Ragnhild Støen
I have a position as head of Neonatology at St. Olavs hopsital and is associate professor at IKOM, NTNU. I am a neonaytologist by training and has worked as a consultant in neonataology for many years. I am part of the CEBRA research group at IKOM, and I teach and do research on topics related to clinical neonatology.
Particular interests are early neuroprotection after perinatal asphyxia, early dettection of cerebral palsy in high-risk infants and ethical challenges related to infants born at the border of viability. I am also involved in several projects on newborn health in a global perspective.
Aker, Karoline;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Thomas, Niranjan.
Letter in response to the article: “Therapeutic hypothermia for neonatal encephalopathy in developing countries: Current evidence”.
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health
Letter to the editor
Boswell, Lynn;
Adde, Lars;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsson;
Pascal, Aurelie;
Russow, Annemarie;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Development of Movement and Postural Patterns in Full-Term Infants Who Are at Low Risk in Belgium, India, Norway, and the United States.
Physical Therapy
Academic article
Hapnes, Nina;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Bjørnland, Kristin;
Sæter, Thorstein;
Guthe, Hans Jørgen Timm;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Surgery for intestinal injuries in very preterm infants: a Norwegian population-based study with a new approach to disease classification.
BMJ Paediatrics Open
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Åberg, Kristin Bjørnstad;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsson;
Hermansen Grunewaldt, Kristine;
Lade, Randi Anne;
Osland, Siril.
Implementation of remote general movement assessment using the in-motion instructions in a high-risk norwegian cohort.
BMC Pediatrics
Academic article
Francke, Karen Haugvik;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Thomas, Niranjan;
Aker, Karoline.
Biochemical profiles and organ dysfunction in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy post-hoc analysis of the THIN trial.
BMC Pediatrics
Academic article
Bay, Emma Therese;
Breindahl, Niklas;
Nielsen, Mathilde M.;
Roehr, Charles C.;
Szczapa, Tomasz;
Gagliardi, Luigi.
Technical Skills Curriculum in Neonatology: A Modified European Delphi Study.
Academic article
Huncikova, Zuzana;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Øymar, Knut Asbjørn Alexander;
Vatne, Anlaug;
Lang, Astri Maria;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Variation in antibiotic consumption in very preterm infants-a 10 year population-based study.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Laila Marie;
Bergseng, Håkon;
Engesland, Helene;
Bagstevold, Anne;
Aker, Karoline;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Skin-to-skin contact in the delivery room for very preterm infants: a randomised clinical trial.
BMJ Paediatrics Open
Academic article
Vik, Sigrid Dannheim;
Torp, Hans Garman;
Jarmund, Anders Hagen;
Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen;
Follestad, Turid;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Continuous monitoring of cerebral blood flow during general anaesthesia in infants.
BJA Open
Academic article
Breindahl, Niklas;
Tolsgaard, Martin G.;
Henriksen, Tine B.;
Roehr, Charles C.;
Szczapa, Tomasz;
Gagliardi, Luigi.
Curriculum and assessment tool for less invasive surfactant administration: an international Delphi consensus study.
Pediatric Research
Academic article
Huncikova, Zuzana;
Vatne, Anlaug;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Lang, Astri Maria;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Brigtsen, Anne Karin.
Late-onset sepsis in very preterm infants in Norway in 2009-2018: A population-based study.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Ohnstad, Mari Oma;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Pripp, Are Hugo;
Tvedt, Christine Raaen;
Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter;
Astrup, Henriette.
Associations between unit workloads and outcomes of first extubation attempts in extremely premature infants below a gestational age of 26 weeks.
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Academic article
Groos, Daniel;
Adde, Lars;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Ramampiaro, Heri;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F..
Towards human-level performance on automatic pose estimation of infant spontaneous movements.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
Academic article
Groos, Daniel;
Adde, Lars;
Aubert, Sindre Aarnes;
Boswell, Lynn;
De Regnier, Raye-Ann;
Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson.
Development and Validation of a Deep Learning Method to Predict Cerebral Palsy from Spontaneous Movements in Infants at High Risk.
JAMA Network Open
Academic article
Ødegård, Siv Steinsmo;
Torp, Hans;
Follestad, Turid;
Leth-Olsen, Martin;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Nyrnes, Siri Ann.
Low frequency cerebral arterial and venous flow oscillations in healthy neonates measured by NeoDoppler.
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Academic article
Vatne, Anlaug;
Hapnes, Nina;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Dalen, Ingvild;
Guthe, Hans Jørgen Timm;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Early empirical antibiotics and adverse clinical outcomes in infants born very preterm: A population-based cohort.
Journal of Pediatrics
Academic article
Syltern, Janicke;
Ursin, Lars Øystein;
Solberg, Berge;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Postponed Withholding: An Ethical Tool for Health Care Personnel to Empower Parents.
American Journal of Bioethics
Letter to the editor
Ohnstad, Mari Oma;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Pripp, Are Hugo;
Tvedt, Christine Raaen;
Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter;
Astrup, Henriette.
Predictors of extubation success: a population-based study of neonates below a gestational age of 26 weeks.
BMJ Paediatrics Open
Academic article
John, Hima B;
Oommen, SP;
Swathi, TO;
Kumar, M;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Adde, Lars.
Preterm General Movements in Prediction of Neurodevelopmental Disability and Cerebral Palsy at Two Years: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Indian Pediatrics
Academic article
Groos, Daniel;
Adde, Lars;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Ramampiaro, Heri;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F..
New automatic, efficient, and highly precise tracking of infant spontaneous movements.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Peyton, Colleen;
Pascal, A.;
Boswell, L.;
deRegnier, R.;
Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Inter-observer reliability using the General Movement Assessment is influenced by rater experience.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Aker, Karoline;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Martinez-Biarge, Miriam;
Thomas, Niranjan.
Questions about the HELIX trial.
The Lancet Global Health
Letter to the editor
Aker, Karoline;
Thomas, Niranjan;
Adde, Lars;
Koshy, Beena;
Martinez-Biarge, Miriam;
Nakken, Ingeborg Elise.
Prediction of outcome from MRI and general movements assessment after hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy in low-income and middle-income countries: data from a randomised controlled trial.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Syltern, Janicke;
Ursin, Lars Øystein;
Solberg, Berge;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Postponed Withholding: Balanced Decision-Making at the Margins of Viability.
American Journal of Bioethics
Academic article
Thomas, Niranjan;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Aker, Karoline;
Martinez-Biarge, Miriam;
Nakken, Ingeborg Elise;
Håberg, Asta.
Rise and Fall of Therapeutic Hypothermia in Low‑Resource Settings: Lessons from the HELIX Trial: Correspondence.
Indian Journal of Pediatrics (IJP)
Letter to the editor
Groos, Daniel;
Adde, Lars;
Aubert, Sindre Aarnes;
Haukeland, Andreas;
Ramampiaro, Heri;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Fully automated clinical movement analysis from videos using skeleton-based deep learning.
Gait & Posture
Adde, Lars;
Brown, Annemette;
van den Broeck, Christine;
DeCoen, Kris;
Eriksen, Beate Horsberg;
Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson.
In-Motion-App for remote General Movement Assessment: a multi-site observational study.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Grottenberg, Beanca Sofie Gjølberg;
Madtzog Korseth, Katinka Louise;
Follestad, Turid;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Austeng, Dordi.
Stable incidence but regional differences in retinopathy of prematurity in Norway from 2009 to 2017.
Acta Ophthalmologica
Academic article
Vik, Sigrid Dannheim;
Torp, Hans;
Follestad, Turid;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Nyrnes, Siri Ann.
NeoDoppler: New ultrasound technology for continous cerebral circulation monitoring in neonates.
Pediatric Research
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Laila Marie;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Bergseng, Håkon;
Follestad, Turid;
Theodorsson, Elvar;
Vederhus, Bente Johanne.
Skin-to-skin contact during eye examination did not reduce pain compared to standard care with parental support in preterm infants.
Acta Paediatrica
Academic article
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Boswell, Lynn;
de-Regnier, Raye-Ann;
Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson;
Gaebler-Spira, Deborah.
Machine Learning of Infant Spontaneous Movements for the Early Prediction of Cerebral Palsy: A Multi-Site Cohort Study.
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Academic article
Støen, Ragnhild;
Boswell, Lynn;
De Regnier, Raye-Ann;
Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson;
Gaebler-Spira, Deborah;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F..
The predictive accuracy of the general movement assessment for cerebral palsy: A prospective, observational study of high-risk infants in a clinical follow-up setting.
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Academic article
Aker, Karoline;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Eikenes, Live;
Martinez-Biarge, Miriam;
Nakken, Ingeborg Elise;
Håberg, Asta.
Therapeutic hypothermia for neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy in India (THIN study): a randomised controlled trial.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Rønning, Torunn Gresdal;
Ås, Christina Gabrielsen;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Bergh, Kåre;
Afset, Jan Egil;
Holte, Mari Sagli.
Investigation of an outbreak caused by antibiotic susceptible Klebsiella oxytoca in a neonatal intensive care unit in Norway.
Acta Paediatrica
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Laila;
Malahleha, Moelo;
Duze, Zama;
Tegnander, Eva;
Kapongo, Ndaye;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Randomised controlled trial showed that neonates received better pain relief from a higher dose of sucrose during venepuncture.
Acta Paediatrica
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Yang, Hong;
Sæther, Rannei;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.;
Cao, Jia-yan.
Characteristics of general movements in preterm infants assessed by computer-based video analysis.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Academic article
Esaiassen, Eirin;
Hjerde, Erik;
Cavanagh, Jorunn Pauline;
Pedersen, Tanja;
Andresen, Jannicke Hanne;
Rettedal, Siren.
Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on the Gut Microbiota and Antibiotic Resistome Development in Preterm Infants.
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Academic article
Syltern, Janicke Marita;
Markestad, Trond Jacob;
Saugstad, Ola Didrik;
Støen, Ragnhild.
NICU dialects: Understanding Norwegian practice variation.
Academic article
Vik, Torstein;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Lydersen, Stian.
There is a linear association between decreasing Apgar scores at 5 and 10 min and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.
BMJ Evidence Based Medicine
Short communication
Vik, Sigrid Dannheim;
Vik, Torstein;
Lydersen, Stian;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Case-control study demonstrates that surfactant without intubation delayed mechanical ventilation in preterm infants.
Acta Paediatrica
Academic article
Osland, Siril;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Adde, Lars.
Spedbarns spontanbevegelsar: utvikling av "in-Motion"-appen.
Støen, Ragnhild;
Songstad, Nils Thomas;
Silberg, Inger Elisabeth;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Adde, Lars.
Computer-based video analysis identifies infants with absence of fidgety movements.
Pediatric Research
Academic article
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Klingenberg, Claus;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Moster, Dag;
Brække, Kristin;
Guthe, Hans Jørgen Timm.
Neonatal morbidity and 1-year survival of extremely preterm infants.
Academic article
Peyton, Colleen;
Yang, E;
Msall, Me;
Adde, Lars;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso.
White matter injury and general movements in high-risk preterm infants.
American Journal of Neuroradiology
Academic article
Peyton, Colleen;
Yang, Edward;
Kocherginsky, Masha;
Adde, Lars;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Relationship between white matter pathology and performance on the General Movement Assessment and the Test of Infant Motor Performance in very preterm infants.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Laila;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Frances Hansen, Linda;
Wilhelmsen, Janne Elisabeth;
Bergseng, Håkon.
Skin-to-Skin Care After Birth for Moderately Preterm Infants.
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Laila;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Rygh, Hilde;
Sognnæs, Margunn;
Follestad, Turid;
Mohn, Hilde Stuedahl.
Early skin-to-skin contact or incubatorfor very preterm infants: study protocol
for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Esaiassen, Eirin;
Cavanagh, Pauline;
Hjerde, Erik;
Simonsen, Gunnar Skov;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Klingenberg, Claus.
Bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis bacteremia in 3 extremely preterm infants receiving probiotics.
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Letter to the editor
Rahmati, Hodjatolah;
Martens, Harald;
Aamo, Ole Morten;
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Adde, Lars.
Frequency analysis and feature reduction method for prediction of cerebral palsy in young infants.
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Thomas, Niranjan;
John b, Hima;
Oommen, Samual p;
Vågen, Randi Tynes;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso.
Early motor repertoire in very low birth weight infants in India is associated with motor development at one year.
European journal of paediatric neurology
Academic article
Sæther, Rannei;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Vik, Torstein;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso;
Vågen, Randi Tynes;
Silberg, Inger Elisabeth.
A change in temporal organization of fidgety movements during the fidgety movement period is common among high risk infants.
European journal of paediatric neurology
Academic article
Syltern, Janicke;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Ursin, Lars;
Solberg, Berge.
Behandling av premature – hvem skal ta avgjørelsen? :.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Reader opinion piece
Rahmati, Hodjatolah;
Martens, Harald;
Aamo, Ole Morten;
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Adde, Lars.
Frequency-based features for early cerebral palsy prediction.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Uleberg, Oddvar;
Myklebust, Bjørn;
Rydland, Jana;
Støen, Ragnhild.
An unexpected cause of stridor in a newborn.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Short communication
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso;
Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik;
Øberg, Gunn Kristin;
Songstad, Nils Thomas;
Labori, Cathrine;
Silberg, Inger Elisabeth.
High prevalence of abnormal motor repertoire at 3 months corrected age in extremely preterm infants.
European journal of paediatric neurology
Academic article
Valle, Susanne Collier;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Sæther, Rannei;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Adde, Lars.
Test-retest reliability of computer-based video analysis of general movements in healthy term-born infants.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Lied, Angelina Jaroslavna;
Adde, Lars;
Elvrum, Ann-Kristin;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Vik, Torstein.
Bimanual performance and mirror movements in adolescents with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: assessments by a novel computer vision based software.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Drager, Stine;
Brantberg, Anne;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Hypovolvemia and fluid requirements in infants born with gastroschisis.
Thesis at a second degree level
Frihagen, Frede Jon;
Sandnes, Øystein Drolsum;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Osteoporosis International
Adde, Lars;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Langaas, Mette;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Identification of fidgety movements and prediction of CP by the use of computer-based video analysis is more accurate when based on two video recordings.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Academic article
Leversen, Katrine Tyborg;
Sommerfelt, Kristian;
Rønnestad, Arild Erlend;
Kaaresen, Per Ivar;
Farstad, Teresa;
Skranes, Janne Helen.
Prediction of Neurodevelopmental and Sensory Outcome at 5 Years in Norwegian Children Born Extremely Preterm.
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Langaas, Mette;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Computer based assessment of General Movements in Young Infants using one or two video recordings.
Pediatric Research
Leversen, Katrine Tyborg;
Sommerfelt, Kristian;
Rønnestad, Arild Erlend;
Kaaresen, Per Ivar;
Farstad, Teresa;
Skranes, Janne Helen.
Predicting neurosensory disabilities at two years of age in a national cohort of extremely premature infants.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Jensenius, AR;
Taraldsen, Gunnar;
Grunewaldt, Kristine Hermansen;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Early prediction of cerebral palsy by computer-based video analysis of general movements: a feasibility study.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Academic article
Westbu Wold, Helene;
Sommerfeldt, Kristian;
Reigstad, Halvard;
Rønnestad, Arild;
Medbø, Sverre;
Farstad, Theresa.
Neonatal mortality and morbidity in extremely preterm small for gestational age infants: a population based study.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Wold, Siw-Helen Westby;
Sommerfelt, Kristian;
Reigstad, Hallvard;
Rønnestad, Arild;
Medbø, Sverre;
Farstad, Teresa.
Neonatal mortality and morbidity in extremely preterm small for gestational age infants: a population based study.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Aker, Karoline;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Birth asphyxia and whole body cooling. A descriptive study of newborns admitted with perinatal asphyxia in a tertiary care perinatal center in South India.
Thesis at a second degree level
Adde, L;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Jensenius, AR;
Taraldsen, Gunnar;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Stoen, Randi.
Using computer-based video analysis in the study of fidgety movements.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Rygg, Marite;
Lossius, K;
Øberg, gunn kristin;
Støen, R.
General movement assessment: Predicting cerebral palsy in clinical practise.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Frønes, S;
Støen, Ragnhild;
gregersen, m;
Refsum, H;
Krane, Jostein;
Karlsson, Jan O.G..
The Iodinated Radiographic Contrast Medium Iohexol Mimics the Vasodilator Effect Seen with Small Increases in Extracellular K+ in the Isolated Rabbit Central Ear Artery.
Acta Radiologica
Academic article
Støen, Ragnhild;
Lossius, Kristin.
Endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the femoral artery of developing piglets.
Doctoral dissertation
Bruvold, Morten;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Brurok, Heidi;
Jynge, Per.
Acute submaximal exercise and myocardial preconditioning in female rats.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Støen, Ragnhild;
Lossius, Kristin;
Karlsson, J.O.G..
Acetylcholine-induced vasodilation may depend entirely upon NO in the femoral artery of young piglets.
British Journal of Pharmacology
Academic article
Støen, Ragnhild;
Lossius, Kristin;
Persson, Anna Asplund;
Karlsson, J.O.G..
Relative significance of the nitric oxide/(NO)/cGMP pathway and K+ channel activation in endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the femoral artery of developing piglets.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Academic article
Støen, Ragnhild;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari;
Vik, Torstein;
Lossius, Kristin;
Jynge, Per;
Karlsson, Jan Olof.
Postnatal changes in mechanisms mediating acetylcholine-induced relaxation in piglet femoral arteries.
Pediatric Research
Academic article
Støen, Ragnhild;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari;
Vik, Torstein;
Lossius, Kristin;
Jynge, Per;
Karlsson, Jan O.G..
Postnatal changes in mechanisms mediating ACH-induced relaxation in piglet femoral arteries.
Pediatric Research
Academic article
Journal publications
Aker, Karoline;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Thomas, Niranjan.
Letter in response to the article: “Therapeutic hypothermia for neonatal encephalopathy in developing countries: Current evidence”.
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health
Letter to the editor
Boswell, Lynn;
Adde, Lars;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsson;
Pascal, Aurelie;
Russow, Annemarie;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Development of Movement and Postural Patterns in Full-Term Infants Who Are at Low Risk in Belgium, India, Norway, and the United States.
Physical Therapy
Academic article
Hapnes, Nina;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Bjørnland, Kristin;
Sæter, Thorstein;
Guthe, Hans Jørgen Timm;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Surgery for intestinal injuries in very preterm infants: a Norwegian population-based study with a new approach to disease classification.
BMJ Paediatrics Open
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Åberg, Kristin Bjørnstad;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsson;
Hermansen Grunewaldt, Kristine;
Lade, Randi Anne;
Osland, Siril.
Implementation of remote general movement assessment using the in-motion instructions in a high-risk norwegian cohort.
BMC Pediatrics
Academic article
Francke, Karen Haugvik;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Thomas, Niranjan;
Aker, Karoline.
Biochemical profiles and organ dysfunction in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy post-hoc analysis of the THIN trial.
BMC Pediatrics
Academic article
Bay, Emma Therese;
Breindahl, Niklas;
Nielsen, Mathilde M.;
Roehr, Charles C.;
Szczapa, Tomasz;
Gagliardi, Luigi.
Technical Skills Curriculum in Neonatology: A Modified European Delphi Study.
Academic article
Huncikova, Zuzana;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Øymar, Knut Asbjørn Alexander;
Vatne, Anlaug;
Lang, Astri Maria;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Variation in antibiotic consumption in very preterm infants-a 10 year population-based study.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Laila Marie;
Bergseng, Håkon;
Engesland, Helene;
Bagstevold, Anne;
Aker, Karoline;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Skin-to-skin contact in the delivery room for very preterm infants: a randomised clinical trial.
BMJ Paediatrics Open
Academic article
Vik, Sigrid Dannheim;
Torp, Hans Garman;
Jarmund, Anders Hagen;
Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen;
Follestad, Turid;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Continuous monitoring of cerebral blood flow during general anaesthesia in infants.
BJA Open
Academic article
Breindahl, Niklas;
Tolsgaard, Martin G.;
Henriksen, Tine B.;
Roehr, Charles C.;
Szczapa, Tomasz;
Gagliardi, Luigi.
Curriculum and assessment tool for less invasive surfactant administration: an international Delphi consensus study.
Pediatric Research
Academic article
Huncikova, Zuzana;
Vatne, Anlaug;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Lang, Astri Maria;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Brigtsen, Anne Karin.
Late-onset sepsis in very preterm infants in Norway in 2009-2018: A population-based study.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Ohnstad, Mari Oma;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Pripp, Are Hugo;
Tvedt, Christine Raaen;
Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter;
Astrup, Henriette.
Associations between unit workloads and outcomes of first extubation attempts in extremely premature infants below a gestational age of 26 weeks.
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Academic article
Groos, Daniel;
Adde, Lars;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Ramampiaro, Heri;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F..
Towards human-level performance on automatic pose estimation of infant spontaneous movements.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
Academic article
Groos, Daniel;
Adde, Lars;
Aubert, Sindre Aarnes;
Boswell, Lynn;
De Regnier, Raye-Ann;
Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson.
Development and Validation of a Deep Learning Method to Predict Cerebral Palsy from Spontaneous Movements in Infants at High Risk.
JAMA Network Open
Academic article
Ødegård, Siv Steinsmo;
Torp, Hans;
Follestad, Turid;
Leth-Olsen, Martin;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Nyrnes, Siri Ann.
Low frequency cerebral arterial and venous flow oscillations in healthy neonates measured by NeoDoppler.
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Academic article
Vatne, Anlaug;
Hapnes, Nina;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Dalen, Ingvild;
Guthe, Hans Jørgen Timm;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Early empirical antibiotics and adverse clinical outcomes in infants born very preterm: A population-based cohort.
Journal of Pediatrics
Academic article
Syltern, Janicke;
Ursin, Lars Øystein;
Solberg, Berge;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Postponed Withholding: An Ethical Tool for Health Care Personnel to Empower Parents.
American Journal of Bioethics
Letter to the editor
Ohnstad, Mari Oma;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Pripp, Are Hugo;
Tvedt, Christine Raaen;
Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter;
Astrup, Henriette.
Predictors of extubation success: a population-based study of neonates below a gestational age of 26 weeks.
BMJ Paediatrics Open
Academic article
John, Hima B;
Oommen, SP;
Swathi, TO;
Kumar, M;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Adde, Lars.
Preterm General Movements in Prediction of Neurodevelopmental Disability and Cerebral Palsy at Two Years: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Indian Pediatrics
Academic article
Groos, Daniel;
Adde, Lars;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Ramampiaro, Heri;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F..
New automatic, efficient, and highly precise tracking of infant spontaneous movements.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Peyton, Colleen;
Pascal, A.;
Boswell, L.;
deRegnier, R.;
Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Inter-observer reliability using the General Movement Assessment is influenced by rater experience.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Aker, Karoline;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Martinez-Biarge, Miriam;
Thomas, Niranjan.
Questions about the HELIX trial.
The Lancet Global Health
Letter to the editor
Aker, Karoline;
Thomas, Niranjan;
Adde, Lars;
Koshy, Beena;
Martinez-Biarge, Miriam;
Nakken, Ingeborg Elise.
Prediction of outcome from MRI and general movements assessment after hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy in low-income and middle-income countries: data from a randomised controlled trial.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Syltern, Janicke;
Ursin, Lars Øystein;
Solberg, Berge;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Postponed Withholding: Balanced Decision-Making at the Margins of Viability.
American Journal of Bioethics
Academic article
Thomas, Niranjan;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Aker, Karoline;
Martinez-Biarge, Miriam;
Nakken, Ingeborg Elise;
Håberg, Asta.
Rise and Fall of Therapeutic Hypothermia in Low‑Resource Settings: Lessons from the HELIX Trial: Correspondence.
Indian Journal of Pediatrics (IJP)
Letter to the editor
Groos, Daniel;
Adde, Lars;
Aubert, Sindre Aarnes;
Haukeland, Andreas;
Ramampiaro, Heri;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Fully automated clinical movement analysis from videos using skeleton-based deep learning.
Gait & Posture
Adde, Lars;
Brown, Annemette;
van den Broeck, Christine;
DeCoen, Kris;
Eriksen, Beate Horsberg;
Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson.
In-Motion-App for remote General Movement Assessment: a multi-site observational study.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Grottenberg, Beanca Sofie Gjølberg;
Madtzog Korseth, Katinka Louise;
Follestad, Turid;
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Austeng, Dordi.
Stable incidence but regional differences in retinopathy of prematurity in Norway from 2009 to 2017.
Acta Ophthalmologica
Academic article
Vik, Sigrid Dannheim;
Torp, Hans;
Follestad, Turid;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Nyrnes, Siri Ann.
NeoDoppler: New ultrasound technology for continous cerebral circulation monitoring in neonates.
Pediatric Research
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Laila Marie;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Bergseng, Håkon;
Follestad, Turid;
Theodorsson, Elvar;
Vederhus, Bente Johanne.
Skin-to-skin contact during eye examination did not reduce pain compared to standard care with parental support in preterm infants.
Acta Paediatrica
Academic article
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Boswell, Lynn;
de-Regnier, Raye-Ann;
Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson;
Gaebler-Spira, Deborah.
Machine Learning of Infant Spontaneous Movements for the Early Prediction of Cerebral Palsy: A Multi-Site Cohort Study.
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Academic article
Støen, Ragnhild;
Boswell, Lynn;
De Regnier, Raye-Ann;
Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson;
Gaebler-Spira, Deborah;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F..
The predictive accuracy of the general movement assessment for cerebral palsy: A prospective, observational study of high-risk infants in a clinical follow-up setting.
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Academic article
Aker, Karoline;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Eikenes, Live;
Martinez-Biarge, Miriam;
Nakken, Ingeborg Elise;
Håberg, Asta.
Therapeutic hypothermia for neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy in India (THIN study): a randomised controlled trial.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Rønning, Torunn Gresdal;
Ås, Christina Gabrielsen;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Bergh, Kåre;
Afset, Jan Egil;
Holte, Mari Sagli.
Investigation of an outbreak caused by antibiotic susceptible Klebsiella oxytoca in a neonatal intensive care unit in Norway.
Acta Paediatrica
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Laila;
Malahleha, Moelo;
Duze, Zama;
Tegnander, Eva;
Kapongo, Ndaye;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Randomised controlled trial showed that neonates received better pain relief from a higher dose of sucrose during venepuncture.
Acta Paediatrica
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Yang, Hong;
Sæther, Rannei;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.;
Cao, Jia-yan.
Characteristics of general movements in preterm infants assessed by computer-based video analysis.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Academic article
Esaiassen, Eirin;
Hjerde, Erik;
Cavanagh, Jorunn Pauline;
Pedersen, Tanja;
Andresen, Jannicke Hanne;
Rettedal, Siren.
Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on the Gut Microbiota and Antibiotic Resistome Development in Preterm Infants.
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Academic article
Syltern, Janicke Marita;
Markestad, Trond Jacob;
Saugstad, Ola Didrik;
Støen, Ragnhild.
NICU dialects: Understanding Norwegian practice variation.
Academic article
Vik, Torstein;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Lydersen, Stian.
There is a linear association between decreasing Apgar scores at 5 and 10 min and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.
BMJ Evidence Based Medicine
Short communication
Vik, Sigrid Dannheim;
Vik, Torstein;
Lydersen, Stian;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Case-control study demonstrates that surfactant without intubation delayed mechanical ventilation in preterm infants.
Acta Paediatrica
Academic article
Osland, Siril;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Adde, Lars.
Spedbarns spontanbevegelsar: utvikling av "in-Motion"-appen.
Støen, Ragnhild;
Songstad, Nils Thomas;
Silberg, Inger Elisabeth;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Adde, Lars.
Computer-based video analysis identifies infants with absence of fidgety movements.
Pediatric Research
Academic article
Stensvold, Hans Jørgen;
Klingenberg, Claus;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Moster, Dag;
Brække, Kristin;
Guthe, Hans Jørgen Timm.
Neonatal morbidity and 1-year survival of extremely preterm infants.
Academic article
Peyton, Colleen;
Yang, E;
Msall, Me;
Adde, Lars;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso.
White matter injury and general movements in high-risk preterm infants.
American Journal of Neuroradiology
Academic article
Peyton, Colleen;
Yang, Edward;
Kocherginsky, Masha;
Adde, Lars;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Relationship between white matter pathology and performance on the General Movement Assessment and the Test of Infant Motor Performance in very preterm infants.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Laila;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Frances Hansen, Linda;
Wilhelmsen, Janne Elisabeth;
Bergseng, Håkon.
Skin-to-Skin Care After Birth for Moderately Preterm Infants.
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Laila;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Rygh, Hilde;
Sognnæs, Margunn;
Follestad, Turid;
Mohn, Hilde Stuedahl.
Early skin-to-skin contact or incubatorfor very preterm infants: study protocol
for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Esaiassen, Eirin;
Cavanagh, Pauline;
Hjerde, Erik;
Simonsen, Gunnar Skov;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Klingenberg, Claus.
Bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis bacteremia in 3 extremely preterm infants receiving probiotics.
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Letter to the editor
Rahmati, Hodjatolah;
Martens, Harald;
Aamo, Ole Morten;
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Adde, Lars.
Frequency analysis and feature reduction method for prediction of cerebral palsy in young infants.
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Thomas, Niranjan;
John b, Hima;
Oommen, Samual p;
Vågen, Randi Tynes;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso.
Early motor repertoire in very low birth weight infants in India is associated with motor development at one year.
European journal of paediatric neurology
Academic article
Sæther, Rannei;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Vik, Torstein;
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso;
Vågen, Randi Tynes;
Silberg, Inger Elisabeth.
A change in temporal organization of fidgety movements during the fidgety movement period is common among high risk infants.
European journal of paediatric neurology
Academic article
Syltern, Janicke;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Ursin, Lars;
Solberg, Berge.
Behandling av premature – hvem skal ta avgjørelsen? :.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Reader opinion piece
Rahmati, Hodjatolah;
Martens, Harald;
Aamo, Ole Morten;
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Adde, Lars.
Frequency-based features for early cerebral palsy prediction.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Uleberg, Oddvar;
Myklebust, Bjørn;
Rydland, Jana;
Støen, Ragnhild.
An unexpected cause of stridor in a newborn.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Short communication
Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso;
Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik;
Øberg, Gunn Kristin;
Songstad, Nils Thomas;
Labori, Cathrine;
Silberg, Inger Elisabeth.
High prevalence of abnormal motor repertoire at 3 months corrected age in extremely preterm infants.
European journal of paediatric neurology
Academic article
Valle, Susanne Collier;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Sæther, Rannei;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Adde, Lars.
Test-retest reliability of computer-based video analysis of general movements in healthy term-born infants.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Lied, Angelina Jaroslavna;
Adde, Lars;
Elvrum, Ann-Kristin;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Vik, Torstein.
Bimanual performance and mirror movements in adolescents with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: assessments by a novel computer vision based software.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Frihagen, Frede Jon;
Sandnes, Øystein Drolsum;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Osteoporosis International
Adde, Lars;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Langaas, Mette;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Identification of fidgety movements and prediction of CP by the use of computer-based video analysis is more accurate when based on two video recordings.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Academic article
Leversen, Katrine Tyborg;
Sommerfelt, Kristian;
Rønnestad, Arild Erlend;
Kaaresen, Per Ivar;
Farstad, Teresa;
Skranes, Janne Helen.
Prediction of Neurodevelopmental and Sensory Outcome at 5 Years in Norwegian Children Born Extremely Preterm.
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Langaas, Mette;
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Computer based assessment of General Movements in Young Infants using one or two video recordings.
Pediatric Research
Leversen, Katrine Tyborg;
Sommerfelt, Kristian;
Rønnestad, Arild Erlend;
Kaaresen, Per Ivar;
Farstad, Teresa;
Skranes, Janne Helen.
Predicting neurosensory disabilities at two years of age in a national cohort of extremely premature infants.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Jensenius, AR;
Taraldsen, Gunnar;
Grunewaldt, Kristine Hermansen;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Early prediction of cerebral palsy by computer-based video analysis of general movements: a feasibility study.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Academic article
Westbu Wold, Helene;
Sommerfeldt, Kristian;
Reigstad, Halvard;
Rønnestad, Arild;
Medbø, Sverre;
Farstad, Theresa.
Neonatal mortality and morbidity in extremely preterm small for gestational age infants: a population based study.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Wold, Siw-Helen Westby;
Sommerfelt, Kristian;
Reigstad, Hallvard;
Rønnestad, Arild;
Medbø, Sverre;
Farstad, Teresa.
Neonatal mortality and morbidity in extremely preterm small for gestational age infants: a population based study.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Adde, L;
Helbostad, Jorunn L.;
Jensenius, AR;
Taraldsen, Gunnar;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Stoen, Randi.
Using computer-based video analysis in the study of fidgety movements.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Adde, Lars;
Rygg, Marite;
Lossius, K;
Øberg, gunn kristin;
Støen, R.
General movement assessment: Predicting cerebral palsy in clinical practise.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Frønes, S;
Støen, Ragnhild;
gregersen, m;
Refsum, H;
Krane, Jostein;
Karlsson, Jan O.G..
The Iodinated Radiographic Contrast Medium Iohexol Mimics the Vasodilator Effect Seen with Small Increases in Extracellular K+ in the Isolated Rabbit Central Ear Artery.
Acta Radiologica
Academic article
Bruvold, Morten;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Støen, Ragnhild;
Brurok, Heidi;
Jynge, Per.
Acute submaximal exercise and myocardial preconditioning in female rats.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Støen, Ragnhild;
Lossius, Kristin;
Karlsson, J.O.G..
Acetylcholine-induced vasodilation may depend entirely upon NO in the femoral artery of young piglets.
British Journal of Pharmacology
Academic article
Støen, Ragnhild;
Lossius, Kristin;
Persson, Anna Asplund;
Karlsson, J.O.G..
Relative significance of the nitric oxide/(NO)/cGMP pathway and K+ channel activation in endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the femoral artery of developing piglets.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Academic article
Støen, Ragnhild;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari;
Vik, Torstein;
Lossius, Kristin;
Jynge, Per;
Karlsson, Jan Olof.
Postnatal changes in mechanisms mediating acetylcholine-induced relaxation in piglet femoral arteries.
Pediatric Research
Academic article
Støen, Ragnhild;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari;
Vik, Torstein;
Lossius, Kristin;
Jynge, Per;
Karlsson, Jan O.G..
Postnatal changes in mechanisms mediating ACH-induced relaxation in piglet femoral arteries.
Pediatric Research
Academic article
Drager, Stine;
Brantberg, Anne;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Hypovolvemia and fluid requirements in infants born with gastroschisis.
Thesis at a second degree level
Aker, Karoline;
Støen, Ragnhild.
Birth asphyxia and whole body cooling. A descriptive study of newborns admitted with perinatal asphyxia in a tertiary care perinatal center in South India.
Thesis at a second degree level
Støen, Ragnhild;
Lossius, Kristin.
Endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the femoral artery of developing piglets.
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureBrown, Annemette; Tornberg, Åsa B; Hansen, Bo Mølholm; Lauruschkus, Katarina; Åberg, Kristin Bjørnstad; Eriksen, Beate Horsberg. (2024) Observation of fidgety movements in 5-second video snippets is reliable and may facilitate explainable deep learning CP risk assessment. Annual Meeting European Academy for Childhood Disability 2024-05-29 - 2024-06-01
Academic lectureAdde, Lars; Eriksen, Beate Horsberg; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsson; Lade, Randi Anne; Osland, Siril; Piegsa, Frank. (2024) Home filming by parents for remote General Movement Assessment can be performed without discomfort, stress, and worries. Annual Meeting European Academy for Childhood Disability 2024-05-29 - 2024-06-01
PosterÅberg, Kristin Bjørnstad; Adde, Lars; Dahlberg, Helena; Størvold, Gunfrid Vinje; Støen, Ragnhild; Eriksen, Beate Horsberg. (2024) The Meaning of Early Prediction for Cerebral Palsy. European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD) Kongress , Brugge 2024-05-29 - 2024-06-01
Academic lectureFinserås, Stine Rasdal; Eriksen, Beate Horsberg; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsson; Groos, Daniel; Ihlen, Espen Alexander Furst; Lade, Randi Anne. (2024) Assessing risk for cerebral palsy in infants using deep learning: validity of home-based videos recorded by parents. European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD) , Bruges 2024-05-29 - 2024-06-01
LectureVik, Sigrid Dannheim; Støen, Ragnhild; Torp, Hans; Nyrnes, Siri Ann. (2022) Kontinuerlig overvåkning av hjernens blodstrøm hos spedbarn under generell anestesi. Norsk forening for utlralyddiagnostikk Ultralydsymposium , Oslo 2022-04-27 - 2022-04-29
PosterOhnstad, Mari Oma; Stensvold, Hans Jørgen; Pripp, Are Hugo; Tvedt, Christine Raaen; Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter; Astrup, Henriette. (2022) Extubating extremely premature newborns: predictors of success and reasons for failure. Hot topics in Neonatology 2022 , Washington DC 2022-12-04 - 2022-12-07
PosterVik, Sigrid Dannheim; Støen, Ragnhild; Torp, Hans; Nyrnes, Siri Ann. (2022) NeoDoppler monitoring of cerebral blood flow during general anesthesia in infants. Pediatric Academic Societies Pediatric Academic Societies , Denver 2022-04-21 - 2022-04-26
Academic lectureGroos, Daniel; Adde, Lars; Støen, Ragnhild; Ramampiaro, Heri; Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.. (2021) New automatic, efficient, and highly precise tracking of infant spontaneous movements. European Academy of Childhood Disability European Academy of Childhood Disability 2021 , Virtual 2021-05-20 - 2021-06-10
PosterØdegård, Siv Steinsmo; Torp, Hans; Follestad, Turid; Leth-Olsen, Martin; Støen, Ragnhild; Nyrnes, Siri Ann. (2021) Low frequency cerebral arterial and venous flow oscillations in healthy neonates measured by NeoDopper. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting (PAS) 2021 2021-04-28 - 2021-06-04
PosterAker, Karoline; Støen, Ragnhild. (2021) Incidence of perinatal asphyxia and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy before and after implementation of therapeutic hypothermia – a population-based study. 4th Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies (jENS) 2021-09-14 - 2021-09-18
Academic lectureGroos, Daniel; Adde, Lars; Aubert, Sindre Aarnes; Haukeland, Andreas; Ramampiaro, Heri; Støen, Ragnhild. (2021) Fully automated clinical movement analysis from videos using skeleton-based deep learning. European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults & Children ESMAC 2021 2021-10-14 - 2021-10-15
PosterUstad, Astrid; Adde, Lars; Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson; Labori, Cathrine; Loennecken, Marianne; Møinicken, Unn inger. (2019) Abnormal qualitative aspects of the early motor repertoire do not increase risk for abnormal motor function at 3-4 years in high-risk infants without cerebral palsy. European Academy for Children with Disabilities (EACD) Annual Meeting 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-25
Academic lectureIhlen, Espen Alexander F.; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson; Gaebler-spira, Deborah; Msall, Me; Peyton, Colleen. (2019) Machine learning based prediction of ambulatory versus non-ambulatory motor function in children with cerebral palsy. . European Academy for Children with Disabilities (EACD) Annual Meeting 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-25
PosterAdde, Lars; Brown, Annemette; Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.; Pascal, Aurelie; Paulsen, Henriette; Skog, Ole Morten. (2019) Feasibility of video recordings of infants’ spontaneous movement by parents for remote General Movement Assessment. European Academy for Children with Disabilities (EACD) Annual Meeting 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-25
Academic lectureAdde, Lars; Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.; Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson; Labori, Cathrine; Loennecken, Marianne; Møinicken, Unn inger. (2018) Computer-based detection of cerebral palsy (CP) in infants before 5 months’ corrected age. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting 2018-05-05 - 2018-05-08
Academic lectureVik, Sigrid Dannheim; Torp, Hans; Støen, Ragnhild; Nyrnes, Siri Ann. (2018) NeoDoppler- Ny ultralydteknologi for kontinuerlig måling av cerebral blodstrøm hos nyfødte. Norsk barnelegeforening Pediaterdagene 2018 , Trondheim 2018-01-17 - 2018-01-19
PosterAker, Karoline; Støen, Ragnhild; Martinez-Biarge, Miriam; Thomas, Niranjan. (2018) A randomized controlled trial of therapeutic hypothermia for neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in India (THIN-study) . The Pediatric Academic Societies Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting , Toronto 2018-05-05 - 2018-05-08
PosterAker, Karoline; Støen, Ragnhild; Martinez-Biarge, Miriam; Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson; Adde, Lars; Thomas, Niranjan. (2018) General Movement Assessment and early MRI in a randomized trial of therapeutic hypothermia for infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in India (THIN-study). The Pediatric Academic Societies Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting , Toronto 2018-05-05 - 2018-05-08
Academic lectureFjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Osland, Siril; Støen, Ragnhild; Adde, Lars. (2018) Usability of an instructional film for caregivers to video their infants general movements using a smartphone application. Georgian Academy of Chldhood Disabilty (EACD) 30th European Academy of Chldhood Disabilty (EACD) , Tibilisi 2018-05-28 - 2018-05-31
Academic lectureAdde, Lars; Boswell, Lynn; de-Regnier, Raye-Ann; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; John b, Hima; Labori, Cathrine. (2017) The temporal organization of fidgety movements and cerebral palsy outcome in high-risk infants from three continents. EACD Annual Meeting 2017-05-17 - 2017-05-20
PosterKristoffersen, Laila; Malahleha, Moelo; Duze, Zama; Tegnander, Eva; Kapongo, Ndaye; Støen, Ragnhild. (2017) Sucrose as pain relief in preterm and full term infants: A randomized controlled study of two different doses. Priorities in Perinatal Care Association 36th conference on priorities in perinatal care in Southern Africa , Mpekweni, South Africa 2017-03-07 - 2017-03-10
PosterKristoffersen, Laila; Malahleha, Moelo; Duze, Zama; Tegnander, Eva; Kapongo, Ndaye; Støen, Ragnhild. (2017) Hvor mye sukker er nok som smertelindring? En samarbeidsstudie mellom Norge og Sør-Afrika. Norsk Perinatalmedisinsk Forening De 30. norske Perinataldager , Ålesund 2017-11-15 - 2017-11-17
Academic lectureVik, Sigrid Dannheim; Torp, Hans; Støen, Ragnhild; Nyrnes, Siri Ann. (2017) NeoDoppler- Ny ultralydteknologi for kontinuerlig måling av cerebral blodstrøm hos nyfødte. Norsk perinatalmedisinsk forening Perinataldagene 2017 , Ålesund 2017-11-15 - 2017-11-17
LectureAdde, Lars; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Boswell, Lynn; de-Regnier, Raye-Ann; John, Hima B; Labori, Cathrine. (2017) High predictive validity of absence of cerebral palsy outcome in high-risk infants using the general movement assessment- a global perspective. WCPT World Congress of Physical Therapy , Cape Town 2017-07-02 - 2017-07-04
InterviewAakervik, Anne-Lise; Vik, Sigrid Dannheim; Mauseth, Siri Ann; Støen, Ragnhild; Torp, Hans; Nyrnes, Siri Ann. (2016) Bedre vilkår for premature barn. NTNU Discovery NTNU Discovery [Internet] 2016-10-06
Academic lecturede-Regnier, Raye-Ann; Russow H, Annamarie; Gaebler-spira, Deborah; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Adde, Lars. (2016) General Movements During The Fidgety Period Correlate with Neurological Abnormalities and Motor Delays At 18-24 Months In A High Risk United States (USA) Population. AACPDM 70th Annual Meeting 2016-09-20 - 2016-09-24
Academic lecturede-Regnier, Raye-Ann; Boswell, Lynn; Weck, Mary; Hayner, Am; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso. (2016) Abnormal general MOvements During The Fidgety Period And Abnormal Neurological Examinations At 18-24 Months In A High Risk United States (US) Population. EACD Annual Meeting 2016-04-01 - 2016-06-04
PosterStøen, Ragnhild; Silberg, Inger Elisabeth; Loennecken, Marianne; Møinicken, Unn inger; Songstad, Nils Thomas; Labori, Cathrine. (2016) Computer based video analysis identifies Fidgety Movements in high-risk infants. EACD Annual Meeting 2016-06-01 - 2016-06-04
Posterde-Regnier, Raye-Ann; Boswell, Lynn; Weck, Mary; Hayner, Am; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Adde, Lars. (2016) Assessment of General Movements (GMA)has been predictive of neuromotor function in preterm infants but it has not been studied in diverse groups of infants. PAS Annual Meeting 2016-04-30 - 2016-05-03
PosterAdde, Lars; Thomas, Niranjan; John b, Hima; Oommen, Samual p; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso. (2016) Gestalt perception and computer-based video analysis of General Movements is associated with motor development at one year age in Very Low Birth Weight infants in India. EACD Annual Meeting 2016-06-01 - 2016-06-04
PosterFjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; de-Regnier, Raye-Ann; Boswell, Lynn; Hayner, Annamarie; Støen, Ragnhild; Adde, Lars. (2016) General movements and the quality of the concurrent motor repertoire at 3 months of age in healthy term infants in USA and Norway. European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD) EACD Anual Meeting , Stockholm 2016-06-01 - 2016-06-04
Posterde-Regnier, Raye-Ann; Boswell, Lynn; Weck, Mary; Santella, MK; Patrick, C; Overland, Elizabeth. (2015) The Impact of Prolonged Hospitalization on infant motor development compared with healthy controls. American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and developmental medicine 2015-10-21 - 2015-10-24
LectureRahmati, Hodjatolah; Martens, Harald; Aamo, Ole Morten; Stavdahl, Øyvind; Støen, Ragnhild; Adde, Lars. (2015) Frequency-Based Features for Early Cerebral Palsy Prediction. The 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2015-08-25 - 2015-08-29
PosterPeyton, Colleen; Msall, Me; Adde, Lars; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Einspieler, C. (2015) Resting-state functional brain connectivity differs in preterm infants with normal and abnormal general movements. American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and developmental medicine 2015-10-21 - 2015-10-24
Lecturede-Regnier, Raye-Ann; Boswell, Lynn; Weck, Mary; Santella, MK; Patrick, C; Overland, Elizabeth. (2015) Abnormal general Movements During the Fidgety Period are Associated with Motor development at 18-24 Months in High Risk Infants from the United States. American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and developmental medicine 2015-10-21 - 2015-10-24
Academic lectureKristoffersen, Laila; Støen, Ragnhild; Bergseng, Håkon. (2015) SKIN-TO-SKIN IN DELIVERY ROOM FOR PRETERM INFANTS 28-31 WEEKS. Helse Midt-Norge RHF Regional forskningskonferanse , Stjørdal 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-10
PosterKristoffersen, Laila; Støen, Ragnhild; Hansen, Linda; Williamsen, Janne; Bergseng, Håkon. (2015) Skin-to-skin contact versus incubator in delivery room for preterm infants with gestational age 32-34 weeks . Pediatric Academic Societies PAS , San Diego 2015-04-25 - 2015-05-28
Academic lectureKristoffersen, Laila; Støen, Ragnhild; Bergseng, Håkon. (2015) Hud-mot-hud eller standardbehandling rett etter fødsel? . Norsk Perinatalmedisinsk forening Perinataldagene , Bergen 2015-11-04 - 2015-11-06
PosterValle, Susanne c; Sæther, Rannei; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Støen, Ragnhild; Adde, Lars. (2015) test-retest reliability of computer-based analysis of general movements in healthy term-born infants. Norwegian physiotherapy congress 2015-03-04 - 2015-03-07
PosterVik, Sigrid Dannheim; Støen, Ragnhild. (2015) Surfactant without intubation reduces the need of mechanical ventilation in preterm infants <32 weeks. Pediatric Academic Societies The Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting 2015 , San Diego 2015-05-25 - 2015-05-28
PosterAker, Karoline; Uglem, Anne-Mette; Lian, Sofie; Bendiksen, Cecilie; Einum, Ingri Storås; Salvesen, Kjell Å. (2015) Diagnosis of perinatal asphyxia and neonatal encephalopathy before and after introduction of therapeutic hypothermia. American Academic Societies Pediatric Academic Sosieties Annual Meeting , San Diego 2015-05-25 - 2015-05-28
PosterPeyton, Colleen; Adde, Lars; Lepley, M; Smith, K; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso. (2015) Abnormal General Movements are common in preterm infants with prolonged hospitalization. American Physical Therapy Association 2015-02-04 - 2015-02-07
LectureAdde, Lars; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.; Støen, Ragnhild. (2015) Spatial distribution of general movements in preterm born infants assessed by computer-based video analysis. European Academy of Childhood Disability 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-30
LectureAdde, Lars; Yang, H; Sæther, Rannei; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Støen, Ragnhild. (2015) Validity of computer-based video analysis for detection of fidgety movements. Fysioterapikongressen 2015-03-04 - 2015-03-06
LectureFjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik; Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Silberg, Inger Elisabeth; Støen, Ragnhild; Adde, Lars. (2015) High prevalence of abnormal motor repertoire at 3 months corrected age in extremely preterm infants. European Academy of Childhood Disability 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-30
PosterValle, Susanne c; Støen, Ragnhild; Sæther, Rannei; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Adde, Lars. (2015) Test-retest reliability of computer-based video analysis of general movements in healthy term-born infants. European Academy of Childhood Disability 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-30
PosterSæther, Rannei; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Vaagen, Randi; Silberg, Inger Elisabeth; Loennecken, Marianne. (2015) Variability of general movements in high-risk infants in the fidgety movement's period. European Academy of Childhood Disability 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-30
PosterStøen, Ragnhild; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Vaagen, Randi; Silberg, Inger Elisabeth; Loennecken, Marianne. (2015) Computer based video analysis identifies the temporal organization of Fidgety Movements in extremely preterm infants. Pediatric Academic Societies 2015-05-25 - 2015-05-28
LecturePeyton, Colleen; Yang, E; Adde, Lars; Smith, K; Lepley, M; Støen, Ragnhild. (2015) Abnormal General Movements and Low test og Infant Motor Performance Scores are related to Abnormal White matter in a Cohort of High Risk premature Infants. American Physical Therapy Association 2015-02-04 - 2015-02-07
LectureWeck, Mary; Boswell, Lynn; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Adde, Lars; Støen, Ragnhild; Hayner, Am. (2015) Assessment of Motor Repertoire in Infants with prolonged Hospitalization and Controls. Pediatric Academic Societies 2015-04-25 - 2015-04-28
PosterKristoffersen, Laila Marie; Støen, Ragnhild; Bergseng, Håkon; Dahlø, Raija Helena Tolonen; Gulla, Kari. (2014) Skin-to-skin versus incubator for preterm infants. International Confederation of Midwives ICM 30th Triennal Congress , Praha 2014-06-01 - 2014-06-05
PosterJohn b, Hima; Adde, Lars; Oommen, Samual p; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Støen, Ragnhild; Thomas, Niranjan. (2014) General Movement Assessment in very low birth weight infants in South India and motor outcomes at one year. The Conference of the Neonatology Forum 2014-12-06 - 2014-12-08
PosterPeyton, Colleen; Conrath, E; Adde, Lars; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Støen, Ragnhild; Schreiber, Me. (2014) Early motor trajectories of very low birthweight infants: comparing the test of Infant Motor performance, the Alberta Infant Motor Scale, and the Generalized Movement Assessment. American Physiotherapy Assosiation (APTA) combined sections meeting Las Vegas 2014-02-15 - 2014-02-18
PosterBoswell, Lynn; Weck, Mary; Adde, Lars; Støen, Ragnhild; Hayner, Am; Overland, Elizabeth. (2014) Correlation of Temporal Classification of Fidgety Movements and 6-12 Month Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting 2014-05-03 - 2014-05-03
Academic lectureNguyen, Nt; Boswell, Lynn; Hayner, Am; Weck, Mary; Overland, Elizabeth; Adde, Lars. (2014) Early Detection of Motor Impairments in Infants with Congenital Heart Disease. 3rd Annual Cardiac Neurodevelopment Symposium 2014-06-05 - 2014-06-06
Academic lectureIhlen, Espen Alexander F.; Støen, Ragnhild; Adde, Lars. (2014) Computerized fidgety movement assessment in infants with high risk of later neurological impairments. Clinical movement Analysis World Conference 2014-09-29 - 2014-10-04
PosterRahmati, Hodjatolah; Aamo, Ole Morten; Støen, Ragnhild; Adde, Lars. (2014) Video-based motion segmentation for clinical use. Clinical Movement Analysis World Conference 2014-09-29 - 2014-10-04
Academic lecturePeyton, Colleen; Drobyshevsky, A; Adde, Lars; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Schreiber, Me. (2014) Relationship between white matter fractional anisotrophy and general movement assessment in high-risk premature infants: a tract-based spatial statistical analysis. 68th Annual meeting American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-13
PosterLied, Angelina Jaroslavna; Adde, Lars; Elvrum, Ann-Kristin; Støen, Ragnhild; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Vik, Torstein. (2014) Bimanual performance and mirror movements in adolescents with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: assessments by a novel computer vision based software. American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medici American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine 68th Annual Meeting , San Diego 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-13
Academic lectureAdde, Lars; Thomas, Niranjan; John, Hima B; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Oommen, Samuel P; Støen, Ragnhild. (2014) Gerneral Movement Assessment (GMA) in Very Low Birth Weight infants in South India. European Academy for Children Disability 26th Annual meeting 2014-07-03 - 2014-07-05
Academic lectureFjørtoft, Toril Larsson; Støen, Ragnhild; Vågen, Randi; Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Loennecken, Marianne; Adde, Lars. (2014) Extremely preterm born infants often present abnormal motor repertoire at 3 months of age. European Academy of Childhood Disability 2014-07-03 - 2014-07-05
LecturePeyton, Colleen; Drobyshevsky, A; Adde, Lars; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Schreiber, Me. (2014) Relationship between white matter fractional anisotropy and the general movement assessment in high-risk premature infants. American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and developmental medicine 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-13
Academic lectureBoswell, Lynn; Adde, Lars; Nguyen, Nguyenvu; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Weck, Mary. (2013) Infants with congenital heart disease are at risk for abnormal general movements. American Academy for cerebral palsy and developmental medicine annual meeting 2013 2013-10-16 - 2013-10-19
PosterWeck, Mary; Adde, Lars; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Boswell, Lynn; De Regnier, Raye-Ann. (2013) The effect of medical complexity on the development of fidgety movements and feasibility of screening utilizing the general movement assessment for neonatal and cardiac intensive care inpatients and graduates. American Academy for cerebral palsy and developmental medicine annual meeting 2013 2013-10-16 - 2013-10-19
PosterFjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Støen, Ragnhild; Vågen, Randi; Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Labori, Cathrine; Songstad, Nils Thomas. (2013) Sporadic fidgety movements and abnormal motor repertoire is common in extremely preterm born infants. Amarican Academy for cerebral palsy and developmental medicine annual meeting 2013 2013-10-16 - 2013-10-19
PosterNguyen, NT; Boswell, Lynn; Adde, Lars; Weck, Mary; Støen, Ragnhild; Fjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso. (2013) Evaluation of General Movement Abnormalities in Infants with Cogenital Heart Disease. Pediatric Academic Societies 2013-05-04 - 2013-05-07
PosterFjørtoft, Toril Synnøve Larsso; Støen, Ragnhild; Vågen, Randi; Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Labori, Cathrine; Songstad, Nils Thomas. (2013) Abnormal motor repertoire is common in extremely preterm born infants presenting normal fidgety movements. Pediatric Academic Societies 2013-05-04 - 2013-05-07
Academic lectureAdde, Lars; Lied, Angelina Jaroslavna; Elvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Støen, Ragnhild; Vik, Torstein. (2012) Computer vision based assessment of mirror movements in adolescents with unilateral cerebral palsy. 4th International Cerebral Palsy Conference 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-13
PosterAdde, Lars; Elvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Støen, Ragnhild; Vik, Torstein. (2012) Computer vision based assessment of postural patterns during bilateral tasks in children with unilateral cerebral palsy performed in a clinical context. Joint World Congress of ISPGR and Gait & Mental Function 2012-06-24 - 2012-06-28
Academic lectureElvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes; Lied, Angelina Jaroslavna; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Støen, Ragnhild; Vik, Torstein; Adde, Lars. (2012) Clinical and computer-based assessment of mirror movements and hand function in cerebral palsy. 4th International Cerebral Palsy Conference 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-13
PosterAdde, Lars; Langaas, Mette; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Støen, Ragnhild. (2011) Quantitative assessment of general movements in young infants by one or two computer-based video recordings. European Academy of Childhood Disability European Academy of Childhood Disability 23rd Annual Meeting , Rome 2011-06-08 - 2011-06-11
PosterAdde, Lars; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Støen, Ragnhild. (2011) Qualitative assessment of fidgety movements by observation of computer-based motiongrams: a pilot study. European Academy of Childhood Disability 23rd Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability , Rome 2011-06-08 - 2011-06-11
Academic lectureAdde, Lars; Langaas, Mette; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Støen, Ragnhild. (2011) Computer based assessment of General Movements in Young Infants using one or two video recordings. 52nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Research , Newcastle 2011-10-14 - 2011-10-17
Academic lectureMohn, Hilde Stuedahl; Småland, Anne; Dalen, Harald; Støen, Ragnhild; Trønnes, Håkon; Gundrosen, Stine. (2008) Simulering - en utfordring på linje med virkeligheten. International Stillbirth Society De 21. norske perinataldager , Oslo 2008-11-05 - 2008-11-07
Academic lectureStøen, Ragnhild; Lossius, Kristin; Asplund, Anna; Karlsson, Jan O.. (1998) The Relative Contribution of NO and EDHF to Acetylcholine-Induced Relaxation in Femoral Artery Rings from Newborn and 2 week old Piglets. The American Pediatric society and The Society for Pediatric Research , New Orleans, LA
Academic lectureStøen, Ragnhild; Brubakk, Ann-Mari; Vik, Torstein; Lossius, Kristin; Jynge, Per; Karlsson, Jan O.G.. (1996) Postnatal development of mechanisms mediating endothelium-dependent relaxation in femoral arteries in piglets. European Society for Developmental Pharmacology. 5th Internatio nal Meeting , P#/ecs, Ungarn