Vishnu Perumthuruthil Suseelan
My name is Vishnu Perumthuruthil Suseelan, and I am a researcher specializing in ocean color remote sensing for coastal and open ocean water monitoring, particularly water quality monitoring and deriving phytoplankton community composition, including harmful algal blooms. I am based in Trondheim, Norway, where I continue to pursue my passion for marine science, utilizing the potential of HYPSO-1 satellites in monitoring water quality and harmful algal blooms.
I completed my PhD in Geography at the University of Victoria in Canada, where my research focused on characterizing phytoplankton communities in the subarctic northeast Pacific using multispectral ocean color satellite imagery and in situ hyperspectral radiometry. Specifically, my research explored the utilization of various observations such as in situ HPLC pigment data, environmental driver data, multispectral ocean color imagery, and in situ hyperspectral data. By highlighting the synergy of these datasets, we provided new insights into regional phytoplankton dynamics.
Throughout my career, I have published several peer-reviewed papers, including studies on the performance of Sentinel 3A OLCI products in the subarctic northeast Pacific and the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton off the west coast of Canada. My work also includes research on bio-optical properties of the southeastern Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, where I examined the impact of mariculture on water quality.
I have been involved in significant research projects, including those funded by the Canadian Space Agency and MEOPAR, focusing on using ocean color to study waters along the migration route of juvenile salmon. My fieldwork experience includes collecting and analyzing water samples for bio-optical and biogeochemical parameters.
My academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Kottayam, followed by a Master of Science in Environmental Science and Disaster Management from Mahatma Gandhi University in India. I have received various awards and fellowships, such as travel awards for international conferences and fellowships from ESA, MEOPAR, CSA, ISRO, and various other research institutions/organizations. Additionally, I have been a Teaching Assistant at the University of Victoria, where I led laboratory sessions in remote sensing and image analysis.
With my expertise in remote sensing and hyperspectral radiometry, I am dedicated to addressing the challenges facing our marine environments. My work aims to enhance our understanding of phytoplankton dynamics and their critical role in ocean ecosystems.
Peer reviewed
Perumthuruthil Suseelan Vishnu., and Maycira Costa (2023). Evaluation of the Performance of Sentinel 3A OLCI Products in the Subarctic Northeast Pacific. Remote Sensing.15:3244;1-22
Perumthuruthil Suseelan Vishnu, Hongyan Xi, Justin Del Bel Belluz, Midhun Shah Hussain, Astrid Bracher and Maycira Costa (2022). Seasonal dynamics of major phytoplankton functional types in the coastal waters of the west coast of Canada derived from OLCI Sentinel 3A. Frontiers in Marine Sciences. 9:1018510.
Shaju S.S, Sreekutty C. Prasad, Vishnu P.S., Amir Kumar Samal, Nandini Menon, Nashad M, K.A Mathew, A.K Abdul Nazar and Grinson George (2019). Effect of Mariculture on bio-optical properties and water quality of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 29
P.S. Vishnu, S.S. Shaju, S.P. Tiwari, Nandini Menon, M. Nashad, C. Ajith Joseph, Mini Raman, Mohamed Hatha, M.P. Prabhakaran, A. Mohandas (2018). Seasonal Variability in Bio-optical Properties along the Coastal Waters off Cochin. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 66. 184-195
Soumya Krishnankutty, Ajith Joseph, C., Vincent, P.D., Jabir, T., Vishnu, P.S., Saramma, A.V. and A.A. Mohamed Hatha (2017). Hydrography, Seasonal Diversity, Distribution and Abundance of Phytoplankton in Coastal Waters off Cochin - Southeastern Arabian Sea. 48 (03). 319-326.
Under review
Perumthuruthil Suseelan Vishnu, Justin Del Bel Belluz, Hongyan Xi, Brian Hunt, Anna Vazhova, Midhun Shah Hussain, M. Angelica Pena, Astrid Bracher, Maycira Costa. Assessing the Spatial-temporal Variability of Phytoplankton Community Composition and their Response to Environmental Drivers in the subarctic northeast Pacific: A Satellite and In situ Based Approach. Under review in JGR:Ocean.
Marta Konik, M. Angelica Peña, Toru Hirawake, Brian P.V. Hunt, Perumthuruthil Suseelan Vishnu, Lisa Eisner, Astrid Bracher, Hongyan Xi, Maycira Costa. Bioregionalization of the subarctic Pacific based on phytoplankton phenology and composition. Under review in Progress in Oceanography.
Bakken, Sivert;
Zolich, Artur;
Sørensen, Kai;
Marty, Sabine;
Harvey, E. Therese;
Grant, Stephen Denis.
Initial Field Evaluation of an On-Water Radiometry Robot for Water Quality and Satellite Validation .
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress
Academic article
Konik, Marta;
Angelica Peña, Pena;
Hirawake, Toru;
Hunt, Brian P.V.;
Perumthuruthil Suseelan, Vishnu;
Eisner, Lisa B..
Bioregionalization of the subarctic Pacific based on phytoplankton phenology and composition.
Progress in Oceanography
Academic article
Journal publications
Bakken, Sivert;
Zolich, Artur;
Sørensen, Kai;
Marty, Sabine;
Harvey, E. Therese;
Grant, Stephen Denis.
Initial Field Evaluation of an On-Water Radiometry Robot for Water Quality and Satellite Validation .
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress
Academic article
Konik, Marta;
Angelica Peña, Pena;
Hirawake, Toru;
Hunt, Brian P.V.;
Perumthuruthil Suseelan, Vishnu;
Eisner, Lisa B..
Bioregionalization of the subarctic Pacific based on phytoplankton phenology and composition.
Progress in Oceanography
Academic article