin;
Anantharaman, Rahul;
Gruber, Andrea;
Peters, Thijs;
Henriksen, Partow Pakdel;
Berstad, David Olsson.
GHGT-12 Performance of the IGCC with distributed feeding of H2 in the gas turbine burner.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
North, Andrew;
Magar, M.;
Chen, J.Y.;
Dibble, R.W;
Gruber, Andrea.
Effect of pressure, environment temperature, jet velocity and nitrogen dilution on the liftoff characteristics of a N2-in-H2jet flame in a vitiated co-flow.
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal
Academic article
North, Andrew;
Frederick, D.;
Chen, J.Y.;
Dibble, R.W;
Gruber, Andrea.
Stability and liftoff of a N2-in-H2 jet flame in a vitiated co-flow at atmospheric pressure.
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal
Academic article
Weydahl, Torleif;
Salimath, Prashant Siddlinggayya;
Gruber, Andrea.
Fundamental Modeling of a Membrane Reactor with in Situ Hydrogen Separation and Combustion.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H.;
Valiev, Damir M.;
Law, Chung K..
Direct numerical simulation of premixed flame boundary layer flashback in turbulent channel flow.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Grout, Ray W;
Gruber, Andrea;
Kolla, Hemanth;
Bremer, Per-Timo;
Bennett, Janine C.;
Gyulassy, Attila.
A direct numerical simulation study of turbulence and flame structure in transverse jets analysed in jet-trajectory based coordinates.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Panjwani, Balram;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea;
Rian, Kjell Erik.
Large eddy simulation in generalized curvilinear coordinates using conventional approach: Theory and validation.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Academic article
Kolla, Hemanth;
Grout, Ray W;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Mechanisms of flame stabilization and blowout in a reacting turbulent hydrogen jet in cross-flow.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Grout, Ray W;
Gruber, Andrea;
Yoo, C.S.;
Chen, J.H..
Direct numerical simulation of flame stabilization downstream of a transverse fuel jet in cross-flow.
Symposium, International, on combustion
Academic article
Gruber, Andrea.
Hydrogenbrenner med lavt NOx-utslipp.
Popular scientific article
Gruber, Andrea;
Sankaran, Ramanan;
Hawkes, Evatt R;
Chen, Jacqueline H.
Turbulent flame-wall interaction: a direct numerical simulation study.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Panjawani, B.;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea;
Rian, Kjell Erik.
Turbulence combustion closure model based on the Eddy dissipation concept for large eddy simulation.
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Kennedy, Christopher A;
Gruber, Andrea.
Reduced aliasing formulations of the convective terms within the Navier–Stokes equations for a compressible fluid.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Iki, Norihiko;
Gruber, Andrea;
Yoshida, H.
A Numerical and an experimental study for optimization of a small annular combustor.
Journal of Power and Energy Systems
Academic article
Part of book/report
Heggset, Tarjei;
Meyer, Ole;
Gruber, Andrea;
Tay-Wo-Chong, Luis;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio.
Combustion Optimization and Burnout of Ammonia-Based Gaseous Fuels in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System Operated in Rich-Quench-Lean Mode.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gruber, Andrea;
Meyer, Ole;
Heggset, Tarjei;
Wood, Birute;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio.
Numerical Investigation of Reheat Hydrogen Flames in the Sequential-Combustion Stage of a Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heggset, Tarjei;
Meyer, Ole;
Gruber, Andrea;
Tay-Wo-Chong, Luis;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio.
Numerical Assessment of a Rich-Quench-Lean Staging Strategy for Clean and Efficient Combustion of Partially Decomposed Ammonia in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gruber, Andrea;
Heggset, Tarjei;
Meyer, Ole;
Altenburg, Luuk;
Tummers, Mark;
Klein, Sikke.
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Geometrically Simplified, Two-Dimensional FlameSheet™ Hydrogen Burner .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ånestad, Aksel;
Sampath, Ramgopal;
Moeck, Jonas;
Gruber, Andrea;
Worth, Nicholas Alexander.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gopalakrishnan, Harish Subramanian;
Gruber, Andrea;
Moeck, Jonas.
Computation of Intrinsic Instability and Sound Generation from Autoignition Fronts.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gruber, Andrea;
Heggset, Tarjei;
Duesing, Michael;
Ciani, Andrea Camperio.
A Numerical Investigation of Reheat Hydrogen Combustion in a Simplified Geometrical Configuration from Atmospheric Pressure to Full Load Conditions.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James.
Flame Transfer Functions for Turbulent, Premixed, Ammonia-Hydrogen-Nitrogen-Air Flames.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Gruber, Andrea;
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Nogenmyr, Karl-Johan;
Larfeldt, Jenny.
Numerical Investigation of Rich-Lean Staging in SGT-750 Scaled DLE Burner With Partially-Decomposed Ammonia.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rodhiya, Akash;
Aditya, Konduri;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Simulations of flame structure in a reheat burner: pressure scaling.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gruber, Andrea.
Direct numerical simulation: Present and future role in fundamental and applied combustion research.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gounder, James D.;
Kutne, Peter;
Gruber, Andrea.
Experimental Investigation of a Bluff Body Burner for Distributed Hydrogen Injection.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lietz, C.;
Hassanaly, M.;
Raman, V.;
Kolla, Hemanth;
Chen, J.;
Gruber, Andrea.
Large Eddy Simulation of premixed flame flashback in a turbulent channel.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kolla, Hemanth;
Grout, Ray W.;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Transverse fuel jet in turbulent cross-flow: influence of fuel composition on near field flame stabilization.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
North, A.J.;
Dibble, R.W;
Chen, J.Y.;
Frederick, D.J.;
Gruber, Andrea.
Liftoff Heights Of Lifted N2-in-H2 Jet Flames Issuing Into A Vitiated Co-Flow Measured Using Schlieren Imaging.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kolla, Hemanth;
Grout, Ray W.;
Gruber, Andrea;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Effect Of Injection Angle On Stabilization Of A Reacting Turbulent Hydrogen Jet In Cross-Flow.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Birgitte;
Løvås, Terese;
Gruber, Andrea.
Modelling turbulent reactive flows for engineering applications.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Frederick, Don;
North, Andrew;
Chen, Jyh-Yuan;
Dibble, Robert;
Gruber, Andrea.
Analysis of flame propagation and autoignition for a lifted nitrogen-diluted hydrogen turbulent jet flame in a vitiated coflow.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grout, Ray W.;
Richardson, E.S.;
Gruber, Andrea;
Yoo, C.S.;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
Filtered density functions from direct numerical simulation of a reactive jet in cross-flow.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Panjwani, Balram;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea;
Rian, Kjell Erik.
Large Eddy Simulation of Backward Facing Step Flow.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Salimath, Prashant;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Gruber, Andrea.
Numerical simulations of combustion near solid and hydrogen permeable walls.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (2021:306)
Doctoral dissertation
Gruber, Andrea;
Gran, Inge Røinaas.
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent combustion near solid surfaces.
Doctoral dissertation
Gruber, Andrea.
“L’ingegnere” for Ferrari is coming to Trondheim on May 11th to visit SINTEF and NTNU
Website (informational material)
Munkejord, Svend Tollak;
Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer;
Gruber, Andrea;
Lervåg, Karl Yngve;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Hammer, Morten.
New method enabling the ‘direct numerical simulation’ of three-phase flow of carbon dioxide
Website (informational material)
Munkejord, Svend Tollak;
Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer;
Gruber, Andrea;
Lervåg, Karl Yngve;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Hammer, Morten.
Ny metode gjør det mulig med direkte numerisk simulering av trefase-strømning av CO2
Website (informational material)
Knowledge Transfer
LectureIndlekofer, Thomas; Haugen, Nils Erland L; Gruber, Andrea. (2024) Numerical investigation of hydrogen- fired prechamber ignition of the ammonia main charge in reciprocating engines. Combustion Institute 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion , Kyoto 2024-05-07 - 2024-05-10
Academic lectureÅnestad, Aksel; Sampath, Ramgopal; Gruber, Andrea; Moeck, Jonas; Worth, Nicholas Alexander. (2023) The Structure and Stability of Premixed CH4, H2, and NH3/H2 Flames in an Axially Staged Can Combustor. ASME IGTI ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition , Boston, Massechusets, USA 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-30
Academic lectureGopalakrishnan, Harish Subramanian; Heggset, Tarjei; Gruber, Andrea; Bothien, Mirko; Moeck, Jonas. (2023) Prediction of autoignition-stabilized flame dynamics in a backward-facing step reheat combustor configuration. ETH Zurich Symposium on Thermoacoustics in Combustion: Industry meets Academia (SoTiC) , Zurch 2023-09-11 - 2023-09-14
LectureGruber, Andrea; Øygarden, Vegar. (2023) Use of Ammonia for Ship Propulsion - cruical issues for combustion engines and fuel cells. SINTEF Energy Research MaritimeNH3 Webinar serie - Webinar #1 , Online 2023-08-16 - 2023-08-16
Academic lectureÅnestad, Aksel; Sampath, Ramgopal; Moeck, Jonas; Gruber, Andrea; Worth, Nicholas Alexander. (2023) The Structure of CH4, H2 and NH3/H2 Flames in an Axially Staged Can Combustor. ASME ASME Turbo Expo 2023 , Boston 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-30
Academic lectureIndlekofer, Thomas; Gruber, Andrea; Haugen, Nils Erland L. (2023) Large eddy simulations of diesel ignited ammonia dual fuel combustion. Université d'Orléans Second Symposium on Ammonia Energy , Orleans 2023-07-11 - 2023-07-13
LectureGruber, Andrea. (2022) WP2 - Ignition, burning rate and emissions formation in spark- ignited ammonia-hydrogen-air flames. SINTEF Energy Research NH3 Day , Trondheim 2022-11-02 - 2022-11-02
Academic lectureMartin, Rietha; Gruber, Andrea; Chen, Jacqueline H.. (2022) A direct numerical simulation study on NO and N2O formation in turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air flames. The Combustion Institute 39th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMBUSTION , Vancouver 2022-07-24 - 2022-07-29
InterviewGruber, Andrea. (2021) Ammonia is the key to sustainable maritime shipping. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2021-07-15
InterviewGruber, Andrea. (2021) How LNG-Fueled Engines Could be Converted to Run on Ammonia. Maritim Executive Maritim Executive [Business/trade/industry journal] 2021-07-02
InterviewGruber, Andrea. (2021) Ammoniak is de sleutel tot duurzame zeevaart. [Newspaper] 2021-07-18
InterviewGruber, Andrea. (2021) Ammonia – the key to making long-haul shipping green. International International [Business/trade/industry journal] 2021-07-17
Academic lectureGopalakrishnan, Harish Subramanian; Gruber, Andrea; Moeck, Jonas. (2021) Sound generation from autoignition fronts: comparison between simplified models and detailed computations. Symposium on Thermoacoustics in Combustion: Industry meets Academia 2021-10-06 - 2021-10-10
Academic lectureGruber, Andrea; Kozul, Melissa; Dawson, James. (2019) Direct Numerical Simulations of transverse acoustic forcing in fully developed channel flow turbulence. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting , Seattle, Washington 2019-11-23 - 2019-11-26
LectureGruber, Andrea. (2019) Carbon-free firing of gas turbines for clean and efficient power generation off-shore. SINTEF Energi AS LowEmission Consortium day - Breakout session 1 , Trondheim 2019-12-05 - 2019-12-05
Academic lectureGjennestad, Magnus Aashammer; Gruber, Andrea; Lervåg, Karl Yngve; Johansen, Øyvind; Ervik, Åsmund; Hammer, Morten. (2018) Accurate calculation of gas-liquid-solid flow of CO2 using a WENO method. ECCOMAS ECCM-ECFD 2018 , Glasgow 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureGjennestad, Magnus Aashammer; Gruber, Andrea; Lervåg, Karl Yngve; Johansen, Øyvind; Ervik, Åsmund; Hammer, Morten. (2017) Simulation of a highly underexpanded CO2 jet using a fifth-order WENO scheme. SINTEF / NTNU 9th Trondheim CCS Conference, TCCS-9 , Trondheim 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-14
Academic lectureMunkejord, Svend Tollak; Hammer, Morten; Aursand, Peder; Aursand, Eskil; Morin, Alexandre; Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer. (2017) Pipeline transport of CO2: Mechanistic modelling of dynamics related to safety and operation . IEAGHG IEAGHG Modelling and Risk Management Network Meeting , Grand Forks, North Dakota 2017-12-19 - 2018-06-22
PosterJohannessen, Birgitte; Kolla, Hemanth; Gruber, Andrea; Løvås, Terese. (2013) Numerical studies of turbulent flame speed for premixed hydrogen-air flames at elevated pressures. Scandinavian-Nordic Section of the Combustion Institute 6th European Combustion Meeting (ECM13) , Lund University 2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28
Academic lectureGrout, Ray W.; Bremer, Per-Timo; Gruber, Andrea; Bennet, Janine C.; Gyulassy, Attila; Kolla, Hemanth. (2013) Topological segmentation for exploring turbulence-chemistry interaction. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 14th International Conference on Numerical Combustion , San Antonio, Texas 2013-04-08 - 2013-04-10
Academic lectureValiev, Damir; Gruber, Andrea. (2013) Influence of gas expansion on premixed flame flashback in turbulent channel flow. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 14th International Conference on Numerical Combustion , San Antonio, Texas 2013-04-08 - 2013-04-10
PosterJordal, Kristin; Anantharaman, Rahul; Gruber, Andrea; Peters, Thijs; Henriksen, Partow Pakdel; Berstad, David Olsson. (2013) Novel gas turbine burner concept for IGCC: Integrated H2 membrane for distributed feeding of hydrogen to the combustion air. SINTEF og NTNU TCCS-7 , Trondheim 2013-06-05 - 2013-06-06
PosterSalimath, Prashant Siddlingayya; Gruber, Andrea; Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle; Gran, Inge Røinaas. (2012) Study of entropy generation of hydrogen-air premix combustion of 1-D laminar planar and 3-D turbulent v-shaped flame channel flow configuration using (S3D) direct numerical simulation. Combustion Institute 34th International Symposium on Combustion , Warsaw, Poland. 2012-07-29 - 2012-08-03
Academic lectureGrout, Ray W.; Bremer, Per-Timo; Gruber, Andrea; Bennet, Janine C.; Chen, Jacqueline H.; Gyulassy, Attila. (2011) Heat release and turbulence statistics from a Direct Numerical Simulation of a reacting jet in cross-flow parameterized in a jet natural coordinate system developed from scalar quantities. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 13th International Conference on Numerical Combustion , Corfu' 2011-04-27 - 2011-04-29
Academic lectureGruber, Andrea. (2010) Direct numerical simulation of hydrogen flames at atmospheric and pressurized conditions. International Energy Agency 32nd Task Leaders Meeting of the IEA implementing agreement on energy conservation and emissions reduction in combustion , Nara 2010-07-25 - 2010-07-29
Academic lectureGruber, Andrea. (2010) Direct numerical simulations of flame propagation in turbulent boundary layers. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ETH Invited lecture for "Kolloquiums Thermo- und Fluiddynamik" , Zürich 2010-01-01 - 2010-01-01
Academic lectureGruber, Andrea. (2008) Turbulence modeling, EDC and finite rate detailed chemical kinetics for application to low reynolds number wall bounded reactive flows. International Energy Agengy 30th Task Leaders Meeting of the IEA implementing agreement on energy conservation and emissions reduction in combustion , Capri 2008-09-14 - 2008-09-18
Academic lectureGruber, Andrea. (2006) Numerical and experimental study of hydrogen combustion at high pressures. International Energy Agency 28th Task Leaders Meeting of the IEA implementing agreement on energy conservation and emissions reduction in combustion , Heidelberg 2006-08-13 - 2006-08-16
PosterGruber, Andrea; Sankaran, Ramanan; Hawkes, Evatt R; Chen, Jacqueline H. (2006) Turbulent flame-wall interaction at low Reynolds number: a DNS study. Combustion Institute 31st International Symposium on Combustion , Heidelberg 2006-08-06 - 2006-08-11
Academic lectureGruber, Andrea. (2005) DNS of flame-wall interaction with detailed chemical kinetics for a turbulent premixed hydrogen-air flame. International Energy Agency 27th Task Leaders Meeting of the IEA implementing agreement on energy conservation and emissions reduction in combustion , Zürich 2005-09-19 - 2005-09-21
Academic lectureWeydahl, Torleif; Gruber, Andrea; Gran, Inge Røinaas; Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle. (2002) Mathematical modelling and numerical simulations of differential diffusion effects hydrogen-rich turbulent combustion. 14th World Hydrogen Energy , Montreal, Canada 2002-06-13 -