Stefan Bengtsson, President and CEO, Chalmers University of Technology
Stefan Bengtsson will contribute to suming up the day with a closing remark at the Nordic Summit. Stefan has been the President of Chalmers University of Technology since August 2015. He is professor of solid-state electronics, with a research interest in micro- and nano-electronics, primarily silicon-based materials and devices. He has published more than 100 scientific articles in international journals and conference proceedings. In his academic career, he has held positions at Chalmers University of Technology and Malmö University, and he has spent a period as guest professor at Institute National Polytechnique in Grenoble, France. Stefan has academic leadership experience from being vice-chancellor at Malmö University (2011-2015), first vice president/pro-rector (2007-2011) and deputy CEO (2009-2011) at Chalmers and from periods as department head at Chalmers.
Margareta Norell Bergendahl, Vice President for Collaboration, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
At the Nordic Summit, Margareta Norell Bergendahl will share the story about the Stockholm Open Lab with us. Margareta is professor in Integrated Product Development and Vice President of KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Her research team covers changes in work procedures, tools and organizing for efficient and innovative industrial product and service development, all of which performed in close collaboration with national and international colleagues and industrial partners. Her current task as Vice president is to develop strategic collaboration and to increase the mobility between KTH and selected partners. She is also a member of IVA (the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences) since 1999.
Lars Bierlein, Head of Program Office at Business Innovation, E.ON Sweden
With the E.ON Strategic Collaboration Lars Bierlein will showcase how large companies may successfully collaborate with universities. In E.ON Lars is managing external co-operations with university and innovation networks and knows the case well. He is Head of Program Office at Business Innovation E.ON Sweden, where they are developing new innovative energy business. Building partnerships with innovative companies where the market presence can be leveraged is an important strategy to create customer value. He has previously worked with mergers & acquisitions for E.ON and has a background in the management consulting industry. Several years of working with a wide scope of the energy industry has provided an extensive knowledge and experience of traditional and emerging energy solutions.
President Anders O. Bjarklev, DTU Technical University of Denmark
Anders O. Bjarklev will contribute to summing up the day with a closing remark at the Nordic Summit. Anders became the 15th President of DTU in 2011. Prior to his appointment as President, he was Provost and Executive Vice President at DTU, following a position as Head of Department at DTU Fotonik. Professor Bjarklev has an extensive scientific production and teaching experience. His research has resulted in 20 patents/applications and two start-ups. He has received numerous awards and accolades, including the Order of the Dannebrog in 2013, Fellow of the Optical Society of America in 2015, and recipient of the Villum Kann Rasmussen Annual Award for Technical and Scientific Research in 2004.
Gunnar Bovim, Rector, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
As the Nordic Summit is taking place at NTNU, we have invited Rector Gunnar Bovim to open the Summit. Gunnar is a medical doctor and professor of neurology, and has since 1996 devoted his working life to academic and health leadership. He was Vice Dean and Dean of the Medical Faculty 1996-2005. He left the university to lead the St. Olavs university hospital in Trondheim, and the Central Norway Regional Health Authority, before he returned to the university to take up the post as appointed Rector in 2014.
Paul Coyle, Moderator at the Nordic Summit on Universities for Impact
Paul Coyle will steer us through the day and facilitate discussions at the Nordic Summit on Universities for Impact. We will be in good hands; Paul has worked for 30 years in higher education, including 10 years at executive level, supporting cultural and organizational change. He had the past years worked as an independent leadership and change management consultant supporting the development of entrepreneurial organizations Europe and North America. He is an active researcher on the topics of the entrepreneurial mindset and risk in higher education. Paul Coyle is the Director of Executive Education for the University Industry Innovation Network.
Peter Gudmundson - President of KTH Royal Institute of Technology
KTH Royal Institute of Technology is the current Chair of Nordic Five Tech, and we are pleased that he set the scene in the afternoon. Peter is professor of Material Mechanics and became President of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in November 2007. He has a Master of Science degree in Engineering Physics and a doctoral degree in Solid Mechanics, both from KTH. For four years, Professor Gudmundson worked as a researcher at Brown Boveri in Switzerland followed by another four year period as a consultant at a smaller scale consultancy company in Vaxholm during the 1980s. The period 1989-1993 was spent as CEO of the Swedish Institute of Composites in Piteå. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).
Dominique Guellec, Head of Science and Technology Policy Division, OECD
Dominique Guellec will give us an OECD perspective on university impact based among others on their analysis of effective research and innovation policies and economic assessments of academic research. He is Head of the Science and Technology Policy Division of the OECD which is responsible for the OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook and Scoreboards and other science and innovation studies. Dominique joined the OECD in 1995 working on statistics and quantitative economic analysis of science, innovation and growth. He has authored several books and articles on patents, innovation and economic growth. Of French nationality, he is a graduate from the École nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique (ENSAE, Paris).
Johan E. Hustad, Pro-Rector for Innovation, NTNU
Johan E. Hustad is a member of the N5T Industry Collaboration Network and will be a moderator at the Nordic Summit group sessions. Johan has a long record in energy research and management from Sintef and NTNU. Before his appointment as Pro-Rector for Innovation and External Relations in 2009, he was Department Head at NTNU and part time Manager of the NTNU-SINTEF-IFE Centre for Renewable Energy. A very productive researcher himself, he has also supervised 20 PhDs, and been involved in several start-up companies and patents.
Maria Landgren, Chief Strategy Officer Health Division, Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA)
Maria Landgren will tell us about the new Swedish framework for evaluation of universities’ societal impact. She is Chief Strategy Officer Health Division, at the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA). VINNOVA strengthen Sweden’s innovativeness, aiding sustainable growth and benefiting society. The division’s task is to stimulate collaboration between academia, the public sector and private companies developing innovative health solutions and health care delivery. Maria is also responsible for VINNOVA´s activities stimulating universities to develop closer and more effective links between education, research and innovation. She has previously worked with various innovation programs in Life Science. Maria joined VINNOVA in 2001. Maria Landgren has a Master of Science in Agriculture and received a PhD in Plant Molecular Biology at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in 1995.
Rebecca Lingwood, Professor and Vice-Principal, Queen Mary University London
Rebecca Lingwood will give us a UK perspective on university impact. Rebecca is since 2015 Vice-Principal (Student Experience, Teaching & Learning) and Professor of Fluid Dynamics at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Before moving to London, she held several research fellowships, and served as a director of continuing and professional education in Oxford, then Cambridge. On behalf of Cambridge University Health Partners, she had a leading role in the establishment of the new University Technical College Cambridge, which focuses on biomedical and environmental science and technology.
Her research focuses on laminar-turbulent transition of complex fluid flows, and she is a member of the School of Engineering and Materials Science and the Centre for Simulation and Applied Mechanics. She holds a guest professorship at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology where her research group is based within the Linné FLOW research centre of excellence. Rebecca is a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE) and of the Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS).
Myung-Gi ("MJ") Suh, Global Partnerships Coordinator, Aalto Ventures Program (AVP), Aalto University
Aalto Ventures Program is a strategic initiative of Aalto University for co-creative entrepreneurship education. She has design background and studied herself at AVP. "MJ" will share the case of "Students driven Innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem at Aalto University" both from students' and university's perspectives.
Kristian Mørk Puggard, Managing Partner, Damvad Analytics
Kristin Mørk Puggard will share with us how econometric analysis can be used to assess university impact. At Damvad Analytics his work includes policy & strategy advice, impact assessments, modern growth policy, university analytics, higher education, science and innovation. Damvad Analytics has delivered a number of reports and analysis for Novo Nordisk, the European Science Foundation, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, National Agency for IT and Learning, DTU and more. Kristian previously worked for the Danish Ministry of Economic & Business Affairs, Danish Technological Institute and Aarhus University. He holds a M.Sc. in Political Science (cand.scient.pol) from Aarhus University and Institut d’Études Politique de Paris (Sciences-Po).
Henni Roini, Program Manager of Startup Life, Aalto University
Aalto University will showcase student entrepreneurship at the Nordic Summit. Henni Roini will present ”Startup Life” which is a talent recruiting program for students. Henni is enthusiastic about startups and is helping students go forward in their paths.
Urs Schuppli, Business Development Executive, IBM
IBM is one of the sponsors of Oi-X Connecting students and companies at DTU Skylab. Urs Schuppli is a Business Development Execute at IBM and was on the judge panel this April. He has thus firsthand knowledge of the case from a company perspective. Urs has been with IBM since 2005 engaged in business integration and development. After graduation from DTU in Systems Science and Electrical Power Engineering, his career has been within ICT in various top management positions in CRI A/S, NCC Data, Systems Advisers, and Maersk Data.
Pirjo Ståhle, Professor of Knowledge and Innovation Management, Aalto University
At the Nordic Summit, Pirjo Ståhle will share her research with us on the economi impact of intangible capital. Her main areas of expertise are knowledge management, innovations and the measurement of intellectual capital. She has occupied a bridge-building position between business, academia and public institutions for more than 20 years. The models and measures developed by her have had practical application in both business companies and public organisations. At the Turku Futures Research Centre, where she served as professor from 2004 to 2013, she was in charge of research projects concerned with the economic impacts of intellectual capital in 48 countries (nic4nations). Furthermore Pirjo Ståhle is one of the main architects of the international ACSI innovation platform. She served as the platform’s scientific director in 2012-2013. ACSI is a global new-generation innovation agenda that brings together experts from around the world to address the innovation challenges facing society (Forum for social innovation sweden).
Tuula Teeri, President Aalto University
At the Nordic Five Tech 10 year anniversary party, President Tuula Teeri will make a toast sharing some of the achievements and aspirations of the alliance. Tuula is the first President of Aalto University starting in 2009, and is in her second five-year term. Under her leadership, Aalto has implemented the tenure track career system for professors, renewed its educational offering and developed multidisciplinary research and educational initiatives. The innovation ecosystem around the university has grown into a major hub for student-driven entrepreneurship.
During her scientific career, she was a pioneer of forest industrial biotechnology and the development of biomimetic materials. She has held research and leadership positions in different universities and research institutes. She is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Technology Academy Finland, and the Swedish Academy of Technology in Finland.
Marianne Thellersen, Senior Vice President Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DTU
Marianne Thellersen has, together with her colleagues on the N5T Industry Collaboration Network, developed the concept and programme for the Nordic Summit. We will hear about their ideas at the welcome session. She will also be a moderator at the group sessions. Marianne is a chemical engineer from DTU. Before returning to DTU in 2011 as Senior Vice President for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, she worked at Novo Nordisk, was in charge of Marketing and Business Development at Novozymes, and Program Director at CBS-SIMI Executive.
Marja Turunen, Relations Manager, Aalto-wide Corporate Partnerships, Research and Innovation Services, Aalto University
Marja is a member of the N5T Industry Collaboration Network and will be a moderator at the group sessions. At Aalto, Marja is responsible for Aalto-wide corporate relations. She leads and coordinates Aalto strategic partnership efforts centered on mutual strategic learning on research, education and innovation. Marja has a P.H.D. in Technology from Aalto University, an M.B.A. and M.A. in Psychology, and has extensive industrial experience in strategic change, sales, and services at SSab, Icon Medialab, Aalto Executive Education and Mercuri Urval. Her academic research revolves around new ways of organizing and innovation.
Tor Ulleberg, Chief of Innovation, Research and Technology, Statoil ASA
Tor Ulleberg has in his work with SINTEF and Statoil collaborated closely with NTNU for many years. We look forward to hearing about his experience with innovation through multi partner collaboration. After starting his career with Phillips Petroleum Company, Tor was with the research institute SINTEF for 20 years and held a number of top management positions among others as Executive Vice President SINTEF, leading SINTEF Technology and Society. When he came to Statoil in 2007, he was first Vice President of Health, Safety and Environmental Technology. Today he is Chief of Innovation, responsible for innovation, IPR and optimization of external scientific collaboration.
Anders Wennberg, Chief Resource Officer, Chalmers University of Technology
Anders Wennberg is a member of the N5T Industry Collaboration Network and will be a moderator at the groups sessions. At Chalmers, Anders is responsible for industrial relations. He leads and coordinates Chalmers' industrial collaboration efforts centered on research and education. He also supports the President in Chalmers Industrial Advisory Board. Anders has an M. Sc. in Industrial Management and Engineering, from Chalmers University of Technology, and has extensive industrial experience in sales, services and production at Ericsson, IBM and Lenovo.