Irina Oleinikova
Irina Oleinikova is Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Electric Energy, and Head of Power System Operation and Analysis research group.
NTNU Smart Grid Team Leader. Steering committee member in the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) Joint Programme on Smart Grids, and an expert in International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) WG6: Power Transmission and Distribution Systems. Main research activities: Power System Operation, Digital Power System Protection and Control, Flexibility for Resilience studies. With more than 10 years of management experience to carry out research projects in field of Smart Grids, playing an active role in exploring R&D for industrial sector.
Reserch activities and projects:
- FME CINELDI- Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution. The main objective of the CINELDI, is to enable a cost-efficient realisation of the future flexible and robust electricity distribution grid. Contrinutions related to the new concepts, technologies and solutions to enable the cost-effective realisation of a flexible, intelligent, and robust electricity distribution system. FME Centre funded by RCN.
- Project HONOR (2019-2023) - Holistic flexibility market integration of cross-sectoral energy sources, funded by ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems with support from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, a collaborative project with Germany, Denmark and Sweden. The project aims to develop and evaluate a trans-regional flexibility market mechanism, integrating cross-sectoral energy flexibility at a community-wide level.
- Project ASAP (2021-2023) - Advanced System protection schemes Applied in the Power grid, will design the next generation of system protection through the development of new methods for risk control, optimization and automation, and an intelligent interface with the control centers' operators. Funded by RCN and STATNETT.
- Project ZeroKyst, part of the Green Platform initiative. Project features multiple innovations within energy and other fields. NTNU and SINTEF together will develop a cohesive plan for hydrogen supply and charging infrustructure along the Norwegian coast. Funded by RCN.
- Project COSPAT Nordic-Baltic Co-Simulation Platform Towards Increasing the Stability of AC/DC Transmission Grids. COSPACT will form a cooperation and simulation platform for information exchange and system analysis and provide mobility to increase the knowledge on future power system development and control.
Reserch activities and projects:
- FME CINELDI- Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution. The main objective of the CINELDI, is to enable a cost-efficient realisation of the future flexible and robust electricity distribution grid. Contrinutions related to the new concepts, technologies and solutions to enable the cost-effective realisation of a flexible, intelligent, and robust electricity distribution system. FME Centre funded by RCN.
- Project HONOR (2019-2023) - Holistic flexibility market integration of cross-sectoral energy sources, funded by ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems with support from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, a collaborative project with Germany, Denmark and Sweden. The project aims to develop and evaluate a trans-regional flexibility market mechanism, integrating cross-sectoral energy flexibility at a community-wide level.
- Project ASAP (2021-2023) - Advanced System protection schemes Applied in the Power grid, will design the next generation of system protection through the development of new methods for risk control, optimization and automation, and an intelligent interface with the control centers' operators. Funded by RCN and STATNETT.
- Project ZeroKyst, part of the Green Platform initiative. Project features multiple innovations within energy and other fields. NTNU and SINTEF together will develop a cohesive plan for hydrogen supply and charging infrustructure along the Norwegian coast. Funded by RCN.
- Project COSPAT Nordic-Baltic Co-Simulation Platform Towards Increasing the Stability of AC/DC Transmission Grids. COSPACT will form a cooperation and simulation platform for information exchange and system analysis and provide mobility to increase the knowledge on future power system development and control.
Jha, Shailendra Kumar;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Morch, Andrei Z.
Multi-state load model for multiple hydrogen electrolysers operation in the power grid.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Oleinikova, Irina;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj;
Rasmussen, Marius;
Lorentzen, Sofie.
Hydrogen Electrolysers as a flexible source for the optimal operation of the distribution grid .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Backe, Stian;
Oleinikova, Irina.
Smart strømstyring kan gi både lavere og flatere strømpriser.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Enhancing Grid Resilience with the Integration of Frequency Response in Renewable Energy Systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj.
Challenges and solutions in low-inertia power systems with high wind penetration.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Mishchenko, Denys;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Erdodi, Laszlo Tibor;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj.
Multidomain Cyber-Physical Testbed for Power System Vulnerability Assessment.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Khalili, Mohammad;
Rahmani, Aamir;
Hoidalen, Hans Kristian;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Mork, Bruce Andrew Knut.
Backup subscription scheme for differential protection using IEC61850-9-2 sampled values.
Energy Informatics
Academic article
Jha, Shailendra Kumar;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj;
Morch, Andrei Z.
Impact of Integration of Hydrogen Electrolysers in the Operation of Coastal Power Grid.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina.
Improving Frequency Stability Assessment through K-Nearest Neighbors and Machine Learning Techniques.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina.
A Coherency Identification Approach for Low-Inertia Power Systems
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Melle, Sebastian Engmo;
Bardal, Kaja;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Farahmand, Hossein.
Framework and model for flexibility exchange between DSO and LECs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lorentzen, Sofie;
Rasmussen, Marius;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj;
Morch, Andrei Z.
Coastal Electrification Using Hydrogen Technology and Distribution Grid Flexibility Potential.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sieraszewski, Damian;
Olsen, Ole Kjærland;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Farahmand, Hossein.
Multi-Period Hybrid AC/DC-OPF Model for Flexibility Market Clearing With Seamless TSO-DSO Coordination.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Mishchenko, Denys;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Ivanko, Dmytro.
Cyber-Security Assessment of Power System Digital Components in the Conditions of Hostilities.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oleinikova, Irina;
Hillberg, Emil;
Iliceto, Antonio.
Flexibility for resilience. How can flexibility support power grids resilience?.
European Commission
European Commission
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Vågane, Ine Solsvik;
Hashemipour, Seyed Naser;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro Andres;
Farahmand, Hossein.
Hybrid AC/DC-OPF ADMM model for TSO coordination with multiple DSOs in Flexibility Market.
International Conference on the European Energy Market
Academic article
Hillberg, Emil;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Iliceto, Antonio.
Flexibility Benefits for Power System Resilience.
CIGRE Science and Engineering
Academic article
Oppegård, André;
Khalili Katoulaei, Mohammad;
Oleinikova, Irina.
Complete FEM-based model of a bulk-glass optical current transformer.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hillberg, E.;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Iliceto, A..
Flexibility bene ts for Power System Resilience.
CIGRE Science and Engineering
Academic article
Farahmand, Hossein;
Mohamed, Farooq;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Ivanko, Dmytro.
Specification of flexibility need and services (under TSO-DSO coordination).
HONOR Project
Olsen, Ole Kjærland;
Sieraszewski, Damian;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Farahmand, Hossein.
Hybrid AC/DC Optimal Power Flow Modelling Approach for Coordination in Flexibility Market.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oleinikova, Irina.
CINELDI Memo - Power system flexibility assessment: incentives and instruments overview
Sæle, Hanne;
Morch, Andrei Z;
Degefa, Merkebu Zenebe;
Oleinikova, Irina.
Assessment of flexibility in different ancillary services for the power system.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bø, Andreas Hovde;
Kallset, Vegard Viken;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Farahmand, Hossein;
Refsnæs, Karl Ludvig.
The impact of Flow-Based Market Coupling on the Nordic region.
International Conference on the European Energy Market
Academic article
Sperstad, Iver Bakken;
Istad, Maren Kristine;
Sæle, Hanne;
Korpås, Magnus;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Hänninen, Seppo.
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Battery Energy Storage in
Electric Power Grids: Research and Practices.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oleinikova, Irina;
Hillberg, Emil.
micro vs MEGA: trends
influencing the development of
the power system.
Bobinaite, Viktorija;
Di Somma, Marialaura;
Giorgio, Graditi;
Oleinikova, Irina.
The Regulatory Framework for Market Transparency in Future Power Systems under the Web-of-Cells Concept.
Academic article
Hillberg, Emil;
Zegers, Antony;
Herndler, Barbara;
Wong, Steven;
Wong, Steven;
Pompee, Jean.
Flexibility needs in the future power system.
Oleinikova, Irina;
Martini, Lucuano;
Rodriguez-Seco, J.Emilio.
A Transparent Market Design for Balancing an Voltage Control Products.
CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Villanueava Revenga, Rodrigo;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Farahmand, Hossein.
A Minute-To-Minute Unit Commitment Model to Analyze Generators Performance.
International Conference on the European Energy Market
Academic article
Oleinikova, Irina;
Mutule, Anna;
Zikmanis, Ivars;
Grebesh, Ervins.
Energy Management Modelling Under Real-time Approach.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oleinikova, Irina;
Mutule, Anna.
Flexibility Assessment Through Local Energy Consumer.
International Conference on the European Energy Market
Academic article
Journal publications
Jha, Shailendra Kumar;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Morch, Andrei Z.
Multi-state load model for multiple hydrogen electrolysers operation in the power grid.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Backe, Stian;
Oleinikova, Irina.
Smart strømstyring kan gi både lavere og flatere strømpriser.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj.
Challenges and solutions in low-inertia power systems with high wind penetration.
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Academic article
Mishchenko, Denys;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Erdodi, Laszlo Tibor;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj.
Multidomain Cyber-Physical Testbed for Power System Vulnerability Assessment.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Khalili, Mohammad;
Rahmani, Aamir;
Hoidalen, Hans Kristian;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Mork, Bruce Andrew Knut.
Backup subscription scheme for differential protection using IEC61850-9-2 sampled values.
Energy Informatics
Academic article
Sieraszewski, Damian;
Olsen, Ole Kjærland;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Farahmand, Hossein.
Multi-Period Hybrid AC/DC-OPF Model for Flexibility Market Clearing With Seamless TSO-DSO Coordination.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Vågane, Ine Solsvik;
Hashemipour, Seyed Naser;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro Andres;
Farahmand, Hossein.
Hybrid AC/DC-OPF ADMM model for TSO coordination with multiple DSOs in Flexibility Market.
International Conference on the European Energy Market
Academic article
Hillberg, Emil;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Iliceto, Antonio.
Flexibility Benefits for Power System Resilience.
CIGRE Science and Engineering
Academic article
Hillberg, E.;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Iliceto, A..
Flexibility bene ts for Power System Resilience.
CIGRE Science and Engineering
Academic article
Bø, Andreas Hovde;
Kallset, Vegard Viken;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Farahmand, Hossein;
Refsnæs, Karl Ludvig.
The impact of Flow-Based Market Coupling on the Nordic region.
International Conference on the European Energy Market
Academic article
Bobinaite, Viktorija;
Di Somma, Marialaura;
Giorgio, Graditi;
Oleinikova, Irina.
The Regulatory Framework for Market Transparency in Future Power Systems under the Web-of-Cells Concept.
Academic article
Oleinikova, Irina;
Martini, Lucuano;
Rodriguez-Seco, J.Emilio.
A Transparent Market Design for Balancing an Voltage Control Products.
CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Villanueava Revenga, Rodrigo;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Farahmand, Hossein.
A Minute-To-Minute Unit Commitment Model to Analyze Generators Performance.
International Conference on the European Energy Market
Academic article
Oleinikova, Irina;
Mutule, Anna.
Flexibility Assessment Through Local Energy Consumer.
International Conference on the European Energy Market
Academic article
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Enhancing Grid Resilience with the Integration of Frequency Response in Renewable Energy Systems.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina.
Improving Frequency Stability Assessment through K-Nearest Neighbors and Machine Learning Techniques.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Elenga Baningobera, Bwandakassy;
Oleinikova, Irina.
A Coherency Identification Approach for Low-Inertia Power Systems
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Oleinikova, Irina;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj;
Rasmussen, Marius;
Lorentzen, Sofie.
Hydrogen Electrolysers as a flexible source for the optimal operation of the distribution grid .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jha, Shailendra Kumar;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj;
Morch, Andrei Z.
Impact of Integration of Hydrogen Electrolysers in the Operation of Coastal Power Grid.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Melle, Sebastian Engmo;
Bardal, Kaja;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Farahmand, Hossein.
Framework and model for flexibility exchange between DSO and LECs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lorentzen, Sofie;
Rasmussen, Marius;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Pokhrel, Basanta Raj;
Morch, Andrei Z.
Coastal Electrification Using Hydrogen Technology and Distribution Grid Flexibility Potential.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mishchenko, Denys;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Ivanko, Dmytro.
Cyber-Security Assessment of Power System Digital Components in the Conditions of Hostilities.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oppegård, André;
Khalili Katoulaei, Mohammad;
Oleinikova, Irina.
Complete FEM-based model of a bulk-glass optical current transformer.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olsen, Ole Kjærland;
Sieraszewski, Damian;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Farahmand, Hossein.
Hybrid AC/DC Optimal Power Flow Modelling Approach for Coordination in Flexibility Market.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sæle, Hanne;
Morch, Andrei Z;
Degefa, Merkebu Zenebe;
Oleinikova, Irina.
Assessment of flexibility in different ancillary services for the power system.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sperstad, Iver Bakken;
Istad, Maren Kristine;
Sæle, Hanne;
Korpås, Magnus;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Hänninen, Seppo.
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Battery Energy Storage in
Electric Power Grids: Research and Practices.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oleinikova, Irina;
Mutule, Anna;
Zikmanis, Ivars;
Grebesh, Ervins.
Energy Management Modelling Under Real-time Approach.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oleinikova, Irina;
Hillberg, Emil;
Iliceto, Antonio.
Flexibility for resilience. How can flexibility support power grids resilience?.
European Commission
European Commission
Farahmand, Hossein;
Mohamed, Farooq;
Oleinikova, Irina;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Ivanko, Dmytro.
Specification of flexibility need and services (under TSO-DSO coordination).
HONOR Project
Oleinikova, Irina.
CINELDI Memo - Power system flexibility assessment: incentives and instruments overview
Oleinikova, Irina;
Hillberg, Emil.
micro vs MEGA: trends
influencing the development of
the power system.
Hillberg, Emil;
Zegers, Antony;
Herndler, Barbara;
Wong, Steven;
Wong, Steven;
Pompee, Jean.
Flexibility needs in the future power system.
- TET4575 - Power System Operation and Analysis, Specialisation Course
- TET4215 - Power System Protection and Control
PhD student supervision:
- Bwandakassy Elenga Baningobera (2021- ) Digital power system protection and control.
- Denys Mischenko (2022- ) Data communication, cyber-security assessment and its operational impact estimation for digital substation devices.
PhD co-supervision:
- Daniel S. Baltensperger (2019-2023) Optimal and Adaptive Arming of System Protection Schemes.
- Thomas Treider (2020-2023) Detection and localization of earth faults in the coil earthed network.
Popular scientific lecturePokhrel, Basanta Raj; Oleinikova, Irina; D'Arco, Salvatore; Sanchez, Santiago; Hoidalen, Hans Kristian; Zeno, Aldrich. (2024) Advanced digital lab infrastructure for the development of smart power grid. Cardiff University UPEC 2024 , Cardiff, Wales, U.K. 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-06
Academic lectureMishchenko, Denys; Oleinikova, Irina; Erdodi, Laszlo Tibor; Pokhrel, Basanta Raj. (2024) The Impact of Stealthy Data Integrity Attacks on Wide-Area Monitoring System Applications. IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2024 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-17
PosterLitleskare, Mira Elise; Pokhrel, Basanta Raj; Oleinikova, Irina; Adams Ii, Thomas Alan. (2024) Techno-Economic Analysis of Green Hydrogen Production from PV Plants. FME HYDROGENi H2Science , Trondheim 2024-06-18 - 2024-06-19
Academic lectureJha, Shailendra Kumar; Oleinikova, Irina; Pokhrel, Basanta Raj; Morch, Andrei Z. (2024) Impact of Integration of Hydrogen Electrolysers in the Operation of Coastal Power Grid. SEST 2024 2024-09-10 - 2024-09-12
LectureOleinikova, Irina; Mutule, Anna; Kairisa, Evita. (2024) Learning, Research and Mobility Activities Supporting Energy Transition. EUNIS EUNIS Conference , Greece, Athens 2024-06-05 - 2024-06-07
Popular scientific lectureOleinikova, Irina; Pokhrel, Basanta Raj; Rasmussen, Marius; Lorentzen, Sofie. (2023) Hydrogen Electrolysers as a flexible source for the optimal operation of the distribution grid . European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) 63rd ESReDA Seminar on Resilience assessment: Methodological challenges and applications to critical infrastructures 2023-10-25 - 2023-10-26
Popular scientific lectureLorentzen, Sofie; Rasmussen, Marius; Oleinikova, Irina; Pokhrel, Basanta Raj; Morch, Andrei Z. (2023) Coastal Electrification Using Hydrogen Technology and Distribution Grid Flexibility Potential. LUT University, IEEE-PES 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM23) , Lappeenrata 2023-06-06 - 2023-06-08
Academic lectureOppgård, Andre; Katoulaei, Mohammad K.; Oleinikova, Irina. (2022) Complete FEM-based model of a bulk-glass optical current transformer. University of Eindhoven 2022 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST) , Eindhoven 2022-09-05 - 2022-09-08
Academic lectureLi, Chendan; Hilberg, Emil; Oleinikova, Irina; Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen; Löschenbrand, Markus; Sahoo, Subham. (2021) Electrification and digitalization pathway on land, at sea, and in the air. IEEE ISGT Europe 2021 , Helsinki 2021-10-18 - 2021-10-21
Academic lectureZadeh, Mehdi ; Li, Chendan; Oleinikova, Irina; Hillberg, Emil; Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen; Sahoo, Subham. (2021) Electrification and digitalization pathway on land, at sea, and in the air. IEEE ISGT Europe 2021 , Helsinki 2021-10-18 - 2021-10-21
Academic lectureOleinikova, Irina; Mutule, Anna. (2019) Flexibility Assessment Through Local Energy Consumer. 16th International Conference on the European Electricity Markets , Lubljana 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-20