Ilangko Sellappah Balasingham
Elektro C, C 347, Gløshaugen, O. S. Bragstads plass 2
Ilangko Balasingham is Professor of Medical Signal Processing and Communications at the Department of Electronic Systems. He belongs to the Signal Processing Group. Balasingham has a MSc and a PhD in signal processing, both from NTNU.
Research Interests
- Super robust short range communications for both in-body and on-body sensors
- Body area sensor network
- Microwave short range sensing in vital signs
- Short range localization and tracking mobile sensors
- Nanoscale (molecular) communication networks
Recent Work Experience
- 2015- Section Manager of Signal Processing and Communications Research, Intervention Center, Oslo University Hospital
- 2006- Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications, NTNU
- 2006- Head of Sensor Network Research Group/Professor, Intervention Center, Oslo University Hospital
- 2016-2017, Professor by courtesy, Frontier Institute, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
- 2009, Visiting Professor, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
- 2002-2005 Senior Scientist, Intervention Center, Oslo University Hospital
Selected Research Projects and Management
- Principle Investigator/Work Package Leader of CybAlliance: International Alliance for Strengthening Cybersecurity and Privacy in Healthcare, (Funded by the Research Council of Norway, INPART program, 01.03.2023-28.02.2028, award NOK 10.0 million)
- Co-Project Manager/Principle Investigator of Preoperative Data Models for Personalized Survival and Treatment Analysis for Patients with Colorectal Liver Metastases,(Funded by Health South East Trust, Research Program, 01.01.2023-31.12.2025, award NOK 9.0 million)
- Project Manager/Principle Investigator of Development of RF Sensors for Heart,(Funded by Health South East Trust, Innovation Program, 01.04.2022-31.03.2023, award NOK 0.5 million)
- Principle Investigator/Work Package Leader of Wireless Brain-Connect Interface to Machines (B-CRATOS), (Funded by the European Commission H2020:Future Emerging Technologies (FET) Open Program, 01.03.2021- 28.02.2025, award EUR 4.475 million)
- Project Manager/PI of Internet of Bio-NanoThings for Prediction and Prevention of Infectious Diseases (CLIPEUS), (Funded by the Research Council of Norway, IKTpluss program, 01.09.2020 - 31.12.2025, award NOK 16 million)
- Principle Investigator/Work Package Leader of Reliable Technologies and Models for Verified Wireless Body-Centric Transmission and Localization (ROVER) , (Funded by the European Commission H2020-MSCA-RISE, 01.01.2020-31.12.2025, award EUR 1 million)
- Principle Investigator of 5G HEalth AquacultuRe and Transport validation trials (5G-HEART), (Funded by the European Commission H2020:ICT, 01.07.2019-30.11.2022, award EUR 14.3 million)
- Project Manager/Principle Investigator of Communication Theoretical Foundation of Wireless Nanonetworks (CIRCLE), (Funded by the Research Council of Norway, FRIPRO/FRINATEK program, 01.09.2019 - 31.12.2024, award NOK 10 million)
- Principle Investigator of Next-Generation Theranostics of Brain Pathologies With Autonomous Externally Controllable Nanonetworks: A Transdisciplinary Approach With Bio-Nanodevices Interfaces (GLADIATOR), (Funded by the European Commission H2020:Future Emerging Technologies (FET) Open Program, 01.01.2019-31.12.2022, award EUR 5.9 million)
- Project Manager/Principle Investigator of Development of Real-time Automatic Polyp Detection Systems in Colonoscopy, (Funded by Health South East Trust, Innovation Program, 01.09.2018-31.08.2019, award NOK 0.5 million)
- Principle Investigator of High Data-Rate Wireless Communication for Deep Medical Implants, (Funded by the Research Council of Norway, FORNY program, 01.01.2018 - 01.05.2020, award NOK 5 million)
- Project Manager/PI of Wireless In-Body Sensor and Actuator Networks (WINNOW), (Funded by the Research Council of Norway, IKTPluss, 01.04.2017-30.04.2022, award NOK 16 million)
- Coordinator/PI of Wireless In-Body Environment (WiBEC), (Funded by the European Commission, H2020-MARIE Skodowska-CURIE ACTIONS (MSCA-ITN-2015), 01.01.2016-31.12.2019, budget €3.957 million,
- PI of Holistic Monitoring of Indoor Environment (HOME), (Funded by the Research Council of Norway, Idealabprogram, 01.06.2014 - 31.05.2017, award NOK 10 million)
- Project Manager/PI of MELODY II, (Funded by the Research Council of Norway, VERDIKT program, 01.01.2013- 31.12.2017, award NOK 14.7 million,
- PI of NORBAS, (Funded by the Ministry of Foreign A_airs under the HERD/ICT for Balkan, 01.01.2012 -31.12.2015, award NOK 6.25 million)
- PI of the Adaptive Security for Smart Internet of Things in eHealth, (Funded by the Research Council of Norway,VERDIKT program, 02.01.2012-31.12.2015, award NOK 13.7 million)
- Project Manager/PI of MELODY, (Funded by the Research Council of Norway, VERDIKT program, 01.09.2008- 31.12.2012, award NOK 33 million,
- Work Package Leader/PI of ULTRASPONDER, (Funded by the European Commission, 7th Framework Program,STREP, 01.09.2008 - 31.06.2012, award €4.4 million;
Tung Chou, Chun;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Akan, Ozgur B.;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Feature on the 8th Workshop on Molecular Communications.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Narayanan, Ram Prasadh;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Multiphysics simulation of magnetoelectric micro core-shells for wireless cellular stimulation therapy via magnetic temporal interference.
Academic article
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Pappalardo, Fabrizio;
Damrath, Martin;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Modeling Extracellular Vesicles-Mediated Interactions of Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Mahootiha, Maryamalsadat;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Aghayan, Davit;
Fretland, Åsmund Avdem;
Edwin, Bjørn von Gohren;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Deep learning-assisted survival prognosis in renal cancer: A CT scan-based personalized approach.
Academic article
Nainamalai, Varatharajan;
Jenssen, Håvard Bjørke;
Qair, Hemin Ali;
Pelanis, Egidijus;
Fretland, Åsmund Avdem;
Edwin, Bjørn von Gohren.
Automated algorithm for medical data structuring, and segmentation using artificial intelligence within secured environment for dataset creation.
European Journal of Radiology Open (EJR Open)
Academic article
Lekic, Milica;
Veletic, Mladen;
Damrath, Martin;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Modulating Tumor Cell Extracellular Vesicle Signaling for Therapeutic Intervention and Monitoring.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Academic article
Anderl, Florian Nicolas;
Salvadori, Gabriela ;
Veletic, Mladen;
Petersen, Fernanda Cristina;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Quantitative Aspects, Engineering and Optimization of Bacterial Sensor Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Academic article
Li, Maoyuan;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Hasanvand, Aminolah;
Narayanan, Ram Prasadh;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
A New Design and Analysis for Metasurface-Based Near-Field Magnetic Wireless Power Transfer for Deep Implants.
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Logotheti, Stella;
Pavlopoulou, Athanasia;
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Galow, Anne-Marie;
Kafalı, Yağmur;
Kyrodimos, Efthymios.
Intercellular pathways of cancer treatment-related cardiotoxicity and their therapeutic implications: the paradigm of radiotherapy.
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Academic literature review
Mahootiha, Maryamalsadat;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Multimodal deep learning for personalized renal cell carcinoma prognosis: Integrating CT imaging and clinical data.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Academic article
Li, Maoyuan;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Safety Analysis of Metasurface-Based Near-field Wireless Power Transfer System for Deep Implant.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mahootiha, Maryamalsadat;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Classification of Kidney Tumor Grading on Preoperative Computed Tomography Scans.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Damrath, Martin;
Veletic, Mladen;
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Optimization of Extracellular Vesicle Release for Targeted Drug Delivery.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Damrath, Martin;
Veletic, Mladen;
Sagini, Krizia;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Llorente Martinez, Alicia.
In Silico Model for Tumor Diagnosis based on Bloodstream Penetrating Extracellular Vesicles.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Narayanan, Ram Prasadh;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Frequency demodulation with magnetoelectric coreshells: A novel approach to enhanced bio-stimulation.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
O'Hern, Colin;
Ural, Evran E.;
Damrath, Martin;
Neeb, Emily;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad.
Human Heart Organoid-derived Extracellular Vesicles for Cardiac Intercellular Communication.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugland, Mathias Ramm;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Deep learning for improved polyp detection from synthetic narrow-band imaging.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Khaleghi, Ali;
Dumanli, Sema;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
An Overview of Medical Implant Antennas.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Nesaragi, Naimahmed;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
A Multi-channel EEG Data Analysis for Poor Neuro-prognostication in Comatose Patients with Self and Cross-channel Attention Mechanism.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Laidi, Roufaida;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah;
Pirbhulal, Sandeep.
CybAlliance WP4 Annual Report 2023 Innovation and Long-term Sustainability.
Oslo Universitetssykehus
Nesaragi, Naimahmed;
Høiseth, Lars Øivind;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Rosseland, Leiv Arne;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Non-invasive waveform analysis for emergency triage via simulated hemorrhage: An experimental study using novel dynamic lower body negative pressure model.
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (BBE)
Academic article
Damrath, Martin;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Lekic, Milica;
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Pappalardo, Fabrizio;
Veletic, Mladen.
Computational estimation of chemical reaction rates in extracellular vesicle signaling.
Nano Communication Networks
Academic article
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Damrath, Martin;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Anomalous Diffusion of Extracellular Vesicles in an Extracellular Matrix for Molecular Communication.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Academic article
Noormohammadi, Reza;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Analog Backscatter Video Transmission for Wireless Capsule Endoscope.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Noormohammadi, Reza;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Conductive Backscatter Communication for Dual-Chamber Leadless Pacemakers.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Mahmood, Salman;
Schostek, Sebastian;
Schurr, Marc O.;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko ;
Fosse, Erik.
Robot-assisted magnetic capsule endoscopy; navigating colorectal inclinations.
MITAT. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies
Academic article
Maghoul, Amir;
Rostami, Ali;
Veletic, Mladen;
Unluturk, Bige Deniz;
Gnanakulasekaran, Nilojan;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Optical Modeling and Characterization of Demyelinated Nerve Using Graphene-Based Photonic Structure.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Balasingham, Ilangko ;
Shin, Younghak.
Simple U-net based synthetic polyp image generation: Polyp to negative and negative to polyp.
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
Academic article
Narayanan, Ram Prasadh;
Rangriz Rostami, Fazel;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Performance Analysis of Single Coreshell Magnetoelectric Microdevice for Electrical Stimulation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Apu, Eshanul Hoque;
Nafiujjaman, Md;
Sandeep, Srikumar;
Makela, Ashley V.;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Vainio, Seppo.
Biomedical applications of multifunctional magnetoelectric nanoparticles.
Materials Chemistry Frontiers
Academic literature review
Amirifar, Leyla;
Shamloo, Amir;
Nasiri, Rohollah;
de Barros, Natan Roberto;
Wang, Ze Zhong;
Unluturk, Bige Deniz.
Brain-on-a-chip: Recent advances in design and techniques for microfluidic models of the brain in health and disease.
Academic literature review
Veletic, Mladen;
Apu, Eshanul Hoque;
Simic, Mitar;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko ;
Contag, Christopher H..
Implants with Sensing Capabilities.
Chemical Reviews
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Shin, Younghak;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Accurate Real-time Polyp Detection in Videos from Concatenation of Latent Features Extracted from Consecutive Frames.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Lehne, Per Hjalmar;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Wireless Capsule Video Endoscopy For Population-Based Colon Cancer Screening Using 5G network.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
al Batat, Mohammad;
Finsberg, Henrik Nicolay;
Arevalo, Hermenegild;
Sundnes, Joakim;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Regional Left Ventricular Fiber Stress Analysis for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Response.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
The End-to-End Molecular Communication Model of Extracellular Vesicle-Based Drug Delivery.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Lekic, Milica;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Extracellular Vesicle Propagation in Acidic Tumor Microenvironment.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hejri, Farrokh;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko ;
Hoeher, Peter A..
Pace Time Modulation for Intra-Cardiac Communication.
IEEE Communications Letters
Academic article
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Damrath, Martin;
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Pappalardo, Fabrizio;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Reaction rates estimation for the endocytic reception in extracellular vesicles-mediated communications.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rangriz Rostami, Fazel;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Computer Simulation of Magnetoelectric Antenna and Performance Comparison With Micro-Loop.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Maghoul, Amir;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Engineering Photonic Transmission Inside Brain Nerve Fibers.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Capacitively Coupled Electrode Antenna: A Practical Solution for Biomedical Implants.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Etamadi, Ali;
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Modeling Molecular Communication Channel in the Biological Sphere With Arbitrary Homogeneous Boundary Conditions.
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Academic article
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Etamadi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
A Semi-analytical Method for Channel Modeling in Diffusion-based Molecular Communication Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Balasingham, Ilangko ;
Shin, Younghak.
Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Polyp Detection and Segmentation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Santos, Joao;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Ievglevskyi, Oleksandr;
Kanada, Masamitsu.
Extracellular Vesicle-Mediated Communication Nanonetworks: Opportunities and Challenges.
IEEE Communications Magazine
Academic article
Ural, Evran E.;
Toomajian, Victoria;
Apu, Eshanul Hoque;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ashammakhi, Nureddin.
Visualizing extracellular vesicles and their function in 3d tumor microenvironment models.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Academic article
Barros, Michael Taynnan;
Veletic, Mladen;
Kanada, Masamitsu;
Pierobon, Massimiliano;
Vainio, Seppo;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Molecular Communications in Viral Infections Research: Modeling, Experimental Data, and Future Directions.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Academic article
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Targeted drug delivery for cardiovascular disease: Modeling of modulated extracellular vesicle release rates.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Hejri, Farrokh;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Information Theoretical Analysis of Gap Junction Channels.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Maghoul, Amir;
Rostami, Ali;
Gnanakulasekaran, Nilojan;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Design and simulation of terahertz perfect absorber with tunable absorption characteristic using fractal-shaped graphene layers.
Academic article
Noormohammadi, Reza;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Galvanic Impulse Wireless Communication for Biomedical Implants.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Laidi, Roufaida;
Djenouri, Djamel;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Predicting Sensor Readings With Sequence Modeling and Reinforcement Learning for Energy-Efficient IoT Applications.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics. Systems
Academic article
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Information Theory of Neuro-Transmission in Multiple-Access Synaptic Channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Veletic, Mladen;
Barros, Michael Taynnan;
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Balasubramaniam, Sasitharan;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Modeling of Modulated Exosome Release from Differentiated Induced Neural Stem Cells for Targeted Drug Delivery.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Rouzegar, Seyed Vahid;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Mathematical Analysis of Active Drug Transport Coupled With Flow-Induced Diffusion in Blood Vessels.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Albatat, Mohammad;
Arevalo, Hermenegild;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Strøm, Vilde;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Odland, Hans Henrik.
Optimal pacing sites in cardiac resynchronization by left ventricular activation front analysis.
Computers in Biology and Medicine
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Shin, Younghak;
Sølhusvik, Johannes;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Aabakken, Lars;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Toward real-time polyp detection using fully CNNs for 2D Gaussian shapes prediction.
Medical Image Analysis
Academic article
al Batat, Mohammad;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Arevalo, Hermenegild;
Odland, Hans Henrik;
Wall, Samuel;
Sundnes, Joakim.
Multisite pacing and myocardial scars: a computational study.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Noormohammadi, Reza;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Conductive Impulse for Wireless Communication in Dual-Chamber Leadless Pacemakers.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Awan, Muhammad Faheem;
Bose, Pritam;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Evaluation of Secrecy Capacity for Next-Generation Leadless Cardiac Pacemakers.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Palaksha, Deepak;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Filippo, Ziglio;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Feuerstein, Delphine.
Patient specific strategies to enhance leadless pacemaker lifetime in synchronized dual chamber system.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Lu, Pengfei;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Theoretical aspects of resting-state cardiomyocyte communication for multi-nodal nano-actuator pacemakers.
Academic article
Lu, Pengfei;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Molecular Communication Aspects of Potassium Intracellular Signaling in Cardiomyocytes.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Rangriz Rostami, Fazel;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Wireless Link for Micro-scale Biomedical Implants using Magnetoelectric Antennas.
2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Low-Profile and High-Gain Linear Polarized Loop Antenna.
2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
Academic article
El-Ganainy, Noha;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar;
Rosseland, Leiv Arne.
A New Real Time Clinical Decision Support System Using Machine Learning for Critical Care Units.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Fouladi, Seyyed Hamed;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Improving Recovery Performance in Multiple Measurement Vector Having Dependency.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Synaptic Communication Engineering for Future Cognitive Brain-machine Interfaces.
Proceedings of the IEEE
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Using Backscatter Communication.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Characterization of Diffusive Molecular Channels based on Green's Second Identity.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hejri, Farrokh;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Cardiac Gap Junctions Channel Modeling.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Michael, Barros;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Balasubramaniam, Sasitharan.
A Molecular Communication Model of Exosome-mediated Brain Drug Delivery.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valez, Fernando J;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Barroca, Norberto;
Borges, Luis M;
Tavares, Jorge;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Cognitive radio and RF energy harvesting for medical WBANS.
IET Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Sølhusvik, Johannes;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Aabakken, Lars;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A framework with a fully convolutional neural network for semi-automatic colon polyp annotation.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Laasmaa, Martin;
Lu, Pengfei;
Veletic, Mladen;
Louch, William Edward;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Energy-efficiency of Cardiomyocyte Stimulation with Rectangular Pulses.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Sølhusvik, Johannes;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Aabakken, Lars;
Shin, Younghak.
Improving Automatic Polyp Detection Using CNN by Exploiting Temporal Dependency in Colonoscopy Video.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Hasanvand, Aminolah;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Radio frequency backscatter communication for high data rate deep implants.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Floor, Pål Anders;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Kim, Anna N.;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Communication Aspects for a Measurement Based UWB in-Body to on-Body Channel.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Secerbegovic, Alma;
Mesic, Haris;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Contactless blood perfusion assessment of the free flap in breast reconstruction surgery.
International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Stenwig, Eline;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Neural response analysis for brain-machine interfaces.
International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Shin, Younghak;
Sølhusvik, Johannes;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Aabakken, Lars;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Polyp detection and segmentation using Mask R-CNN: Does a deeper feature extractor CNN always perform better?.
International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Noormohammadi, Reza;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Battery-free Wireless Communication for Video Capsule Endoscopy.
International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
El-Ganainy, Noha;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar;
Rosseland, Leiv Arne.
On the performance of hierarchical temporal memory predictions of medical streams in real time.
International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Charfi, Said;
Ansari, Mohamed El;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Computer-aided diagnosis system for ulcer detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images.
IET Image Processing
Academic article
Djenouri, Djamel;
Laidi, Roufaida;
Djenouri, Youcef;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Machine Learning for Smart Building Applications:
Review and Taxonomy.
ACM Computing Surveys
Academic article
Lu, Pengfei;
Veletic, Mladen;
Laasmaa, Martin;
Vendelin, Marko;
Louch, William Edward;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar.
Multi-nodal nano-actuator pacemaker for energy-efficient stimulation of cardiomyocytes.
Nano Communication Networks
Academic article
Zaikina, Veronika;
Moscoso Paredes, Claudia Trinidad;
Matusiak, Barbara Szybinska;
Chelli, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Users' satisfaction of indoor environmental quality conditions in ZEB+ at high latitudes.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Bose, Pritam;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Mahmood, Salman;
al Batat, Mohammad;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Evaluation of data telemetry for future leadless cardiac pacemaker.
IEEE Access
Academic article
al Batat, Mohammad;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Arevalo, Hermenegild;
Odland, Hans Henrik;
Bose, Pritam;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar.
Technological and clinical challenges in lead placement for cardiac rhythm management devices.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Academic literature review
Bose, Pritam;
Khaleghi, Ali;
al Batat, Mohammad;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
RF Channel Modeling for Implant to Implant Communication and Implant to Sub-Cutaneous Implant Communication for Future Leadless Cardiac Pacemakers.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Shin, Younghak;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Abnormal Colon Polyp Image Synthesis Using
Conditional Adversarial Networks for
Improved Detection Performance.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Ahranjan, Seyed S.;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
High gain and wideband stacked patch antenna for S-band applications.
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters (PIER)
Academic article
Shin, Younghak;
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Aabakken, Lars;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Automatic colon polyp detection using region based deep CNN and post learning approaches.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Habib, Kashif;
Leister, Wolfgang;
Snekkenes, Einar Arthur;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Context-Aware Adaptive Authentication for the IoT in eHealth.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2018.336)
Doctoral dissertation
Hasanvand, Aminolah;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Coherent query scheme for wireless backscatter communication systems with single tag.
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Academic article
Shin, Younghak;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Automatic polyp frame screening using patch based combined feature and dictionary learning.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
Academic article
Wang, Jianqing;
Nomura, Kohei;
Narita, Hiroki;
Ito, Fuminori;
Anzai, Daisuke;
Bergsland, Jacob.
Development and in vivo performance evaluation of 10-60-MHz band impulse-radio-based transceiver for deep implantation having 10 Mbps.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Chelli, Ali;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Alouini, Mohamed-Slim;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Bit Error Probability and Power Optimization in Multihop Millimeter Wave Relay Systems.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Bjørnevik, Anders;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Path Length Estimation for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lu, Pengfei;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Intracellular Signaling of Cardiomyocytes for Energy Efficient Leadless Pacemaker.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bose, Pritam;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
In-body and Off-body Channel Modeling for Future Leadless Cardiac Pacemakers based on Phantom and Animal Experiments.
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Academic article
Bose, Pritam;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Wireless Channel Modeling for Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker: Effects of Ventricular Blood Volume.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
al Batat, Mohammad;
King, D. Ryan;
Unger, Laura A;
Arevalo, Hermenegild;
Wall, Samuel Thomas;
Sundnes, Joakim.
Electromechanical Model to Predict Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Capacity Estimation in Multiple-Access Synaptic Channels.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fouladi, Seyyed Hamed;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Recovery of Linearly Mixed sparse Sources From Multiple Measurement Vectors Using l1 Minimization.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chelli, Ali;
Zedini, Emna;
Alouini, Mohamed-Slim;
Pätzold, Matthias Uwe;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Throughput and delay analysis of HARQ with code combining over double Rayleigh fading channels.
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Academic article
Fouladi, Seyyed Hamed;
Chiu, Sung-En;
Rao, Bhaskar;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Recovery of Independent Sparse Sources From Linear Mixtures Using Sparse Bayesian Learning.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
Academic article
Fouladi, Seyed Hamed;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Blind Source Separation Using Temporal Correlation, Non-Gaussianity and Conditional Heteroscedasticity.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Shimizu, Yuto;
Anzai, Daisuke;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Wang, Jianqing.
Performance Evaluation of an Ultra-Wideband Transmit Diversity in a Living Animal Experiment.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Aardal, Øyvind;
Brovoll, Sverre;
Berger, Tor;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Hamran, Svein-Erik.
Phase distortions in radar respiration monitoring.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shin, Younghak;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Comparison of hand-craft feature based SVM and CNN based deep learning framework for automatic polyp classification.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Power Coupling for Conceptual Antennas in Medical Implant Applications.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chelli, Ali;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Alouini, Mohamed-Slim.
Performance Analysis and Optimization of Millimeter Wave Networks with Dual-Hop Relaying.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bagaa, Miloud;
Chelli, Ali;
Djenouri, Djamel;
Taleb, Tarik;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Kansanen, Kimmo.
Optimal Placement of Relay Nodes over Limited Positions in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Academic article
Bernal, Jorge;
Tajkbaksh, Nima;
Sánchez, Francisco Javier;
Matuszewski, Bogdan J.;
Chen, Hao;
Yu, Lequan.
Comparative validation of polyp detection methods in video colonoscopy: Results from the MICCAI 2015 endoscopic vision challenge.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Academic literature review
Veletic, Mladen;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Chahibi, Youssef;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Upper Bound of the Information Capacity in Neuronal Synapses.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Bagaa, Miloud;
Ksentini, Adlen;
Taleb, Tarik;
Jantti, Riku;
Chelli, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An efficient D2D-based strategies for machine type communications in 5G mobile systems.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
Academic article
Zhou, Huiyuan;
Narayanan, Ram M;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Microwave reconstruction method using a circular antenna array cooperating with an internal transmitter.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Chelli, Ali;
Bagaa, Miloud;
Djenouri, Djamel;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Taleb, Tarik.
One-Step Approach for Two-Tiered Constrained Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Academic article
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
The Neural Communication Network: A Brief Review on Neuromodeling and Neuroengineering.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chahibi, Youssef;
Akyildiz, Ian F.;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Propagation modeling and analysis of molecular motors in molecular communication.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Shin, Younghak;
Lee, Heung-No;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Fast L1-based sparse representation of EEG for motor imagery signal classification.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Nguyen, Hieu;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Layered Source-Channel Coding for Uniformly Distributed Sources over Parallel Fading Channels.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
García-Pardo, Concepción;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Fornes-Leal, Alejandro;
Brovoll, Sverre;
Aardal, Øyvind;
Bergsland, Jacob.
Experimental Ultra Wideband Path Loss Models for Implant Communications.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ksentini, Adlen;
Bagaa, Miloud;
Taleb, Tarik;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On using bargaining game for Optimal Placement
of SDN controllers.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rawat, Nitin;
Shin, Younghak;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
EEG Based Image Encryption Via Quantum Walks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fouladi, Seyed Hamed;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Extracting Remote Photoplethysmogram Signal from Endoscopy Videos for Vessel and Capillary Density Recognition.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djenouri, Djamel;
Bagaa, Miloud;
Chelli, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Energy Harvesting Aware Minimum Spanning Tree for Survivable WSN with Minimum Relay Node Addition.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Hasanvand, Ali O;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Wireless backscatter communication using multiple transmitter scheme.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Secerbegovic, Alma;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar;
Suljanović, Nermin;
Mujčić, Aljo;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Blood pressure estimation using video plethysmography.
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging
Academic article
Ševo, Igor;
Avramovic, Aleksej;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Elle, Ole Jakob;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Aabakken, Lars.
Edge density based automatic detection of inflammation in colonoscopy videos.
Computers in Biology and Medicine
Academic article
Veletic, Mladen;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Babić, Zdenka;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Peer-to-Peer Communication in Neuronal Nano-Network.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Wireless communication link for capsule endoscope at 600 MHz.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chahibi, Youssef;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Intra-Body Molecular Communication Networks Framework for Continuous Health Monitoring and Diagnosis.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nakano, Tadashi;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
The 2nd ACM International Conference on
Nanoscale Computing and Communication.
ACM Digital Library
ACM Digital Library
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Chahibi, Youssef;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Channel Modeling and Analysis for Molecular Motors in
Nano-scale Communications.
ACM Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bagaa, Miloud;
Mohamed, Younis;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Optimal Strategies for Data Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chandra, Rohit;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A Microwave Imaging-Based 3D Localization Algorithm for an In-Body RF Source As in Wireless Capsule Endoscopes.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Haddad, Yoram;
Lyandres, Vladimir;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
VoIP Transmission in Wi-Fi Networks with
Partially-Overlapped Channels.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
García-Pardo, Concepción;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Cardona, Narcis;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Experimental UWB Frequency Analysis for Implant Communications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chandra, Rohit;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Investigations on the Effect of Frequency and Noise in a Localization Technique Based on Microwave Imaging for an In-body RF-source.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On selecting the frequency for wireless implant communications.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bagaa, Miloud;
Mohamed, Younis;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Data aggregation tree construction strategies for increasing network lifetime in EH-WSN.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chandra, Rohit;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Detection of brain tumor and localization of a deep brain RF-source using microwave imaging.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhou, Huiyuan;
Narayanan, Ram M;
Chandra, Rohit;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Microwave imaging of circular phantom using the Levenberg-Marquardt method.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Borges, Luis M.;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Barroca, Norberto;
Valez, Fernando J.;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Radiofrequency Energy Harvesting for Wearable Sensors.
Healthcare technology letters
Academic article
Mesiti, Fabio;
Veletic, Mladen;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Astrocyte-neuron communication as cascade of equivalent circuits.
Nano Communication Networks
Academic article
Yuce, Mehmet R;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Yoon, Yong-Kyu;
Wang, Jianqing;
Poon, Carmen C Y.
Guest editorial RF and communication technologies for wireless IMPLANTS.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Chandra, Rohit;
Zhou, Huiyuan;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Narayanan, Ram M.
On the Opportunities and Challenges in Microwave Medical Sensing and Imaging.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Academic literature review
Fouladi, Seyed Hamed;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Kansanen, Kimmo.
Accurate heart rate estimation from camera recording via MUSIC algorithm.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Mesiti, Fabio;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Communication Theory Aspects of Synaptic Transmission.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
García-Pardo, Concepción;
Fornes-Leal, Alejandro;
Vallés-Lluch, Ana;
Vermeeren, Günter;
Joseph, Wout.
Experimental path loss models for in-body communications within 2.36-2.5 GHz.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Academic article
Mesiti, Fabio;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Astrocyte to Neuron Communication Channels
With Applications.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Academic article
Gueye, Limamou;
Yildirim, Sule;
Alaya Cheikh, Faouzi;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Automatic detection of colonoscopic anomalies using capsule endoscopy.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Floor, Pål Anders;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Brovoll, Sverre;
Aardal, Øyvind;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Grymyr, Ole-Johannes.
In-body to on-body Ultrawideband propagation model derived from measurements in living animals.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Academic article
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Wernersson, Niklas;
Skoglund, Mikael.
On Joint Source-Channel Coding for a Multivariate Gaussian on a Gaussian MAC.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Szydelko, Michal;
Kliks, Adrian;
Foukalas, Fotis;
Haddad, Yoram;
Nolan, Keith E..
5G: The Convergence of Wireless Communications.
Wireless Personal Communications
Academic article
Solberg, Lars Erik;
Aardal, Øyvind;
Berger, Tor;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Fosse, Erik;
Hamran, Svein-Erik.
Experimental investigation into radar-based central blood pressure estimation.
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Ultra-Wideband Wire Spiral Antenna for In-Body Communications Using Different Material Matching Layers.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Matching Layer for Path Loss Reduction in Ultra Wideband Implant Communications.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Jankunas, Dainius;
Fomin, Vladislav V.;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Dual-Band Cognitive Radio for Wearable Sensors in Hospitals.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Saraiva, Henrique;
Borges, Luis M.;
Barroca, Norberto;
Tavares, Jorge;
Gouveia, Paulo;
Velez, Fernando J..
Experimental Characterization of Wearable Antennas and Circuits for RF Energy Harvesting in WBANs.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Owe, Olaf;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Formal modeling and analysis of learning-based routing in mobile wireless sensor networks.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul.
One-bit time reversal using binary pulse sequence for indoor communications.
Physical Communication
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Gil, Joon-Min.
Achieving Fair Spectrum Allocation and Reduced Spectrum Handoff in Wireless Sensor Networks: Modeling via Biobjective Optimization.
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
Academic article
Øyri, Karl;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Støa, Stig;
Martinsen, Ørjan Grøttem;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Fosse, Erik.
Wireless vital signs from a life-supporting medical device exposed to electromagnetic disturbance.
MITAT. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Barroca, Norberto;
Valez, Fernando;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Saraiva, Henrique;
Gouveia, Paulo.
CR in Medical Environments.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
García-Pardo, Concepción;
Fornes-Leal, Alejandro;
Vallés-Lluch, Ana;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Cardona, Narcis.
Ultra Wideband Propagation for Future In-Body Sensor Networks.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Propagation Models for In-Body Sensors.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
From Nano-Scale Neural Excitability to Long Term Synaptic Modification.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Vasilakos, Athanasios;
Lee, Heungno.
Computation of an equilibrium in spectrum markets for cognitive radio networks.
IEEE transactions on computers
Academic article
Fouladi, Seyed Hamed;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Sensing, Signal Processing, and Communication for WBANs.
ZTE Communications
Academic article
Moussakhani, Babak;
Flåm, John Torjus;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On change detection in a Kalman filter based tracking problem.
Signal Processing
Academic article
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Suzuki, Junichi;
Gu, Tao.
Special Issue on Body Area Networks.
Mobile Networks and Applications
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Vosoogh, Ali.
A Compact Ultra-Wideband Spiral Helix Antenna for In-Body Communications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mesiti, Fabio;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Correlated Neuronal Activity in Networks of Neurons Stimulated with Nanomachines.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Borges, Luis M.;
Barroca, Norberto;
Saraiva, Henrique;
Tavares, Jorge;
Gouveia, Paulo;
Velez, Fernando J..
Design and Evaluation of Multi-Band RF Energy Harvesting Circuits and Antennas for WSNs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Ultrawideband signals in medicine.
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Academic article
Anzai, Daisuke;
Katsu, Kenta;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Wang, Qiong;
Plettemeier, Dirk;
Wang, Jianqing.
Experimental evaluation of implant UWB-IR transmission with living animal for body area networks.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Barroca, Norberto;
Saraiva, Henrique;
Gouveia, Paulo;
Tavares, Jorge;
Borges, Luis M.;
Velez, Fernando J..
Antennas and Circuits for Ambient RF Energy Harvesting in Wireless Body Area Networks.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Zahid, Wasim;
Takizawa, Kenichi;
Miura, Ryu.
Experimental Implant Communication of High Data Rate Video Using an Ultra Wideband Radio Link.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Babic, Zdenka.
On Spectrum Analysis for Nanomachine-to-Neuron Communications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Sayrafian-Pour, K;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Takizawa, K;
Wang, Jingqing;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Propagation Models for IEEE 802.15.6 Standardization of Implant Communication in Body Area Networks.
IEEE Communications Magazine
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Wang, Jianqing;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
The ultra wideband capsule endoscope.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Zero Delay Joint Source Channel Coding for Multivariate Gaussian Sources over Orthogonal Gaussian Channels.
Academic article
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Owe, Olaf;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Learning-based routing in mobile wireless sensor networks: Applying formal modeling and analysis.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mesiti, Fabio;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Nanomachine-to-Neuron Communication Interfaces for Neuronal Stimulation at Nanoscale.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Academic article
Komuro, Rie;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Effects of ion channel currents on induced action potentials.
International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Mateska, Aleksandra;
Chomu, Konstantin;
Gavrilovska, Liljana;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Applications of Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Technology in Hospital Environments.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Computation of the Transmission Frequency Band for the Ultra Wideband Capsule Endoscope.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Lee, Heung-No.
An inventory model-based spectrum pooling for wireless service provider and unlicensed users.
Computer Communications
Academic article
Gao, Fei;
Lee, XJ;
Fei, Feng-xia;
Tong, H;
Qi, YB;
Deng, Yan-Fang.
Parameter identification for Van Der Pol-Duffing oscillator by a novel artificial bee colony algorithm with differential evolution operators.
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Academic article
Ghorbanzade, Pejman;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A computing-efficient algorithm for acceleromater-based real-time activity recognition systems.
ACM Digital Library
Sheikh Jabbari, Amir;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Noise characterization in a stochastic neural communication network.
Nano Communication Networks
Academic article
Liang, Xuedong;
Chen, Min;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Leung, Victor C.M..
Cooperative communications with relay selection for wireless networks: design issues and applications.
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing
Academic article
Øyri, Karl;
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Fosse, Erik.
Short-range wireless sensor network for critical care monitoring.
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
Academic article
Gao, Fei;
Qi, Yibo;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Yin, Qiang;
Gao, Hongrui.
A Novel non-Lyapunov way for detecting uncertain parameters of chaos system with random noises.
Expert Systems With Applications
Academic article
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Owe, Olaf;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Formal modeling and validation of a power-efficient grouping protocol for WSNs.
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
Academic article
Moussakhani, Babak;
Flåm, John Torjus;
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
On localisation accuracy inside the human abdomen region.
IET Wireless Sensor Systems
Academic article
Nguyen, Hieu T.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Coded Pulse Position Modulation Communication System Over the Human Abdominal Channel for Medical Wireless Body Area Networks.
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications workshops
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Bergsland, Jacob.
Ultra wideband technology in medicine: a survey.
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Nolan, Keith E.;
Oliver, Holland;
De Nardis, Luca;
Ferro, Joao M.;
Barroca, Norberto.
Cognitive Radio for Medical Body Area Networks Using Ultra Wideband.
IEEE wireless communications
Academic article
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Owe, Olaf;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
MULE-Based Wireless Sensor Networks: Probabilistic Modeling and Quantitative Analysis.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Nguyen, Trung Hieu;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Sum-Rate Distortion Bound for Suboptimal Multiterminal Source Coding Applied in Medical Wireless Sensor Networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gao, Fei;
Fei, Feng-xia;
Xu, Qian;
Deng, Yan-Fang;
Qi, Yi-bo;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A novel artificial bee colony algorithm with space contraction for unknown parameters identification and time-delays of chaotic systems.
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Academic article
Kim, Anna N.;
Daling, Eirik Jenssen;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Error Concealment and Post Processing for the Capsule Endoscope.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Transmission of Multiple Gaussian Sources over a Gaussian MAC using a VQLC Mapping.
IEEE conference proceedings
Kim, Anna N.;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Communication using Ultra Wide-band Pulse Position Modulation for In-body Sensors.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leister, Wolfgang;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Woldegiorgis, Yared Berhanu;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Abie, Habtamu.
Defining the ASSET Lab.
NR-notat (DART/16/2012)
Mesiti, Fabio;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Modeling and Analysis of the RF Exposure on Biological Systems: A Potential Treatment Strategy for Neurodegenerative Disease.
Nano Communication Networks
Academic article
Gao, Fei;
Feng-Xia, Fei;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Ant Colony Biological Inspired Way For Statistical Shortest Paths In Complex Brain Networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Eslampanah Sendi, M. S.;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Mesiti, Fabio;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Exposure of the human brain to an electromagnetic plane wave in the 100-1000 MHz frequency range for potential treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
Academic article
Nguyen, Trung Hieu;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A Robust Communication System Based on Joint-Source Channel Coding for a Uniform Source.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Use of a Dielectric Matching Layer for Ultra Wideband Medical Applications.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sheikh Jabbari, Amir;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Modeling of a Nano Communication Network using Spiking Neural Architecture.
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Improved Ultra Wideband Channel Model Including the Frequency-Dependent Attenuation for In-Body Communications.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
Academic article
Nguyen, Trung Hieu;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Coded Pulse Position Modulation Communication System Over the Humman Abdominal Channel for Medical Wireless Body Area Networks.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moussakhani, Babak;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Flåm, John Torjus;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On localizing a Capsule Endoscope using Magnetic Sensors.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
Academic article
Gao, Fei;
Fei, Feng-xia;
Deng, Yan-Fang;
Qi, Yi-bo;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A novel non-Lyapunov approach through artificial bee colony algorithm for detecting unstable periodic orbits with high orders.
Expert Systems With Applications
Academic article
Abie, Habtamu;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Risk-Based Adaptive Security for Smart IoT in eHealth.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Balasingham, Ilangko.
BODYNETS 2012 - 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks.
ICST - Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Suzuki, Jun;
Gu, T.;
Kim, Anna N.;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul.
Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks (Bodynets) 2012.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Wernersson, Niklas;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Skoglund, Mikael;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Zero-Delay Joint Source-Channel Coding for a Bivariate Gaussian on a Gaussian MAC.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Nguyen, Hai Thanh;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Optimal and robust communication for a uniform source.
IET Communications
Academic article
Leister, Wolfgang;
Schulz, Trenton;
Lie, Arne;
Grythe, Knut Harald;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djenouri, Djamel;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Power-aware QoS geographical routing for wireless sensor networks : implementation using Contiki.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chen, Min;
Leung, Victor;
Huang, Xu;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Li, Ming.
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet)
Solberg, Lars Erik;
Hamran, Svein-Erik;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Realistic Simulations of Aorta Radius Estimation.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Owe, Olaf;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Group Selection by Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Coalitional Game Theory.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Trung Hieu;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A Wireless Sensor Communication System Based on Direct-Sum Source Coder.
IET Wireless Sensor Systems
Academic article
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
ISABEL 2011 Conference Proceedings.
ACM Publications
ACM Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Wernersson, Niklas;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Skoglund, Mikael;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Distributed Zero-Delay Joint Source-Channel Coding for a Bi-Variate Gaussian on a Gaussian MAC.
European Signal Processing Conference
Academic article
Moussakhani, Babak;
Flåm, John Torjus;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
On the CRLB for source localization in a lossy environment.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moussakhani, Babak;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Multi Model Tracking for Localization in Wireless Capsule Endoscope.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Cognitive Radio for Medical Wireless Body Area Networks.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mesiti, Fabio;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Novel Treatment Strategies for Neurodegenerative Diseases based on RF exposure.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Ultra-wideband statistical propagation channel model for implant sensors in the human chest.
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Øyri, Karl;
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Fosse, Erik.
Evaluation of the Reliability of Blood Pressure Data Transmission through an IEEE 802.11 Link in the Presence of IEEE 802.15.4 Interference.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sheikh Jabbari, Amir;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Modeling Nano-communication Networks Using Neurocomputing Algorithm.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sarbandi Farahani, Hossein;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A Novel Approach for Dispersion Engineering of an LPDA Antenna Based on Time reversal Technique.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Wernersson, Niklas;
Skoglund, Mikael.
Transmitting Multiple Correlated Gaussian Sources over a Gaussian MAC using Delay-Free Mappings.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Very Low Complexity Low Rate Image Coding for the Wireless Endoscope.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kim, Anna N.;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Delay-Free Joint Source-Channel Coding for Gaussian Network of Multiple Sensors.
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Academic article
Wang, Qinghua;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Zhang, Miaomiao;
Huang, Xin.
Improving RSS-Based Ranging in LOS-NLOS Scenario Using GMMs.
IEEE Communications Letters
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Farahani, HS;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Impulse Radiating Log-Periodic Dipole Array Antenna Using Time-Reversal Technique.
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Vasilako, Athanasios.
A Market Clearing Spectrum Trade in Cognitive Radio Networks.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Periodic-MAC: Improving MAC Protocols for Biomedical Sensor Networks Through Implicit Synchronization.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Qinghua;
Zhang, T;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Characterizing the Traffic Load Distribution in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks.
Journal of Networks
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul.
Computational study of ultra-wideband wave propagation into the human chest.
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
Academic article
Djenouri, Djamel;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Traffic-Differentiation-Based Modular QoS Localized Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Vasilakos, Athanasios;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Investigation of Stochastic Market Equilibrium in Cognitive Radio Networks.
IEEE Communications Letters
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A Measurement Allocation Scheme for Reliable Data Gathering in Spatially Correlated Sensor Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Approximations of Multiobjective Optimization for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Stig;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An ultra wideband communication channel model for capsule endoscopy.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Ultra-wideband pulse-based data communications for medical implants.
IET Communications
Academic article
Liang, Xuedong;
Chen, Min;
Xiao, Yang;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Leung, Victor.
MRL-CC: a novel cooperative communication protocol for QoS provisioning in wireless sensor networks.
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet)
Academic article
Solberg, Lars Erik;
Hamran, Svein-Erik;
Berger, Tor;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Minimum Variance Signal Selection for Aorta Radius Estimation Using Radar.
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
Academic article
Solberg, Lars Erik;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Hamran, Svein-Erik.
Candidate Estimators for Aorta Diameter Estimation Using Monostatic Radar.
The Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Owe, Olaf;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Power-Efficient Sensor Networkds: Modeling, Simulation and Verification.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gordillo, Alex Cartegena;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On directive antennas application to implant - on-body UWB communications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Fosse, Erik.
Ultra Wideband Wireless Body Area Network for Medical Applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Khaleghi, Ali.
Characterization of ultra-wideband wave propagation inside human body.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Qinghua;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Non-line-of-sight error mitigation for range estimation in dynamic environments.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Liang, Xuedong;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Leung, Victor;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
On ultra wideband channel modeling for in-body communcations.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An ultra wideband propagation model for wireless cardiac monitoring devices.
The Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liang, X;
Chen, Min;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Leung, Victor;
Liang, Xuedong.
Soft QoS provisioning for wireless sensor networks : a cooperative communications approach.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gordillo, Alex Cartegena;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Design of smooth ultra wideband pulses exploiting non-orthogonal properties of the Hermite pulses.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Meurville, Eric;
Peisino, Michela.
Compression schemes for in-body and on-body UWB sensor networks.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Q;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Wireless Sensor Networks - An introduction.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Owe, Olaf;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Grouping Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Coalitional Game Theory.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Moussavinik, Hessam;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Interference mitigation using pulse position and frequency modulation for multiband systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moussakhani, Babak;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Distributed Signal Estimation Using Binary Sensors with Multiple Thresholds.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Stig;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Ultra Wideband Communication Channel Model for the Human Abdominal Region.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moussakhani, Babak;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Distributed Signal Estimation Using Binary Sensors with Multiple Thresholds.
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Proceedings
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Approximations of Multiobjective Optimization for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics: Digest of Technical Papers (ICCE)
Academic article
Nguyen, Hieu T.;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Floor, Pål Anders.
Limited Feedback Transmission Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Characterization of Ultra-Wideband Wave Propagation inside Human Body.
IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine
Academic article
Solberg, Lars Erik;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Hamran, Svein-Erik;
Fosse, Erik.
A Feasibility Study on Aortic Pressure Estimation Using UWB Radar.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Microwave and optical technology letters (Print)
Academic article
Liang, Xuedong;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Owe, Olaf;
Johnsen, Einar Broch.
QoS Provisioning for Wireless Sensor Networks: Algorithms, Protocols and Modeling.
Unipub forlag
Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo. (918)
Doctoral dissertation
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Moussavinik, Hessam;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Fair Allocation of Sensor Measurements Using Shapley Value.
Conference on Local Computer Networks
Academic article
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A decentalized MAC layer protocol with periodic channel access evaluated with presence of interference.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pham, Minh-Long;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Minimizing Power Using Large Bandwidth PPM Transmission and DPCM Source Coding.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moussavinik, Hessam;
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Steady State in Multiuser Multiband IR-UWB without NBI Detection.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Moussavinik, Hessam;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Fair Allocation of Sensor Measurements Using Shapley Value.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djenouri, Djamel;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
New QoS and Geographical Routing in Wireless Biomedical Sensor Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pham, Minh-Long;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Ultra wideband biomedical wireless sensor neworks using wavelet lifting for image transmission.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liang, Xuedong;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Leung, Victor.
Cooperative Communications with Adaptive Relay Selection for QoS Provisioning in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chen, Min;
Liang, Xuedong;
Leung, Victor;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Multi-Hop Mesh Cooperative Structure based Data Dissemination for Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ding, Jianguo;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Bouvry, Pascal.
Management Challenges for Emerging Networks and Services.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ding, Jianguo;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Bouvry, Pascal.
Management of Overlay Networks: A Survey.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Ultra Wideband Propagation Channel Characterizations of the Biomedical Implants.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Human Body Ultra Wideband Channel Characterizations for Different Wave Polarizations.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cao, Huasong;
Liang, Xuedong;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Leung, Victor.
Performance Analysis of ZigBee Technology for Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moussavinik, Hessam;
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Towards Robustness in Multiband/Multiuser IR-UWB: Overcoming Unknown NBI via FEC and Subband Scheduling.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Architecture of an Ultra Wideband Wireless Body Area Network for Medical Applications.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Moussavinik, Hessam;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Fair Allocation of Sensor Measurements Using Shapley Value.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Subramanian, Sattanathan;
Djenouri, Djamel;
Sindre, Guttorm;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
CoP4V: Context-based Protocol for Vehicle’s Safety in Highways Using Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liang, Xuedong;
Chen, Min;
Xiao, Yang;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Leung, Vcitor.
A Novel Cooperative Communication Protocol for QoS Provisioning in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Khaleghi, A;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Non-line-of-sight on-body ultra wideband (1-6 GHz) channel characterisation using different antenna polarisations.
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
Academic article
Leister, Wolfgang;
Fretland, Truls;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Security and Authentication Architecture Using MPEG-21 for Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems.
International journal on advances in security
Academic article
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Are the wavelet transforms the best filter banks for image compression?.
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
Academic article
Ausen, Dag;
Strisland, Frode;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Øyri, Karl;
Næss-Ulseth, Eirik.
Den trådløse pasienten.
Helse, Medisin, Teknikk
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Liang, Xuedong;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Byun, Sang-Seon.
A Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liang, Xuedong;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Byun, Sang-Seon.
A Reinforcement Learning based Routing Protocol with QoS Support for Biomedical Sensor Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A decentralized MAC layer protocol with periodic channel access for biomedical sensor networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moussavinik, Hessam;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Tor, Ramstad.
Handling unknown NBI in IR-UWB system used in biomedical wireless sensor networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leister, Wolfgang;
Fretland, Truls;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Use of MPEG-21 for Security and Authentication in Biomedical Sensor Networks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leister, Wolfgang;
Abie, Habtamu;
Groven, Arne-Kristian;
Fretland, Truls;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Threat Assessment of Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Salden, Alfons;
Stam, Andries;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Steffen, Martin;
Kyas, Marcel;
Leister, Wolfgang.
Deliverable D6.1 - User Driven Requirements - Addendum.
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ihlen, Halfdan;
Leister, Wolfgang;
Røe, Per;
Samset, Eigil.
Communication of medical images, text, and messages in inter-enterprise systems: A case study in Norway.
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine
Academic article
Solberg, Lars Erik;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Swept-threshold Sampling in UWB Medical Radar.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liang, Xuedong;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Performance Analysis of the {IEEE} 802.15.4 Based {ECG} Monitoring Network.
ACTA Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liang, Xuedong;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A QoS Routing Service Framework for Biomedical Sensor Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Data throughput optimization in the IEEE 802.16.4 medical sensor network.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Kyas, Marcel;
Leister, Wolfgang;
Liang, Xuedong;
Østvold, Bjarte M.;
Rossum, Anne van.
CREDO - Deliverable D6.1: User driven requirements.
Øyri, Karl;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Samset, Eigil;
Høgetveit, Jan Olav;
Fosse, Erik.
Wireless continuous arterial blood pressure monitoring during surgery: a pilot study.
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Academic article
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Øyri, Karl;
Elle, Ole Jakob;
Mirtaheri, Peyman;
Høgetveit, Jan Olav.
Use of wireless biomedical sensors in digital operating rooms.
MITAT. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies
Academic article
Wolfgang, Leister;
Røe, Per;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ihlen, Halfdan;
Roterud, Håvard;
Haugland, Kjell-Rune.
Transmission of Digital Ultrasound Images.
Norwegian Computing Center
Samset, Eigil;
Mala, Tom;
Aurdal, Lars;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Intra-operative visualisation of 3D temperature maps and 3D navigation during tissue cryoablation.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
Academic article
Røe, Per;
Ølnes, Jon;
Larsen, Andre;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Øyri, Karl.
Wireless Health and Care Security architecture - The Wireless instrumentation demonstrator - WiSMoS.
NR-notat (DART/07/05)
Leister, Wolfgang;
Røe, Per;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ihlen, Halfdan;
Roterud, Håvard;
Haugland, Kjell-Rune.
Transmission of Digital Ultrasound Images.
Report at the Norwegian Computing Center (1003)
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Samset, Eigil;
Hansen, A.;
Aurdal, Lars.
An interactive augmented reality 3D visualization system for destroying liver tumor using cryoablation.
Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
Academic article
Øyri, Karl;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Høgetveit, Jan Olav.
Den trådløse pasienten.
Scandinavian conference in Health Informatics
Academic commentary
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Perkis, Andrew;
Øien, Geir Egil.
Performance of different filter banks and wavelet transforms.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On optimal perfect reconstruction filter banks for image comoression.
Institutt for teleteknikk, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Dankworth, Harald;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Bevegelseskompensasjon basert på triangelmetoden; en mulig kandidat for lavrate videokompresjon?.
Piksel'n, 13(3):16--20
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Yahampath, Pradeepa;
Perkis, Andrew.
A hybrid coding scheme for videophone images based on wireframe modeling and subband coding.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Optimized perfect reconstruction tree-structured filter banks for image coding.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Fuldseth, Arild;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Acomparison of different optimized structures of filter banks for video coding.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Nonuniform nonunitary perfect reconstruction filter banks for image coding.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Efficient adaptive filtering based on new structures and techniques.
Norwegian Institute of Technology, Norway and University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Tung Chou, Chun;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Akan, Ozgur B.;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Feature on the 8th Workshop on Molecular Communications.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Narayanan, Ram Prasadh;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Multiphysics simulation of magnetoelectric micro core-shells for wireless cellular stimulation therapy via magnetic temporal interference.
Academic article
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Pappalardo, Fabrizio;
Damrath, Martin;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Modeling Extracellular Vesicles-Mediated Interactions of Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Mahootiha, Maryamalsadat;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Aghayan, Davit;
Fretland, Åsmund Avdem;
Edwin, Bjørn von Gohren;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Deep learning-assisted survival prognosis in renal cancer: A CT scan-based personalized approach.
Academic article
Nainamalai, Varatharajan;
Jenssen, Håvard Bjørke;
Qair, Hemin Ali;
Pelanis, Egidijus;
Fretland, Åsmund Avdem;
Edwin, Bjørn von Gohren.
Automated algorithm for medical data structuring, and segmentation using artificial intelligence within secured environment for dataset creation.
European Journal of Radiology Open (EJR Open)
Academic article
Lekic, Milica;
Veletic, Mladen;
Damrath, Martin;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Modulating Tumor Cell Extracellular Vesicle Signaling for Therapeutic Intervention and Monitoring.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Academic article
Anderl, Florian Nicolas;
Salvadori, Gabriela ;
Veletic, Mladen;
Petersen, Fernanda Cristina;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Quantitative Aspects, Engineering and Optimization of Bacterial Sensor Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Academic article
Li, Maoyuan;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Hasanvand, Aminolah;
Narayanan, Ram Prasadh;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
A New Design and Analysis for Metasurface-Based Near-Field Magnetic Wireless Power Transfer for Deep Implants.
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Logotheti, Stella;
Pavlopoulou, Athanasia;
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Galow, Anne-Marie;
Kafalı, Yağmur;
Kyrodimos, Efthymios.
Intercellular pathways of cancer treatment-related cardiotoxicity and their therapeutic implications: the paradigm of radiotherapy.
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Academic literature review
Mahootiha, Maryamalsadat;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Multimodal deep learning for personalized renal cell carcinoma prognosis: Integrating CT imaging and clinical data.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Academic article
Damrath, Martin;
Veletic, Mladen;
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Optimization of Extracellular Vesicle Release for Targeted Drug Delivery.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Nesaragi, Naimahmed;
Høiseth, Lars Øivind;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Rosseland, Leiv Arne;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Non-invasive waveform analysis for emergency triage via simulated hemorrhage: An experimental study using novel dynamic lower body negative pressure model.
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (BBE)
Academic article
Damrath, Martin;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Lekic, Milica;
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Pappalardo, Fabrizio;
Veletic, Mladen.
Computational estimation of chemical reaction rates in extracellular vesicle signaling.
Nano Communication Networks
Academic article
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Damrath, Martin;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Anomalous Diffusion of Extracellular Vesicles in an Extracellular Matrix for Molecular Communication.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Academic article
Noormohammadi, Reza;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Analog Backscatter Video Transmission for Wireless Capsule Endoscope.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Noormohammadi, Reza;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Conductive Backscatter Communication for Dual-Chamber Leadless Pacemakers.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Mahmood, Salman;
Schostek, Sebastian;
Schurr, Marc O.;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko ;
Fosse, Erik.
Robot-assisted magnetic capsule endoscopy; navigating colorectal inclinations.
MITAT. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies
Academic article
Maghoul, Amir;
Rostami, Ali;
Veletic, Mladen;
Unluturk, Bige Deniz;
Gnanakulasekaran, Nilojan;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Optical Modeling and Characterization of Demyelinated Nerve Using Graphene-Based Photonic Structure.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Balasingham, Ilangko ;
Shin, Younghak.
Simple U-net based synthetic polyp image generation: Polyp to negative and negative to polyp.
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
Academic article
Apu, Eshanul Hoque;
Nafiujjaman, Md;
Sandeep, Srikumar;
Makela, Ashley V.;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Vainio, Seppo.
Biomedical applications of multifunctional magnetoelectric nanoparticles.
Materials Chemistry Frontiers
Academic literature review
Amirifar, Leyla;
Shamloo, Amir;
Nasiri, Rohollah;
de Barros, Natan Roberto;
Wang, Ze Zhong;
Unluturk, Bige Deniz.
Brain-on-a-chip: Recent advances in design and techniques for microfluidic models of the brain in health and disease.
Academic literature review
Veletic, Mladen;
Apu, Eshanul Hoque;
Simic, Mitar;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko ;
Contag, Christopher H..
Implants with Sensing Capabilities.
Chemical Reviews
Academic article
al Batat, Mohammad;
Finsberg, Henrik Nicolay;
Arevalo, Hermenegild;
Sundnes, Joakim;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Regional Left Ventricular Fiber Stress Analysis for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Response.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
The End-to-End Molecular Communication Model of Extracellular Vesicle-Based Drug Delivery.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Hejri, Farrokh;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko ;
Hoeher, Peter A..
Pace Time Modulation for Intra-Cardiac Communication.
IEEE Communications Letters
Academic article
Rangriz Rostami, Fazel;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Computer Simulation of Magnetoelectric Antenna and Performance Comparison With Micro-Loop.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Maghoul, Amir;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Engineering Photonic Transmission Inside Brain Nerve Fibers.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Etamadi, Ali;
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Modeling Molecular Communication Channel in the Biological Sphere With Arbitrary Homogeneous Boundary Conditions.
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Academic article
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Etamadi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
A Semi-analytical Method for Channel Modeling in Diffusion-based Molecular Communication Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Santos, Joao;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Ievglevskyi, Oleksandr;
Kanada, Masamitsu.
Extracellular Vesicle-Mediated Communication Nanonetworks: Opportunities and Challenges.
IEEE Communications Magazine
Academic article
Ural, Evran E.;
Toomajian, Victoria;
Apu, Eshanul Hoque;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ashammakhi, Nureddin.
Visualizing extracellular vesicles and their function in 3d tumor microenvironment models.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Academic article
Barros, Michael Taynnan;
Veletic, Mladen;
Kanada, Masamitsu;
Pierobon, Massimiliano;
Vainio, Seppo;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Molecular Communications in Viral Infections Research: Modeling, Experimental Data, and Future Directions.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Academic article
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Targeted drug delivery for cardiovascular disease: Modeling of modulated extracellular vesicle release rates.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Hejri, Farrokh;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Information Theoretical Analysis of Gap Junction Channels.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Maghoul, Amir;
Rostami, Ali;
Gnanakulasekaran, Nilojan;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Design and simulation of terahertz perfect absorber with tunable absorption characteristic using fractal-shaped graphene layers.
Academic article
Noormohammadi, Reza;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Galvanic Impulse Wireless Communication for Biomedical Implants.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Laidi, Roufaida;
Djenouri, Djamel;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Predicting Sensor Readings With Sequence Modeling and Reinforcement Learning for Energy-Efficient IoT Applications.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics. Systems
Academic article
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Information Theory of Neuro-Transmission in Multiple-Access Synaptic Channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Veletic, Mladen;
Barros, Michael Taynnan;
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Balasubramaniam, Sasitharan;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Modeling of Modulated Exosome Release from Differentiated Induced Neural Stem Cells for Targeted Drug Delivery.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Rouzegar, Seyed Vahid;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Mathematical Analysis of Active Drug Transport Coupled With Flow-Induced Diffusion in Blood Vessels.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Albatat, Mohammad;
Arevalo, Hermenegild;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Strøm, Vilde;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Odland, Hans Henrik.
Optimal pacing sites in cardiac resynchronization by left ventricular activation front analysis.
Computers in Biology and Medicine
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Shin, Younghak;
Sølhusvik, Johannes;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Aabakken, Lars;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Toward real-time polyp detection using fully CNNs for 2D Gaussian shapes prediction.
Medical Image Analysis
Academic article
al Batat, Mohammad;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Arevalo, Hermenegild;
Odland, Hans Henrik;
Wall, Samuel;
Sundnes, Joakim.
Multisite pacing and myocardial scars: a computational study.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Noormohammadi, Reza;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Conductive Impulse for Wireless Communication in Dual-Chamber Leadless Pacemakers.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Awan, Muhammad Faheem;
Bose, Pritam;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Evaluation of Secrecy Capacity for Next-Generation Leadless Cardiac Pacemakers.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Palaksha, Deepak;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Filippo, Ziglio;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Feuerstein, Delphine.
Patient specific strategies to enhance leadless pacemaker lifetime in synchronized dual chamber system.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Lu, Pengfei;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Theoretical aspects of resting-state cardiomyocyte communication for multi-nodal nano-actuator pacemakers.
Academic article
Lu, Pengfei;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Molecular Communication Aspects of Potassium Intracellular Signaling in Cardiomyocytes.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Rangriz Rostami, Fazel;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Wireless Link for Micro-scale Biomedical Implants using Magnetoelectric Antennas.
2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Low-Profile and High-Gain Linear Polarized Loop Antenna.
2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
Academic article
El-Ganainy, Noha;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar;
Rosseland, Leiv Arne.
A New Real Time Clinical Decision Support System Using Machine Learning for Critical Care Units.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Fouladi, Seyyed Hamed;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Improving Recovery Performance in Multiple Measurement Vector Having Dependency.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Synaptic Communication Engineering for Future Cognitive Brain-machine Interfaces.
Proceedings of the IEEE
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Sølhusvik, Johannes;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Aabakken, Lars;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A framework with a fully convolutional neural network for semi-automatic colon polyp annotation.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Laasmaa, Martin;
Lu, Pengfei;
Veletic, Mladen;
Louch, William Edward;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Energy-efficiency of Cardiomyocyte Stimulation with Rectangular Pulses.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Sølhusvik, Johannes;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Aabakken, Lars;
Shin, Younghak.
Improving Automatic Polyp Detection Using CNN by Exploiting Temporal Dependency in Colonoscopy Video.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Hasanvand, Aminolah;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Radio frequency backscatter communication for high data rate deep implants.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Floor, Pål Anders;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Kim, Anna N.;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Communication Aspects for a Measurement Based UWB in-Body to on-Body Channel.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Secerbegovic, Alma;
Mesic, Haris;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Contactless blood perfusion assessment of the free flap in breast reconstruction surgery.
International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Stenwig, Eline;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Neural response analysis for brain-machine interfaces.
International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Shin, Younghak;
Sølhusvik, Johannes;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Aabakken, Lars;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Polyp detection and segmentation using Mask R-CNN: Does a deeper feature extractor CNN always perform better?.
International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Noormohammadi, Reza;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Battery-free Wireless Communication for Video Capsule Endoscopy.
International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
El-Ganainy, Noha;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar;
Rosseland, Leiv Arne.
On the performance of hierarchical temporal memory predictions of medical streams in real time.
International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Charfi, Said;
Ansari, Mohamed El;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Computer-aided diagnosis system for ulcer detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images.
IET Image Processing
Academic article
Djenouri, Djamel;
Laidi, Roufaida;
Djenouri, Youcef;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Machine Learning for Smart Building Applications:
Review and Taxonomy.
ACM Computing Surveys
Academic article
Lu, Pengfei;
Veletic, Mladen;
Laasmaa, Martin;
Vendelin, Marko;
Louch, William Edward;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar.
Multi-nodal nano-actuator pacemaker for energy-efficient stimulation of cardiomyocytes.
Nano Communication Networks
Academic article
Zaikina, Veronika;
Moscoso Paredes, Claudia Trinidad;
Matusiak, Barbara Szybinska;
Chelli, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Users' satisfaction of indoor environmental quality conditions in ZEB+ at high latitudes.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Bose, Pritam;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Mahmood, Salman;
al Batat, Mohammad;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Evaluation of data telemetry for future leadless cardiac pacemaker.
IEEE Access
Academic article
al Batat, Mohammad;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Arevalo, Hermenegild;
Odland, Hans Henrik;
Bose, Pritam;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar.
Technological and clinical challenges in lead placement for cardiac rhythm management devices.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Academic literature review
Bose, Pritam;
Khaleghi, Ali;
al Batat, Mohammad;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
RF Channel Modeling for Implant to Implant Communication and Implant to Sub-Cutaneous Implant Communication for Future Leadless Cardiac Pacemakers.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Shin, Younghak;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Abnormal Colon Polyp Image Synthesis Using
Conditional Adversarial Networks for
Improved Detection Performance.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Ahranjan, Seyed S.;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
High gain and wideband stacked patch antenna for S-band applications.
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters (PIER)
Academic article
Shin, Younghak;
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Aabakken, Lars;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Automatic colon polyp detection using region based deep CNN and post learning approaches.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Hasanvand, Aminolah;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Coherent query scheme for wireless backscatter communication systems with single tag.
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Academic article
Shin, Younghak;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Automatic polyp frame screening using patch based combined feature and dictionary learning.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
Academic article
Wang, Jianqing;
Nomura, Kohei;
Narita, Hiroki;
Ito, Fuminori;
Anzai, Daisuke;
Bergsland, Jacob.
Development and in vivo performance evaluation of 10-60-MHz band impulse-radio-based transceiver for deep implantation having 10 Mbps.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Chelli, Ali;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Alouini, Mohamed-Slim;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Bit Error Probability and Power Optimization in Multihop Millimeter Wave Relay Systems.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Bose, Pritam;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
In-body and Off-body Channel Modeling for Future Leadless Cardiac Pacemakers based on Phantom and Animal Experiments.
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Academic article
Chelli, Ali;
Zedini, Emna;
Alouini, Mohamed-Slim;
Pätzold, Matthias Uwe;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Throughput and delay analysis of HARQ with code combining over double Rayleigh fading channels.
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Academic article
Fouladi, Seyyed Hamed;
Chiu, Sung-En;
Rao, Bhaskar;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Recovery of Independent Sparse Sources From Linear Mixtures Using Sparse Bayesian Learning.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
Academic article
Fouladi, Seyed Hamed;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Blind Source Separation Using Temporal Correlation, Non-Gaussianity and Conditional Heteroscedasticity.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Shimizu, Yuto;
Anzai, Daisuke;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Wang, Jianqing.
Performance Evaluation of an Ultra-Wideband Transmit Diversity in a Living Animal Experiment.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Shin, Younghak;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Comparison of hand-craft feature based SVM and CNN based deep learning framework for automatic polyp classification.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Bagaa, Miloud;
Chelli, Ali;
Djenouri, Djamel;
Taleb, Tarik;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Kansanen, Kimmo.
Optimal Placement of Relay Nodes over Limited Positions in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Academic article
Bernal, Jorge;
Tajkbaksh, Nima;
Sánchez, Francisco Javier;
Matuszewski, Bogdan J.;
Chen, Hao;
Yu, Lequan.
Comparative validation of polyp detection methods in video colonoscopy: Results from the MICCAI 2015 endoscopic vision challenge.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Academic literature review
Veletic, Mladen;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Chahibi, Youssef;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Upper Bound of the Information Capacity in Neuronal Synapses.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Bagaa, Miloud;
Ksentini, Adlen;
Taleb, Tarik;
Jantti, Riku;
Chelli, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An efficient D2D-based strategies for machine type communications in 5G mobile systems.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
Academic article
Zhou, Huiyuan;
Narayanan, Ram M;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Microwave reconstruction method using a circular antenna array cooperating with an internal transmitter.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Chelli, Ali;
Bagaa, Miloud;
Djenouri, Djamel;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Taleb, Tarik.
One-Step Approach for Two-Tiered Constrained Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Academic article
Chahibi, Youssef;
Akyildiz, Ian F.;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Propagation modeling and analysis of molecular motors in molecular communication.
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Academic article
Shin, Younghak;
Lee, Heung-No;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Fast L1-based sparse representation of EEG for motor imagery signal classification.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Secerbegovic, Alma;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar;
Suljanović, Nermin;
Mujčić, Aljo;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Blood pressure estimation using video plethysmography.
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging
Academic article
Ševo, Igor;
Avramovic, Aleksej;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Elle, Ole Jakob;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Aabakken, Lars.
Edge density based automatic detection of inflammation in colonoscopy videos.
Computers in Biology and Medicine
Academic article
Veletic, Mladen;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Babić, Zdenka;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Peer-to-Peer Communication in Neuronal Nano-Network.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Borges, Luis M.;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Barroca, Norberto;
Valez, Fernando J.;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Radiofrequency Energy Harvesting for Wearable Sensors.
Healthcare technology letters
Academic article
Mesiti, Fabio;
Veletic, Mladen;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Astrocyte-neuron communication as cascade of equivalent circuits.
Nano Communication Networks
Academic article
Yuce, Mehmet R;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Yoon, Yong-Kyu;
Wang, Jianqing;
Poon, Carmen C Y.
Guest editorial RF and communication technologies for wireless IMPLANTS.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Chandra, Rohit;
Zhou, Huiyuan;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Narayanan, Ram M.
On the Opportunities and Challenges in Microwave Medical Sensing and Imaging.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Academic literature review
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
García-Pardo, Concepción;
Fornes-Leal, Alejandro;
Vallés-Lluch, Ana;
Vermeeren, Günter;
Joseph, Wout.
Experimental path loss models for in-body communications within 2.36-2.5 GHz.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Academic article
Mesiti, Fabio;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Astrocyte to Neuron Communication Channels
With Applications.
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Academic article
Floor, Pål Anders;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Brovoll, Sverre;
Aardal, Øyvind;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Grymyr, Ole-Johannes.
In-body to on-body Ultrawideband propagation model derived from measurements in living animals.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Academic article
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Wernersson, Niklas;
Skoglund, Mikael.
On Joint Source-Channel Coding for a Multivariate Gaussian on a Gaussian MAC.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Szydelko, Michal;
Kliks, Adrian;
Foukalas, Fotis;
Haddad, Yoram;
Nolan, Keith E..
5G: The Convergence of Wireless Communications.
Wireless Personal Communications
Academic article
Solberg, Lars Erik;
Aardal, Øyvind;
Berger, Tor;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Fosse, Erik;
Hamran, Svein-Erik.
Experimental investigation into radar-based central blood pressure estimation.
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation
Academic article
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Owe, Olaf;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Formal modeling and analysis of learning-based routing in mobile wireless sensor networks.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul.
One-bit time reversal using binary pulse sequence for indoor communications.
Physical Communication
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Gil, Joon-Min.
Achieving Fair Spectrum Allocation and Reduced Spectrum Handoff in Wireless Sensor Networks: Modeling via Biobjective Optimization.
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
Academic article
Øyri, Karl;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Støa, Stig;
Martinsen, Ørjan Grøttem;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Fosse, Erik.
Wireless vital signs from a life-supporting medical device exposed to electromagnetic disturbance.
MITAT. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Vasilakos, Athanasios;
Lee, Heungno.
Computation of an equilibrium in spectrum markets for cognitive radio networks.
IEEE transactions on computers
Academic article
Fouladi, Seyed Hamed;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Sensing, Signal Processing, and Communication for WBANs.
ZTE Communications
Academic article
Moussakhani, Babak;
Flåm, John Torjus;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On change detection in a Kalman filter based tracking problem.
Signal Processing
Academic article
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Suzuki, Junichi;
Gu, Tao.
Special Issue on Body Area Networks.
Mobile Networks and Applications
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Ultrawideband signals in medicine.
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Academic article
Anzai, Daisuke;
Katsu, Kenta;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Wang, Qiong;
Plettemeier, Dirk;
Wang, Jianqing.
Experimental evaluation of implant UWB-IR transmission with living animal for body area networks.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Sayrafian-Pour, K;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Takizawa, K;
Wang, Jingqing;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Propagation Models for IEEE 802.15.6 Standardization of Implant Communication in Body Area Networks.
IEEE Communications Magazine
Academic article
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Zero Delay Joint Source Channel Coding for Multivariate Gaussian Sources over Orthogonal Gaussian Channels.
Academic article
Mesiti, Fabio;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Nanomachine-to-Neuron Communication Interfaces for Neuronal Stimulation at Nanoscale.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Academic article
Komuro, Rie;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Effects of ion channel currents on induced action potentials.
International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Lee, Heung-No.
An inventory model-based spectrum pooling for wireless service provider and unlicensed users.
Computer Communications
Academic article
Gao, Fei;
Lee, XJ;
Fei, Feng-xia;
Tong, H;
Qi, YB;
Deng, Yan-Fang.
Parameter identification for Van Der Pol-Duffing oscillator by a novel artificial bee colony algorithm with differential evolution operators.
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Academic article
Sheikh Jabbari, Amir;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Noise characterization in a stochastic neural communication network.
Nano Communication Networks
Academic article
Liang, Xuedong;
Chen, Min;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Leung, Victor C.M..
Cooperative communications with relay selection for wireless networks: design issues and applications.
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing
Academic article
Øyri, Karl;
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Fosse, Erik.
Short-range wireless sensor network for critical care monitoring.
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
Academic article
Gao, Fei;
Qi, Yibo;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Yin, Qiang;
Gao, Hongrui.
A Novel non-Lyapunov way for detecting uncertain parameters of chaos system with random noises.
Expert Systems With Applications
Academic article
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Owe, Olaf;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Formal modeling and validation of a power-efficient grouping protocol for WSNs.
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
Academic article
Moussakhani, Babak;
Flåm, John Torjus;
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
On localisation accuracy inside the human abdomen region.
IET Wireless Sensor Systems
Academic article
Nguyen, Hieu T.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Coded Pulse Position Modulation Communication System Over the Human Abdominal Channel for Medical Wireless Body Area Networks.
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications workshops
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Bergsland, Jacob.
Ultra wideband technology in medicine: a survey.
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Academic article
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Nolan, Keith E.;
Oliver, Holland;
De Nardis, Luca;
Ferro, Joao M.;
Barroca, Norberto.
Cognitive Radio for Medical Body Area Networks Using Ultra Wideband.
IEEE wireless communications
Academic article
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Owe, Olaf;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
MULE-Based Wireless Sensor Networks: Probabilistic Modeling and Quantitative Analysis.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Gao, Fei;
Fei, Feng-xia;
Xu, Qian;
Deng, Yan-Fang;
Qi, Yi-bo;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A novel artificial bee colony algorithm with space contraction for unknown parameters identification and time-delays of chaotic systems.
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Academic article
Mesiti, Fabio;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Modeling and Analysis of the RF Exposure on Biological Systems: A Potential Treatment Strategy for Neurodegenerative Disease.
Nano Communication Networks
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Eslampanah Sendi, M. S.;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Mesiti, Fabio;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Exposure of the human brain to an electromagnetic plane wave in the 100-1000 MHz frequency range for potential treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
Academic article
Sheikh Jabbari, Amir;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Modeling of a Nano Communication Network using Spiking Neural Architecture.
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Improved Ultra Wideband Channel Model Including the Frequency-Dependent Attenuation for In-Body Communications.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
Academic article
Moussakhani, Babak;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Flåm, John Torjus;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On localizing a Capsule Endoscope using Magnetic Sensors.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
Academic article
Gao, Fei;
Fei, Feng-xia;
Deng, Yan-Fang;
Qi, Yi-bo;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A novel non-Lyapunov approach through artificial bee colony algorithm for detecting unstable periodic orbits with high orders.
Expert Systems With Applications
Academic article
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Wernersson, Niklas;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Skoglund, Mikael;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Zero-Delay Joint Source-Channel Coding for a Bivariate Gaussian on a Gaussian MAC.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Academic article
Nguyen, Hai Thanh;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Optimal and robust communication for a uniform source.
IET Communications
Academic article
Chen, Min;
Leung, Victor;
Huang, Xu;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Li, Ming.
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet)
Nguyen, Trung Hieu;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A Wireless Sensor Communication System Based on Direct-Sum Source Coder.
IET Wireless Sensor Systems
Academic article
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Wernersson, Niklas;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Skoglund, Mikael;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Distributed Zero-Delay Joint Source-Channel Coding for a Bi-Variate Gaussian on a Gaussian MAC.
European Signal Processing Conference
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Ultra-wideband statistical propagation channel model for implant sensors in the human chest.
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
Academic article
Kim, Anna N.;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Delay-Free Joint Source-Channel Coding for Gaussian Network of Multiple Sensors.
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Academic article
Wang, Qinghua;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Zhang, Miaomiao;
Huang, Xin.
Improving RSS-Based Ranging in LOS-NLOS Scenario Using GMMs.
IEEE Communications Letters
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Farahani, HS;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Impulse Radiating Log-Periodic Dipole Array Antenna Using Time-Reversal Technique.
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Academic article
Wang, Qinghua;
Zhang, T;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Characterizing the Traffic Load Distribution in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks.
Journal of Networks
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul.
Computational study of ultra-wideband wave propagation into the human chest.
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
Academic article
Djenouri, Djamel;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Traffic-Differentiation-Based Modular QoS Localized Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Vasilakos, Athanasios;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Investigation of Stochastic Market Equilibrium in Cognitive Radio Networks.
IEEE Communications Letters
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Ultra-wideband pulse-based data communications for medical implants.
IET Communications
Academic article
Liang, Xuedong;
Chen, Min;
Xiao, Yang;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Leung, Victor.
MRL-CC: a novel cooperative communication protocol for QoS provisioning in wireless sensor networks.
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet)
Academic article
Solberg, Lars Erik;
Hamran, Svein-Erik;
Berger, Tor;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Minimum Variance Signal Selection for Aorta Radius Estimation Using Radar.
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
Academic article
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Owe, Olaf;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Grouping Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Coalitional Game Theory.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Moussakhani, Babak;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Distributed Signal Estimation Using Binary Sensors with Multiple Thresholds.
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Proceedings
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Approximations of Multiobjective Optimization for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics: Digest of Technical Papers (ICCE)
Academic article
Nguyen, Hieu T.;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Floor, Pål Anders.
Limited Feedback Transmission Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Characterization of Ultra-Wideband Wave Propagation inside Human Body.
IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine
Academic article
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Microwave and optical technology letters (Print)
Academic article
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Moussavinik, Hessam;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Fair Allocation of Sensor Measurements Using Shapley Value.
Conference on Local Computer Networks
Academic article
Khaleghi, A;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Non-line-of-sight on-body ultra wideband (1-6 GHz) channel characterisation using different antenna polarisations.
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
Academic article
Leister, Wolfgang;
Fretland, Truls;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Security and Authentication Architecture Using MPEG-21 for Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems.
International journal on advances in security
Academic article
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Are the wavelet transforms the best filter banks for image compression?.
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
Academic article
Ausen, Dag;
Strisland, Frode;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Øyri, Karl;
Næss-Ulseth, Eirik.
Den trådløse pasienten.
Helse, Medisin, Teknikk
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ihlen, Halfdan;
Leister, Wolfgang;
Røe, Per;
Samset, Eigil.
Communication of medical images, text, and messages in inter-enterprise systems: A case study in Norway.
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine
Academic article
Øyri, Karl;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Samset, Eigil;
Høgetveit, Jan Olav;
Fosse, Erik.
Wireless continuous arterial blood pressure monitoring during surgery: a pilot study.
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Academic article
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Øyri, Karl;
Elle, Ole Jakob;
Mirtaheri, Peyman;
Høgetveit, Jan Olav.
Use of wireless biomedical sensors in digital operating rooms.
MITAT. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies
Academic article
Samset, Eigil;
Mala, Tom;
Aurdal, Lars;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Intra-operative visualisation of 3D temperature maps and 3D navigation during tissue cryoablation.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
Academic article
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Samset, Eigil;
Hansen, A.;
Aurdal, Lars.
An interactive augmented reality 3D visualization system for destroying liver tumor using cryoablation.
Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
Academic article
Nakano, Tadashi;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
The 2nd ACM International Conference on
Nanoscale Computing and Communication.
ACM Digital Library
ACM Digital Library
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Balasingham, Ilangko.
BODYNETS 2012 - 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks.
ICST - Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Suzuki, Jun;
Gu, T.;
Kim, Anna N.;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul.
Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks (Bodynets) 2012.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
ISABEL 2011 Conference Proceedings.
ACM Publications
ACM Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Øyri, Karl;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Høgetveit, Jan Olav.
Den trådløse pasienten.
Scandinavian conference in Health Informatics
Academic commentary
Part of book/report
Li, Maoyuan;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Safety Analysis of Metasurface-Based Near-field Wireless Power Transfer System for Deep Implant.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mahootiha, Maryamalsadat;
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Classification of Kidney Tumor Grading on Preoperative Computed Tomography Scans.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Damrath, Martin;
Veletic, Mladen;
Sagini, Krizia;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Llorente Martinez, Alicia.
In Silico Model for Tumor Diagnosis based on Bloodstream Penetrating Extracellular Vesicles.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Narayanan, Ram Prasadh;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
Frequency demodulation with magnetoelectric coreshells: A novel approach to enhanced bio-stimulation.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
O'Hern, Colin;
Ural, Evran E.;
Damrath, Martin;
Neeb, Emily;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad.
Human Heart Organoid-derived Extracellular Vesicles for Cardiac Intercellular Communication.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Dumanli, Sema;
Balasingham, Ilangko Sellappah.
An Overview of Medical Implant Antennas.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Qadir, Hemin Ali;
Nesaragi, Naimahmed;
Halvorsen, Per Steinar;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
A Multi-channel EEG Data Analysis for Poor Neuro-prognostication in Comatose Patients with Self and Cross-channel Attention Mechanism.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Narayanan, Ram Prasadh;
Rangriz Rostami, Fazel;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Performance Analysis of Single Coreshell Magnetoelectric Microdevice for Electrical Stimulation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Shin, Younghak;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Accurate Real-time Polyp Detection in Videos from Concatenation of Latent Features Extracted from Consecutive Frames.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Lehne, Per Hjalmar;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Wireless Capsule Video Endoscopy For Population-Based Colon Cancer Screening Using 5G network.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lekic, Milica;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Extracellular Vesicle Propagation in Acidic Tumor Microenvironment.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Damrath, Martin;
Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr;
Pappalardo, Fabrizio;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Reaction rates estimation for the endocytic reception in extracellular vesicles-mediated communications.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko .
Capacitively Coupled Electrode Antenna: A Practical Solution for Biomedical Implants.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Qadir, Hemin Ali Qadir;
Balasingham, Ilangko ;
Shin, Younghak.
Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Polyp Detection and Segmentation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Using Backscatter Communication.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Arjmandi, Hamidreza;
Zoofaghari, Mohammad;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Characterization of Diffusive Molecular Channels based on Green's Second Identity.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hejri, Farrokh;
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Cardiac Gap Junctions Channel Modeling.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Michael, Barros;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Balasubramaniam, Sasitharan.
A Molecular Communication Model of Exosome-mediated Brain Drug Delivery.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valez, Fernando J;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Barroca, Norberto;
Borges, Luis M;
Tavares, Jorge;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Cognitive radio and RF energy harvesting for medical WBANS.
IET Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørnevik, Anders;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Path Length Estimation for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lu, Pengfei;
Veletic, Mladen;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Intracellular Signaling of Cardiomyocytes for Energy Efficient Leadless Pacemaker.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bose, Pritam;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Wireless Channel Modeling for Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker: Effects of Ventricular Blood Volume.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
al Batat, Mohammad;
King, D. Ryan;
Unger, Laura A;
Arevalo, Hermenegild;
Wall, Samuel Thomas;
Sundnes, Joakim.
Electromechanical Model to Predict Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Capacity Estimation in Multiple-Access Synaptic Channels.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fouladi, Seyyed Hamed;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Recovery of Linearly Mixed sparse Sources From Multiple Measurement Vectors Using l1 Minimization.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aardal, Øyvind;
Brovoll, Sverre;
Berger, Tor;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Hamran, Svein-Erik.
Phase distortions in radar respiration monitoring.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Power Coupling for Conceptual Antennas in Medical Implant Applications.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chelli, Ali;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Alouini, Mohamed-Slim.
Performance Analysis and Optimization of Millimeter Wave Networks with Dual-Hop Relaying.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
The Neural Communication Network: A Brief Review on Neuromodeling and Neuroengineering.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Hieu;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Layered Source-Channel Coding for Uniformly Distributed Sources over Parallel Fading Channels.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
García-Pardo, Concepción;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Fornes-Leal, Alejandro;
Brovoll, Sverre;
Aardal, Øyvind;
Bergsland, Jacob.
Experimental Ultra Wideband Path Loss Models for Implant Communications.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ksentini, Adlen;
Bagaa, Miloud;
Taleb, Tarik;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On using bargaining game for Optimal Placement
of SDN controllers.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rawat, Nitin;
Shin, Younghak;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
EEG Based Image Encryption Via Quantum Walks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fouladi, Seyed Hamed;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Kansanen, Kimmo;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
Extracting Remote Photoplethysmogram Signal from Endoscopy Videos for Vessel and Capillary Density Recognition.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djenouri, Djamel;
Bagaa, Miloud;
Chelli, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Energy Harvesting Aware Minimum Spanning Tree for Survivable WSN with Minimum Relay Node Addition.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Hasanvand, Ali O;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Wireless backscatter communication using multiple transmitter scheme.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Wireless communication link for capsule endoscope at 600 MHz.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chahibi, Youssef;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Intra-Body Molecular Communication Networks Framework for Continuous Health Monitoring and Diagnosis.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chahibi, Youssef;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Channel Modeling and Analysis for Molecular Motors in
Nano-scale Communications.
ACM Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bagaa, Miloud;
Mohamed, Younis;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Optimal Strategies for Data Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chandra, Rohit;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A Microwave Imaging-Based 3D Localization Algorithm for an In-Body RF Source As in Wireless Capsule Endoscopes.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Haddad, Yoram;
Lyandres, Vladimir;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
VoIP Transmission in Wi-Fi Networks with
Partially-Overlapped Channels.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
García-Pardo, Concepción;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Cardona, Narcis;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Experimental UWB Frequency Analysis for Implant Communications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chandra, Rohit;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Investigations on the Effect of Frequency and Noise in a Localization Technique Based on Microwave Imaging for an In-body RF-source.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On selecting the frequency for wireless implant communications.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bagaa, Miloud;
Mohamed, Younis;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Data aggregation tree construction strategies for increasing network lifetime in EH-WSN.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chandra, Rohit;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Detection of brain tumor and localization of a deep brain RF-source using microwave imaging.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhou, Huiyuan;
Narayanan, Ram M;
Chandra, Rohit;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Microwave imaging of circular phantom using the Levenberg-Marquardt method.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fouladi, Seyed Hamed;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Kansanen, Kimmo.
Accurate heart rate estimation from camera recording via MUSIC algorithm.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Mesiti, Fabio;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Communication Theory Aspects of Synaptic Transmission.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gueye, Limamou;
Yildirim, Sule;
Alaya Cheikh, Faouzi;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Automatic detection of colonoscopic anomalies using capsule endoscopy.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Ultra-Wideband Wire Spiral Antenna for In-Body Communications Using Different Material Matching Layers.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Matching Layer for Path Loss Reduction in Ultra Wideband Implant Communications.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Jankunas, Dainius;
Fomin, Vladislav V.;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Dual-Band Cognitive Radio for Wearable Sensors in Hospitals.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Saraiva, Henrique;
Borges, Luis M.;
Barroca, Norberto;
Tavares, Jorge;
Gouveia, Paulo;
Velez, Fernando J..
Experimental Characterization of Wearable Antennas and Circuits for RF Energy Harvesting in WBANs.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Barroca, Norberto;
Valez, Fernando;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Saraiva, Henrique;
Gouveia, Paulo.
CR in Medical Environments.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
García-Pardo, Concepción;
Fornes-Leal, Alejandro;
Vallés-Lluch, Ana;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Cardona, Narcis.
Ultra Wideband Propagation for Future In-Body Sensor Networks.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Propagation Models for In-Body Sensors.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
From Nano-Scale Neural Excitability to Long Term Synaptic Modification.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Vosoogh, Ali.
A Compact Ultra-Wideband Spiral Helix Antenna for In-Body Communications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mesiti, Fabio;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Correlated Neuronal Activity in Networks of Neurons Stimulated with Nanomachines.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Borges, Luis M.;
Barroca, Norberto;
Saraiva, Henrique;
Tavares, Jorge;
Gouveia, Paulo;
Velez, Fernando J..
Design and Evaluation of Multi-Band RF Energy Harvesting Circuits and Antennas for WSNs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Barroca, Norberto;
Saraiva, Henrique;
Gouveia, Paulo;
Tavares, Jorge;
Borges, Luis M.;
Velez, Fernando J..
Antennas and Circuits for Ambient RF Energy Harvesting in Wireless Body Area Networks.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Bergsland, Jacob;
Zahid, Wasim;
Takizawa, Kenichi;
Miura, Ryu.
Experimental Implant Communication of High Data Rate Video Using an Ultra Wideband Radio Link.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Veletic, Mladen;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Babic, Zdenka.
On Spectrum Analysis for Nanomachine-to-Neuron Communications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Wang, Jianqing;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
The ultra wideband capsule endoscope.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Owe, Olaf;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Learning-based routing in mobile wireless sensor networks: Applying formal modeling and analysis.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Mateska, Aleksandra;
Chomu, Konstantin;
Gavrilovska, Liljana;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Applications of Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Technology in Hospital Environments.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Computation of the Transmission Frequency Band for the Ultra Wideband Capsule Endoscope.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghorbanzade, Pejman;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A computing-efficient algorithm for acceleromater-based real-time activity recognition systems.
ACM Digital Library
Nguyen, Trung Hieu;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Sum-Rate Distortion Bound for Suboptimal Multiterminal Source Coding Applied in Medical Wireless Sensor Networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kim, Anna N.;
Daling, Eirik Jenssen;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Error Concealment and Post Processing for the Capsule Endoscope.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On Transmission of Multiple Gaussian Sources over a Gaussian MAC using a VQLC Mapping.
IEEE conference proceedings
Kim, Anna N.;
Floor, Pål Anders;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Communication using Ultra Wide-band Pulse Position Modulation for In-body Sensors.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gao, Fei;
Feng-Xia, Fei;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
An Ant Colony Biological Inspired Way For Statistical Shortest Paths In Complex Brain Networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Trung Hieu;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A Robust Communication System Based on Joint-Source Channel Coding for a Uniform Source.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Khaleghi, Ali;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
On the Use of a Dielectric Matching Layer for Ultra Wideband Medical Applications.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Trung Hieu;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Coded Pulse Position Modulation Communication System Over the Humman Abdominal Channel for Medical Wireless Body Area Networks.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abie, Habtamu;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Risk-Based Adaptive Security for Smart IoT in eHealth.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leister, Wolfgang;
Schulz, Trenton;
Lie, Arne;
Grythe, Knut Harald;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djenouri, Djamel;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Power-aware QoS geographical routing for wireless sensor networks : implementation using Contiki.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solberg, Lars Erik;
Hamran, Svein-Erik;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Realistic Simulations of Aorta Radius Estimation.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kazemeyni, Fatemeh Sadat;
Johnsen, Einar Broch;
Owe, Olaf;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Group Selection by Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Coalitional Game Theory.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moussakhani, Babak;
Flåm, John Torjus;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Ramstad, Tor Audun.
On the CRLB for source localization in a lossy environment.
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moussakhani, Babak;
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Multi Model Tracking for Localization in Wireless Capsule Endoscope.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Cognitive Radio for Medical Wireless Body Area Networks.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mesiti, Fabio;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Novel Treatment Strategies for Neurodegenerative Diseases based on RF exposure.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chavez-Santiago, Raul;
Øyri, Karl;
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Fosse, Erik.
Evaluation of the Reliability of Blood Pressure Data Transmission through an IEEE 802.11 Link in the Presence of IEEE 802.15.4 Interference.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sheikh Jabbari, Amir;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Modeling Nano-communication Networks Using Neurocomputing Algorithm.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sarbandi Farahani, Hossein;
Khaleghi, Ali;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A Novel Approach for Dispersion Engineering of an LPDA Antenna Based on Time reversal Technique.
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Floor, Pål Anders;
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Wernersson, Niklas;
Skoglund, Mikael.
Transmitting Multiple Correlated Gaussian Sources over a Gaussian MAC using Delay-Free Mappings.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kim, Anna N.;
Ramstad, Tor Audun;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Very Low Complexity Low Rate Image Coding for the Wireless Endoscope.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko;
Vasilako, Athanasios.
A Market Clearing Spectrum Trade in Cognitive Radio Networks.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støa, Stig;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
Periodic-MAC: Improving MAC Protocols for Biomedical Sensor Networks Through Implicit Synchronization.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Byun, Sang-Seon;
Balasingham, Ilangko.
A Measurement Allocation Scheme for Reliable Data Gathering in Spatially Correlated Sensor Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Byun, Sang-Seon; Balasingham, Ilangko. (2010) Approximations of Multiobjective Optimization for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks.