Veronica Liverud Krathe
Research topic: Multiscale-/fidelity wind turbine dynamics models for structural design and control (2021-2024)
In essence: How are the drivetrains in large floating wind turbines affected by uncertainties in wind and wake models, and by wind farm control strategies?
Main supervisor: Professor Erin E. Bachynski-Polić (NTNU)
Co-supervisors: Professor Amir R. Nejad (NTNU) and doctor Jason Jonkman (NREL)
Project: NorthWind
Previous education: M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering from NTNU (2015). Thesis: Aero-hydro dynamic analysis of offshore wind turbine - implementation of nonlinear soil-structure interaction in software FAST
Work experience:
- DNV (2015-2018)
- Dr.techn. Olav Olsen (2018-2021)
Krathe, V.L.;
Kaynia, Amir Massoud.
Implementation of a non-linear foundation model for soil-structure interaction analysis of offshore wind turbines in FAST.
Wind Energy
Academic article
Journal publications
Krathe, V.L.;
Kaynia, Amir Massoud.
Implementation of a non-linear foundation model for soil-structure interaction analysis of offshore wind turbines in FAST.
Wind Energy
Academic article
LectureKrathe, Veronica Liverud. (2024) Vindkraft. NMBU Ekskursjon NMBU 2024 , Trondheim 2024-08-28 - 2024-08-28
PosterKrathe, Veronica Liverud; Jonkman, Jason M.; Gebel, Jakob Vincent; Rivera Arreba, Irene; Rasekhi Nejad, Amir; Bachynski-Polic, Erin Elizabeth. (2023) Main bearing fatigue sensitivity to synthetic turbulence models. NREL, CU Boulder NAWEA/WindTech 2023 , Denver, Colorado 2023-10-30 - 2023-11-01
Academic lectureKrathe, Veronica Liverud; Jonkman, Jason M; Bachynski-Polic, Erin Elizabeth. (2023) Implementation of drivetrain structural flexibility in OpenFAST. SINTEF, NTNU, EERA JP wind EERA DeepWind 2023 , Trondheim 2023-01-18 - 2023-01-20
LectureKrathe, Veronica Liverud. (2023) Havvind. NTNU Ocean Space Race 2023 , Trondheim 2023-03-09 - 2023-03-10