Ralf Kirchhoff
Ralf Kirchhoff
Research Interests
Kirchhoff's research interests are in health policy and health systems. He is especially interested in reforms or other significant changes in health services. His work and projects are typically interdisciplinary and can be grouped under health services research.
PhD in Administration and Organization Theory at the University of Bergen, Norway, focusing on differences between migrated German physicians and Norwegian physicians in hospitals in Norway.
Ph.d. prosjekt: Kommunikasjon mellom fastleger og NAV – en studie av utvidet sykmeldingsblanketter for brukere med vanlige psykiske lidelser
Ph.d-prosjekt: Helsepersonells erfaringer med hendelsesanalyse
Management and reforms in the Nordic hospital landscape
Aspects of Equality in Mandatory Partnerships – From the Perspective of Municipal Care in Norway
Helseledelse Om utfordringer og lederroller i endring
My scientific works within the research profile organization and management are mainly connected to reforms. Healthcare managers influence, lead, give direction, and try to create meaning in what happens in and around their organizations. Therefore, health managers and society need knowledge of how reform-initiated changes affect various aspects of health services.
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Vik, Erlend;
Ødegård, Atle.
Helseledelse : om utfordringer og lederroller i endring.
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Bøyum-Folkeseth, Linda;
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb.
Tilsynsperspektivet på ledelse innen tvungen somatisk helsehjelp.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Hvordan opplever ledere i sykehus egen kompetanse?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djupvik, Alf Roger;
Aarseth, Turid;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Profesjonsbyråkrati, styringsparadigmer og lederroller i endring
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rødal, Jorunn;
Hansson, Lisa;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Standardisering og variasjon i kommunale forskrifter for tildeling av langtids sykehjemsplass.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Academic article
Solberg, Mads;
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Wessel, Lauri.
Organizing visions for data-centric management: how Norwegian policy documents construe the use of data in health organizations.
Journal of Health Organisation and Management
Academic article
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Vik, Erlend;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Digital leadership : Norwegian healthcare managers’ attitudes towards using digital tools.
Digital Health
Academic article
D'Angelo, Egidio Niclas;
Hara, Karen Walseth;
Halvorsen, Kristin;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
General practitioners’ description of functioning in sickness certificates.
Social Sciences & Humanities Open
Academic article
Solberg, Mads;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Media Representations of Healthcare Robotics in Norway 2000-2020: A Topic Modeling Approach.
Social science computer review
Academic article
Liepelt, Silje;
Sundal, Hildegunn;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Team experiences of the root cause analysis process after a sentinel event : a qualitative case study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Solbjør, Marit;
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Sogstad, Maren Kristine Raknes.
Games of uncertainty: the participation of older patients with multimorbidity in care planning meetings - a qualitative study.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Aarseth, Turid;
Solbjør, Marit;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
'What matters to you?' : normative integration of an intervention to promote participation of older patients with multi-morbidity - a qualitative case study .
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Koronakrisen – om å gjøre det rette, også når det er tvil.
Feature article
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Sogstad, Maren Kristine Raknes;
Solbjør, Marit.
Sharing responsibility: Municipal health professionals' approaches to goal setting with older patients with multi-morbidity - a grounded theory study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Frisvoll, Inger Cecilie;
Aarseth, Turid;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Å skrive ut pasienter til kommunene - faglig rasjonalitet under press? .
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Academic article
Pukstad, Brita;
Oestvang, Janne;
Ingebrigtsen, Erik;
Lenschow, Harald;
Onsøyen, Lars E.;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Ph.d.-administrative støttesystemer.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Melbye, Marita Christina Susanne;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Tverrprofesjonell in situ simulering på intensivavdelingen - erfaringer blant leger og sykepleiere.
Inspira – tidsskrift for anestesi-, operasjon- og intensivsykepleiere
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Vik, Erlend;
Aarseth, Turid.
Management and reforms in the Nordic hospital landscape.
Journal of Health Organisation and Management
Academic literature review
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Moralsk stress blant sykepleiere i medisinske og kirurgiske avdelinger.
Nordisk sygeplejeforskning
Academic article
Huby, Guro Øyen;
Cook, Ailsa;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Can we mandate partnership working? Top down meets bottom up in structural reforms in Scotland and Norway.
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
Academic article
Bøyum-Folkeseth, Linda;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Endringer i klageregler : stor økning i klager etter samhandlingsreformen?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Kongshaug, Arnhild Vestnes;
Vadset, Tove Bjørnland.
Self-Assessment of Intensive Care Nurses’ Team Performance Compared with Intensive Care Nursing Students.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Vadset, Tove B.;
Kongshaug, Arnhild Vestnes;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Best mulig forberedt - evaluering av simulatorbasert samtrening i intensiv sykepleie.
NTNU i Ålesund
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Bøyum-Folkeseth, Linda;
Gjerde, Ingunn;
Aarseth, Turid.
Samhandlingsreformen og fastlegene – et avstandsforhold?.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Academic article
Huby, Guro Øyen;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Bestemor med brukket rygg i helsetjenestenes hinderløype.
Feature article
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Berg, Helen.
Use of video communication technology in the light of everyday and telerehabilitation.
Sykepleien Forskning
Academic literature review
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Ljunggren, Birgitte.
Aspects of Equality in Mandatory Partnerships - From the Perspective of Municipal Care in Norway.
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
Academic article
Brekk, Åge;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Hvor ble det av pasienten i samarbeidsavtalene?.
Nordiske organisasjonsstudier
Academic article
Grimsmo, Anders;
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Aarseth, Turid.
Samhandlingsreformen i Norge.
Nordiske organisasjonsstudier
Academic article
Hall-Lord, Marie Louise;
Marhaug, Gudmund;
Hoffmann, Bjørn;
Ballangrud, Randi;
Lunde, Birgitta Hansen;
Olsen, Marit.
Rapport fra arbeidsgruppe Pasientsikkerhet.
NTNU, HiST, Høgskolen i gjøvik, Høgskolen i Ålesund
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Grimsmo, Anders;
Brekk, Åge.
Kommuner og helseforetak - ble de enige om noe?.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Ljunggren, Elin Birgitte.
Equality in partnerships. The Coordination Reform in Norway.
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
Rutle, Adrian;
Fagerland Simonsen, Kent Inge;
Schaathun, Hans Georg;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Model-driven software engineering in practice: A content analysis software for health reform agreements.
Procedia Computer Science
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Nesset, Erik.
Tyske og norske sykehusleger i Norge - ulike syn på faglig oppdatering?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Blindheim, Kari;
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Dahl, Berit Misund.
Helse og læring.
Rapport HiÅ (5)
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Tyske sykehusleger i Norge i et institusjonelt perspektiv.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Doctoral dissertation
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Tilhørighet til arbeidsplassen: en komparativ studie av tyske og norske sykehusleger i Norge.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Forskjeller i opplevelse av arbeidsmiljøet blant norske og tyske overleger i Norge :.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Academic article
Journal publications
Rødal, Jorunn;
Hansson, Lisa;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Standardisering og variasjon i kommunale forskrifter for tildeling av langtids sykehjemsplass.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Academic article
Solberg, Mads;
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Wessel, Lauri.
Organizing visions for data-centric management: how Norwegian policy documents construe the use of data in health organizations.
Journal of Health Organisation and Management
Academic article
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Vik, Erlend;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Digital leadership : Norwegian healthcare managers’ attitudes towards using digital tools.
Digital Health
Academic article
D'Angelo, Egidio Niclas;
Hara, Karen Walseth;
Halvorsen, Kristin;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
General practitioners’ description of functioning in sickness certificates.
Social Sciences & Humanities Open
Academic article
Solberg, Mads;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Media Representations of Healthcare Robotics in Norway 2000-2020: A Topic Modeling Approach.
Social science computer review
Academic article
Liepelt, Silje;
Sundal, Hildegunn;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Team experiences of the root cause analysis process after a sentinel event : a qualitative case study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Solbjør, Marit;
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Sogstad, Maren Kristine Raknes.
Games of uncertainty: the participation of older patients with multimorbidity in care planning meetings - a qualitative study.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Aarseth, Turid;
Solbjør, Marit;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
'What matters to you?' : normative integration of an intervention to promote participation of older patients with multi-morbidity - a qualitative case study .
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Koronakrisen – om å gjøre det rette, også når det er tvil.
Feature article
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Sogstad, Maren Kristine Raknes;
Solbjør, Marit.
Sharing responsibility: Municipal health professionals' approaches to goal setting with older patients with multi-morbidity - a grounded theory study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Frisvoll, Inger Cecilie;
Aarseth, Turid;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Å skrive ut pasienter til kommunene - faglig rasjonalitet under press? .
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Academic article
Melbye, Marita Christina Susanne;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Tverrprofesjonell in situ simulering på intensivavdelingen - erfaringer blant leger og sykepleiere.
Inspira – tidsskrift for anestesi-, operasjon- og intensivsykepleiere
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Vik, Erlend;
Aarseth, Turid.
Management and reforms in the Nordic hospital landscape.
Journal of Health Organisation and Management
Academic literature review
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Moralsk stress blant sykepleiere i medisinske og kirurgiske avdelinger.
Nordisk sygeplejeforskning
Academic article
Huby, Guro Øyen;
Cook, Ailsa;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Can we mandate partnership working? Top down meets bottom up in structural reforms in Scotland and Norway.
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Kongshaug, Arnhild Vestnes;
Vadset, Tove Bjørnland.
Self-Assessment of Intensive Care Nurses’ Team Performance Compared with Intensive Care Nursing Students.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Bøyum-Folkeseth, Linda;
Gjerde, Ingunn;
Aarseth, Turid.
Samhandlingsreformen og fastlegene – et avstandsforhold?.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Academic article
Huby, Guro Øyen;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Bestemor med brukket rygg i helsetjenestenes hinderløype.
Feature article
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Berg, Helen.
Use of video communication technology in the light of everyday and telerehabilitation.
Sykepleien Forskning
Academic literature review
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Ljunggren, Birgitte.
Aspects of Equality in Mandatory Partnerships - From the Perspective of Municipal Care in Norway.
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
Academic article
Brekk, Åge;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Hvor ble det av pasienten i samarbeidsavtalene?.
Nordiske organisasjonsstudier
Academic article
Grimsmo, Anders;
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Aarseth, Turid.
Samhandlingsreformen i Norge.
Nordiske organisasjonsstudier
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Grimsmo, Anders;
Brekk, Åge.
Kommuner og helseforetak - ble de enige om noe?.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Ljunggren, Elin Birgitte.
Equality in partnerships. The Coordination Reform in Norway.
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
Rutle, Adrian;
Fagerland Simonsen, Kent Inge;
Schaathun, Hans Georg;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Model-driven software engineering in practice: A content analysis software for health reform agreements.
Procedia Computer Science
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Tilhørighet til arbeidsplassen: en komparativ studie av tyske og norske sykehusleger i Norge.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Forskjeller i opplevelse av arbeidsmiljøet blant norske og tyske overleger i Norge :.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Academic article
Part of book/report
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Vik, Erlend;
Ødegård, Atle.
Helseledelse : om utfordringer og lederroller i endring.
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Bøyum-Folkeseth, Linda;
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb.
Tilsynsperspektivet på ledelse innen tvungen somatisk helsehjelp.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oksavik, Jannike Dyb;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Hvordan opplever ledere i sykehus egen kompetanse?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djupvik, Alf Roger;
Aarseth, Turid;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Profesjonsbyråkrati, styringsparadigmer og lederroller i endring
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bøyum-Folkeseth, Linda;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Endringer i klageregler : stor økning i klager etter samhandlingsreformen?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Nesset, Erik.
Tyske og norske sykehusleger i Norge - ulike syn på faglig oppdatering?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pukstad, Brita;
Oestvang, Janne;
Ingebrigtsen, Erik;
Lenschow, Harald;
Onsøyen, Lars E.;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Ph.d.-administrative støttesystemer.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Vadset, Tove B.;
Kongshaug, Arnhild Vestnes;
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Best mulig forberedt - evaluering av simulatorbasert samtrening i intensiv sykepleie.
NTNU i Ålesund
Hall-Lord, Marie Louise;
Marhaug, Gudmund;
Hoffmann, Bjørn;
Ballangrud, Randi;
Lunde, Birgitta Hansen;
Olsen, Marit.
Rapport fra arbeidsgruppe Pasientsikkerhet.
NTNU, HiST, Høgskolen i gjøvik, Høgskolen i Ålesund
Blindheim, Kari;
Kirchhoff, Ralf;
Dahl, Berit Misund.
Helse og læring.
Rapport HiÅ (5)
Kirchhoff, Ralf.
Tyske sykehusleger i Norge i et institusjonelt perspektiv.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Doctoral dissertation
- HELA3900 - Master's Thesis in Health Care Management
- SYA3022 - Patient safety and quality improvement
- HELA3003 - Methods in Social science
- HELA3004 - Using evidence to inform health decision-making
- HELA3001 - Patient Safety and Management
- HELA3002 - Sustainable Health Leadership
Since 2007, I have taught various subjects at the Master's degree level related to health service management and organisation. In the main, I provide teaching and guidance on different management and organisation-related topics such as collaboration, organisational culture, organisational structure, coordination, patient safety, distinctive management features in health services, laws/regulations, reforms, and change. The target group is Master's students with a professional background in healthcare (nurses, social workers, social workers, doctors, physiotherapists etc.). In addition to teaching, I supervise Master's students and PhD students.
My teaching philosophy is that the students should be involved in the teaching to the greatest possible extent so that they can reflect on their practice and future leadership roles. I use different methods to achieve this, combining traditional teaching/lectures with cases, group work, individual tasks, etc.
In 2020, I took the initiative to establish a Collaboration and Development Arena for healthcare managers in Møre og Romsdal, Norway, to meet working life's need for closer collaboration between working life and academia. The arena (named SUHEL in Norwegian) has become a network between managers in the health and social services in the municipalities, managers in Helse Møre and Romsdal HF, as well as teachers from NTNU, Volda University College and Molde University College associated with the Master's program in health management. SUHEL aims to enable managers to carry out and lead professional development and innovation in their organisations and to initiate practice-based research activity in collaboration with the region's university and university college sector, especially Master's in health management. The network opens up common understanding and new working methods by creating closer contact between the region's health and care services leaders, researchers and students.
Koronakrisen: Om å gjøre det rette, også når det er tvil
Helseledere har positiv grunnholdning til digitalisering
Formell lederutdanning har betydning
PosterRyan, R.; Wolfenden, Luke; Shepperd, Sasha; Cumpston, M.; Parkhill, A.; Merner, B. (2023) Why we need a new Cochrane Thematic Group on Person-centred care, Health Systems and Public Health. Cochrane 27th Cochrane Colloquium , London 2023-09-03 - 2023-09-06
InterviewBjåen, Bjørgulf K. (avisa Vårt Land); Kirchhoff, Ralf. (2021) Pandemien river i Norge - men ingen flere intensivplasser. https://www.vl.no/nyheter/2021/12/17/pandemien-river-i-norge https://www.vl.no/nyheter/2021/12/17/pandemien-river-i-norge [Newspaper] 2021-12-17
Programme participationKjølås, Bibbi; Kirchhoff, Ralf. (2021) Intervju om helseledere i Møre og Romsdal. NRK Møre og Romsdal NRK Møre og Romsdal [Radio] 2021-11-19
Academic lectureKirchhoff, Ralf; Solberg, Mads. (2020) A framework for policy research on governmental trust and AAL-technology: a proposal. The International Society for Gerontechnology ISG's 12th World Conference of Gerontechnology , Trondheim 2020-10-06 - 2020-10-09