Pedagogical Academy for Excellent Teaching Practitioners at NTNU

Pedagogical Academy for Excellent Teaching Practitioners at NTNU

Pedagogical academy

Two students from petroleum subjects studying a device. Photo.
Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU


The aim of NTNU’s Pedagogical Academy is to provide a collegial arena for sharing knowledge and experiences about education and teaching practice across the organization.  

NTNU’s excellent teaching practitioners will help to develop collegial fellowship and contribute to knowledge development in the field of education.  

The Pedagogical Academy was established in 2022.  Education talk - conversations about evidence-based learning 




Excellent teaching practitioners at NTNU are members of the academy, and will arrange meetings for emplyees and students who are interested in education and teaching. 



2024: Utdanningssnakk – Samtaler om kunnskapsbasert undervisning

Webinar 5: Friday 26.1 kl. 08.30 - 09.00: Studentaktiverende undervisning

Webinar 6: Friday 16.2 kl. 08.30 - 09.00: Praksis i disiplinfagene

Webinar 7: Friday 8.3 kl. 08.30 - 09.00: “How international accreditation is improving our assurance of learning”

Webinar 8: Freday 5.4 kl. 08.30 - 09.00: Hvordan lykkes med praksisnær (entreprenørskaps)utdanning

Webinar 9: Friday 26.4 kl. 08.30 - 09.00: The Role of Innovation in Teaching: Creating Interactive Problem-Solving Exercises

