Tjasa Kumelj
Ph.D. degree in (Computational) Biotechnology at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), in the group of Prof. Eivind Almaas (AlmaasLab). Research work was within Computational System Biology, Genome-scale Constraint -based Metabolic Modeling, Omics Data Analyses, Metabolic Engineering, Computational Systems Medicine.
M.Sc: Biochemistry/Molecular Biology and Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Present work on Clinical Database Development and Development of Models in Precision Medicine (NTNU, Institute for Neuromedicine and Movement, NorHEAD (Norwegian Researh Center for Headache)).
1. NorHEAD Research Registry and Biobank (Clinical database development, NorHead, NTNU)
2. Machine intelligence in HEADaches (MI-HEAD project, NorHead, NTNU): machine learning in classifing migraine from Genome-Wide Genotype data (GWAS), clinical data and health registry data, combining genomic-based and machine learning methods with the ultimate goal to study mechanistic interpretation of non-additive effects in headache disorders. In collaboration with University College London, UK and International Headache Genetic Consortium.
3. Applied Ethical Al on Nordic Patient Records (Anvendt Etisk AI på nordiske pasientjournaler, FEHLS.2021.AI), NorHead, NTNU & Nordic Applied Ethical Consortium: The ultimate goal of the study is development of machine learning model to interpret the non-structured clinical notes and referrals for possible prediciton of e.g., disease progression, applying federated machine learning approach, in collaboration with Aalborg University, Denmark & Z-Inspection-Tempere University, Finland.
4. Headache in Norway (Hodepine i Norge)-NorHEAD MiHEAD project
Clinical DataBase Development and Development of Models in PrecisionMedicine NTNU, Faculty of Medicine, Institut for Neuromedicine, NeuroØst, St.Olof Hospital, NorHead-Norwegian Research Center for Headache.
Systems (Computational) Biology-Genome Scale Metabolic Modeling, Metabolic Engineering, Complex Network Analysis and Omics Analysis with Application in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Biomedicine (NTNU, Professor Eivind Almaas Lab)-PhD degree.
Theoretical (Computational) Chemistry within Molecular Modleing and Computer Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation (NTNU)-medical research.
Experimental Chemistry, Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, Analytical Chemistry- Drug Discovery Unit (Pharmaceutical firm LEK (Sandoz), a generic part og Swiss Company Novartis).
Schulz, Christian;
Kumelj, Tjasa;
Karlsen, Emil;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale metabolic modelling when changes in environmental conditions affect biomass composition.
PLoS Computational Biology
Academic article
Sulheim, Snorre;
Kumelj, Tjasa;
van Dissel, Dino;
Salehzadeh-Yazdi, Ali;
Du, Chao;
Van Wezel, Gilles P..
Enzyme-Constrained Models and Omics Analysis of Streptomyces coelicolor Reveal Metabolic Changes that Enhance Heterologous Production.
Academic article
Kumelj, Tjasa;
Sulheim, Snorre;
Wentzel, Alexander;
Almaas, Eivind.
Predicting strain engineering strategies using iKS1317: a genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor.
Biotechnology Journal
Academic article
Journal publications
Schulz, Christian;
Kumelj, Tjasa;
Karlsen, Emil;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale metabolic modelling when changes in environmental conditions affect biomass composition.
PLoS Computational Biology
Academic article
Sulheim, Snorre;
Kumelj, Tjasa;
van Dissel, Dino;
Salehzadeh-Yazdi, Ali;
Du, Chao;
Van Wezel, Gilles P..
Enzyme-Constrained Models and Omics Analysis of Streptomyces coelicolor Reveal Metabolic Changes that Enhance Heterologous Production.
Academic article
Kumelj, Tjasa;
Sulheim, Snorre;
Wentzel, Alexander;
Almaas, Eivind.
Predicting strain engineering strategies using iKS1317: a genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor.
Biotechnology Journal
Academic article
Teaching and Leading Laboratory Course in Physical Chemistry in electrolytic conductivity and transference number at Deparment of Chemistry, NTNU (2006-2010).
Project leader , Drug Discovery Group, Pharmaceutical Company (part of Sandoz, Swiss Company), Slovenia (2002-2005)
Academic lectureDanelakis, Antonios; Stubberud, Anker; Winsvold, Bendik Kristoffer Slagsvold; bjørk, marte helene; Giles, Dominic; Nachev, Parashkev. (2024) Machine learning versus polygenic risk scoring as migraine predictors based on genome-wide genotype data. The Migraine Trust Migraine Trust International Symposium (MTIS) 2024 , London 2024-08-05 - 2024-08-08
Academic lectureDanelakis, Antonios; Abildsnes, Håkon Kvisle; Faisal, Fahim; Winsvold, Bendik Kristoffer Slagsvold; bjørk, marte helene; Giles, Dominic. (2024) Machine learning can predict migraine from genotype and non-headache clinical data with high accuracy. European Headache Federation European Headache Congress (EHC) 2024 , Rotterdam 2024-12-04 - 2024-12-07
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; van Dissel, Dino; Salehzadeh-Yazdi, Ali; Du, Chao; Van Wezel, Gilles P.. (2021) A systems comparison of Streptomyces coelicolor M1152 and M145 reveals major metabolic rewiring. Aiche COBRA 2021 , Virtuellt 2021-03-01 - 2021-03-02
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Salehzadeh-Yazdi, Ali; van Dissel, Dino; Chao, Du; Nieselt, Kay. (2019) An enzyme-constrained genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor reveals global effects of gene cluster deletion and rpoB mutation. Digital Life Norway Digital Life Norway Conference 2019 , Tromsø 2019-09-05 - 2019-09-06
Academic lectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2019) Expanding the (meta)genomics toolbox for the discovery and production of novel natural products from microbial resources. SINTEF/NTNU Functional Metageomics 2019 , Trondheim 2019-06-16 - 2019-09-19
Academic lectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2019) Expanding the (meta)genomics toolbox for the discovery and production of novel natural products from microbial resources. Fusion Conferences 2nd Synthetic Biology for Natural Products Conference , Puerto Vallarta 2019-06-02 - 2019-06-05
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Sletta, Håvard; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Predicting phenotypes using iKS1317: a genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor . Centre for Digital Life Norway Digital Life Conference 2018 , Bergen 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-21
LectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2017) New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach. FUSION conferences Synthetic Biology of Natural Products , Hotel Fiesta Americana Condesa, Cancun 2017-03-05 - 2017-03-08
LectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2017) New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach. SINTEF, RG Biotechnology Meeting with the ReDig project , SINTEF, RG Biotechnology 2017-09-19 - 2017-09-19
LectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2017) New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach. UiT BioProsp 2017, the 8th International Conference on Marine Biotechnology , UiT, Tromsø 2017-03-08 - 2017-03-10
Academic lectureSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor. Institutt for bioteknologi og matvitenskap, NTNU Lunsj-seminar , Trondheim 2017-09-20 - 2017-09-20
PosterKumelj, Tjasa; Sulheim, Snorre; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor. Chalmers University of Technology Advanced course on Metabolic engineering and Systems Biology , Gøteborg 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-22
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor. Senter for Digitalt Liv Norge Methodologies for Digital Life - Focus on Metabolic Systems , Bergen 2017-10-06 -
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Almaas, Eivind; Kumelj, Tjasa. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of S. coelicolor. NORBIS NORBIS annual national conference 2017 , Hillesøy, Troms 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-10
LectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2017) New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach. Centre for Digital Life Norway Centre for Digital Life Norway - Annual conference , Hotel Bristol, Oslo 2017-03-20 - 2017-03-21
Academic lectureSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor. Senter for Digitalt Liv Norge Modelling living systems - From foundational problems to applications , Bergen 2017-09-07 - 2017-09-08
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) Extended GEM of Streptomyces coelicolor for production of secondary metabolites. International conference on systems biology 2017 (ICSB 2017) , Blacksburg, Virgina 2017-08-06 - 2017-08-12
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor. Chalmers University of Technology Advanced course on Metabolic engineering and Systems Biology , Gøteborg 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-22
Academic lectureKumelj, Tjasa; Sulheim, Snorre; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) Extended GEM of Streptomyces coelicolor for production of secondary metabolites. International Society for Systems Biology International conference on systems biology 2017 (ICSB 2017) , Blacksburg, Virgina 2017-08-06 - 2017-08-12
Academic lectureKumelj, Tjasa; Åstrand, Per-Olof; Sanz-Navarro, Carlos F.. (2009) Towards a reactive force field for Fe(IV) with application to oxidative dealkylation of DNA. Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, NTNU Bioinformatics Forum for Young Scientists (BFYS) April 24-26 2009, Trondheim/Selbu , Selbu 2009-04-24 - 2009-04-26