Speakers and Panellists

Speakers and Panellists



Andrea Ramirez - Prof. Dr. Ir, TU Delft
Dr. Andrea Ramirez is a Professor of Low Carbon Systems and Technologies at ESS. She holds a bachelor in Chemical Engineering (Colombia), a master in Human Ecology (Belgium) and a PhD in the field of energy efficiency (the Netherlands). Andrea is one of the recipients of the Delft Technology Fellowship programme. Her research focuses on the evaluation of novel low carbon technologies and the design of methodologies and tools to assess their potential contribution to sustainable (energy and resource) systems.


Anne-Marie Tillman - Professor, Chalmers University of Technology

Anne-Marie Tillman is the director of the SKF-Chalmers University Technology Centre for Sustainability. Former Director of the Division of Environmental Systems Analysis. She is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and is one of two authors of the textbook The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to LCA. Anne-Marie Tillman leads research on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Management (LCM).


  Arnold Tukker - Prof. Dr., Leiden University
Professor of Industrial Ecology and Director of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) at Leiden University. He also retains a senior researcher position at TNO, a large not-for-profit research organization in the Netherlands. Arnold has authored 6 books, 47 refereed papers and 7 special issues on sustainability research. He currently co-ordinates a string of major programs of some 15 million Euro with some 20 key European research institutes in the field of resource efficiency, and is constructing the world’s most ambitious and detailed global energy/resource/economic input-output databases and models (EXIOBASE).

    Barbara Reck - Senior Research Scientist, Yale University

Dr. Reck is a Senior Researcher at Yale, and studies the role of metals in society; where they are sourced from, how they are used, disposed of, and recycled, and the implications thereof on their future availability. Based on her early work on nickel and stainless steel, Barbara developed a set of indicators measuring the recycling efficiency of metals at various life stages that has since been applied widely. Her detailed life cycle characterizations of metals at various spatial and temporal scales form the basis for ongoing work on supply and demand scenarios until 2050 as well as for criticality assessments.


    Edgar Hertwich - Professor, Yale University

Professor of Industrial Sustainability at Yale University and current President of the ISIE, and a member of the International Resource Panel, where he leads the Environmental Impacts of Products and Materials Working Group. Edgar has an engineering degree from the HTL Braunau, a Bachelor in physics (Magna Cum Laude) from Princeton University, and an MSc and PhD in energy & resources from the University of California, Berkeley. He directed the Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU for 13 years, and has contributed to IPCC 5th AR and the Global Energy Assessment.  His research interests cover climate mitigation, life cycle assessment, sustainable consumption and production, trade and environment, and risk analysis.

Faye Duchin - Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Professor in the Department of Economics with a dual appointment in the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). She served as President of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA) from 2004 to 2006, and as Vice President of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE). Faye has authored or co-authored several dozen journal articles and four books, including The Future Impact of Automation on Workers (with W. Leontief) and The Future of the Environment (with G.-M. Lange). Her research examines prospects for achieving sustainable economic development with recent emphasis on water and on public infrastructure more generally. 


Gjalt Huppes - Senior researcher at CML, Leiden University


Gjalt has been active in the development of methods for IE analysis ranging from LCA, MFA/SFA and Eco-Efficiency Analysis to Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis and hybrid analysis. He received the Society Prize for lifelong contributions to IE. After his retirement as head of the department IE at CML he worked as a senior researcher on the subject of climate policy instrumentation, first in the EU-FP7 project CECILIA2025, and the last years in writing a book for Routledge: Strategic Designs for Climate Policy Instrumentation: Governance at the Crossroads (to be published October 2018). His research interests for IE concern the bi-directional relation between technology and institutions and policy. Main lines of such reasoning are to guide IE modeling and scenario development for system level decision support.

    Göran Finnveden - Professor, Royal Institute of Technology

Professor of Environmental Strategic Analysis and Vice-president for sustainable development at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. As vice-president he is responsible for the integration of sustainable development in education, research and cooperation across the whole university. He is also a member of KTH's management council and a member of the board of the International Sustainable Campus Network. Göran’s main research interest is the use and development of life cycle assessment and other sustainability assessment tools.

Helga Weisz - Professor, Humboldt University of Berlin
  Professor in Industrial Ecology and Climate Change at Humboldt University, Head of Transisciplinary Concepts and Methods, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Helga's research focus is on the socially organized extraction of raw materials and energy, its transformation into goods and services, its use and final disposal to the environment as waste, emissions and heat, which, collectively, define the social metabolism. Main research areas are material and energy flow analysis, stocks and flows dynamic of the built environment, physical and environmental input-output analysis, society-nature co-evolution, socio-ecological theory, industrial and urban metabolism, integrated vulnerability assessment and the application of complex network analysis to social metabolism.
    John R. Ehrenfeld - Director (Retired) International Society for Industrial Ecology; MIT

John Ehrenfeld retired in 2000 as the Director of the MIT Program on Technology, Business, and Environment. He retired again in June 2009 as Executive Director of the ISIE after guiding its development since its founding in 2000. John holds a B.S and Sc.D in Chemical Engineering from MIT, and is author or co-author of over 200 papers and other publications, including Sustainability by Design: A Subversive Strategy for Transforming our Consumer Culture, and Flourishing: A Frank Conversation about Sustainability with Andrew Hoffman. In October 1999, the World Resources Institute honoured him with a lifetime achievement award. He received the Founders Award for Distinguished Service from the Academy of Management’s Organization and Natural Environment Division in August 2000, and in June 2009 was awarded the Society Prize from the ISIE. He continues to be engaged in thinking, writing, and teaching about flourishing. 

    Julian Allwood - Professor, University of Cambridge

Professor of Engineering and the Environment at the University of Cambridge. Julian was a Lead Author of the IPCC's 5th Assessment Report with a focus on mitigating industrial emissions. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Materials, Minerals and Mining, a Fellow of the International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP) and currently chairman of its metal forming section, a member of the UK’s Energy Research Partnership and is joint editor-in-chief of the Journal of Materials Processing Technology. His research group looks at environmental systems and production, with a focus on Whole Systems Analysis, Material Demand Reduction, and Novel Material Processes.


Matthias Finkbeiner - Professor, Technical University of Berlin
Chair of Sustainable Engineering and Executive Director of the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at Technical University Berlin. He is also Advisory Professor at Aalto University in Finland, Chairman of the ISO-Committee TC207/SC5 for Life Cycle Assessment, member of the International Life Cycle Board (ILCB) of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative and the Steering Committee of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Product/Supply Chain Initiative.


Michael Hauschild - Professor, Technical University of Denmark

Professor and Head of Division of Quantitative Sustainability Assessment at DTU. He specializes in environmental life-cycle impact assessment, but also on social impacts in a life cycle assessment perspective. Michael has practical experience with environmental assessment of products and systems within electro-mechanical and hydraulics, paper products, building materials, chemical products, bio-fuels and biomaterials. He teaches on the subjects of environmental sustainability, life-cycle assessment, life cycle impact assessment, and ecotoxicology and environmental sciences.


Ralf Aschemann - Senior Lecturer, University of Graz
Dr. Ralf Aschemann is Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Systems Science, Innovation and Sustainability Research at University of Graz (Austria). He holds Master Degrees in Communications Engineering and Environmental Sciences and a Doctoral Degree in Natural Sciences. He is director of the Austrian Institute for the Development of Environmental Assessment and academic co-ordinator of the “Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programme in Industrial Ecology”. His teaching and research interests are in the context of environmental assessment; impacts of transport; industrial ecology; sustainable tourism and technology assessment.



René Kleijn - Associate Professor, Leiden University
Associate Professor and Director of Education at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) at Leiden University. He holds an MSc in chemistry and a PhD in Industrial Ecology both from Leiden University. His research focus on the development of industrial ecology tools like (dynamic) Substance Flow Analysis (SFA), Material Flow Accounting (MFA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Currently, his most important case studies are on the material constraints of novel (energy) technologies, circular economy, eco-innovation and resilient supply chains.


Reid Lifset - Associate Director of the Industrial Environmental Management Program, Yale University
Research Scholar, Resident Fellow in Industrial Ecology and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Industrial Ecology. In addition, he is associate director of the Industrial Environmental Management Program. He is a member of the United Nations IRP and the governing council of the ISIE. Reid’s research and teaching focus on the application of industrial ecology to novel problems and research areas, the evolution of extended producer responsibility (EPR), and the development of the circular economy.

    Roland Clift - Professor, University of Surrey 

Emeritus Professor of Environmental Technology, past Executive Director and President of the ISIE, and founding Director of the Centre for Environmental Strategy at the University of Surrey. Roland was previously Head of the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Surrey. He is a Visiting Professor in Environmental System Analysis at Chalmers University, and Adjunct Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of British Columbia, and a member of Rolls-Royce’ Environmental Advisory Board. In 2012-14, he served as Review Editor for the Industry chapter of Working Group III (Mitigation) of the IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report.

    Rolf Marstrander - Director (retired) Norsk Hydro and Hydro Aluminium
Rolf Marstrander   Rolf Marstrander's career is outstanding, combining leading positions in government, research and industry. He received a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from NTH (today NTNU) in 1959, and completed Harvard's Program for Management Development in 1972. In 1968 Rolf joined the Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (NTNF), and was appointed Department Director in 1972. From 1978 to 1982 he was CEO at the Norwegian Environmental Protection Agency (SFT), after which he served as Director for Environment at Norsk Hydro (1982 to 1991), and Director for Research at Hydro Aluminium (1991 to 2000). It was in this capacity that he, in 1993, asked the Rector at NTNU to start a programme of education and research in the emerging field of industrial ecology. Rolf was adjunct professor in industrial ecology at NTNU from 1996 to 2001, and Senior Researcher at PROSUS (the Program for Research and Documentation for a Sustainable Society) at University of Oslo from 2000 to 2007. During his career, Rolf has also served on numerous committees and boards at Norwegian research institutions.

Shinichiro Nakamura - Professor Waseda University
Shinichiro Nakamura is a Professor of Industrial Ecology at the Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, Tokyo. He has published numerous academic papers and books, and specialises in the hybrid area of LCA and IO analysis, in particular waste management and the interdependence between the flow of goods and the flow of wastes. Shinichiro also researches in material flow and recycling of end-of-life vehicle scrap metals. He is also actively involved in teaching at Waseda, at both the undergraduate and graduate level, on Industrial Ecology and Hybrid Input-Output Analysis.


    Stefan Bringezu - Director, Centre of Environmental Systems Research, Kassel University

Professor of Sustainable Resource Management, and Director at the Center of Environmental Systems Research at Kassel University, Germany. Stefan is a founding member of the ISIE, and co-chairs the IRP Working Groups on Land & Soil and Biofuels. He was Lead Coordinating Author of the report Assessing biofuels: towards sustainable production and use of resources, published in 2009, and has also served on the Metals Flows Working Group. He pioneered methods such as material flow analysis, and his research encompasses the analysis of the socio-industrial metabolism and related land use, and the instruments to sustain resource supply, use and waste management.

    Thomas Graedel - Professor, Yale University

Professor Emeritus and former Director of the Center of Industrial Ecology at Yale, and former President of the ISIE. He was elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering for “outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of industrial ecology, 2002.” His research is centered on developing and enhancing industrial ecology, and his textbook, Industrial Ecology, cowritten with B. R. Allenby of AT&T, was the first book in the field and is now in its second edition. Thomas' current interests include studies of the flows of materials within the industrial ecosystem and the development of analytical tools to assess the environmental characteristics of products, processes, the service industry, and urban infrastructures.


Yasushi Kondo - Professor in Economics, Waseda University
Professor Yasushi Kondo teaches Industrial Ecology and Econometrics, and researches in the areas of visualisation of inter-industry and international networks, sustainable consumption, and Waste input-output (WIO). Yasushi has focussed on the development of databases and their application to life-cycle assessment. He is also involved in Ecobalance, a two-yearly international conference, which will next be held in Tokyo in October 2018.