Gunvor Marie Dyrdal
Gneis-bygget, Gjøvik
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Grip gjerne dagen - men litt mer rasjonelt .
VG : Verdens gang
Feature article
Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg;
Sæther, Knut-Willy;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Three moods of approaching friluftsliv and their relationships with sustainability.
Annals of Leisure Research
Academic article
Grau-Ruiz, Raul;
Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Norwegian Outdoor Happiness: Residential Outdoor Spaces and Active Leisure Time Contributions to Subjective Well-being at the National Population Level at the Start of and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Journal of Happiness Studies
Academic article
Ormhaug, Silje Mørup;
Skjærvø, Ingeborg;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Fagermoen, Else Merete;
Haabrekke, Kristin Johanne Økern;
Jensen, Tine.
Stepping Together for Children After Trauma (ST-CT): Feasibility and Predictors of Outcome of a Parent-led, Therapist Assisted Treatment.
Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Academic article
Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Creative wellbeing at sea. The Windjammer Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg.
Windjammer: Finding Purpose and Meaning on a Tall Ship Adventure.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Elstad, Tiril;
Ulleberg, Pål;
Klonteig, Sandra;
Hisdal, Jonny;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Bjørndal, Arild.
The effects of yoga on student mental health: a randomised controlled trial.
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
Academic article
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Røysamb, Espen;
Nes, Ragnhild Bang;
Vittersø, Joar.
When Life Happens: Investigating Short and Long-Term Effects of Life Stressors on Life Satisfaction in a Large Sample of Norwegian Mothers.
Journal of Happiness Studies
Academic article
De Vibe, Michael F.;
Bjørndal, Arild;
Fattah, Sabina;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Halland, Even;
Tanner-Smith, Emily E..
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) for improving health, quality of life and social functioning in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Campbell systematic reviews
Academic literature review
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Lucas, Richard E..
Reaction and Adaptation to the Birth of a Child: A Couple-Level Analysis.
Developmental Psychology
Academic article
Lindberg, Astri;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Frigjørende nærvær.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Røysamb, Espen;
Nes, Ragnhild Bang;
Vittersø, Joar.
Can a happy relationship predict a happy life? A population-based study of maternal well-being during the life transition of pregnancy, infancy, and toddlerhood.
Journal of Happiness Studies
Academic article
Nelson, Douglas L.;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Goodmon, Leilani B,.
What is preexisting strength? Predicting free association, similarity ratings, and cued recall probabilities.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Academic article
Journal publications
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Grip gjerne dagen - men litt mer rasjonelt .
VG : Verdens gang
Feature article
Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg;
Sæther, Knut-Willy;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Three moods of approaching friluftsliv and their relationships with sustainability.
Annals of Leisure Research
Academic article
Grau-Ruiz, Raul;
Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Norwegian Outdoor Happiness: Residential Outdoor Spaces and Active Leisure Time Contributions to Subjective Well-being at the National Population Level at the Start of and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Journal of Happiness Studies
Academic article
Ormhaug, Silje Mørup;
Skjærvø, Ingeborg;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Fagermoen, Else Merete;
Haabrekke, Kristin Johanne Økern;
Jensen, Tine.
Stepping Together for Children After Trauma (ST-CT): Feasibility and Predictors of Outcome of a Parent-led, Therapist Assisted Treatment.
Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Academic article
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg.
Windjammer: Finding Purpose and Meaning on a Tall Ship Adventure.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Elstad, Tiril;
Ulleberg, Pål;
Klonteig, Sandra;
Hisdal, Jonny;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Bjørndal, Arild.
The effects of yoga on student mental health: a randomised controlled trial.
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
Academic article
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Røysamb, Espen;
Nes, Ragnhild Bang;
Vittersø, Joar.
When Life Happens: Investigating Short and Long-Term Effects of Life Stressors on Life Satisfaction in a Large Sample of Norwegian Mothers.
Journal of Happiness Studies
Academic article
De Vibe, Michael F.;
Bjørndal, Arild;
Fattah, Sabina;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Halland, Even;
Tanner-Smith, Emily E..
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) for improving health, quality of life and social functioning in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Campbell systematic reviews
Academic literature review
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Lucas, Richard E..
Reaction and Adaptation to the Birth of a Child: A Couple-Level Analysis.
Developmental Psychology
Academic article
Lindberg, Astri;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Frigjørende nærvær.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Røysamb, Espen;
Nes, Ragnhild Bang;
Vittersø, Joar.
Can a happy relationship predict a happy life? A population-based study of maternal well-being during the life transition of pregnancy, infancy, and toddlerhood.
Journal of Happiness Studies
Academic article
Nelson, Douglas L.;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie;
Goodmon, Leilani B,.
What is preexisting strength? Predicting free association, similarity ratings, and cued recall probabilities.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Academic article
Part of book/report
Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg;
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Creative wellbeing at sea. The Windjammer Project.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; De Paoli, Donatella. (2024) Mindfulness og ledelse. Tilstedeværende ledelse podcast Tilstedeværende ledelse podcast [Internet] 2024-01-25
InterviewLøtveit, Sara; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2024) Åpenhetens paradoks. Under Dusken Under Dusken [Journal] 2024-01-23
Popular scientific lectureDyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2024) Mindfulness i ledelse. Voluntas og Bwell Frokostseminar , Oslo 2024-04-17 - 2024-04-17
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Solheim, Une. (2024) Kompliment til en fremmed. TV2, 21 nyhetene TV2, 21 nyhetene [TV] 2024-03-31
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Karlsen, Christine. (2024) Overrasker: Nordmenn er kjent for dette. TV2 TV2 [Internet] 2024-04-03
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Wang-Svendsen, Mads; Bazilchuk, Nancy Reney. (2024) Can life at sea teach us to live in a more meaningful way?. [Internet] 2024-04-02
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Wang-Svendsen, Mads. (2024) Kan livet til sjøs gi ungdom som har falt utenfor mer mening i livet?. [Internet] 2024-02-28
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Surland-Hansen, Linn. (2024) Slik kan du påvirke lykken. harvest magazine harvest magazine [Journal] 2024-06-10
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Nordvik, Ole Jørgen. (2024) Nyhetsbulletin P4. NRK P4 radio NRK P4 radio [Radio] 2024-09-02
InterviewVikøyr, Simen; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2024) Elendig augustvær: Dette er psykologens råd til bergensere. Bergensavisen Bergensavisen [Newspaper] 2024-08-28
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Eilertsen, Stine Mentzoni. (2024) Man må vurdere om man skal flytte. [Internet] 2024-10-27
Programme participationhovde, Chris; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2024) Get yourself back on track. A regenerative future A regenerative future [Internet] 2024-11-26
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Hansen, Linn Surland. (2024) Å finne balansen: Når er det riktig å be om hjelp som leder - og når bør du håndtere det alene?. Ledernytt Ledernytt [Business/trade/industry journal] 2024-12-01
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Tangen, Leslie. (2024) «Kompani Lauritzen»: – Du tør mer enn du tror. [Internet] 2024-12-19
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Meland, Svein Inge. (2024) – Vi har alle noe å lære av Kompani Lauritzen, mener forsker. [Internet] 2024-12-19
InterviewKvitrud, Marie; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2023) Dette er den alderen hvor flest føler seg ulykkelige. KK KK [Journal] 2023-07-29
InterviewNymoen, Marthe; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2023) Psykologen med klart råd: – Kan virke mot sin hensikt. [Internet] 2023-10-09
Programme participationDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Klingenberg, Thea. (2023) Hvordan finner vi hverdagslykken?. Foreldrerådet podcast Foreldrerådet podcast [Internet] 2023-12-11
Programme participationWeldeghebriel, Lucas; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2023) Det reduserer stresset og øker din evne til å fokusere. Shifter Shifter [Internet] 2023-11-15
DocumentaryDyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2023) Kjærlighet, meditasjon og omsorg for deg selv. [Internet] 2023-02-09
InterviewJohnsen, nora; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2023) Slik takler du høsten: – Provoserende å høre. [Internet] 2023-09-29
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2023) Semesteret kan by på en overveldende mengde pensumlitteratur og arbeidskrav. Mindfulness og krystaller kan være løsningen. Under Dusken Under Dusken [Journal] 2023-02-06
Programme participationDyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2023) Manifestering. God Morgen Norge, TV2 God Morgen Norge, TV2 [TV] 2023-03-15
Programme participationDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Plassen, Pål Hovengen. (2023) Kan ein tenkje seg til god helse?. NRK Kompass NRK Kompass [Radio] 2023-03-02
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Ulvnes, Karoline. (2023) Trend tar av på sosiale medier: – Kan ha en effekthvis det brukes rett. Adressa Adressa [Newspaper] 2023-02-25
InterviewDregelid, Solrun; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2023) "Fake it till you make it" - virker det?. [Newspaper] 2023-07-26
LectureDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg. (2023) Forskning på livsmestring. Å finne mening. Stiftelesen Christian Radich Windjammer. 5 års partnerskapsmøte , Oslo 2023-11-13 - 2023-11-13
DocumentaryDyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2022) Hva bidrar til det gode liv?. [Internet] 2022-12-05
LectureDyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2022) Hvordan skape engasjement og motivasjon? Back to basic!. HR Norge Arbeidsmiljø og sykefravær , Digitalt 2022-03-31 - 2022-03-31
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Ertesvåg, Christine. (2022) Dette er den alderen hvor flest føler seg ulykkelig. [Internet] 2022-08-05
DocumentaryDyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2022) Verktøy for økt hverdagsglede. [Internet] 2022-12-05
LectureMartinsen, Marianne; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2020) Utprøving av Trinnvis traumefokusert kognitiv atferdsterapi i kommunen. Sør-Varanger kommune Seminar , Kirkenes 2020-02-03 - 2020-02-03
Academic lectureMartinsen, Marianne; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Fagermoen, Else Merete; Næss, Anders; Ormhaug, Silje Mørup; Jensen, Tine Kristin. (2019) Bridging the Gap in Trauma Treatment: Introducing Stepped Care TF-CBT in Community Level Care. International Society for Trauma Stress Studies ISTSS 35th Annual Meeting , Boston 2019-11-13 - 2019-11-16
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Vebenstad, Marit Aaby. (2018) Øv deg på å gjøre ingenting så kan du få det bedre. [Internet] 2018-02-10
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Solberg, Tone. (2018) Slik lærer du å bli lykkelig. Tara Tara [Journal] 2018-02-10
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Jensen, Trine. (2017) Syv ting lykkelige mennesker gjør. Og det er ikke veldig vanskelig. . [Internet] 2017-04-30
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Ditlefsen, Heidi. (2017) Irriterer du deg mye i hverdagen?. KK KK [Journal] 2017-06-29
PosterDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Røysamb, Espen; Nes, Ragnhild Bang; Vittersø, Joar. (2016) Life stressors and life satisfaction: Short- and long-term individual and societal effects. Vitenskapelig konferanse , Angers 2016-06-28 - 2016-07-01
InterviewMeland, Svein Inge; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2016) Meditasjonsmetode gir studiepoeng. Adressa Adressa [Newspaper] 2016-11-17
InterviewAndreassen, Kathrine; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2016) Deprimert eller bare trist? – Vi må takle at livet av og til er dritt. [Internet] 2016-12-19
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Andreassen, Katrine. (2016) Hemmeligheten til folk som er lykkelige. ABC Nyheter ABC Nyheter [Internet] 2016-12-22
InterviewKallevik, Arthur; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2015) Trivsel i skolen - en investering for livet. Hjem og Skole Hjem og Skole [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-09-10
InterviewDyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2014) Reduser stress med takknemlighet. Finansavisen Finansavisen [Newspaper] 2014-06-13
Programme participation
InterviewJørgensen, Liv; Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie. (2012) Foreldrelykken varer i to år. forskning-no forskning-no [Internet] 2012-08-12