Synne Bendal
Bendal, Synne.
Ti tips til endring i organisasjoner.
Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology
Reader opinion piece
Andersen, Gunn Robstad;
Bendal, Synne;
Westgaard, Rolf Harald.
Work demands and health consequences of organizational and technological measures introduced to enhance the quality of home care services - A subgroup analysis.
Applied Ergonomics
Academic article
Journal publications
Bendal, Synne.
Ti tips til endring i organisasjoner.
Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology
Reader opinion piece
Andersen, Gunn Robstad;
Bendal, Synne;
Westgaard, Rolf Harald.
Work demands and health consequences of organizational and technological measures introduced to enhance the quality of home care services - A subgroup analysis.
Applied Ergonomics
Academic article
InterviewBendal, Synne. (2015) Travle dager. Utdanning Utdanning [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-10-02
PosterBendal, Synne; Westgaard, Rolf Harald. (2013) Antecedents and consequences of different types of strain in the educational sector. PREMUS 2013-07-07 - 2013-07-11
Academic lectureBendal, Synne; Westgaard, Rolf Harald. (2012) Psychosocial work environment in the educational sector in Norway. EAOHP European Conference on Occupational Health Psychology , Zürich 2012-04-10 - 2012-04-13
Academic lectureBendal, Synne; Westgaard, Rolf Harald. (2012) Work environment in the educational sector in Norway- Baseline of a longitudinal study on workplace intervention. ICOH ICOH Congress 2012 , Cancun 2012-03-18 - 2012-03-23
Popular scientific lectureAndersen, Gunn Robstad; Bendal, Synne. (2012) Arbeidsmiljø i sunne omstillingsprosesser. NTNU Hovedverneombudkonferansen 2012 , Trondheim 2012-09-20 - 2012-09-21
Popular scientific lectureBendal, Synne; Andersen, Gunn Robstad. (2012) Endringer i organisasjoner - formål og konsekvenser. Eksempler fra to offentlige virksomheter. SVT-fakultetet Frokostmøte , Dragvoll 2012-11-23 - 2012-11-23
Popular scientific lectureBendal, Synne. (2011) Resultater fra en arbeidsmiljøundersøkelse i skolesektoren. Utdanningsforbundet Østfold Kurs for seksjon grunnskole , Sarpsborg 2011-12-08 - 2011-12-08
PosterBendal, Synne; Westgaard, Rolf Harald. (2010) Interventions at work. Worker health in the educational sector. ICOH-WOPS ICOH-WOPS conference 2010 , Amsterdam 2010-06-14 - 2010-06-17
PosterBendal, Synne; Tvedt, Sturle Danielsen; Saksvik, Per Øystein. (2009) A pilot experimental simulation of organizational change: lessons learned on the importance of individual perceptions. APA APA Work, Stress, and Health Conference , San Juan, Puerto Rico 2009-11-05 - 2009-11-08